The BBC are really bigging up the protest in London today by the usual left-wing anarcho environmental rabble. I laughed at the easy ride given to their hero Trade Union fatcat Brendan Barber as he droned on about the need for “ordinary people” to put their views across to Government on the big issues namely “jobs, justice and climate.” This is a perfect storm of left wing values as their endemic hatred of capitalism combines with their irrational and militant advocacy of ecowackery for a very public display – with the likes of the Muslim Council of Britain there to add their weight. I think the BBC is anticipating street trouble as “ordinary people” express their “justified anger” as to our economic problems. It’s almost as if the BBC sympathises with Brendan and the gang…
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What ever happened to ‘Make Poverty History’ and “Afirca Lives on The BBC’?
Yesterdays News I guess.
The trick the BBC have to pull off is to pretend the protests are not against the government. Expect very selective reporting and no shots of any anti-government posters or chanting from protestors.
But, fear not , Youtube and the US media will come to our rescue !
‘Up to 40,000 are expected ….’
By whom? & since when have ‘predictions’ been news?
Maybe British Resident (TM) Binyam can lead them all …
Meanwhile, the Breaking News breathlessly announced by Justin Webb is that President Obama is boldly sending 4,000 (yes,4,000!) more US soldiers to Afghanistan (or rather transferring them from strangely peaceful Iraq). Where are all the experts warning that The Surge Will Not Work?
Compare and contrast with the treatment of the Countryside Alliance protest march.
Of course they were all evil reactionary racists with ‘loads a money’ who tortured animals to death and who deprived their children of a vibrant modern education (in how to avoid being stabbed by psychotics)by forcing them out of comprehensive schools. Oh, and they were all second home owners as well so not really entitled to speak as the real agrarian workers were all too cowed by deference to their feudal owners………….
Hang on a minute – judging by the numbers of youtube hits and positive comments – isnt Daniel Hannan the real voice of the people – with not a bit of ecowhackery or muslim angst in sight?
Seems like they’re selective in their martyrs..
The Labour government wants there to be rioting on the streets of London, the BBC are encouraging this rioting. When there is rioting then Gordon Brown and Jack Straw will be able to use the Civil Contingencies Act to postpone the May and June elections; perpetual Labour government is the aim of the Labour/BBC game.
….i’m just going through my email outbox to see when I told everyone that the general election will be ‘postponed’ – and national service reinstated.
Its amazing how the political climate can change in a short time – when I wrote those emails, I felt like a lune – but now it really does look likely!
By the way, if you know anyone in aerospace – ask them about the plane crashing at Heathrow a few months ago – and why it really crashed (Brown was in the vicinity…)
and leftists always like to get brainwashed children involved
Dan Hannan eats Gordon Brown in the EU parliament..
how come it takes an MEP to say the obvious?
more communism (lets call a spade a spade shall we?) masquerading as “charity”
“Sign this e-petition to make sure Gordon Brown puts poor people at the heart of the new economic system”
err.. thats called communism isnt it?
what the protestors want
err socialism. lots of it.
the commies only killed 100 million people last time round. lets give it another go.
This “protest” really looks like the usual bunch of useful idiots.
It may well be that it does not entirely displease our great leader.
After all he has thrown the weight of the state behind a personal attack on Sir fred.
GB’s real nightmare is the forthcoming election. I am sure he dreams of cancelling it and any unrest may well give him an excuse
For once I hope our police really do act firmly even if they have to break a few heads.
WE should watch to see just how the BBC play it
Whereas this rally planned for today has been cancelled:
Anything to do with pressure from the RoP?
The BBC ignored the recent anti-Sharia law demonstration in Trafalgar Square because that cause does not suit the BBC dhimmi agenda; conversely, any tin-pot ecowackery demo, which can be associated with the great mind of Jerry Hall, and with the visuals of some (indoctrinated?) ten year olds can be sympathetically presented by the BBC, and easily given propaganda, even though we’re talking about the undemocratic occupation of areas of Kent to stop the building of a coal-fired power station.
Of course, now as in 2008, the BBC politically favours this action over the interests of Kent councillors, power station and ancillary workers and many residents who want the coal-fired power station built. BBC video clips:
The BBC coverage of the hoped for mass demo is laughable, 50.000 supposed to turn up when in fact the actual ‘comrades on the ground’ estimate is a paltry few thousand, so the BBC resort to their usual tricks of close ups to hide the lack of numbers and blatant lying to inflate the figures over and above actual turnout, why is it that the event was a flop? the Heathrow protest was widely advertised by the BBC and that was a total flop, they even issued directions on how to get there they were so desperate.
Wall to wall coverage of the event which BTW was combined to increase the crowds as much as possible because three separate demos would be tiny.
