Did you catch this interview with the incoming Archbishop of Westminster the Most Rev Vincent Nichols on Today earlier this morning? Nichols was attacked within a few minutes for daring to suggest that British Roman Catholics oppose the abortion/condom advertising plans from Brown and his pals, and of course the Pope’s words on Aids in Africa were taken and quoted out of context. I wish the Archbishop well as I admire his moral stance, but can only see much more conflict with the anti-Christian BBC. (Isn’t it cute the way the interviewer uses the witterings of Tony Blair at the end of this to try and trip Nichols up? Thought he answered it well, btw)
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Montague was way out her depth in that interview. Hadn’t even bothered to check what the Pope had actually said. Archbp Nichols came over as thoughtful and gentle, which Montague could never be accused of being. Bringing Blair into the interview was the act of an utter airhead – Nichols let her off very gently, I thought.
Comparing the various institutions, I’d say the Catholic Church is far more likely to survive than are the BBC or NuLabour.
Did the BBC have on the Majid Katme of the Islamic Medical Association to ask him why we has leading Muslims to protest against the Sexual Orientation Regulations?
No, of course they didn’t. They pretended no Muslims or Jews protested, and only nasty Christians did.
Would they ask an Imam why he was encouraging his flock to speak out against things which were against their religious beliefs? It wouldn’t even occur to them to do so.
But they do have on the new Catholic boss at Westminster to ask him why he’s encouraging his flock to speak out against advertisements – not even protesting laws – for things they consider to be against their religious beliefs.
Anti-Catholic, but mostly pro-abortion bias from the BBC.
I remember at the time of protests by the Churches, the BBC used to go on about the Catholic Church even when the Church of England was also protesting.
It’s a pattern with the BBC. They seem a bit obsessed with the Catholic Church as the villain of the piece.
Maybe partly because the C of E’s now deconstructed to the point it’s impotent, irrelevant and silly.
The Catholic Church plays the long game better than anyone, including –especally including– Islam. What the infantile leftists at the BBC can’t fathom is why folks keep returning to the fold despite all the hate-driven propaganda and fashionable nickel-and-dime atheism. Oh well.
The Catholic Church is the last bastion of Christianity in this country – therefore a threat to the BBCs beloved Religion of Peace.
Get rid of them and the way is open – is this the BBC agenda?
I agree – and I am a Protestant!!!
Well, I made it through the whole day without watching BBC (I was in bed for most of it), though I did catch a couple of classic B&W episodes of Steptoe & Son on Gold.
Ah, the beastly Catholic church – unaffected by New Labour except the adoption and fostering wing so only defenceless kiddies screwed – so that’s alright then? Idiots.
Priests should wear condoms if they plan on having sex with each other!!