I’ve been away ‘avin a loverly time /wish you were ‘ere.
Now I’m home there’s this backlog. Millions of comments and posts have accumulated.
All I saw on telly last week was The Apprentice. The one who was fired was useless, but then so were the others. How on earth did they ever even get where they are today? But that’s not BBC bias.
Something that appalled me was Jeremy Paxman. Honest Reporting has:
“Newsnight of 20 April Jeremy Paxman interviewed the UK Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Peter Gooderham following the walkout during Ahmadinejad’s speech:
Paxman: What is the difference between Zionism and racism?
Gooderham: Well, we see the two as being quite distinct. We…
Paxman: Yeah what’s the difference?
Gooderham: Zionism is a political movement relating to the establishment …
Paxman: So are some forms of racism!
Gooderham: …some form of homeland, a Jewish homeland in what is now Israel.
Perhaps Paxman was playing Devil’s Advocate in his usual style. However, is it a sign of the broader mindset within the BBC that finds it acceptable to ask questions such as “What is the difference between Zionism and racism?” View the footage and decide for yourself.”
But the things that I thought were even more ridiculous were, 1, Paxo’s exaggerated facial expressions – comedy exasperation – and 2, the outrageously hypocritical question “Why didn’t you do him the courtesy of listening to him?”
COURTESY? from Paxo the discourteous? Courtesy to Listen to AhMADinajad’s discourteously racist speech?
Stuff you Paxo.
this is all part of the bbc plan to damage Israel and attach its right to exist at every opportunity.
they have forgotten the Jewish genocide. they have attacked Israels history. they ignore its the fact that it is the only democracy in a sea of dictatorships and let that fucker bowen beat them all day, every day.
paxo is just a new front in an old war.
ill still be donating to Jewish charities and buying Jewish products, fuck the bbc
Nobody watches Newsnight.
It is BBC self-indulgence which only exists because the corporation is so wealthy on the back of selling cheap and nasty rubbish like Eastenders, Casualty and Top Gear to the gullible.
whose buying eastenders?
tell me now and ill go round thier house.
miserable, bleak, shitty little borefest.
Pity the ambassador didn’t have the balls to tell Paxman to allow him to answer without interrupting.
Paxo is a wanker.
Israeli spokespersons have always been far too polite to beeboids, great or small.
That should tell them to fxxk off.
That is the only language they understand.
Beeboid intvr: Why is the Israeli army commiting ongoing genocide blah?
Maj lox: Why are you such a cxxt?
Beeboid intrv: Why is the Israeli aiforce dropping millions of phosphorous teddy bears marked “mohammed” on gazan universities..I have the figures..blah
Maj lox: Fxxk off and die.
Zionism… oh dear , here we go again.
and yet they ignore the fact that no christian or jew can ever be the head of state of Saudi Arabia. Or Iran. Or Afghanistan, (pleased add more Muslim countries…)
a tiny little sliver of mostly desert land for the Jews is ok with me.
piggy kosher | Homepage | 24.04.09 – 10:48 pm | #
the pallywooder “genocide” has got to be the ONLY “genocide” in the history of the world where the population has actually increased.
The BBC wont let me listen to its little iPlayer ’cause I’m not in the UK.
I used to get Newsnight via Real Player but looks like that option is no longer available.
This could be a good thing.
Paxman could have been playing devil’s advocate but “What’s the difference between Zionism and Racism” is still a helluva question to ask, with a helluvah cheek.
But I remember Paxman giving the headmistress of the Saudi-funded London school a really hard time over textbooks containing crap like “Jews and Christians are the sons and daughters of monkeys and pigs.” He made her squirm, but then she richly deserved it for trying to defend the textbooks.
The ambassador, on the other hand, didn’t deserve Paxman’s scorn.
But back to the question: Is Zionism racism?
Only if wanting to find the best possible solution for your own people under extreme oppression is racism. Of course it isn’t.
So far those wicked racist Zionist Israelis have taken in four thousand black Sudanese Muslims escaping the genocide perpetrated on them by their Arab Muslim brothers.
Sudan is a country hostile to Israel and the Israelis are under no obligation whatsoever to assist these people. They do so purely out of humanitarian motives.
The irony of Muslims fleeing other Muslims to find sanctuary and comfort among the Jews is completely lost on the venomous, tunnel-visioned comrades of the left. It would probably be lost on Paxman as well.
Pally “genocide” is a woman having less than 23 kids.
a tiny little sliver of mostly desert land for the Jews is ok with me.
archduke | 24.04.09 – 11:05 pm |
Problem of course is that the Muslim world regards that tiny sliver as a painful splinter in its body and it is intent on removing it.
I told a colleague today that I’m waiting for World War III. He said I should be patient: we’ve got a number of little wars to go through first before we get to it.
