Hi all! Just getting my feet back under the B-BBC table after being away for the past week and what I thought we could do is that given the fact that Question Time is off-air for another few weeks we could do our OWN Question Time. What are the questions you would like to discuss – in particular relation to the BBC’s coverage of current news? Make your suggestions below and I will prioritise and we can discuss tonight. All will be the same as normal except no Dimblebore and legions of lefties! That said, all are welcome!
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welcome home, did you remember to bring ciggies back for us?
suppose you’ve heard about the religion of peace comming here on student visas wanting to kill us all
How about people contributing their experience of *right wing bias on the BBC? In over 30 years as a politically aware person, the number of examples I can count on one hand.
cracking idea !
what about;
1) should we replace Staws EU Human rights law with one of our own?
2)exactly how much tax can be legitimately taken from the individual balanced against the needs of society in general?
3)is the centre left liberalism of today a curse or a benefit to our society?
4) Can anyone find a use for Tony Benn?
Yes – as a hat stand to point 4.
Maybe I missed it, but I have yet to hear on the BBC the word “stagflation” as one possible result of the stimulus package. Surely lots of funny money chasing an ever smaller number(with all the layoffs) of goods and services available for consumption has a significant probability of resulting in the galloping inflation of the early nineties? Has Peston been known to pontificate on this subject?
Welcome back oh leader!
Here is my question for the panel (imagine I have a spotty face from taking large amounts of smack and am in my second year of my Politics degree)
“Does the panel think that Ken Livingdead should be made permanent Mayor of London as he clearly still thinks he is anyway…?”
a) Whose reponsibility is it if a right pillock was chosen as “UK’s terror chief”?
b) Should the woman concerned resign?
c) should she keep fiddling her expenses?
d) should the BBC keep quiet about all of this?
I’d like to talk about the campaign to get John O’Dowd elected as MP for Upper Bann at next Gen election ( June 2010?)
Welcome back Mr Vance, the place wasnt the same without you!
Plenty of stuff has been happening and the beeboids are moving up a gear to protect and give cover to their axis partners, I hope you are refreshed after your visit to our lovely isle.
perhaps an answer to Trimble:
David Trimble Mitchell Conference 22 May 2008
“Continuing debate
The continuing debate within unionism is illustrated by two books recently reviewed by always interesting Alex Kane in an article in the Newsletter (12 May 2008). With regard to Frank Millar’s David Trimble, The Price of Peace, revised edition, I am obviously parti pris. Kane classifies its viewpoint as pragmatic unionism which he defines as making the best of unpleasant political realities, and I would regard as being simply grounded in the real world. David Vance’s Unionism Decayed is classified by Kane as moral high ground unionism and he defines it as the view that almost anything is better than terrorist appeasement. I take issue with the latter classification.
Vance lays into the unionist political parties, the government, the churches, the loyal orders, pretty well everything. But he does not produce any alternative – he certainly avoids the alternative put forward by his UKUP colleague of accepting an immediate united Ireland as the only way to avoid engaging with republicans
Now, the commentator may castigate everything. The politician must produce policies which will be judged on their effectiveness. It may be said that resolutely opposing everything is itself a policy. But we have seen the results of always saying no again and again over the quarter of a century that preceded the Agreement in 1998. That policy was bad for everyone and an abject and total failure in advancing or defending the interests of unionism. To have continued such an approach after the ceasefires in the mid nineties would have been adopting the defensive posture of the ostrich. Unionism would then have been at the mercy of its enemies with little sympathy from those who ought to be its friends.
Some anti-agreement unionists when confronted with the realities even said that nevertheless we should not have made an agreement. It would, they thought, have been better to be passive and allow the government to impose their will. Any such course is cowardly and irresponsible. Anyone involved in politics has to take account of the world in which he actually lives. As Amos Oz says,
I constantly remind myself that telling good from evil is relatively easy. The real moral challenge is to distinguish between different shades of grey; to grade evil and try to map it; to differentiate between bad and worse and worst.
