I’ve been away ‘avin a loverly time /wish you were ‘ere.
Now I’m home there’s this backlog. Millions of comments and posts have accumulated.
All I saw on telly last week was The Apprentice. The one who was fired was useless, but then so were the others. How on earth did they ever even get where they are today? But that’s not BBC bias.
Something that appalled me was Jeremy Paxman. Honest Reporting has:
“Newsnight of 20 April Jeremy Paxman interviewed the UK Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Peter Gooderham following the walkout during Ahmadinejad’s speech:
Paxman: What is the difference between Zionism and racism?
Gooderham: Well, we see the two as being quite distinct. We…
Paxman: Yeah what’s the difference?
Gooderham: Zionism is a political movement relating to the establishment …
Paxman: So are some forms of racism!
Gooderham: …some form of homeland, a Jewish homeland in what is now Israel.
Perhaps Paxman was playing Devil’s Advocate in his usual style. However, is it a sign of the broader mindset within the BBC that finds it acceptable to ask questions such as “What is the difference between Zionism and racism?” View the footage and decide for yourself.”
But the things that I thought were even more ridiculous were, 1, Paxo’s exaggerated facial expressions – comedy exasperation – and 2, the outrageously hypocritical question “Why didn’t you do him the courtesy of listening to him?”
COURTESY? from Paxo the discourteous? Courtesy to Listen to AhMADinajad’s discourteously racist speech?
Stuff you Paxo.
Yes, my grand plan is impractical (Israel will fail/fall under its own weight) and yes, Muslim (and African and other Asian) immigration has to be seriously curtailed, but it’s vital to understand that the anti-Muslim neo-conservatives have their own agenda and are not to be relied upon.
Israel wont fail or fall and any “agenda” of the “anti-Muslim neo-conservatives” has to be far preferable to the Muslim agenda.
Red is well fed now.
For Israel, like South Africa under apartheid, and the Brits in their post-war colonies, the writing’s on the wall. Neither the one nor two state solution are practical solutions.
Red is well fed now.
piggy kosher | Homepage | 25.04.09 – 6:38 pm
Yes, I agree.
I am perhaps one of the most persistent here in objecting to the BBC’s failure to call terrorism what it is, its failure to properly recognise the breadth of the threat of militant Islam. And with the benefit of having watched the politics of the Middle East unfold over the past many decades, I also help point up the BBC’s constant pro-Palestinian bias.
Evidently that makes me a Jew. Funny that, I am not.
Red Lepond | 25.04.09 – 5:50 pm (and 5.57, 6:04, 6:21, 6:51)
Oh, there you are again!
“If the halting of Muslim immigration into Europe could be bought at the cost of the dissolution of Israel, is it a price you’d be prepared to pay?”
Your question is like Umbongo’s description of Paxo’s. Not seeking an answer, just making a point.
Which do you like best – Daddy or chips? Well, it all depends.
What’s this about dual loyalty and cryptic remarks about improvement? Are we to assume you are subtly suggesting that we are treasonous, ethnic and disloyal and should immediately decamp to Israel? That’s quite rude, since you include in your grand plan the dissolution of the place. Tantamount to a bad wish for us.
“Sue, I have to wonder why a site about a British broadcaster focuses so much on its treatment of Israel? “
If you have to wonder that you obviously haven’t been concentrating. It’s because, Truth B Told, the BBC has residual influence leftover from its long gone days as an impartial broadcaster. Its misreporting of matters concerning Israel and Jews is making people hate us. Not you, of course. You and Ady are far too smart to be duped by dishonest reporting. You hate us anyway.
Please don’t make guesses about myself and David Vance. I’m sure Vancy would be amused that you’re somehow accusing him of being Jewish, but in case you haven’t noticed he and I are different in many ways.
For a start no-one has mentioned my holiday, although several of you address your criticisms of me to him, for which I am truly thankful, Amen.
What is it with you people?
Can you not see that the BBC is an agent of terrorism itself? Without which terrorism would be completely pointless.
The BBC may appear to be many contrasting things to different people, but the BBC is itself a Zionist dominated organization, from the top, to at least director general level.
Mark Thompson was born in London and brought up in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire,.[2] by his mother, Sydney Corduff, his sister, Katherine, and father, Duncan John Thompson. He was educated by Jesuits at the independent school Stonyhurst College, and from there went up to Merton College, Oxford, where he took a first in English.[1] He edited the university magazine Isis.[3]
If you dont know what Zionism is, you can not know who or what is really behind Zionism. Therefore you can not really know what you are talking about.
This form of ignorance is caused by people who actually believe that, going to UNI, reading news papers, watching TV, or simply paying general attention to current affairs, does by some kind of divine right, make a person smart and wisely educated.
You get more sense from check out girls these days, then from your average ego maniac post grad on the web.