I suspect this is just Paxo being Paxo. i.e. a complete knob.
Gigits | Homepage | 24.04.09 – 11:25 pm,
That’s probably accurate. He probably feels that’s how he has to conduct an interview – come across as tough and controversial, etc. etc.
The only one on the BBC who could really pull that off was Tim Sebastian.
and where is Tim Sebastian – and why did he leave ?
He seemed to be the only person really clued up properly to be able to interview people from Hamas and Hizbullah and to cut through the BS.
funny thing is – zionism was once associated with the far left.
going to a Kibbutz in the new Israel was once a rite of passage for many a socialist and communist.
Im quite specific now in only buying Israeli produce, if I can identify it as such. the Yarden fruit juices are superb BTW.
Fxxk the E.U
That is true, but remember many Zionists were Menshovik “majority” socialists, who were overthrown by the bolshies in 1917. They were not completely intellectually enslaved.
You could write a whole book about that question.
Check this one out, people:
Or – even better:
for an overview
To answer the question – yes, Zionism is a form of racism. The real problem with the question is its assumption that racism is a bad thing.
Unless one actually believes that God gave Israel to the Jews, and that the lease is irrevocable, one must admit that Palestine is a pretty lousy piece of real estate and that pissing off a billion near neighbours isn’t conducive to a placid lifestyle.
Sounds like Israel has a billion wankers as neighbours then, that or they are seriously racist themselves.
How many “holy places” does islam have? I stopped counting at around a hundred and fifty. Seems to me the arab population and its takeover by a deeply intolerant “religion” is the real problem.
Thanks for the links, dg.
Let’s cut to the quick. In your view, do Jews have a divine right to Israel? It’s helpful to know whether we’re talking politics or theology!
After 9/11, Coulter famously opined of certain Muslim countries that ‘we should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.’ I said at the time that was the right plan, but wrong target; Israel should be our goal. Even simpler would be converting them to Islam.
The bBC, the fear of allah and oranges are not the only fruits.
Israeli oranges ‘on sale in Iran’
Fears that an Iranian ban on imports from its arch foe Israel was flouted by the sale of Jaffa oranges have sparked an inquiry in Tehran, reports say…Photos released by the Mehr news agency show oranges clearly marked “Jaffa Sweetie Israel PO”.
Its seems the Iranian early warning system put in place by the bBC is on red alert after the Jews launched a sneak first strike against Iran.
The bBC, the fear of allah and oranges are not the only fruits.
One wonders if the Iranians remember the Palestinians injecting Jaffa oranges with mecury.
There’s a quip in there somewhere about revenge being sweet, but I won’t make it – it would be in poor taste.
Paxman is just another BBC anti-semite.
Zionism IS a form of racism, giving them a homeland without which the jews are always one step away from being completely wiped out by the whims of other races and religions.
If it walks like a duck
and it looks like a duck
and it quacks like a duck
Its pretty amusing to watch folk hop skip jump and dodge around this basic issue
It’s essential for your own survival, whether you “like” racism or not, is utterly irrelevant and Israel is the planets best example as far as highlighting this very basic reality is concerned.
Every website that has a pro Israeli element has its Red Lepond element. They’re like parasitic things that can only exist on a host. But parasitic things can be advantageous, so rather than eradicating them, we let them get on with their job. They keep us on our toes and invite us to set out our case over and over again.
Today, I did wonder why Red Lepond is interested in a thread about equating Zionism with racism.
I had an aunt who would often call out “Here I am!” from another room, even when nobody had asked.
“To answer the question – yes, Zionism is a form of racism. The real problem with the question is its assumption that racism is a bad thing.”
Quite so. But racism isn’t used in its categorisational sense here, but in its derogatory sense. So it is a bad thing.
“Unless one actually believes that God gave Israel to the Jews, and that the lease is irrevocable,
This argument comes complete with its own counterpart in the shape of Allah whose interest in the lease should be subjected to the same scrutiny. (In the name of even handedness and non antisemitic racism)
“one must admit that Palestine is a pretty lousy piece of real estate and that pissing off a billion near neighbours isn’t conducive to a placid lifestyle.
Where would Red Lepond recommend that the Jews would be likely to achieve such a placid lifestyle without pissing anyone off?
In his next late night attention-seek (25.04.09 – 2:21 am) he asks again, “do Jews have a divine right to Israel?” ….. “In your view.” Ask the same question, in the same way, to a Muslim, please, and don’t forget to ask whether “we’re talking politics or theology” as well.
Red Lepond has a simple plan: ‘Kill Israel’s leaders and convert them to Islam’
Even simpler, why not convert everyone to Islam, which is what Mullah Lepond seems to posit as the global recipe for peace and harmony, where no one need be pissed off.
