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General BBC-related comment thread!
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Appologies for reposting this, I put it in the old general thread – Doh!
Yes you will soon need a telly tax licence if you own a PC if the twats at the BBC Trust get their way. I have been saying this would happen for a long time and I take no satisfaction in saying – “Told Ya So!…BBC- online.html
I wonder if the political elite who are so in favour of the telly tax actualy pay the pax or claim it back as they do with their porn films and cable packages?
BBC news 24 tonight – Two pieces of BBC received wisdom.
1)Preventing mass migration is a “wrong” and “short sighted policy”
2) A prime purpose of National Parks is to “encourage ethnic minorities to visit the Countryside”
This is opinion, not news
A prime purpose of National Parks is to “encourage ethnic minorities to visit the Countryside”
Rubbish – the prime purpose of national Parks is to preserve our countryside for the champaigne socialists to live. And the purpose of mass immigation is to finally get rid of the working class. The working classes have always been despised by the left.
I’m sorry, but every day I get more despairing every day!
The BBC Radio 4 news at 5’ish managed to mention the claims that Paul Myners knew about Fred Goodwin’s pension before the sh*t hit the fan. By 7 the story was the PM’s “nothing new” response.
The BBC hard at work minimising any damage to the Labour party whilst happily insinuating that the punch-up at the Eric Pickles drinks was something to do with those nasty Tories.
Telly Tax Rebel: Actually you already do need a TV licence for any device which is capable of receiving live TV feed, that includes 3G mobile phones, PDA’s and computers.
I don’t know if this has yet been challenged in court but the BBC are insistent this is the case.
awesome older City type on newsnight – “just the same way the IRA didnt stop me from going to work, i’ll go to work tommorow”
older guy. late 50s. trad City suit.
now that is a man to admire.
newsnight doing its best to big up the G20 anarchy for tommorow.
no doubt about it – the bbc aint on the side of the City.
Martin – why am I not suprised? However I think what the beeboids are proposing is you will need a licence if you use the iplayer for catchup!
the bbc aint on the side of the City.
The BBC are on the side of anyone whose aim is to lead us to communism or worse.
i see that the London Metro got an “exclusive” interview with the One Eyed Snot Gobbler in their morning edition.
you can immediately see the impact:
and i repost the ENTIRE metro article here:
A maniac murdered two of his sisters • one celebrating her fifth birthday • and tried to kill a third before he was finally shot dead by police.
Kerby Revelus stabbed his 17-year-old sister Samantha and then decapitated birthday girl Bianca as police burst through the door.
‘The officer walked into a killing field. Revelus decapitated Bianca in front of him,’ said Chief Richard Wells, head of police in Milton, a Boston suburb.
Realising nine-year-old Sarafina had raised the alarm, the 23-year-old turned towards her, knife in hand, before he was killed on Saturday.
Chief Wells added: ‘To think a human being could afflict such an atrocious, violent act on his own family is unbelievable.’
Revelus was agitated after a fist fight with a neighbour on Friday and, about 24 hours later, his anger spilled over into murder, police said. The siblings’ parents were away while their grandmother, who lived with them, was downstairs.
Nevertheless, Revelus knifed Samantha, a budding poet who friends described as graceful and classy. Sarafina called 911 and a policeman on patrol in the area arrived in less than a minute and broke the door down.
But what greeted him was Revelus cutting off little Bianca’s head as her birthday cake lay on the kitchen table.
Within moments, officers shot Revelus as he tried to get to Sarafina, who was taken to hospital with stab wounds.
ok thats the full article..
have a guess what bit they missed.,w-boston-beheading-birthday-murder-033009.article
“Walsh said the family had lived in the neighborhood for over 20 years and was warm. They were of Haitian descent, like many in a neighborhood where Creole is spoken alongside English.”
London Metro – a Brownstuff rag up its arse in New Labour.
Telly Tax Rebel: iplayer for catchup? I’m not sure how they would work that (although I wouldn’t put it past the rent boy using scum).
The iplayer is a recorder and you don’t require a TV licence to watch a recorded programme (such as a DVD player) so long as it can’t receive live TV.
I think that iplayer does allow some live feed though and this is all part of the BBC putting live TV online.
It will have to be challenged at some point in a court I suspect.
why would i bother with iplayer when i have the entire world via torrents?
The Wire – that new hip series on BBC 2? saw it already.
Archduke, I finished series five and moved onto Generation Kill (quite good!). BitTorrent is a superb way of avoiding the BBC.
not to mention podcasts – right wing talk radio on my ipod on the journey into work.
hugh hewitt, medved, prager.. i have no need for BBC 4.
So the BBC Trust man, Lyons, wants to meet Cameron over the telly tax:…-david-cameron
HAH! Such good little politiicians they are at the Biased Corporation.
THeir first duty and allegiance is to the money and protecting their own interests. How quick they are to leap on Cameron once he mentioned money – OUR money.
If only they were in such a hurry to adhere to the Charter and maintaining standards of quality, impartiality etc.
Anybody joining the riots tomorrow? I was thinking about joining the pro-capitalists down at the Bank of England.
