Another poisonous piece from the Man from Laramie. Another immature puerile stream of puke; clumsy, artless, biased and inept. He got so carried away with his description of Palestinian hardship seasoned with lashings of sentimentality that he almost forgot to add the obligatory token reference to eight years of inconvenience from a few irritating home-made rockets. Apart from that brief allusion, he neglected to include any smidgeon of a clue that there could be any reason whatsoever for the aforementioned multiple hardships, other than Israeli beastliness.
A gushing description of tunneling activities brimmed with awe and admiration for such industriousness. Clearly emphasising that their purpose was the importation of essentials and small luxuries, he added, perhaps a tad mockingly, that the Israelis “claim” weapons are also smuggled. He should have checked that out or he would have found it’s a bit more than just a claim.
A gushing description of tunneling activities brimmed with awe and admiration for such industriousness. Clearly emphasising that their purpose was the importation of essentials and small luxuries, he added, perhaps a tad mockingly, that the Israelis “claim” weapons are also smuggled. He should have checked that out or he would have found it’s a bit more than just a claim.
Cowboy, it’s time to hang up your boots and ride into the sunset. Your resignation would probably be accepted, with or without the token reluctance.
Don’t blame Bowen. The BBC is to blame for giving him a platform for his views.
His opinions are irrelevant anyway. Hardly any of the TV goggling audience the BBC serves are that interested in the news, especially foreign news. They want Eastenders and Cash in the Attic. That’s why they value the BBC.
Israel really is a hopeless case, short of my proposed solution. The two-state solution is a castle in the sky.
Red Lepond | 09.04.09 – 2:35 pm
The topic is the BBC’s bias, not yours.
Ouch Sue 🙂
…”n the face of it, the new Israeli government is set against a two-state solution.”
BBC lies.
Avigdor Libermann stands up for the two-state solution insisting on the internationally-mediated former Leftie Christmas favourite ‘The Road Map.’
And the poor Palestinian children wet their beds due to Israeli missile attacks.
That’s so sad, no question about it, but some mention of years of Hamas rocket attacks causing bed-wetting and bad nerves for children in nearby Israel might be a nice idea.
Nice idea, but no chance.
And what about BBC comments on Palestine’s shiny new Corps Of Lumberjacks?..
Considering the BBC has no trouble reporting elsewhere that weapons are smuggled into Gaza as fact, Bowen is a disgrace for saying that it’s only Israeli “claims”. Unless one of them is lying.
And his BBC bosses are a disgrace for continuing to allow this contradiction. Why would anyone trust any international reporting from the BBC?
This time Israel was blamed for not allowing building materials to cross the border into Gaza. As Gaza has a border with Egypt why are building materials not crossing that border or does Egypt also prevent this? If so why does the BBC report this? It is all very puzzling.
Sorry folks – I should have written ‘not report this’ not ‘report this’.
Ermm, no .. his resignation would not be accepted. He is the BBC’s Middle East Chief precisely because of his anti-semitism.
The BBC has too many maverick reporters pursuing their own agendas and paying lip service to journalistic integrity or the unbiased facts.
This will be their downfall
Bowen is trying to avenge his friend who was killed by the IDF. He is the last person who should be in the Middle East – and the BBc know this – this to me, proves that the BBCs anti-Isreali bias is deliberate.
Has there ever been a BBC Middle East correspondent that the Jewish lobby approved of? Who, if any, are there preferred candidates to replace JB?
It is sound, unbiased reporting that is lacking here. What the hell has a “Jewish lobby” got to do with it?
There is no ‘Jewish lobby’ in this country…
…but there certainly is another lobby out there influencing the media:-
OK, to be more precise, there is not one Jewish lobby in this country, there are several.
Of course there are other ethnic special interest lobbies at work, as well; undoubtedly they’ve modelled their strategy/tactics on Jewish ones.
A curse on all their houses.
Red Lepond,
Would you care to debate the issue of BBC bias on this topic? Sue has presented a case of a BBC reporter telling falsehoods. I have shown that the BBC has reported elsewhere something that proves Bowen is misrepresenting the truth. Can you discuss this? Can you explain how she got it wrong, or how the rest of us are incorrect here?
Or are you going to be just like every other Israel detractor who comes here, and ignore the debate and just do a little Jew-baiting? Surely personal opinions on whether or not Israel should exist are not relevant to the issue of whether or not a BBC reporter is telling the truth.
