Further to Ed’s post, I too am stunned at the lack of coverage the BBC affords to the tsunami of damaging stories to Labour all over the press today. The Balls story, the Collins story, the plummeting poll numbers ALL off-radar as the State Broadcaster continues to attack the Police. I also read that Jonathan Ross has been cracking jokes yesterday as the BBC read out an official statement lambasting his actions in the Andrew Sachs affair. Listeners to Ross’s Radio 2 show heard an announcer summarise a ruling from broadcasting regulator Ofcom which described the phone messages at the centre of the scandal as ‘offensive, humiliating and demeaning’. But instead of adding an apology at the end of it, Ross made a series of sarcastic remarks and played the song The Lunatics have taken over the Asylum. It’s the sheer arrogance of Ross that gets me – and in a way he sums up the problem with the BBC itself.
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In contrast to BBC:
“Labour’s Watergate leaves trust and dignity in the gutter”
(by Matthew d’Ancona)
The astonishing thing about the Ross story is the quote (in the MoS) from the BBC…to the effect that he was having light-hearted fun, so it was OK. When will the BBC get it? This man is – to the core – a deeply unpleasant idiot, and it is highly offensive that licence–fee money perpetuates his crassness.
“Off radar?”
Must have been some other broadcaster I was listening to when I heard both the Balls and Collins stories covered this morning.
Oh, wait, no – it’s just David Vance lying again. Quelle surprise.
Top UK news through the night on BBCWorld Service was complaints against the police, in a bit of detail. Nothing about Brown’s sleaze.
‘News of the World’
‘BBC deputy director general MARK BYFORD has a £58,000 a year chauffeur driven limo to take him just six miles to work every day’
“BEEB BEEP! Make way for the latest BBC cash scandal!
“We can reveal a Corporation boss has a £58,000-A-YEAR chauffeur-driven limo to take him just SIX MILES to work every day.
“Deputy director general Mark Byford, who earned £513,000 last year-can’t be bothered to catch the Tube like millions of hard-up BBC licence-payers.
“So he orders his chauffeur to pick him up at London’s Waterloo Station for a return journey that works out at £240 A DAY.
“‘There is no clearer sign that BBC fatcats have lost touch with TV licence payers,’ said a Corporation insider.”
I do hope that those who are attacking the police, on the G20 and afterwards get their wish of a root and branch reform of the Police tactics on riots etc?
The Police should withdraw ALL riot squads, all patrols when left wing anarchist take to the street and then let them do as they wish. We would soon have calls for the Police to adopt more heavy handed tactics to prevent the lefties from trying to destroy our city centre.
Then we would have no Police injured, or attacked with scaffold poles as was seen, but never mentioned on the BBC to other news which seems to want the lefties to win and bring disorder to our streets.
Please can the Police have tear gas and water cannon to stop the thugs from getting near the police?
Must have been some other broadcaster I was listening to when I heard both the Balls and Collins stories covered this morning.
Oh, wait, no – it’s just David Vance lying again. Quelle surprise.
Scott | Homepage | 19.04.09 – 11:30 am | #
Any links to support your first claim? Or are we to go on rumour and tittle tattle, which can’t be as only certain, nasty blog folk indulge in that.
Anyway, it hardly matters as I am pretty sure it was probably mentioned, though perhaps not as significantly as some might have imagined, hence ….
… I too am stunned at the lack of coverage the BBC affords to the tsunami of damaging stories to Labour all over the press today… ALL off-radar
Personally I think it does create problems claiming total absence when across the vastness of the BBC there might well be something, somewhere for a little mini-Fisk to chirp up with, and would caution against it, even with fairly clear qualifiers such as ‘lack of…’ and/or the admittedly less clear ‘Off radar’.
But as we are talking of a few, if dedicated folk, it might be that they don’t have the time or access to monitor real time the most obscure reaches that seem accessible other than by internal search intranets for rebuttal squads, so it may well be possible that they don’t see these ‘mitigating’ pieces of coverage, a bit like most of the country. Which is kind of the point.
So I would question the use of the word ‘lying’ in this context. It’s just a cheap, sloppy ad hominem. But, considering the history of protagonists in whose defence this technique is now too often used… quelle surprise.
I’ve only just got round to looking at the BBC’s ‘News’ website.
It’s quite a surprise after reading the online newspapers.
Perhaps the BBC’s ‘journalists’ inhabit a different universe from the rest of us?
One where its beloved ZaNuLabour isn’t falling apart before our very eyes.
By the way – isn’t it time Scott was banned for his gratuitous rudeness to our host?
A rag like the Miror just happens to find a prostitute who just happens to allege that some Tories visited her for sex, quelle surprise indeed!
Marr is very interested isnt he? of course because its a chance to smear the hated Tories and ignore other stories about a smear’N’lies unit staffed with people who are closely linked to Marr, quelle bloody surprise eh?
