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On the front page this AM
‘Most religious leaders are fools’
I wonder how much prominence would be given to this statement if instead of religion it was applied to Labour Party leaders, Global scientists or BBC program policymakers.
I’m not even religious either.
Has anyone secured
Must we really subsidise pornography for Jacqui Smith’s husband?
How long before they report this on the BBC?
March 29, 2009
Days 1-2: Don’t know about it. Too trivial to register.
Days 3-4: OK, it did. But not newsworthy. Meanwhile, Kate Silverton has bought a new frock. We go to Milan with her to see her try it on. Next up, climate change is caused by plebs using Ryan Air.
Day 5. Small mention on the CBBC website page. See… we did mention it!
Day 6. Mark Mardell & Nick Robinson and Newsnight do get round to a mention, but mainly supporting the notion that a government Minister’s hubby using taxpayer’s money to donwload porn is in fact a right wing plot and all on the blogosphere are paid members of Tory machine. Interview Derek Draper, Jasmin AB and Polly T to get some balanced opinion on the matter.
Day 7 – Gordon Brown says it is ‘not acceptable’, ‘will be looked at’, he ‘understands how we feel’, but she ‘has his full support’.
Day 8 – BBC runs feature on political disengagement by the public.
Day 9 – Entire MSM gets diverted as Prince Harry and Madonna rescue child from orphanage in Malawi and elope.
Day 200 – Turns out the couple were blackmailed by MI5 and assisted by the SAS on the orders of ‘someone in No 10’ during the last hours of the bunker.
Day 500 – Political editors of Guardian, BBC and Independent ask what all the fuss is about as this internet thing is just a flash in the pan… from Hawaii, where President for Life Obama has established a Useful Idiot compound to write and mail to Islington, Westminster and certain West London addresses all the news that’s still fit to print on dead trees.
Day 499 – BBC run the story, forgetting the time change, and dismiss claims they are just a PR machine for certain agendas masquerading as fact and objectivity. Explain that their ratings and executive bonuses depend on ‘enhancing the narrative’ and ‘interpreting events’ as the UK audience need to be helped to thinking about things in ‘the right… er… correct… way’.
Day 501 – PM Cameron does sod all as, um, it’s kind of useful having a PR machine that is funded by the Govt. and EU and will dance to any tune required, when required
Day 502 – I, and a few others eventually get the nerve to cancel our DDs. The full force of the law is duly applied.
Day 600 – Rapists and murderers are released early from jails to make way…. the BBC is unique. Unique I tell you!!!!!!
Sorry, it’s early (despite the time change) and the world really has gone mad!!!!
In The Daily Telegraph today :
Rise of sea levels is ‘the greatest lie ever told’
“But if there is one scientist who knows more about sea levels than anyone else in the world it is the Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change. And the uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story.
Despite fluctuations down as well as up, “the sea is not rising,” he says. “It hasn’t risen in 50 years.” If there is any rise this century it will “not be more than 10cm (four inches), with an uncertainty of plus or minus 10cm”. And quite apart from examining the hard evidence, he says, the elementary laws of physics (latent heat needed to melt ice) tell us that the apocalypse conjured up by
Al Gore and Co could not possibly come about”
Who would you rather trust – the BBC or a blogger?
……… usual with Guardian Articles, the Comments are closer to the truth than the Piece itself.
The Guardian may be full of neo socialist drivel but the readers aint!
Definitely easier if not better to trust a blogger.
The record shows that the BBC is masterful when it comes to straining at gnats but has swallowed far too many camels to be trusted in any way, shape or form.
The BBC is there to tell us what we should be thinking.
Real thinking goes on elsewhere.
i’d rather watch porn than shag Jacqui Smith as well
‘THE Archbishop of Canterbury has challenged the director-general of the BBC, accusing the corporation of ignoring its Christian audience.
Senior figures in the Church of England are understood to believe that Christians are being sidelined by the broadcaster; the removal of Michael Wakelin, who was head of religious programmes, only adds to this feeling.
One man tipped for the position is Aaqil Ahmed, the Muslim commissioning editor for religion at Channel 4. He has commissioned programmes such as God Is Black, Putting the Fun in Fundamental and Priest Idol.