I’ll be wearing my cheap ‘piss up’ suit – M&S machine washable (so that I can wash the smell of hippy out).
Come on gang. Let’s face it, if the anarchists actually manage to string up Brown, you’ll regret not being there until your dying days 😉
A comment from the Daily Mail link.
“Be warned this will end up being all computer users. In Denmark DR (the danish equivilent to the BCC) was loosing money so decided to put some of their programmes online. They made no effort to make it a subscription service password protected, but instead made it freely available to anyone with internet. They then complained to the government that people with then internet were able to watch their prgrammes for free, and so successfully petioned the government to force people with the internet to pay a license fee to DR. It is really wrong as they could easily made it a service people cpuld choose to pay for as many ebooks, and online journals do, but no they mmade it “free”, then demanded anyone with internet paid them regardless of whether they even looked at their site. I bet anything the BBC will do this too.”
Of course the free net service is a Trojan horse.Why do you think the BBC has spent millions on its websites?
The scum suckers have found a new source of income.
On the grounds that the behaviour of the banks has damaged capitalism and that a good riot will do for New Labour what the poll tax riots did for Maggie, I would be well tempted to let off a bit of steam. I suspect many who would normally disappove of riots will be quietly happy at anything that could be interprtrated as an anti-Gordon protest.
What we need is B-BBC talk radio. I’m working on it.
Mass Immigration now a moral necessity say the BBC. Open borders now!
No surprise to find the BBC and UN imbeciles joining forces.
The BBC utterly in love with The One. Showing boring, rubbishy footage from Regents Park near the US ambassador’s residence where nothing is going on. And some US hackette, utterly in the tank for Obama, wittering away.
I hate the BBC.
Bill Turnbullshit: ‘Obama snuck away without us knowing’ ho ho ho.
Reporter on the scene at Downing Street: ‘Obama’s car makes a noise like a helicopter.’
Can you imagine if Bush had a car like that?
Stench of hypocrisy from Al-Beeb.
Oh what larks!!
great comments from Archduke as usual – and DV – i really look forward to b-bbc talk radio –
–not much about Obama’s unpopularity at home on BBC news…
Vanessa Feltz: ‘Will you be marching or staying at home curled up on the sofa watching everybody else’.
Er…someone should tell Vanessa that it’s not so either/or: Some of us (only some) will be WORKING. God, the BBC mindset…
Grimer: Actually as I type this I’m sitting on a train about to go into London for the day. As yes I’m wearing a jacket and tie. Going to the other end of London though, but I tell you what, the train is empty today.
The current segment of BBC Breakfast consits of Bill Turnbullshit and some other geezer whom they’ve dragged in from off the street, having a whistling competition. For 5 minutes they were whistling (pisspoorly) away to old songs from the ’60s. With Kate Silverton chortling away. I had to finally turn off the set.
I too would be whistling without a care in the world if I had a wonderful recession proof job ’cause I’m sucking at the public teat.
Last night on Look North – the local news programme they had an item on MPs expenses – total amounts for 4 MPs 2 Labour and then 2 Conservative but then a deeper at look at another 4 – 3 Consevative and John Prescott – I suppose weight for weight about the same but nevertheless the suggestion was left that Conservatives were in it deeper than Labour.
But I have had to switch of Toady this morning (I suppose like most mornings). The Obahmessiah has arrived in Downing Street. Robinson tells us heis the most popular president since…change of tack …for a long time. He was arriving at the most famous address apart from the White House….I am sure the Queeen is deighted with that comment. And do for example the children in Chile or the Phillipines know where our pm lives? I don’t know – but I don’t suppose robinson does either.
Draper seems to be all over the beeb at the moment. i am seeing endless reports.
seems to have been on ‘wimens hour’ talking about happiness
Many killed in ‘US drone attack’
Despite the circumstances surrounding the strike
Residents and local journalists said the house had been converted into a Taleban camp.
The Taleban have cordoned off the entire area, they said
The BBC consider it necessary to put doubts in the readers’ minds about the targets
Pakistan has been critical of such strikes. It says civilians are often killed, fuelling support for militants.
The same people that moan about Madonna adopting an African child (‘because you can’t just relocate the child, you should solve Africa’s problems’) are the same people that have no qualms about people leaving their families and moving to the West.
Anyway, off to join Guido and Old Holborn. Will update later.
11.28am McSnot and Obama at the live press conference this morning, they’re about to start answering questions when McSnot says:
“I promised I’d introduce him to my friends in the media…
…Nick! (Robinson).”
Dont forget that according to Frei, that during the “Light Workers” ™ visit we will witness the arrival of Obama as president.
Of course completely fogetting how poor “The One” ™ has been so far at diplomacy with their supposedly closest friend in the west (bunch of DVD’s from Walmart anyone).
Ah…if only Frei and co would just take a couple minutes to pull their heads of of their behinds! 🙂
I’ve heard that following Polly Toynbee’s pleas concerning the fragility of the paper-based media, there will be a newspaper-readers’ licence, based on the lines of the very successful TV viewers’ one. No newspaper may be purchased without production of a licence, the fees from which will all go to The Guardian as it is will be responsible for maintaining quality, high journalistic standards and impartiality.