The unique way the BBC is funded means they dont need to lower themselves advertising and flogging stuff? the BBC are fast enough to advertise rent a mob demos when it suits them and it fits their predjudiced narrative!
The tricks and deceptions, the bias and the generous airtime given over by the BBC is typical of the BBC.
I hope a beeboid comrade is reading this post, your grubby ideology isnt wanted or needed and your mass protest was a flop, all I can say is…. ha haha ha ahah ha!
Pictures vs words…
In one of the clips George recommends above
while the hackette is spouting stuff about “people of all ages from all walks of life”, clearly behind her you can see
a) a communist flag
b) a communist banner
c) a socialist banner
Is this evidence that the BBC is lacking guile or that the reporter was just too lazy to do the piece to camera again with something more neutral in the background.
Personally, I think its a hoot!
The BBC gets on with its typical ecowackery propaganda reporting this weekend:
“World cities begin big switch-off”
‘BBC in the dark in Sydney’ –
and this sort of masterly, on-the-spot reporting –
“This time Sydney was one of the first places to switch off. The BBC’s Nick Bryant described a city where skyscrapers were hard to make out against the night sky.”
Meanwhile, in the real world, the BBC ignores a threat much nearer home, even though it would be much cheaper to report, if more politically inconvenient for the BBC to report, than to talk about how dark the city of Sydney is without lights:
‘Jihadwatch’comment on ‘Independent’ report:
” UK: 200 jihadist schoolchildren identified!”
and meanwhile in the real world, looks like the aussies have had it with the eco-moonbats,27574,25245689-5009760,00.html
see the comments.
lots of folks saying that they’re turning ON their lights in a collective anti-earth hour.
i sure will be doing the same.
John Bosworth | 28.03.09 – 3:42 pm |
She’s wearing a red jacket. That’s sort of a give-away me thinks.
archduke | 28.03.09 – 4:05 pm |
Quite a few conservative US friends of mine have promised to turn all all available lights for an hour. 🙂
disillusioned_german | 28.03.09 – 4:30 pm
yeah – i think its dawning on conservatives in america that ecogreeny nonsense is nothing more than communism updated.
Just like the Heathrow protests, the BBC is publishing a map of how to participate in the neo-Marxist protest:
G20 demonstrators march in London
There is no journalistic reason to put up a map. Maybe on a traffic watch page. No problem with mentioning on air where the action is, video footage showing landmarks, etc. Fine: that’s reporting.
Putting up a map of how to get there is aiding and abetting a political demonstration.
“poverty,climate change,jobs” this is the BBC headline for the poorly attended yet very expensive to police rent a rabble stupidity.
Its ironic then that in reality the climate change agenda will cost us millions of jobs, it will hugely increase world poverty and it will not alter the climate by 0.00000001 degree!
The ecomentalist retards allied to various hard left Marxist revolutionaries are actually campaigning to increase the problems they falsely claim to be concerned about.
The leftists wish to increase poverty,hatred,jelousy and conflict because its exactly that enviroment where their poisonous ideology flourishes.
A prediction about the protests from a foreign news agency:
1. Guess the source?
2. Compare with the BBC coverage
3. Imagine how these demonstrators would be treated in the country from which the story comes
David –
sorry to disagree with you (I seldom do) but that map was published in the telegraph this morning and I am sure that they are not pinkos like the BBC
The Telegraph reports,
“The Metropolitan Police estimated that between 12,000 and 15,000 people were on the march.”
The BBC reports
“Tens of thousands of people have marched through London demanding action on poverty, climate change and jobs, ahead of next week’s G20 summit.
The Put People First alliance of 150 charities and unions walked from Embankment to Hyde Park for a rally.
Speakers are calling on G20 leaders to pursue a new kind of global justice.
Police estimate 35,000 marchers are taking part in the event.”
100% variation in estimates reported from the same source.
How many were at the Countryside Alliance March?
12,000 – you get more people at a fourth division football match on a Saturday in january
Protesters my arse– what a bunch of workshy scum!
Parroting the usual boring hackneyed rubbish from the empty headed lefties.
I wish they would actually interview someone that was worth listening to!
the anti capitalists have rebranded themselves as environmentalists.
once scum always scum
Its all too much(oh yes),
The BBC actually reported THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND, so who is lying? I know who I believe thats for sure, the rent a rabble combined 3 in 1 demo was a flop, the only people buying into it are the usual rent a rabble leftists.
Even with wall to wall BBC coverage of this “major demonstration” with all the dishonest manipulation that the BBC is now famous for it was a flop…flop….flop….ha ha ha ha!
I wonder if they will produce of their inhouse ‘9 out of ten cats prefer’ faked up polls showing huge public support.
No wonder the BBC comrades had to resort to close in shots etc.
Sorry, it all too much it really is, in this time of hardship its good to have a laugh now and then eh?