Light the blue touch paper and stand well back.
Paxman style is that of a fascist.
The issue at hand here is Paxman’s disgraceful bullying of someone he has asked a question.
The strategically employed implication of Paxman’s style is that his interviewee is avoiding answering the question just asked; after being given the chance to utter a handful of words and not even complete his first sentence.
Anyone using such a style shows their blatant disregard for the concept of deabte and freedom of speech, or respect for another human being.
“Paxman” – if it sounds like a disease, then it probably is.
piggy kosher | Homepage | 25.04.09 – 2:13 am |
You’re welcome… they’re mostly US websites but I guess it will give you a basic overview.
You’re right about islam’s holy places. Whereever a muslim sets foot you’ve got a holy place. That’s one way of distributing your “religion”.
Sue | 25.04.09 – 11:27 am |
Red Lepond pretty much sounds like a muslim to me.
and where is Tim Sebastian – and why did he leave ?
He seemed to be the only person really clued up properly to be able to interview people from Hamas and Hizbullah and to cut through the BS.
JohnA | 24.04.09 – 11:58 pm
Dunno where he is or why he left. I heard that he had refused to shake the hand of a Hamas leader after interviewing him on Hardtalk. Tried to find that interview but couldn’t.
The BBC used to have a number of pages of his interviews going back many years. When I went to the link, which I’d saved, all I could find was this:
Perhaps they are still in there somewhere, but one has to sift through a whole lot of unrelated junk.
But here’s Charlton Heston talking to Tim Sebastian about gun crime in the US:
Paxman didn’t ask the question seeking an answer. He asked the question to make a point which I suspect was his belief that Zionism is indeed racism (in the pejorative sense). Whatever reply he would have received – had he allowed a reply – would have been immaterial. The point was made.
The response should have been short and sweet on the lines of “Zionism is no more racist than, for instance Pan-Arabism or any other type of Arab nationalism, but I have yet to hear you pose a similar question to any Arab politician”.
BTW Iranians aren’t Arabs which (in private conversation) they will emphasise at any and every opportunity whether or not it is germane. Racialist? Certainly – but in victimhood poker the Iranians are allowed some latitude: abusing Jews, insulting Arabs and seeking to produce atom bombs are all OK.
great post. I dont respond anymore to Rs rants.
The 4,000 Sudanese refugees have been declared “apostates” and “Zionist spies” by the sudanese “govt”. It was on the beeboid website (I am sure) a while back.
Sue, I have to wonder why a site about a British broadcaster focuses so much on its treatment of Israel?
Am I accusing you and others on this site of dual loyalties? No, because as Joe Sobran put it, “Actually, dual loyalty would be an improvement.”
As opposed to others who appear to be fifth column jihadists, you mean?
Or just good ol anti- semites.
Some of the B.B.Cs crassest and most dangerous errors is its twisted ME “narrative” and the poisonious lies that it spins to the entire world.
THATS a major subject for this blog, especially as they are on, intellectually and morally, quicksand.
If the halting of Muslim immigration into Europe could be bought at the cost of the dissolution of Israel, is it a price you’d be prepared to pay?
What a bizarre proposition.
Europe must stand on its own feet for once. It cant always have Jews/Anglo Saxons to help it.
All of Europes cultural treasures are not worth a square yard of Tel Aviv parking lot, if they have lost their moral compass so much that their identity is in danger. The U.K. is NOT Europe, B.T.W
piggy kosher | Homepage | 25.04.09 – 4:34 pm,
That’s interesting. A guy I know noticed two black men sweeping the street near Tel Aviv and asked them where they were from. You guessed it, Sudan. It’s a thorny problem but organisations are helping them and finding them jobs.
I’m sure that would infuriate the genocidal Arabs back in Khartoum. Imagine these lousy black apostates cleaning the streets of the Jews. The cheek of those Jews, forcing a Muslim to clean up after them. Don’t they know they are supposed to be dhimmies and bow to Muslims?
By Europe, evidently I included Britain. I thank you for making it clear where you ethnic loyalties lie. As to David Vance and Sue, I think I can guess.
I dont think Islamic society could sustain a full market economy, unless by “employing” Filipino et al, slaves, as lebanon Gulf states, Saudi Arabia etc, etc, do.
Dont hear the beeboids going on much about that, and their casual brutalisation and murder, do you?
Red Lepond | 25.04.09 – 5:50 pm,
Muslims don’t make deals like that. They obsess about the Islamisation of the planet. The existence or not of Israel wont make the slightest difference to those ambitions. If Europe wants to survive in some kind of recognisable shape, it had better severely limit Muslim immigration.
How did you evidently include Britain? You said Europe. I do not classify The U.K as part of Europe, in any way, shape or form.