In fact the only surprise is that the BBC still atracts blind kneejerk loyalty from the likes of Scott, there is an earthquake about to hit the BBC, listen very closely and you just might hear the sound of beeboid wetting their collective knickers.
Scott says “Oh, wait, no – it’s just David Vance lying again. Quelle surprise.”
Actually he’s not, any dip into the BBC’s output today will show that they are running on an agenda of providing damage limitation for Labour in contrast to the rest of the world which is awash with news of Labour incompetence and dirt.
But Scott shows that Lieabourites and Beeboids always default to smearing anyone who expresses a differing opinion.
I was watching BBC Breakfast this morning and they quoted an e-mail they’d received that was very dismissive of the whole media approach to the e-mail smears scandal, suggesting that it was something to interest the media and not the general public. I don’t know how representative this e-mail was of messages received by BBC Breakfast but I was amazed that anyone could be so dismissive of the scandal.”
Another satisfied BBC viewer then. Their head up labours arse is now so accepted they just don’t care. What is wrong with these cretins? They still just do not get it.
Scott: I hear there is a two for the price of one rent boy specials on Hampstead Heath today. A lot of your beeboid mates will be there.
Listening to the BBC World Service this morning, news on the disasters impacting Labour…nothing.
“Possible” release of files on Hillsborough three minutes.
Listening to German Radio, news on the disasters impacting Labour…5 minutes !!, in fact the German news media are wondering if something else is about to hit the Labour party, what do they know that we don’t?.
Come on BBC, all that money and a foreign broadcaster has more information on our political affairs than you.
As for the poster called ‘scott’, are you really such a moron?.
The BBC’s News website page has a 20 year-old story (Hillsborough) as its main item. It even finds video-space to dredge up the Carol Thatcher “Golligate” story from several months ago.
As for the Labour Party’s little local difficulties with e-mails, that is tucked away to one side, second item down.
I wonder why that should be ? Any thoughts, Scottie ?
I’m not surprised that Wossy is arrogant. He’s just proved that he’s bigger than the BBC. If they didn’t have the guts to fire him then, they never will in future. He’s fireproof, and he knows it.
Well Scott, at 15:30 the only reference to Labour’s troubles on the BBC News Front Page is that there are no troubles
Smear row ‘over’ says Mandelson
They really are scraping the barrel. Now it is Carol Thatcher’s remark upteen months ago.
What is the story? That Kinnock is surprised? That she is unrepentant over a remark that was not intended to offend? That people were offended?
A golliwog is a toy. Barbie dolls are toys. So are Ninja Turtles. If someone is called a barbie doll, it can because they look like a piece of plastic, they look or dress like a barbie doll. Why is golli always racist? and more importantly, Why is BBC rolling this out again today.
I have to say, I am not in the least bit suprised the BBC is ducking the Smeargate outrage. Charlie Whelan is of course a former long-term regular on the BBC Sunday programme, alongside the Tory hack … oh, sorry, no, his counterpart wasn’t a Tory hack.
GCooper | 19.04.09 – 12:19 pm |
“By the way – isn’t it time Scott was banned for his gratuitous rudeness to our host?”
DV is too big a bloke – besides, its good to see the Marxist Left get so worked up by their bias at their stealth stormed citadel the BBC being exposed. 🙂
Cassandra | 19.04.09 – 12:33 pm |
“there is an earthquake about to hit the BBC, listen very closely and you just might hear the sound of beeboid wetting their collective knickers.”
I suspect Cassandra that you’re giving way to wishful thinking. I think the Gramscian squatters at the BBC are amazed by how much they’ve gotten away with for so long, and are a bit aware about their lack of clothes being exposed, but the Tory Party is just so lame I’m sure they’ll continue to get away with things for a long time yet, until the actual destruction of the last vestige of British democracy even.
Rob | 19.04.09 – 2:52 pm |
Rob, Ross asked the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition the other year if he w*nked over Margarat Thatcher. His future at the BBC is secure.
Two for the price of one from the BBC.
Having tried so hard to ignore or relegate the smeargate story the BBC now give top of the front page prominence to Lord Fondleboy of Mandlebum.
Smear row ‘over’ says Mandelson
The row over smear e-mails has been “resolved” and ministers must focus on other issues, Lord Mandelson argues.
That’s it then. Time to ‘close down the debate’. Unfortunately for Labour/BBC this ain’t going to happen.
Also there is this:
Economy ‘no longer in free fall’
The economy is no longer in free fall and a recovery next spring is likely, according to a renowned economic think tank.
And who is this “Renowned” economic think tank? Why it’s none other than The Ernst & Young Item Club.
And what has elevated them to “Renowned” status I wonder, given that up to now the the BBC all but ignored their warnings on the dire straights of the economy.
Ah I get it BBC. Now that they have said something positive about the economy then suddenly they are “Renowned”
The BBC is now so obviously shallow and in Labour’s pocket that they are a national disgrace.