Welcome back DV. My Question would be “what has more sex in it? The film Oceans 13 or the piss poor porn you get on Virgin media?” No wonder he watched it twice.
My question would be; Should the Establishment (Senior politicians, civil servants, chief constables, judges) work for the people of Britain or should they carry on and let their minds be the concience of the world ?
Second question wold be; Is there any other country in the world that takes taxpayers money from its citizens and then acts in the interest of everyone but those citizens ?
Celtic were top of the league when you left and they are still!!
Great to have you back.
“What have been the 5 main achievements of the labour government since 1997?”
I only ask – as I’m buggered if I know
My question would be:
Is the BBC’s routine inclusion of its own proactive investigations as lead items in its news coverage just another manifestation of the Beeb’s determination to manipulate Britain’s news agenda?
For example, on Tuesday, despite being a heavy news day, for sixteen hours, from 6.00am to 10.00pm, the BBC promulgated as a top news item a Newsnight report, to be broadcast that evening, that girls raised in a Church of England (natch) care home during the 1960s had gone on to produce defective offspring thanks to said home’s alleged wanton dispensation of harmful drugs to its residents.
Then just two days later, today, despite being another heavy news day, the BBC has been promulgating with equal gusto and prominence in the running order a Panorama investigation to be broadcast at 9.00pm tonight, reporting that Britain’s privately-run (natch) social care companies are:
a) indifferent to the needs of their elderly charges;
b) blinded by profit;
c) embroiled in all sorts of malpractice;
d) the work of Satan
(cont. P96)
Welcome back, David. 🙂
Never mind the legions of lefties, how are you guys going to discuss “fit birds” in the audience?
As for current events, it’s too late to try anything this week, but is there any possibility for next time of getting a couple of guests to act as panelists to field questions from people here? Sort of an alt-QT?
Thanks to all for the warm welcome back.
David P,
We will have to do with virtual “fit birds” but Martin assures me he can more than engage with such lovelies.
On your suggestion – excellent point. Can I open this up – have we a few frontline political folks or commentators who would care to be our QT guests next weeks. Suggestions and contact details please…
David Preiser (USA): We just go to the free porn channel when bored on QT anyway (which is most weeks)
They really need to get 6 bellies Toynbee and Richard Littlejohn on again.
Don’t feed Richard for a couple of days either.
Great that you’re back David. I hope your holiday was all that it needed to be. Question about the Beeb? Mmmm. So many. How about “what subjects are taboo on the BBC?”
“How would the UK media be different without a publicly funded national broadcaster?”
would the bbc care to run a story on thickening arctic ice levels?
Martin | 09.04.09 – 9:52 pm |
We just go to the free porn channel when bored on QT anyway (which is most weeks)
Free porn channel? Then why the hell is Jacqui Smith’s husband paying for it at your expense?
Welcome back, David. I hope you didn’t watch too much of Al Beeb’s output while you were away!
Bill O’Reilly once again used an email of mine last night.
… I’m with you Bill. Soros is a gangster.
Sadly he left out the first three sentences:
I find the fact that George Soros was a nazi collaborator telling. Maybe he still subscribes to the (slightly more international) national socialist world view Hitler had? Remember, Hitler was a “one world” guy too…
Martin: I wish you were programme director at Al Beeb!
Does anyone know if Al Beeb had a hand in the commissioning of the three new Red Dwarf episodes? I’m looking forward to the first one tonight.
disillusioned_german | 10.04.09 – 12:27 am |
I find the fact that George Soros was a nazi collaborator telling. Maybe he still subscribes to the (slightly more international) national socialist world view Hitler had? Remember, Hitler was a “one world” guy too…
Soros was born in 1930 in Budapest. He’s no more a Hitler collaborator than the current Pope. And somewhat more Jewish.
