I see that John Humphyrs has been given his first class ticket to the world and is off to cover the looming South African election. Apparently it is “too soon to write off hope” in this afflicted nation. Not so sure about that. The ANC is a corrupt venal immoral hypocrisy and yet they are looking at being returned for a further term in power, so I hope Mr Humphyrs will spell out why they are voted into power time after time and perhaps explain the serial failure of the political class in South Africa to deliver anything for anyone other than cash and patronage for themselves.
Credit where credits due – Humphrys did well this morning exposing the corruption and uselessness of the ANC.
I particularly enjoyed the bit where the ANC woman got cross and accused him of having a colonialist mentality.
I was over there a while ago, you could see the wheels starting to come off. Sad to see 100 years of hard work go to nothing, but that’s the way things are.
It’ll end up like Zimbabwe.
Like a garden left un-attended, S Africa is returning to its natural state.
ANC – Africa Nurtures Carjackers.
But why does Humphreys have to go to South Africa at all? Don’t they have reporters there?
Never mind any of that. From what I could tell by listening to Humprhys, as long as there are no more white Presidents of South Africa, the dream will finally be realized.
sad thing is only the poor whites and the even poorer blacks have noticed a real change –they’ve all got even poorer.
I must have missed the bit with the ANC woman this morning. What I heard was a portrait of a baffling, frightening place whose awfulness is somehow redeemed by its no longer being the wrong kind of racist.
Just how much is it costing to send this opinionated, self-inflated, semi educated character to South Africa? Has the bbc transferred its “Israelitis” obsession to SA in the wake of the al-bowen findings? Just why are they giving so much time to SA? It’s not as if it were a major population, industrial, or agricultural centre impacting on the whole world.
I dont share your hope Mr Vance. I dont want one bias replaced with another.
I think you do an excellent job on this site, but you do blur the distinction between opposing bias and advocating your own bias.
If only Humphrys would question U.K. government politicians with the same intensity as he did “the ANC woman”, but then he has had plenty of practice interrupting Tory politicians with his view.
Black rule has turned SA into a nightmare of crime, chaos and corruption.
But then rape and murder on an industrial scale are fine as long as blacks can sit at the front of the bus.