Your choice, of course.
Red Lepond:
OK, to be more precise, there is not one Jewish lobby in this country, there are several.
Name one, if you can?
Then explain how this so called ‘lobby’ has power over the British establishment, in any way shape or form.
I think your BBC TV has made you a tiny bit confused on the issue.
There are very powerful Zionist powers that have an enormous amount of influence on how this country is run and especially this countries foreign policy. However the vast majority of these powers are not at all Jewish, nor do they seek specifically to act in the interests of Jewish people. Neither do they operate within the democratic system, and so are not represented by pressure groups.
Zionism is predominately but not wholly a Roman Catholic ideal, secretly and not so secretly financed and promoted by The Roman Empires Church.
Zionism, as I personally understand the long term ideal, is so incredibly and secretly powerful, it is in reality the single most powerful thing on earth, next to a fully armed flying salvo of trans continental, thermo-nuclear missiles.
The relationship between Judaism and Zionism is tenuous at best, often non-existent, and more often then not, positively ANTI-SEMITIC.
Atlas shrugged,
I think your apron is on too tight.
More BBC & Jeremy Bowen gems.
Clamped down even tighter than usual for the festival of Passover
Israel always closes the borders on national holidays, secular and religious. The Israelis believe that masses of picnickers/worshipers would be a impossible target to protect. JB is well aware of this and of the bombing of the Park Hotel in Netanya in 2002 which preceded Operation Defensive Shield.
The two main Palestinian factions seem hopelessly and terribly divided
Actually Hamas has consistently and unambiguously opposed two states and any suggestion that Jews have any rights other than the second-class status allowed under Sharia Law. Fatah’s position has been more nuanced depending on who is listening and depending on what could be gained by publicly supporting two states without doing anything that might allow Israel to agree.
You don’t have to go very far in Gaza to see pain and loss
The words are accompanied by the emotive background of a crying baby. Babies cry for all sorts of reasons but the message that this particular baby is crying for the loss of its house is clear. Given that the ‘traumatized’ child in the story was 12 yrs old, one can’t help wondering if the baby was conveniently crying when the BBC sound-man accompanied JB or was it and the accompanying sounds added in the studio from the Sound FX library.
The remains of a half destroyed mosque and the remains of a cement packaging factory
The words are accompanied by a Muezzin calling to prayer and the sound of construction somewhat contradicting the point that reconstruction hasn’t started..
About 3mins-20secs into the 4mins-14secs report JB goes to Sederot. We must have balance, of course. How convenient that the one Israeli to be interviewed supports JB’s view that Israel has to talk to Hamas. About 1/2 a minute for the Israelis and 4 mins for the Palestinians. JB follows the BBC standard practise by presenting the side the BBC opposed at the end when many listeners have already tuned out.
Until the fundamental issues that have caused generations of conflicts between Arabs and Jews are addressed
I would love to hear it. The fundamental issue that the Arabs want to slaughter Jews and eliminate Israel seems to have slipped JB’s attention.
“What the hell has a “Jewish lobby” got to do with it?”
Exactly – we don’t want any “lobby” reporting for the BBC – we want fair and equal treatement of both sides of the argument. This is what the BBc are supposed to do.
BTW Gerry Adams also believes in dialogue
Adams meets Hamas PM in Gaza
BTW A significant difference between the BBC and Jerusalem post versions of Gerry Adams’s visit.
BBC: Israeli officials are unhappy about Mr Adams’ visit as he has not ruled out meeting officials from Hamas.
Hamas, which rules Gaza, is listed as a terrorist organization by Israel, the US and EU. (…and the UK but the BBC never seems to acknowledge this).
Jerusalem Post: Quartet envoy Tony Blair intervened directly with Defense Minister Ehud Barak to enable Northern Ireland politician Gerry Adams through the Erez Crossing and into the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, where he met Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
The decision to let Adams into the Gaza Strip came against recommendations by the Foreign Ministry, which had urged that Israel not facilitate his passage because he was unwilling to promise not to meet with Hamas representatives.
Could the Foreign Office’s funding of BBC World Service have something to do with the change of emphasis?
For what it’s worth, I doubt if hanging up your boots before riding into the sunset would be a good idea – you would need them on your feet, I think.
Blair helping out his old pal Adams. Repulsive creatures, both of them.
Somebody said this video site has Bush masterbating on it!! Filmed by secret service at the white house!! Everybody should see!!