The BBC recently appointed Tommy Nagra, a Sikh, to produce Songs of Praise. He is also understood to be in the running for the job.’
The Smith story gets a mention “we have covered it”. Unfortunately
the vital details are omitted as usual. No mention of porn , only Oceans 13.
Which of these stories did the BBC put in its top headlines this week? An easy multiple choice question:
1. David Cameron makes major speech to City about ‘capitalism with a conscience’.
2. Conserative policy of ‘fiscal prudence’ opposing government plans to borrow our way out of a recession vindicated in speech by the Governor of the Bank of England.
3. Conservative MEP makes excoriating attack on Brown in Strasburg that gets over 1.5 million hits on YouTube.
3. Barak Obama requests an hour long meeting with David Cameron during his G20 trip.
4. ICM poll for the Telegraph put Tories at 44% – 13 points ahead of Labour.
5. Long time Euro sceptic Tory donor gives £100,000 to UKIP (but says he will still vote Tory at local and general election).
Yes – of course its the ‘dog bites’ man’ story about Wheeler. The BBC narrative is ‘Tory splits’ and no facts are going to get in the way of their agenda.
Actually, I think the fact that the bbc HAS covered the Jacquie Smith porno story is a sign of their embarrassment over their refusal to go with the last expose of the Home Secretary by the Mail. They received so much justified flack over that – especially here – that when this 2nd story came along, they were dragged screaming into acknowledging it. It shows that points raised on this site ARE very much noted by the bbc thought-police
Oscar | 29.03.09 – 9:51 am
Bravo, Oscar.
Most of us are dimly aware at the way the BBC is skewing its coverage to help its Labour friends, but it is only when the evidence is presented in such a clear and comprehensive way that the scale of the ‘save Brown’ operation becomes manifest.
I hope CCHQ are compiling lists like this and bashing the ears of senior beeboids.
Not that that will have much effect – but the beeboids should be made aware that they’ve been rumbled.
Notice how BBC story starts with four strikes helping Snouter Smith’s damage limitation exercise. Incredibly mention of porn is airbrushed out of the story.
Smith ‘sorry’ for expenses claim
Jacqui Smith
Jacqui Smith is reportedly “livid and shocked”
The Home Secretary is to pay back parliamentary allowances claimed for pay-per-view television services, reportedly including two adult films.
Jacqui Smith said she “mistakenly” claimed for the TV package while billing for an internet connection…
This isn’t just propaganda, it’s BBC propaganda.
Thanks Tom. I would support the BBC covering the Wheeler story, even tho’ it isn’t by any stretch headline news, IF – a very big if – they covered all the other stories as well. What I object to is the extreme editorial policy of burying anything that might be to Conservative advantage whilst headlining anything negative out of all proportion to its significance. Ken Clarke’s interview last Sunday being a very good example. This is literally a definition of bias. And of course the general public simply don’t know what they aren’t being informed about.
Yes why are we paying for 5 bellies Sky TV package in the first place?
As for the porn. Come on any man would need some ‘petrol’ for the engine to shag that fat pig.
Actually I’ve always assumed the men that are married to these Liebour Harridens are either gay or eunuchs anyway.
But again we have the BBC just reading out 5 bellies statement without any comment, unlike Spelman of course where the BBC just came out with the usual Tory sleaze.
Robert, interesting theory, but I think the reason they are reporting the Jacqui Smith story is in the interests of damage limitation – evidenced by the emphasis in their story on this being a “mistake”.
If you are Home Secretary, you jolly well make sure that claims that go in your name are not a “mistake” – that’s why you have a legion of minions in your back office.
The BBC should be pointing that out, not supinely reporting her spin on the matter.
If you are Home Secretary, you jolly well make sure that claims that go in your name are not a “mistake”
Doesn’t she (we) pay her husband £40,000pa in order that these menial tasks are properly attended to?
The 39 so-called Bishops( appeasers), you are a bunch of cowards not willing to stand up for Christians or Britain:
Only five of England’s 44 bishops want the bells to ring out on St George’s Day
They are hilarious, those bishops…and so wonderfully English too.
They certainly seem to know their place – creeping about silently in the shadows of crumbling towers, anxious to avoid giving offence. Not much danger of them getting above themselves!
Do you have a link to the YouTube clip?
