Anyone else caught this interview with Armando Iannucci on Today this morning? It allegedly concerned parallels between story lines in his TV programme “In the Thick of it” and the current McPoison Gate. I noted that Armando was able to get the sly line in that David Cameron also has spin doctors around him and so the culture of spin and spite evident in the current case was likely to continue under the Conservatives. BBC subtext; they are all the same, Save gordon.
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Dave S | 14.04.09 – 11:12 pm
Nail. Head.
Dave s: I suspect there are plenty in Liebour who know the game is up and they will be on the dole next year. So some of them who were rolled over by the snot eater want their revenge knowing that it makes no odds a when they fight the election next year there will be nearly 3 million unemployed.
Twizzle | 14.04.09 – 11:17 pm
he’s done a MacCavity the cat act. as per usual.
“…there will be nearly 3 million unemployed.”
Martin | 14.04.09 – 11:27 pm |
and our only other choice is Call Me Dave Blair Mark Two.
i hope to God that someone really organises a “None of the Above” campaign..
Jon | 14.04.09 – 11:28 pm
5 million on “disability”. add another 2 million in “training”..
well, you’re really looking at near to 10 million unemployed.
archduke: I agree. I’m hoping that within the Tory party lying low is a decent hard core or tough nuts that will force Cameron’s hand once he takes over, in particular sorting out the BBC and the Muslim lunatics that infest our Country and prisons.
Martin | 14.04.09 – 11:31 pm
that is a mirror image of what the left of the Labour Party hoped they would do with Tony Blair.
it’s not going to happen.
my advice is to vote for a party that closely matches your ideology – not for a party that you HOPE might match it at some time in the future.
if dont have one in your constituency – just write “None of the above” on the ballot paper.
and to be honest with you – if you end up with a ballot with Lib/Lab/Con and the fourth candidate is Revolutionary Communist Party -vote for the Commie.
and the same if its BNP or UKIP or English Democrat or Monster Raving Looney. its time to shake things up. big time.
its time we didnt vote “safe” or “tactical” – its time we voted the political elite out of office.
the more folks catch on to this, the better.
Atlas shrugged | 14.04.09 – 10:45 pm |
We never did find out who exactly Deep Throat was, during or after he Watergate conspiracy. However there is much evidence that the individual was indeed a CIA agent, working at the highest possible level.
Yes we did, you lying sack of Freemason cobblers. He was the deputy director of the FBI.
In fact if you think about it.
Who else but the CIA could possibly know what Deep Throat clearly knew. Who else but The CIA would have the confidence/front to spread real or otherwise gossip about what was supposed to be at the time the single most powerful man on the planet?
The answer is; there is no one or any material thing on the planet of theirs, more powerful then the people the CIA and similar others, work for.
This supremely powerful entity is not represented by God and it certainly is not manifested by any American President, nor British PM.
Who or what is it, and why does our entire MSM, never give us more then the odd clue?
In fact, if you think about it, your APRON is on too tight again.
Anonymous | 14.04.09 – 11:24 pm |
Troll alert.
Anonymous | 14.04.09 – 11:24 pm
errr.. thats the free market of ideas at work.
wow – “Freedom Works” actually “organises” folks to have tea parties. My GOD – what a fucking revelation… WOW!!!
funny how you point that out when Obama got himself elected thanks to the likes of , backed by millions of $$$ from George Soros.
in other words – fuck off you leftist troll.
Twitter is the BBC’s current technology fad du jour. So it’s interesting how long it took them to write up the story of the worm that rapidly made its way across the service over the weekend. In fact, their crack team of highly-paid journalists didn’t tell us about it until the matter had been completely resolved. Wouldn’t want to deter any mindless zombies from following BBC reporters’ every pointless update now would they?
David Preiser (USA) | 14.04.09 – 11:53 pm |
atlas reminds me of Usenet’s “MI5Victim”
Tom FD | 15.04.09 – 12:04 am
Tweets by Fearnecotton
you’ll be brain dead within 5 minutes.
however – i’d like to point out that twitter is all about who you decide to follow.. follow idiots and you get idiot postings.
follow Stephen Fry, and you get a rather different experience
Tweets by stephenfry
just thought i’d point that out.
the spoiled generation. thats what i call it.
jeez.. i’m sure David Vance will agree with me, but us Irish (both north and south) are more used to somewhat more , ahem, robust , policing tactics than this crap.
if anything, the French must be laughing at us. ever encounter the CRS? no , thought not. you ran about a mile away from them.
key lesson: dont be an asshole to the cops. they dont like it.
as I mention elswhere ( )the Newnight segment was odd.
