OK, so coming up on tonight’s programmes, here are the questions that will be posed for discussion and YOU are the guest panelist as libertarianism finally breaks through and asserts itself!
1. The BBC is biased. Yes? In favour of right of left values. Really? Provide instances of this so we can lobby the State broadcaster!
2. Do you think the BBC coverage of the G20 Conference was fair and balanced? In what way could it have been improved?
3. Pakistan – is it the centre of the axis of Jihad and why does the BBC seem curiously disinterested from examining this?
4. Those of us old enough to recall how the BBC treated the Thatcher and Major administrations remember the relentless attacks from the BBC. By any standards, the Brown administration is a disaster and yet, and yet, the venom of attack is missing. Why?
5. Last question, Should we boycott TV for Easter? A Cleric (of sorts) in NI has savaged the lack of Christian programming and reckons the best thing to do is turn off the TV. Could YOU give the BBC up for Easter?
All this – coming your way – and fit birds, honest…..
Just been watching Galloway spouting crap on Press TV. God how did he ever get elected to Parliament?
Console initialisation taking ages for some reason…..I am here
Sick of this – just cannot get the control console working….
Newsnight asking the bloody obvious. Here’s a though. Why not just ban all students from Pakistan?
Martin – that would be too much like common sense. We know that the liberals in the media would be ‘up in arms’ with the ‘injustice’. And the lefty judges would say it infringes their human rights. Or something.
David Mosque? This Government is just a bunch of tosspots. 5 bellies spliff is a typical example.
They should kick these Pakistani tossers out and all the other students.
I’d make it a crime to visit Pakistan.
I wonder what the Paki students were studying. it better not be chemistry, nuclear?
Either my pc is being a tad annoying or coveritlive is dead but this thing is NOT initialising for me so one last go and that is it.
I don’t know, but our Universities need an arse kicking.
David Vance: I reckon the BBC are on to you 🙂
Here we go. Newsnight attacking the Tories again
If the Tories don’t do something about the BBC next year they are idiots.
Universities – polytechnics and 6th form colleges – all the same bloody thing now.
Shame that none of the useless buggers can spell. We have to pay to educate the graduate entrants in my company, so that they have a basic understanding of English, grammar and maths, before they can start work. Yet results improve every year. It’s a mystery!
Ah, I’m going to miss “fitting those birds” if that thing doesn’t work!
The only good thing about QT is totty spotting
There used to be an IT fella at work who was a (white) Trinidadian. Whenever a laptop or PC did something strange all he used to say was “Reboot da machin”.
DV – worth trying??
Why is the BBC making up stories? Quick only had to resign because HE f**ked up. How is that the fault of the Tories?
It was 5 bellies that wanted him to go not Johnson.
Lies lies lies from the BBC
Well, there’s always “Tory Totty” (a.k.a. Tory Poppins) spotting on here…
They are saying “don’t politicise the police” – yes DO politicise the police. Elected Sherrifs who don’t get re-elected if their officers don’t arrest the right agenda. That’s the local agenda – not the NuLab agenda.
holy SH*t according to newsnight 10,000 paki students come here to study every year
And all of them studying hard….
Martin | 09.04.09 – 10:57 pm |
It was 5 bellies that wanted him to go not Johnson.
Lies lies lies from the BBC
Totally right. I heard them this morning nodding (verbally) at Red Ken about how Boris “regretted” accepting Quick’s resignation, which was its cue to start hurling libelous accusations (is it me, or is he sounding more like Gollum lately?). Meanwhile, the increasingly square-headed Golden Boy could not have been more polite and complimentary, which he didn’t have to do, and normally doesn’t even have the right filter on in these situations. He made it very clear that the decision was taken before it even got to him, and it had to be done.
But, as John Humphrys says, the BBC wants to “interpret” the news for you all. This morning, it was one story. Now that the Narrative has been established, these details get pushed aside.
Martin, the Tories are idiots.
My father recalls attending a Conservative Association meeting at which a prominent member of the then government was speaking. He was asked what they were going to do about the blatant left-wing bias of the BBC.
He replied that it hadn’t gone unnoticed, but they were reluctant to do anything until they were sure it wasn’t simply legitimate criticism of the sitting government. They’d wait until they were in opposition to see what the BBC made of the other lot before they decided what to do.
When was this? 1962 or so.
The Tories have been well aware of the problems with the BBC for nearly 50 years, the majority of which time they held power, and have done bugger all about it. They are idiots.
How do we really know these students are actually students — what about simply illegal immigrants?…
In WW2, didnt the US inter people of Japanese extraction to prevent them being a fifth column…and didnt we do something similar by interring folks on the Isle of Man?
Theres no escaping the fact that theres possibly one huge fifth column here …if we really wanted to do something about terrorism – infiltrating mosques or ______ them would seem like a logical thing to do…
David, your point 3. ‘Disinterested’ is exactly what you want the BBC to be!
You meant to write uninterested.
Sam Duncan: 50 years ago other funding models were impossible to implement. Now with the digital switch-over, there is no excuse. The BBC can easily switch to a subscription service which is probably how most of us pay the TV tax anyway (monthly)
If the Tories do want to move they have to do it in their first year of power. I don’t think there would be much opposition outside of the mincing left wing losers and the BBC itself. Bliar took us into a really bad war and he still got re-elected so scrapping the TV tax would be no problem. Scrapping the TV tax and going subscription based also means there will not be any licence fee dodgers. That can’t be bad can it 🙂
Liquid P Gasse:
In WW2, didnt the US inter people of Japanese extraction to prevent them being a fifth column…and didnt we do something similar by interring folks on the Isle of Man?
Liquid P Gasse | 10.04.09 – 9:59 am | #
I only hope we didn’t inter them – at least while they were still alive!
Interned them, maybe.
…I’m glad you noticed my little trick…….
Don’t boycott my free TV!!