Reference the Tory supporter’s donation to UKIP. As told by the BBC it is broadcast only as an anti-Tory item.
Analysis of the last Euro elections results against those for the local elections held on the same day are quite revealing. They clearly showed that a proportion of Tory voters did not vote the same way in both elections – much made of by the BBC at the time. A similar swing “against” Labour – coverage of this by the BBC – zero. In the same elections HALF of the Liberal vote (30% local 15% Euro) voted with their feet against the uber-Euro paty’s line. Coverage of this by the BBC – zero!
Rather than criticising the donor the BBC should be congratulating donors on supporting their own view of matters rather than donating solely to one party.
If our glorious leader had the courage of his convictions and allowed us a vote on Lisbon I suspect the volume of public donations to counter the Goverment/EU avalanche of money supporting agreement would have demonstrated a remarkable cross party background. Not that the “no” lobby would have got much air time on the BBC but now the power of the internet has been shown with Mr. Hannan’s speech perhaps that might not be quite as important as every firm “no” has many contacts on the internet and as a cross party matter suspect many would be prepared to proselytise.
I believe you are correct but isn’t his official “title” political adviser. He also looks after the second home and presumably “babysits” the children at the same time so doesn’t get to Westminster too often. Now there is a novelty paying the babysitter with public money!
Questions concerning the Jacqui Smith sex and crime scandal:
Was the “home” where her husband watched those films the home of the sister in London for which Smith claimed the 116,000 pounds or the one in Redditch wwhere she claims she lives?
Was her husband alone when he watched those films?
Were any animals or vegetables involved and were they organic?
Has she given her husband a severe beating and is that what he was hoping for?
Will she now divorce or resign and claim the expenses for either or both?
Sky news 2 p.m.
First headline • Smith claiming for movies. Sky reporter at Redditch says Smith’s constituents are extremely disgusted already with Smith claiming the Redditch house is her second home, and now they pay for her entertainment. Then Sky’s Peter Spencer : this is “buttock-clenchingly embarrassing for Smith”. Sky go on to list several item Smith has claimed on expenses. A Conservative is given a spot to speak, then Mrs Balls. Smith’s husband apologising.
BBC news 2 p.m
First headline • Dunfermline building society
2nd • Fire in Doncaster
3rd • Stabbing in Machester
then sport
Author Alan Sillitoe(rag) repeated his vile comments that bankers should be strung up on lamp posts on BBC4 Book Prog and how did the rictus smiling Frostrup woman respond? Smilingly she remarked that the old boy hadn’t lost his passion and anger. Can anyone imagine her responding in a similar indulgent fashion if a right wing novelist -if there is such a thing – expressed his view that all trade unionists should be strung up on lamp posts?!
Jaqui Smith affair.
Has her husband offered to resign? Is that a whole squadron of pigs I can see flying past the window.
I suppose she has to have Sky at home to see what those pesky broadcasters who are not on message are saying. She obviously doesn’t need to see what the BBC are saying, her department probably gets an early copy of the scripts to enable them to be changed before broadcast!
Susan Franklin | 29.03.09 – 9:45 am |
I wonder if the item ady brought up at the top of this thread is related to the Archbishop’s challenge, and the revelation (sorry) that either a Muslim or a Sikh are going to be in charge of religious programming at the BBC?
Wasn’t there a defender of the indefensible, not too long ago, chiding people here for suggesting that the BBC was developing an anti-Christian attitude?
There’s even a regular nod to atheism in the BBC’s “Faith Diary”. There’s nothing on the current page, but the last item, about the Patriarch of All Georgia, contains a a little swipe at this very issue.
I want every single member of the leftist establishment which now resides at the top of our institutions (police, Parliament, civil service, BBC, Church, local government, educational bodies etc) to be strung up. Why? Because they are traitors.
Two things
I saw the Smith husband forced, sheepishly, out to confront the media on SKY – he apologized “for embarrassing my wife”. Now there is a world of information in that one statement.
He was sent out alone by the home secretary.
The important item , as far as his wife was concerned, was that she was embarrassed.