OK Miliband was pathetic, as he was on R4’s PM prgramme.
But what got me is the tone of Esler, he called Brown our ‘unelected’ PM, now I’ve never heard that on the Beeb before. I also found it revelealing that Miliband did not even try to contridict this fact.
Again as I mentioned elswhere, Esler raised the ‘dark side of Brown’ it is this linking of Brown to the nasty side going to be damaging to labour.
I do find it interesting how the position of the Beeb seems to be changing now they have some idea that Brown has lost the next election.
The simple fact is the BBC are not sure they can help Brown out at the election enough. I think the BBC would like to see Brown replaced if possible. Someone more in the shape of Bliar (Milliband) would have more chance.
Of course when the uprising to replace Brown last year failed, the BBC had to tow the line. I also suspect several senior beeboids are on holiday at the moment so perhaps ther is left of a left steer in the BBC’s rudder,
But expect to see normal service resumed by the weekend with the return of Marr, Robinson, Crick and so on.
archduke | 14.04.09 – 11:50 pm |
The trouble is that this tactic will probably give you another Labour government – the die hard Labour supporters will never vote “none of the above”.Voting for a party that will get a very small percentage of votes will not, I’m afraid solve anything.
The Labour party have two wings but they both want to control your life – at least the conservatives have the Blair side and what’s more important a more libertarian side.
Cameron was voting in as a media stunt by the party, I honestly cannot see them carrying on the Blair tradition if they hope to stay in power for more than one term.
archduke | 15.04.09 – 12:05 am |
It just last night that I was commenting on the open thread about pathetic Leftoids trying to smear the “Tea Party” protests in exactly this way.
You may also have noticed that it took just half an hour after my response to you above defending these protests for some Leftoid troll to come here and prove me right.
Even Marr’s bit on the side has joined the clamour against Brown.
The Brown cabal motto: smears, not ideas
Journalists knew all about the character assassination plots run from No 10. So why did we help to spread the poison?
……”The most lethal attack machine in the history of British politics,” said one; “they have polluted the core of British politics for years.” “Licensed to kill, by Gordon,” said another.
in other words – fuck off you leftist troll.
archduke | 14.04.09 – 11:57 pm |
Couldn’t have said it any better!
archduke | 15.04.09 – 12:05 am |
That’s very interesting stuff. Have you seen or heard this opera?
I especially liked the title of Part II: “BBC’s Hidden Shame”.
Probably have to check it out just for that.
I did not know there was any link between Marr and Alice Miles !
But the Miles piece is very very good.
So is this piece – Nadine D is throwing Brown’s crummy letter of non-apology back in his face.
I was listening to the health Secretary on the playback facility this morning. He has definitively articulated a formal policy on ‘saying sorry’. It is a logical one.
“you only apologise for things that you [personally] have done”
very true so why does the left insist on post hoc apologies for the slave trade, the exploitation of the Australian aboriginals, the execution of troops during WW1 etc ad nausem?
It seems to me that they only want apologies which have literally no meaning or consequence to the so called victim, i.e. political – specifically left wing political – apologies that advance you ideology and position. Very BBC, very Marxist
But expect to see normal service resumed by the weekend with the return of Marr, Robinson, Crick and so on.
Martin | 15.04.09 – 12:49 am | #
Indeed. Their blogs will be ‘interesting’, as their loooong, school hols absence has been noted, even by cheerleaders. Not that they even proof read what they write, much less reply to be called out on what they do pen in barely credible thin, black 12-point.
Must catch the Newsnight.
Mixing farmyard metaphors, I saw a round-up last night with startled rabbit in headlights which I think was one of our country’s cabinet GOATs being nailed for being dumb enough to trot out, a previously tried, now totally untrusted and discredited line from Mandy’s Book of Best Dismissals, namely ‘We think it’s time to draw a line under this trivial affair, and get back to the job of…’
The response was something like ‘Well, we’ve had a succession of Labour’s great and good (or is that greed and gutless?) trotted out saying the same damn thing this evening, and our audience doesn’t seem to think it’s that trivial and whatever job it is you think you are doing, many would rather you stopped’
They may be rats, but it seems someone has superglued their tails to the Captain’s coat-tails as he looks for the next iceberg to ram.
Watch this
Nothing “leftist” about seeing tea bagging for what it is: paranoid kookery.!/comments/#ctop
Just found the iPlayer… sweet.
Had to pop in a thought on a blog thread not really configured for it, I guess to allow for O/T Catch 22 moderation… though I think the BBC is starting to figure there are certain walls being measured for when the revolution comes.
