I see that the BBC is leading on Today this morning with the intriguing proposition that our current immigration system works as well as it can and that the risk of terrorist atrocity is manageable. There you go, no reason for concern – all is well thanks to the wise Dear Leader and his every obliging BBC poodle!
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I bet the BBC rent boys and Liebour scum wouldn’t say that if the bushy bearded twats were blowing THEM up.
Well said , Martin, and elegantly put. I suspect that even the terrorists are not stupid enough to target their supporters at the BBC.
The BBC’s Radio 4 ‘World at One’ today (available via BBC i’Player), in coverage of the terror threat from Pakistani Islamic ‘students’ to British people, not only had on Labour ministers, past and present,(Woolas and Blunkett), and university trade unionists to put their views, but there was no-one from any other political party allowed a word.
The BBC programme, true to its ‘multiculturalism’, ‘political correctness’ and overall dhimmitude, even found 5 minutes space for one Rizwan Sabir (Google him) to talk about ‘victims’, and the ‘paranoid’ concerns of government and media on the Islamic jihad threat. The BBC gave space to all these viewpoints, but no British person was allowed to criticise the details of the government policy from a non-liberal/left position.
But, of course, that’s what the BBC is here to do: represent only its dhimmi views at the licencepayers’ expense and cost.
Grant: I should be a poet!
The BBC narrative is clear, Brown/newlabour are great because they saved us from a terrorist ‘plot’ hmmmm? arent they leaving some information out?
Newlabour and the home office caused the problem in the first place, cost cutting and appeasement with no controls on student visas being abused
and handed out like sweeties to people who shouldnt be let near this country.
See the BBC dishonesty and active collusion with newlabour? its using its power to control and direct the anger where they want it to go, away from the home office and newlabour!
Dont look over there says the BBC look over here instead, the BBC could be working directly with newlabour, they seem to act as one entity with a single purpose.
Wait a minute. Let me see if I have this right. As a fool United Statesian, I may be a little to slow to follow BBC reporting.
Yesterday, they were saying that the whole raid on the terrorist students was pushed up because of Bob Quick’s accidental failure to put his hand over the words “Top Secret” while getting out of a car. Because the Tories – especially Boris Johnson – wanted his head, he resigned. The ongoing investigation into the terrorist plot was supposed to have been compromised by this, so they rushed to do the arrests.
Today, they’re saying that the terrorists were probably going to act as soon as this weekend. The police were never sure just what it was these student visa winners were going to do, so it was best to take them down. But just yesterday, you were told that the raid is supposed to have been too soon? Are they kidding? If Quick was doing so well running things, when was he going to arrest them? May Day?
The BBC is just spinning whatever line Labour throws at them. Now Naughtie is telling you that the police are doing a “very detailed investigation.” No, really?
Daniel Sandford: It’s a very detailed search.
Naughtie: This must be a – from what we’ve seen and heard, Daniel – a very, very detailed search.
Brilliant, insightful. Justin Webb will fit right in.
David Preiser
What the guy displayed – accidentally no doubt, was a kind of exec. summary of the target suspected terrorists, where the police were intending to arrest people etc. Too much info – and the stupid press then published enough of the picture to give warning to the suspect gang.
So he was in deep trouble, the police would have been watching the suspects but wanting to know eg where the incriminating bomb factory was before pouncing.
And yes – wasn’t that a mind-numbingly stupid question by Naughtie. What did he expect, a couple of PCs wandering in the gaffs and giving them a cursory once-over ?
Naughtie is a long way removed from real life. Bloody pansy !
well if Al Beeb say its manageable we’er ok then…..nothing to see here… move along….can you smell peroxide or is it just me?
David – it is clear that the BBC is an apologist for Muslim supremacists as it has surely been infiltrated – like our judiciary, academic institutions etc.
The Daily Mail in it’s leader comment today points out that the Jew & Christian bashers at the BBC plan to appoint a Muslim supremo as their Religious Affairs boss.
It is quite evident to me that the BBC has a sinister agenda and is part of a conspiracy – which we pay for.
Dismantling it is no longer an option. It is a necessity to protect our liberty and the rights of the majority.
JohnA | 10.04.09 – 6:34 pm |
What the guy displayed – accidentally no doubt, was a kind of exec. summary of the target suspected terrorists, where the police were intending to arrest people etc. Too much info – and the stupid press then published enough of the picture to give warning to the suspect gang.
So he was in deep trouble, the police would have been watching the suspects but wanting to know eg where the incriminating bomb factory was before pouncing.
Yes, I know what it was about. Now that I’ve seen the enlarged version the Guardian is showing, it’s obvious that this was a game-changing error. The guy should lose his security clearance, especially since he has no trouble arresting MPs over political maneuvers and not criminal ones.