Failed to notice that I have paid for his porn and the universal outrage at this blatant malfeasance isnt acknowledged
Second point – do we think that ‘alternative comedians’ will make a career now out of ridiculing Ms Smith and her porn hungry partner? Can you imagine the uproar if a Tory minister discovered that his partner was ordering porn on government expense. We will have to wait and see but I don’t expect Jeremy Hardy to be wan***g on about this in fifteen years time, as he still does about Tory “Sleaze”
Following a link from Coffee House blog to the New York Times (an article on Brown only being America’s friend whilst in the US) the top of the NYT webpage is a “we know where you are” advert by the TV Licensing body.
I wonder how long before the Beeb picks up the news that bland Radio-1 favorite Chris Martin of Coldplay has decided to start wearing a specially designed armband on stage in honor of President Obama.
“After a recent visit to BBC Radio 1 Martin exited the studio wearing his home made armband. The singer began wearing the armband during Obama’s election campaign, and has continued his support ever since.
In an interview before Obama scooped victory Chris Martin said that the Democrat had the ability “immediately change the whole outside world’s opinion of America overnight”.”
It looks like Bono has some competition for the title of “Official Rock Spokesman For the BBC on All Matters Pertaining To Left Wing Causes.”
Both of them write music-by-numbers that is shallow, pretentious, self indulgent, predictable and boring. Add the left wing whining and you have a package deal that’s tailor made for the Beeb.
Jaqui Smith item lead item on 6 p.m. Radio 4 news.
Waited in vain for the little titbit “….who is paid £40,000 p.a. as her political advisor”. I think that might actually raise far more ire amongst the GBP than £10 on soft porn.
just watching Andrew Marr show on iplayer.
Boy are they exited its G20 time. We have got interviews with the Russians and with the chinese.
Marr delightedly tells us the chinese like the russians are seeking an end to the dollars dominance.
Then its news reports on the protestors who are demanding jobs and an end to boom and bust economics. Playing into the hands of the G20 people.
Strange no interview with the Brazillians
Susan Franklin
Can you provide any links or further info on the “removal of Michael Wakelin” as Head of BBC religious programmes.
Thank you.
Gerald Brown
The BBC just can’t help themselves.
They could hardly bury the theft of taxpayers money by the Home Secretary’s husband could they, but as usual when its about a Labour politician’s wrongdoing the BBC inevitably go for the rebuttal first. So how do they cover Smith’s pervert husband? Why with the apology first.
Not content they have to slip this in too.
He added there were a number of Tory MPs also abusing the system, which he said undermined parliament’s reputation.
Yeah, sure, when the BBC cover a Tory’s wrondoing do they put in there were a number of Labour MPs also abusing the system, which he said undermined parliament’s reputation.
Of course not.
The BBC, the fluff in Labour’s pocket.
Good grief. This is in the Mail.
Wait for me, Mr President … How the BBC’s America editor nearly missed a flight on Air Force One—How-BBCs-America-editor-nearly-missed-flight-Air-Force-One.html
watching the poliics show.
its an interview with clueless Darling
a way of attacking the tories
an interview with the lib dims about a new idea they have had
and the regional one is about building a green economy.
its not just drip drip but endless agenda driven television Guardianism.
following the G20 protestors who are described as ordinary people
and interview with Brendan Barber
this is a joke
How the G20 gathering is going to pan out.
Brown snubbed over tax
GORDON BROWN’S carefully laid plans for a G20 deal on worldwide tax cuts have been scuppered by an eve-of-summit ambush by European leaders.
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, last night led the assault on the prime minister’s “global new deal” for a $2 trillion-plus fiscal stimulus to end the recession.
“I will not let anyone tell me that we must spend more money,” she said.
The Spanish finance minister, Pedro Solbes, also dismissed new cash being pledged at Thursday’s London summit.
“In these conditions I and the rest of my colleagues from the eurozone believe there is no room for new fiscal stimulus plans,” he said.
Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, has insisted that “radical reform” of capitalism is more important than tax cutting.
The attacks on Brown’s ambitions for the G20 to inject more money into the world economy come at the end of a week where the prime minister has travelled to three continents to build support for his proposals.
The BBC’s take on it is so predictable that it’s just not worth providing the link.
The BBC ever in Labour’s pocket.
john mcfall
Note the bbc reports the expenses affair under the headline that “Smith’s husband sorry over films” as if they were his expenses and little or nothing to do with Smith herself
He isn’t exactly a major figure, and they’re not his expenses are they? Smith signs them off becasue they’re her expense claims.
