Well folks, even the most ardent blogger needs a little break and so I am off for a week to Cyprus for a week of gentle sunshine and relaxation. So, I won’t be around until the 9th April and will leave it to my colleagues here to keep you provided with thought-provoking material. I’ll see you again on the 9th or so – refreshed and ready to do battle. See you soon!

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18 Responses to A LEAVE OF ABSENCE.

  1. Hugh Oxford says:

    Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle marks the return to television, after a decade’s absence, of one of Britain’s most highly regarded stand up comedians.

    In this episode, Stewart looks at political correctness – has it really gone mad, or is it just that most people don’t really know what political correctness means?

    And next week, Jacqui Smith looks at her legacy as Home Secretary. Has it been a resounding success, or simply an underrated and misunderstood triumph?


  2. Martin says:

    Have a nice time! You’ll be missing Thursdays QT shambles.


  3. GCooper says:

    Bon Voyage!


  4. Telly Tax Rebel says:

    Hugh – I watched that program, load of crap, usual rubbish by a very unfunny stock BBC left wing “comedian”

    Enjoy your break David and arrive back suitably refreshed for the return of Comedy Playhouse errm I mean Question Time ๐Ÿ˜›


  5. Jon says:

    Έχετε ένα καλό ταξίδι


  6. Grimer says:

    Have fun!

    Don’t forget to provide a review of your holiday. I’d hate for Martin to waste his money… ๐Ÿ˜‰



  7. disillusioned_german says:

    Have a wonderful vacation, David… You’ve done a lot of great work here so you deserve it.


  8. glj says:

    Never a good idea to advertise your absense, in my opinion.


  9. Bobzilla says:

    Have a good holiday mate!


  10. Anonymous says:

    glj | 01.04.09 – 10:12 am |

    Depends. The Dow Jones has gone up yesterday. I attribute that to Barack’s absence ๐Ÿ˜‰


  11. The Beebinator says:

    hi can you bring us some ciggies back cheers


  12. david vance says:

    How is the Obama worship gone on the BBC today?


  13. Dr Michael Ross says:

    Happy hols Mr Vance. If ever a chap deserved a happy break….


  14. Dr Michael Ross says:

    The BBC today has been one long session of Obamalatio. I’m afraid I simply couldn’t stomach any more after the 1pm news. Truly sick-making.


  15. david vance says:

    BBC world here in Cyprus
    “Capitalism has failed millions”

    Yes and socialism has led to the DEATH of millions.

    Sky coverage so much more balanced _ the BBC are showing solidarity with the anarcho-rabble polluting our streets.


  16. frankos says:

    Capitalism has failed millions —Socialism failed all the rest, and I’ve seen the gravestones to prove it!!
    I want the BBC to come up with a solid costed solution to the worlds problems, not left wing platitudes, lofty idealogical speeches and lectures on morality.
    I want to know how many of my rights are to be subsumed by the state, how much tax I will pay and how I am to trust the Big State not to abuse their ill earned rights and taxes.
    I am just Mr Average but I feel that the next riot in London will be people like myself against the Nanny State.


  17. Philip says:

    Have Fun, David!


  18. CSS says:

    Anybody in England ever hear of a dentist? Nobody got good teeth over there!!