Soros is nasty in plenty of other ways. No need to gild the lily.
1) pervert national institutions by filling them with cronies and political yesmen.
2) destroying our industrial base and wealth creating sector while expanding the unproductive wealth parasite sector.
3) Balkanising our nation, splitting the people into conflicting self interested groups.
4) Mass immigration of third world people unable and/or unwilling to integrate, destroying our national identity in order to build their own perverted version in its place.
5) Ruining our education system so completely that we have millions of children denied a proper education and a chance of having a decent life.
Newlabour has been a tragedy for us all, the fact that a group of childish idealogues,self interested and self serving crooks have been able to enjoy the power to tear down the very nation they were elected to protect will be a lesson for us all should we get through the godawful mess they have made.
The wretched Jim Muir bigs up a Moqtada al Sadr demo in Baghdad – at which Sarah Montague asks “are things unravelling in Iraq?”
Here’s the lovely BBC website on witnesses of the fall – but not yet the death – of poor Ian Tomlinson.
Meanwhile, protester Safiullah Ghauri, 24, has told the BBC that he saw Mr Tomlinson lying on the ground in Threadneedle Street moments after he had collapsed.
He said: “I appealed to everyone to call the police paramedics… When they came some of the protesters tried to stop the ambulance coming through.
“They stood in front of it and I pushed one or two of them away and shouted at them to try to clear a way through.
“Some of the protesters were getting out of hand.”
Wow, it’s almost like, I don’t know – some of the people on the streets were predisposed to oppose any and all authority so maybe this scores-of-thousands-strong ‘peaceful protest’ might have been a bit intimidating and just a tad inclined to violence from the start. Right?
Thankfully some stout BBC journalist was able to nuance the actual truth out of what might seem to show the ‘protesters’ in a bad light.
He said he thought some of the protesters’ mistrust of the emergency services was a result of police behaviour during the demonstrations.
Oh, phew! THAT’s alright then – stroppy coppers doing something stern and spoiling Crusty The Green’s day out with lissome young Cassandra from Poli. Sci. 101 meant that many marchers concerned were not only inclined to, but also morally absolved from the consequences of, blocking the ambulance.
And how fortunate that in young Mister Ghauri, the Beeboid found a genuine psychic who could look through the window into peoples’ souls and find the justification.
We’re saved.
“Mr Ghauri, from Hayes in Middlesex, said he left a message for the IPCC but heard nothing back.”
I’ll just bet they had a couple of dozen emails in their in-tray before Mister Ghauri’s, what with the death and all, but the lack of a response does indeed smack of POLICE COVER-UP.
“Free porn channel? Then why the hell is Jacqui Smith’s husband paying for it at your expense?”
You still have to pay for anything with A*al in the title. (Well a friend, who amazing isn’t married to an MP, tells me anyway)
Cheers, David… should have checked. I’m normally not inclinded to believe internet rumours but that one sounded fitting.
Having said that – the guy (Soros) is one of the most dislikable characters on this planet.
disillusioned_german | 10.04.09 – 2:21 pm |
Having said that – the guy (Soros) is one of the most dislikable characters on this planet.
Soros is part of the Jewish Lobby, of course. He, Nate Rothschild, and Michael Eisner get together to run around in loincloths in the woods on Passover Eve and take turns using Geronimo’s skull as a goblet from which they drink the blood of a ritually slaughtered BBC Jerusalem correspondent.
In any event, Soros personally bankrolls far-Left political activist groups. He’s a US citizen, so he can do what he wants, and he doesn’t hide his desire to do it. He had a hand in tanking the pound once, and he’s not to be trusted.
I have a question, Mr Vance, sir.
It’s been troubling me for some months.
Why is so-called “gorgeous” Emily Maitlis so yellow?
Is she an escapee from the Simpsons? I think we need to be told.
Somebody said this video site has Bush masterbating on it!! Filmed by secret service at the white house!!