John Kimble:
And Brown says ‘let’s not be cynical’…
Does Labour’s Smith answer the BBC’s question here?:
“What expenses can MPs claim for?”
Even with an anonymous-sounding name like ‘SMITH’, we still know the preferences of this particular couple of ‘Smiths’ in audio-visual culture, and who they expect to pay for it:
“Smith’s husband sorry over films”
And like McNaughty, Smith will brazen it out.
“BBC stars ‘in breach of rules by earning thousands of pounds on the public-speaking circuit'”
So to the BBC its OK for them and New Labour – but not for anyone else – hypocrites.
I like this bit.
“Jeremy Hunt, the shadow culture secretary, told the Sunday Telegraph: ‘This appears to be a clear breach of the BBC’s guidelines.’
He said the presenters were benefiting from ‘the platform provided to them by the licence fee.’
A BBC spokesman said: ‘It is for the BBC to be the interpreter of its own rules, and no evidence has been put forward to suggest any of the people mentioned have done anything which could compromise our impartiality.’
Perhaps the BBC can adopt this question for one of its ‘have your say’:
‘Telegraph’ blog:
Milo Yiannopoulos –
“Must we really subsidise adult films for Jacqui Smith’s husband?”
{Concluding extract]:
“The Home Secretary is already the subject of an investigation after her own morally dubious expenses claims were revealed. To date, she has pocketed over £116,000 by claiming that her sister’s home in London is her main residence (despite stating on her own website that she ‘lives in Redditch with husband, Richard’).
“Regular readers of this blog will know that I am no fan of the Home Secretary (see here*, here*, here* or here* to discover why). But even I feel a little sorry for her now. Her husband – whom we pay £40,000 a year to run her Redditch office – is becoming a serious liability.
“If these fresh allegations turn out to be true, Smith must resign.”
(* -links provided in ‘Telegraph’ blog.)
BBC not bashing BASHIR.
If anything, the following BBC report on the Islamic Sudanese President Bashir’s visit to Qatar, is more dhimmi-like than Qatar-based Al Jazeera report. (Al Jazeera English is financed largely by the Emir of Qatar, it supports Hamas and Hezbollah, and many of its news staff based in London are ex-BBC.)
BBC report, doesn’t mention the substance of case against Bashir:
“Sudan leader in Qatar for summit”
Al Jazeera, reflects its own overall support for Muslim Bashir, but does mention the charges:
“Sudan’s al-Bashir attends Arab meet”
For a non-dhimmi, non-BBC, and non-Islamic Al Jazeera comment:-
“Wanted by International Criminal Court, Sudan’s president gets a lavish welcome at Arab League meeting in Qatar”
“Holocaust denial, Armenian genocide denial, Darfur genocide denial… Say, is anyone else noticing a pattern on the part of Islamic countries? ”
You may have noticed the uplifting BIG PICTURE on the Middle East page
Children from the Jenin refugee camp play for Holocaust survivors in Tel Aviv – a rare moment of Israeli-Palestinian harmony arranged by Israel’s richest woman on an annual “Good Deeds” charity day (Tara Todras-Whitehill/AP)
I wonder when or if the BBC will follow up with this story PA dismantles W. Bank youth orchestra?
BBC’s ten o’clock news was, if that is possible, outrageously devious in reporting the Jackboots husband’s misdeameanors.
The lovely Rita suggested it was all the fault of a Tory mole that his misuse of expenses came to light and any way it was nothing to do with Jackboots and we should pay MPs much more so that they would not have to fiddle expenses.
Drivel of course just one tax eating bunch of troughers supporting another bunch of troughers
The public may well feel differently.
For some reason the editing team for “This Week” decided that a reaction shot from the PM to what Daniel Hannan (the Euro MEP) was saying in his speech, needed to be repositioned. They edited a piece of video anyone can see on YouTube! It was played as one contiguous piece, and you can see the time bar jolt around as the misplaced piece is slotted in.
I suppose they’ve made the PM’s chortling look more appropriate.
You can see it here:
BBC stars ‘in breach of rules by earning thousands of pounds on the public-speaking circuit’