The BBC is mind control in action. So good is the BBC at its favorite game that it collectively believes its own lies. In much of the same way GB believes his.
First you brainwash the potential brainwashers, then brainwashing the rest is self apparently a piece of p..s.
ady | 25.04.09 – 11:10 am |
Zionism IS a form of racism, giving them a homeland without which the jews are always one step away from being completely wiped out by the whims of other races and religions.
If you’re saying that Zionism came into being because of racism against Jews (historically, back then), I don’t think anybody here can argue that. That’s kind of what many of us have been saying all along.
If it walks like a duck
and it looks like a duck
and it quacks like a duck
Its pretty amusing to watch folk hop skip jump and dodge around this basic issue
It’s essential for your own survival, whether you “like” racism or not, is utterly irrelevant and Israel is the planets best example as far as highlighting this very basic reality is concerned.
You’re only right if we’re defining racism here as I’ve just suggested. Otherwise, Israel defenders think you’re saying Jews are the ones who are being the problem racists. That does seem to be the usual way this argument goes, as I’m sure you’ll understand.
Sue, with the dissolution of Israel the problem of dual loyalties would largely disappear. Problem solved.
‘Its misreporting of matters concerning Israel and Jews is making people hate us.’
Are you talking about Brits or Jews!?
As for Vance, since I warned him not to threaten me, he’s wisely backed off.
Red Lepond | 26.04.09 – 7:57 am |
Sue, with the dissolution of Israel the problem of dual loyalties would largely disappear. Problem solved.
I don’t see a problem with dual loyalties. At all. Daddy or chips.
‘Its misreporting of matters concerning Israel and Jews is making people hate us.’
“Are you talking about Brits or Jews!?”
Do you think you’re going to trap me into revealing dual loyalties? Ha. I was talking about:
Making: = influencing
People: = BBC listeners and their friends and families, the well meaning general public.
Hate: = Dislike, mistrust, suspect, doubt, etc etc etc.
Us: Jews, British Jews, all people who support Israel.
As for Vance, since I warned him not to threaten me, he’s wisely backed off.
Haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.
Neither has he, Sue, neither has he. He’s just burbling as usual.
Atlas Shrugged = hysterical paranoid loony with no experience of reality other than his box bedroom.
Ady. I knew you’d pipe up. But I decided to ignore you. Then I changed my mind.
Look down amusedly all you like. The basic issue, i.e. forms of racism- let’s be clear, for all your quacking, ducky, you quack like a racist. ( In the purest form, viz, racial prejudice.)
If you consider Zionism ‘racist’ merely because it’s concerned with ‘the Jewish state’ in other words treating ‘race’ as a category not a prejudice – that’s great deal different from your version of racism or the way you are interpreting it to suit your case.
But Jews, (you know, those irritating whingers who are always one step away from being completely wiped out by the whims of other races and religions) are not a race.
Zionism is an international political movement that supports a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, first held by Jews exiled to Babylon some 2,500 years ago.
“By the water of Babylon, there we sat down and wept when we remembered Zion.” Psalms 137:1.
As one of those you repeatedly address as “you lot” with the inference that you consider us beneath you, I ask why you don’t join your co-superiors at CIF or HYS? You could LOL amongst like-minded ducks to your hearts content; all walking, looking and quacking alike.
Why doesn’t such a superior parasite as yourself just get out and walk? Are we, as your host, essential for your own survival, to coin a phrase?
And if Israel is essential for the survival of Jews who are “always one step away from being completely wiped out by the whims of other races and religions” to the applause of people like your good self, then are our continued hosting facilities essential for your own parasitic survival?
Because as your host, my feelings of hospitality is wearing a little thin.
Perhaps Paxo would care to peruse this definition of anti-Semitism produced by Europe. On this definition I think it is fair to say that the BBC is institutionally anti-Semitic – (note the section in bold in particular).
In 2005, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), a body of the European Union, developed a more detailed discussion: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for ‘why things go wrong’.”
The EUMC then listed “contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere.” These included: “Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews; accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group; denying the Holocaust and accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations. The EUMC also discussed ways in which attacking Israel could be antisemitic, e.g.
· Denying the Jewish people the right to self-determination, e.g. by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavor;
· Applying double standards by requiring of Israel a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation;
· Using the symbols and images associated with classic anti-Semitism (e.g. claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis;
· Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis;
· Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the State of Israel.
The EUMC added that criticism of Israel cannot be regarded as antisemitism so long as it is “similar to that leveled against any other country.” (see anti-Zionism below).
Serious hat tip there. Well ferreted out.
Thanks piggy!
Oscar 3:33
Splendid ! Many thanks for that research.
How the BBC can square their love of the EU and all it’s works with the BBC’s institutional anti-semitism is beyond me.