But yesterday the raid was portrayed as a rush job, done prematurely because of the fuss other people (nasty Tories and tabloids, mostly) raised over Quick’s error and his resignation. Today, the terrorist attack was imminent, and something had to be done right away. Which is it? Whichever makes it look better for the party which really has politicized the police, at any given moment.
I just stepped away for a phone call, came back. What do I see? Now Frank Gardner is saying the plot was more in the “aspirational” stage. Next the BBC will be telling you that this was another low-level threat, nothing to worry about, we’ll get those student visas sorted, which are really Pakistan’s fault anyway.
The prime minister has already called on Pakistan to do more to weed out potential extremists who might target the UK.
There’s suddenly a very reassuring tone to the BBC’s coverage, isn’t there?
BBC: ‘move along: there’s no Islamic jihad threat in Labour’s dhimmi Britain’.
“Al-Qaeda terror plot: searches continue over alleged plan to bomb Easter shoppers”
“Sources told The Daily Telegraph that the arrests of 12 men in the north west of England on Wednesday were linked to a suspected plan to launch a devastating attack this weekend.
“Some of the suspects were watched by MI5 agents as they filmed themselves outside the Trafford Centre on the edge of Manchester, the Arndale Centre in the city centre, and the nearby St Ann’s Square.
“Police were forced to round up the alleged plotters after they were overheard discussing dates, understood to include the Easter bank holiday, one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year.
“‘It could have been the next few days and they were talking about 10 days at the outside,’ one source said. ‘We had to act.’ Police are now engaged in a search for an alleged bomb factory, where explosives might have been assembled.
“If such a plot was carried out, it would almost certainly have been Britain’s worst terrorist attack, with the potential to cause more deaths than the suicide attacks of July 7, 2005, when 52 people were murdered.”
Perhaps more Beeboids will take more of an interest in any Al Qaeda plot in the North West of England when many of them move to a new building in the Manchester area; from such a vantage point they can explore in more detail such wonderous ‘multicultural’ areas as Cheetham Hill, Manchester:
‘Jailed terrorist lived close to al-Qaida suspects’
Have the BBC interviewed the Cohesion Minister ? They did when they broadcast a small piece about the BNP ?
Labour’s failure to control mass immigration and foreign ‘student’ visas from e.g. Pakistan, is clear to most people, except Labour and the BBC.
The BBC seems to lack any drive to investigate the laxity of student visa ‘system’, for instance.
‘Brown clashes with Pakistan over terror suspects handed student visas by Home Office’
Headlines from this evenings Telegraph online:
‘Terror plotters’ allowed to stay despite visa breaches
At least two of the men suspected of being members of an alleged al-Qaeda cell had been allowed to stay in Britain despite allegedly breaching the conditions of their student visas, The Daily Telegraph has learnt.
It seems that our fraudulent Home Secretary Whiffy Smiffy is more concerned about sink plus that in plugging illegal immigrant leaks.
Sorry that should read:
“‘Terror plotters’ allowed to stay despite visa breaches
At least two of the men suspected of being members of an alleged al-Qaeda cell had been allowed to stay in Britain despite allegedly breaching the conditions of their student visas, The Daily Telegraph has learnt.”
It seems that our fraudulent Home Secretary Whiffy Smiffy is more concerned about sink plugs that in plugging illegal immigrant leaks.
Further to 10:03 pm above; for information of Labour and BBC:
“Manchester terror suspect entered Britain despite visa irregularities”
The BBC can be no reformed than Islam.
Did anyone notice the news tonight reporting about UK/Pakistan co-operation against terrorism as if this was the first time it had ever been considered? Talk about the BBC and Sky etc lapping up government press releases. No mention of how we actually stop these guys getting radicalised in the first place… No, just some PR friendly nonsense about co operation. Been doing that for a while haven’t we? Working is it?
I’ve written about this whole episode on my blog.
Talk about the BBC and Sky etc lapping up government press releases.
Fat Face Penguin Seal | Homepage | 11.04.09 – 1:01 am | #
Noted, with regret.
On SKY yesterday I saw `Dear Leader’ ramble on for a while about the various student visa’d tinkers roaming our countryside, and he actually managed to trot out ‘lessons have been learned’ for the ninety-nth time, again.
Maybe that is the theory, as those words, and the other tripe he came out with, blaming everyone but the sorry system he has presided over for over a decade (how the heck can you figure it’s up to a geographically vast, leaky bordered 3rd world shambles to police who decides to leave their shores, versus what our happy campers in immigration decide to stick out the welcome mat to????) simply showed him up for the human loss of plot that he is.
For the BBC, which, judging by its website, has forgotten about the alledged Islamic jihad plot in North West England.
The ‘Mail’ is still investigating:
1.)’Terror suspects worked at airport: Two arrested in raids had access to secure areas and cargo’
2.)’Bogus colleges: The gateway to Britain for terror suspects’
3.)’The wrong papers… yet still they let terror suspect into Britain’
Just give these guys jobs, and they’ll stop blowing themselves up!!