‘The government wants to draw a line…’
Would this be a thick, felt-tip line?
Support for our knows-nothing PM is quaintly loyal to the ‘Gordon they know’ (um, ‘very well’… so that’s OK then) and they love, but one wonders who superglued these GOAT’s tails to the coat-tails of Dear Leader as he looks for another iceberg to ram with, sadly, the ship in a state that the British electorate are currently reluctant passengers upon.
Love the VO following Frank Field’s thoughts. ‘Gordon Brown’s critics, however…’
However? If what he said was supportive, I’d hate to hear anything not helpful.
Mind you, the notion that all this will be resolved by Gordon Brown ‘bringing in’ team B, with him still at the head of it, is risible. This moral compass he has seems to only point at the next iceberg! Are we doomed to follow him to oblivion? Is our system of governance so rigid that nothing can be done to spare us from the paranoid Madness of PM G?
And any notion that the spinning genies released from these various odious bottles can be corked, much less unhired, is as daft as pretending nukes can be un-invented.
And will political leaders stop telling me what I think or want. They have no blooming clue what… no… let’s just leave it at ‘they have no blooming clue’.
You are a total troll if you are suggesting that the many thousands of people who attend the tea parties today (no doubt unreported by the BBC) are kooks.
As they would say in Obama’s town – who sent you ?
It’s all too much: Good point, Tony Blair spent plenty of time saying sorry for everything except what HE was responsible for.
The ship of state was the British economy. The iceburg that holed it below the waterline, is sinking it, was Brown.
Just read on Guido’s site. Please make no suggestions that the lying snivelling creep that is Tom Watson MP,(W4nker in Chief for Crash Mc Idiot) know about ‘some emails’ from his subordinate. He has called in Carter Ruck on the Mail on sunday. His defence is that he didn’t know what his staff were doing and that he is therefore an incompetent tw4t.
Must be a cast iron defence….
paranoid kookery.
Bit soon to say that, though plainly not too soon for you to parrot leftist talking points.
The tea bag people are more like lighnting in search of a lightning rod. Americans in the flyover are boiling mad and won’t go away, however hard the you and your kind work to ridicule and ignore them. They’re also well armed and dangerous — at a guess, unlike you — and have the power bring down governments.
Do help us out by sharing your conclusions about ActUp, MoveOn, ACORN and, not least, One Himself.
From the 11 minute Naughtie/Balls interview, the R4 9am News chose to quote only Balls’ complaint about the nasty hateful comments that appear on Guido’s blog – he means you & I, dear reader. A non-blog reader might well assume that he was referring to Guido’s blog itself being homophobic etc etc etc, thereby devaluing it.
“The tea bag people are more like lighnting in search of a lightning rod. Americans in the flyover are boiling mad and won’t go away”
Just like Americans out of the flyover were boiling mad with Bush and the Republicans and wouldn’t go away.
I think there’s some truth in the argument that this tea bag malarkey is a sulky waste of time. It’s a democracy, you’re in the minority and you lost so get over it. But that truth surely also applies to climate change protestors, anti-capitalists, stop the war etc etc etc and the Beeb managed to cover their protests. The FT has managed to cover the tea people today.
Sometimes it’s hard to filter out the natural BBC bias from the bias that is imposed on the beeboids by the coercive use of libel lawyers.
Nadine Dorries says that before her Nolan interview a BBC researcher told her that Derek Draper’s lawyers were putting pressure on the corporation. Now we hear that Tom Watson is being represented by Carter Ruck.
This manifests itself on air as the BBC parrotting the government’s propaganda lines. e.g.
Nobody is suggesting that Gordon Brown knew……..
Actually quite a lot of people, not least Nadine Dorries, find it hard to believe that GB didn’t know. It is unprofessional of beeboids to take this line. If they want to cover their legal arses, they should say “I am not suggesting Gordon Brown knew….” That’s fair enough. But to imply that only a lunatic would is bias.
Secondly, the BBC coverage has shown bias in failing to challenge downright lies told by Labour spokesmen.
One of the most common has been –
These stories were never intended for publication.
This is a blatant lie. Those involved may have had second thoughts and decided not to go ahead with Red Rag, but when these stories were originally fabricated, they were absolutely intended for publication. In the end, it seems they were given to tabloid reptiles instead – once again, with the intention that they should be published.
The other lie that the BBC fosters instead of challenging is that ‘Tory blogs’ are full of gossip and inuendo.
Conservative Home isn’t. And Guido isn’t a Tory. Either the journalists who foster this view are pig ignorant, or pro-Brown activists using their privileged telly-tax funded positions to advance a personal political agenda.