Oh and don’t forget, even with the latest smear revelations involving Kevin MaGuire, the BBC still think of him as as a ‘journalist of integrity’. Hilarious.
In stark contrast to the BBC, the Times reports Smeargate like this:
Labour struggles to close down smears row
The Labour leadership desperately tried to prevent the e-mails smear row reopening today with Lord Mandelson saying that the public now expected the Government to focus on their concerns rather than the preoccupations of the “Westminster village”.
The only thing wrong with the first sentence is this, it should read The Labour leadership and the BBC desperately tried to prevent the e-mails smear row reopening…
You are probably right, no harm in wishing for the demise of this criminal gang hiding behind the name BBC is there?
Yet I do sense a certain uneasy fear emanating from the BBC, I cannot explain it, its irrational I know, instinct perhaps?
They think they are untouchable, they think they are secure, yet still I sense something has changed and its a subtle change I cannot nail down.
Ever since I was a toddler I have been able/been cursed with an ability to sense some big events/change coming before they happen, its not pleasant and its not the gift some make it out to be I can assure you.
You ancient Greeks are all the same — get back to Delphi…
Hey – somebody find that copper that slapped that woman – and send him round to Wossy – give him and his team a good slap – playing ‘lunatics have taken over the asylum’ displayed clever git contempt – whichever way he intended it – irony or otherwise.
TPO – excellent posts TPO – keep them coming. I’ve noticed for some time that ‘renowned’ Think Tanks always support New Labour. Otherwise they are spat out as ‘Right wing’ Think Tanks, a signal for them to be disregarded.
Here’s a typical piece of Beeb spin for all you Beeb haters out there
“Economy ‘no longer in free fall’”
Yes the story goes on to describe how the economy is going to shrink by 3.5% this year and even 0.1% next year.
(Hat tip Chris at PoliticalBetting)
Oooh OK then if you insist but I refuse to breathe in the fumes again, they give me a right headache!
Oscar | 19.04.09 – 5:34 pm |
Thank you.
I’ve never noticed the BBC use that word ‘Renowned’ before, but what has been evident is that reports and projections from the Ernst & Young Item Club have been glossed over or ignored in the past by the BBC when it doesn’t fit the agenda of “Gordon getting on with the job and doing splendidly”.
The BBC now announce this latest projection from the E & Y IC with all the fanfare of the arrival of the Queen of Sheba.
Jonathan Ross’s arrogance is the BBC’s arrogance. The majority of them had the same opinion as the defenders of the indefensible gave here: we think it’s funny, nobody complained until the nasty Mail got people all excited so it’s not really even a problem, this is just an excuse for haters with an agenda to bash the BBC, we already learned our lesson so things can go on as they were.
Ross is back, and the Beeboids are very pleased with themselves. It’s their arrogance which created the Russell Brand situation in the first place, their arrogance which caused the anger to become more inflamed than if they had done something immediately, their arrogance which caused Charles Moore to start his little protest.
Jonathan Ross’s arrogance is the BBC’s arrogance.
Thank heaven for the blogsphere and those brave whistleblowers who risk their jobs to cast light into the murky depths of the UK political process. Thank heaven for Dispatches, for Unreported World and the journalists who chase the story. The highly paid lobby journalists who feed us the lines to take material and the so called news are looking like analogue dinosaurs in a digital age. Defy, deny and move on was imported from the Clinton White House and it no longer has its potency as a communications management strategy. So Lord Mandy says that Smeargate is finished and this gets wide coverage. Never forget source credibility is key in convincing communication so the attempts to move the narrative on will no longer wash so easily. Has anyone missed Nick Robinsons blog while he was away on holiday? Why have a political blog if it has no postings for two weeks?
Times today referred to Mandleson as – Lord Fondle – something of Mandlebum – is there an equivalent piss-taking comment section on the BBC website?
Mandelson may be moving on according to the BBC, but The Times makes that sound like out of the frying pan
Ministers describe allegations against Ed Balls as ‘ludicrous’, while Lord Mandelson attempts to shift focus back to recession
We’ve reached the stage when the recession is a welcome diversion!?
John White,
Why does an unelected and disgraced peter Mandelson get such coverage? You will notice that he is awarded more BBC airtime than the official oppostion, the BBC is running to this known spinner and political poisoner who had to resign from previous governments in disgrace and yet his past is ignored by the BBC, they ask no difficult questions of him but appear to sit at his feet soaking up his words as though they were the thoughts of an elder statesman.
The clear irony of them asking a disgraced liar and political spinner/poisoner for his opinion on the smeargate scandal seems to have escaped them!
The question for the BBC is of course why do they ignore Mandelsons past, are they trying to advertise Mandelson as a clean skin unpolluted by the scandal?
Mandelson sits on high and passes judgements and the BBC listens as if star struck and dazzled by his words of wisdom.