BBC in a quandary. Default position is to subliminally support the anarchists etc. But how to reconcile with support for Obama & Brown?
Will be interesting to watch.
I was in Docklands yesterday & there were so many security officers around and sniffer dogs and backpacks being opened & searched. I was really annoyed. There must be so many of us who really object to the mob taking over our City.(or even the threat of the mob causing all this effort) Someone I know has a meeting in Central London today & refused point blank to “dress down” for it.Likethe city gent referred to by Archduke above. Good for them.
Just watching the news24 live coverage of the G20 ‘protests’. This must be the most pointless disconnected excuse for a demonstration there has been. Who are the the people affected by the ‘meltdown’? People with mortgages, builders, estate agents, those made redundant by firms who have gone under by a lack of cashflow the people of Woolworths etc etc etc.
But will we see any of those at the demos? No. It is the usual brigade of the workless. Those who chose to drop out of society and those feckless students and lefties who have always taken but never contributed. The irony is, that it has been those people who have been made redundant, as well as the City people and the rest of us who have been creating the wealth, earning the money to pay the taxes to support the useless and the feckless and the workless in the lifestyle they choose to lead. We should be protesting against the workshy. Instead the BBC portray it as some ‘people’s protest’ the coming together of the voice of the people to protest at those evil wicked bankers. I bet we get interviews later, not with the half-cut anarchist or SWP member (ie the majority) but instead they will seek out the one well-spoken, middle class woman amongst the throng to represent them.
If it wasn’t for all of the City workers there, the beautiful buildings, the thousands of police and the innocent bystanders, you could reduce Britains tax bill in one fell swoop by dropping a bomb on those who fear the flannel.
The BBC is giving far too much coverage to the pathetic rabble of Islamists, anarchists, and wastrils ‘protesting’ against anything they choose. As David Mosque suggests, the real workers of this country are just that, at work.
Not hard to see where the Beeboid’s sympathies lie today, is it!
I must say that, at about 0640, it was very kind of the Radio 2 traffic bimbo to give out the most comprehensive list of places and times to meet for the ‘protest’ march.
Just on Radio One news:
… protesting against the war on terror …
What’s there to protest about? Why is nobody actually protesting against terror? Oh, I forgot. Most of the morons are terrorists themselves.
This deserves a post:
BBC journo Niki Campbell insults guest (Guido Fawkes).
Or, Leftist Beeboid thinks anyone to the right of him is a fascist. They don’t make any secret of their political bias these days.
Will the BBC cover the tea party movement in the USA as assiduously as the G20 protesters? I think not.
By the way, the banner reading “consumers suck” is probably the most ridiculous I have EVER seen.
The Beeb could try and justify a licence for PC owners connected via broadband.
However they would also have to justify why ONLY UK citizens should have to pay – and no-one else across the globe.
Good time to play the race card?
‘Many killed in US drone attack’
Even by BBC standards, it’s quite remarkable the way thisreport
-another successful raid on a terrorist HQ- is slanted in a totally negative way.
Al Beeb has already managed to get the Government to extend the tele tax to include you watching content online.
I suppose it was to be expected.
The 1pm news could not have been more adulatory and sycophantic towards Obama and Brown if it had been created by a PR company . It was actually embarrasing.
Justin Webb with a silly happy grin on his face telling us nothing except I feel so happy to tell you I am so happy as are Obama and Brown who are so wonderful. Even the Russians think they are wonderful and so so and so on.
I give up
hopefully the police will give us good value for our taxes today by baton charging the G20 moonbats
hopefully the police will give us good value for our taxes today by baton charging the G20 moonbats
I wouldn’t bet on it. Perhaps you didn’t see the pathetic police cowering and running away in terror from the Islamofascist mobs in January.
damn 🙁
The BBC is getting beyond a joke. The 1 O’clock news was more partisan than your average party political broadcast.
Not one tough question was asked of the Brown narrative; not one dissenting voice from the ‘Brown/Obama’ plan will save the world line was allowed. French and German criticisms were debased – mere fodder for domestic consumption we were told (Something our own glorious leader would never do • oh no!).
As for PMQ’s and Brown’s effective refusal to sort out the issue of MP’s expenses before the next election – not a single word. Although, the BBC did find time to talk about Alan Shearer and Newcastle Utd; Michelle Obama and a really critical visit to a cancer centre and various other non-news stories…
If you can, please watch Adam Boulton interviewing the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Sky on their video screens. I can’t find it on the Sky website to give a link. It shows up the Brown worshipping, shallow BBC reporting.
Summary of interview :
No problem in Canada because of strong banking regulation
Need private banking with good regulaton
Problems caused by lack of regulation.
Canada and India heading the working party at this G20 summit
Dysfunction of the financial sector must be fixed. Need solid regulation and international peer review assessment of regulations
Stimulus alone will not solve the problem. The most important thing with stimulus is to do it quickly. In Canada we have reduced taxes and accelerated capital expenditure.
Excess consumerism got us here, to rely on stimulus won’t solve it.
Strong fiscal position in Canada. Lowest GDP ratio in G7