The next demo must include a march up to BBC Portland Place and if there is any burning of premises it should be BBC Wood Lane (Revenue Department ).
It’s all too much | 28.03.09 – 6:03 pm |
that map was published in the telegraph this morning and I am sure that they are not pinkos like the BBC
Then they’re suckers. The article on the website is more responsible. There’s no reason for a map. Everybody already knows where and when it is, the route is immaterial unless one wants to either join in or go watch.
At 8:30 tonight we must put all the lights in the house on for one hour., as a stand against the eco-facists
Also make a note of the house numbers around you that go into darkness. Its a measure of the dangerous insanity in any immediate neighbours. Time will come its useful to know.
I notice the BBC are ‘bigging up’ the totally pointless ‘Earth day’ shite as well.
More wet mincing liberals who think these silly little gestures will do any good.
I guess beeboids can still shove Cocaine up their noses by candle light though.
dont forget to celebrate “human achievement hour” at 8.30
might go for a drive after leaving every light in the house on.
I wonder how many Beeboids are actually among the ranks of the bath dodgers’ parade today?
There is a faint pink blush that steals across the face of the Telegraph from time to time, especially lately.
I wonder who the editor is these days.
Leftists won’t be switching off their lights. They’ll just be insisting that everybody else does. In any case, they won’t want to miss the start of Brokeback Mountain on Channel 4, or The Lost World of Communism on BBC 2.
The Telegraph’s editor since 2007 (when the rot really set-in) has been Will Lewis.
Lewis was employed by the sinister Barclay Brothers, under whose ownership the Telegraph has declined in stature to the point where the Times has become an immeasurably better read, despite its often wayward politics and resident fools, like Kaletsky.
Well, at 20.30 tonight I switched on all my lights and heaters (cos I hate these eco-fascists telling me what I have to do!). Unfortunately I live in a one bedroom flat, so not many lights (although I managed to turn on 4 in my bedroom, 3 in my lounge room, 1 and a fan in my bathroom and 3 spotlights in my kitchen)but as my place is so small, I had to turn the heaters off in about 5 minutes!
Never mind, at least I made my own small protest!
No one in my street did it… and I put on my distinctly un-eco outdoor light while I checked 😉
switched on all the lights in the house, plus the telly, the hifi, radio, ps3 , dishwasher , washing machine and 2 laptops and 2 desktops.
did my bit to ensure that plants can breathe. earth hour poster
“lets be more like north korea”
For the last couple of hours, I’ve had all the lights on, four computers going (two with nice big, bright monitors), and just used both the microwave and the gas stove. In order to celebrate human achievement hour, I’m currently blasting some seriously elitist (or at least nasty middle class) tunes, via the internet stream from HR3, the state Classical Music radio station from a country where they know a thing or two about having problems with Communists: Hungary.
The unwashed neo-Marxists don’t like Classical Music very much. It’s always elitist or too White European or some such. Unless, of course, it’s celebrating one of their pet political issues. Then it’s cool, and Speaking Truth To Power.
So I’m blasting symphonic music – one of mankind’s greatest achievements – written by a white man and performed by white people from another country which knows a thing or two about having problems with Communists: Poland. I’m blasting the music written and performed in a country which has overcome Communism (a great achievement on its own) via the internet – one of mankind’s greatest achievements – from another country which has overcome Communism. All this is powered by a whole conglomeration of great achievements.
Meanwhile, a bunch of unwashed emotion-based creatures are congratulating themselves for fighting The Man, which wouldn’t have been possible without the aforementioned conglomeration of great achievements. Which they want to shut down.
Bonus point: The radio program I’m using to waste so much precious energy and increase my carbon footprint is called “Euroclassical Notturno”. It’s a late-night canned mix of stuff from various European broadcasters, syndicated all across Europe. The editorial work of putting together each night’s playlist is done by…wait for it…a small BBC team.
Well it was life as usual in South London – no-one turned off their lights, everything looked normal, people went about their usual business. Shows what a puffed up assinine bunch of self-important tossers the eco-nazis are. Its all in their own heads, a personal bubble.
Who’s madder: the people going around switching off the lights or those switching them on? heh…I love it!
Millie Tant,
We’re all of us mad, here.
The environmental movement was born out of good intentions, but it’s become so self righteous and arrogant in recent years, that I cannot stand to listen to any of it anymore. The ‘earth hour’ people think they are doing a nice thing. They imagine that they are raising awareness with their plan to have everyone turn off their lights for an hour. Maybe a few people did become enlightened by this latest stunt. Maybe.
Even if they did, what do stunts like this achieve? Wouldn’t we (humanity) be better served by investing more in scientists to study the environmental problems that the planet is facing? There is simply not enough evidence gathered about global warming to tell us that we can even stop this catastrophic natural event, especially by somehow all uniting as one to turn off our lights.
(from my blog)