Well, this may put some sugar in your tea:
History hasn’t yet been abolished in the US — as the editorial says, ‘America was born out of hatred of a strong centralized government’.
That hatred is alive and well, and worn proudly.
I’m not sure the British retain the vocabulary needed to understand; certainly, the perspective is gone, replaced by mush not even a mother could love. But that’s your problem not mine.
“I’m not sure the British retain the vocabulary needed to understand”
Eh? I think you’ll find our vocabulary is perfectly adequate. It’s called English after all.
Britain was born out of strong centralised (no z) government, otherwise it wouldn’t be Britain – just Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England – so no idea what “perspectives” are “gone”.
“I’m not sure the British retain the vocabulary needed to understand”
Eh? I think you’ll find our vocabulary is perfectly adequate. It’s called English after all.
Britain was born out of strong centralised (no z) government, otherwise it wouldn’t be Britain – just Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England – so no idea what “perspectives” are “gone”.
Cockney | 15.04.09 – 12:50 pm | #
Actually, there is a z in the English word; it is just that modern usage in England prefers the alternative s usage, while in America, they use the z.
And erm…Ireland is not in Britain.
There are two trolls out today. One of them is trying to discredit something which the BBC thinks is a non-story, no British media have reported, and doesn’t have anything to do with Tories or Mohammedans or homosexuals or the BNP. Has anybody here seen or heard a single word about the “Tea Party” protests (not “teabaggers”, thank you very much) outside of this blog or Fox News broadcasts in the UK? Interesting.
The other is just a troll trying to cause a stir.
It’s always interesting which current events bring them out of the woodwork.
“And erm…Ireland is not in Britain.”
Good point – doh!
I did not know there was any link between Marr and Alice Miles !
JohnA | 15.04.09 – 6:51 am |
And its got big ears.
JohnA | 15.04.09 – 6:51 am |
Here’s more:
Yesterday on the Today programme there was a discussion as to if the mainstream media would sit on a story that Guido would not. Sarah Montague dismissed the idea that there is in fact a cosy media elite. Well here is another story that everyone in the Westminster media knows yet won’t publish. It involves three household names; Jackie Ashley, the Guardian’s cheerleader-in-chief for the Brownies, Alice Miles of The Times, who cheers for the Cameroons and Andy Marr, Gordon Brown’s much favoured BBC interlocutor.
If this story was about soap stars, footballers or chart-toppers it would be all over the papers. If an actress on EastEnders had an affair with an actor on Coronation Street who was married to the star of Emmerdale which resulted in a love-child it would be front-page news on every newspaper. Yet Andy Marr fathering a child with Alice Miles whilst married to Jackie Ashley goes unreported. Across newsrooms, at Islington and Hampstead dinner parties it has been common knowledge for years. These three journalists are at the heart of the politico-media nexus that constitutes the new ruling class. The producers and editors who are the media gate-keepers would not be keen to dish the dirt on their own… despite the fact that it would be of huge interest to the public.
And if you’re still dubious just look at the photos, one of which is an absolute gargoyle.
JohnA | 15.04.09 – 6:51 am |
Sory in the delay in responding. It’s only 9:30 am here and I had to get little one washed dressed and fed first.
Sarah Montague is a dickhead. no one takes any notice of what that stupid cow says.
But at least the Alice Miles piece is honest about the lobby journalists currying favour with the Brown gang such as Mc Bride and Watson and Whelan.
It will therefore be interesting to see if Marr follows the more honest line that Alice Miles has taken – or will he try to sweep everything under the carpet as usual ?
Its far too late in the day for ‘johnny come lately’ expressions of regret and honesty isnt it?
A look through her previous articles and her obvious part in the very process she now decries is frankly pathetic.
After Germany was defeated everyone and their dog became a dedicated anti nazi, everyone seemed to have no knowedge of anything and everyone was eager to blame some scapegoats as if pointing the finger of blame at others absolved them from any blame.
Alice Miles is a coward, the very worst sort of coward, she knew full well all the grubby perversions and gross abuse of power and she not only stayed silent she actually assisted in the whole thing, its all very well for the participants of the lobby insider trading in favours to come out AFTER the event and say how awful it all was, the time to speak up was at the time it was at its hight.
Alice Miles revelled in her priviliged access and had favoured status within the poisonous and crooked scheme, I find her comments not courageous I find them disgusting, she happily stood by and said nothing as careers and reputations were wrecked by the poisoners and she had nothing to say but spewed out wretched toadying and creeping articles praising the very system she now decries.