It’s part of the BBC brief to portray certain favoured bloodthirsty terrorists as Statesmen, doves of peace even. Self confessed IRA terrorist Martin McGuinness is such a man and be sure to have a hanky ready when you read this cloying BBC report concerning how poor McGuinness has had his life threatened by, erm, other republican terrorists. The BBC chooses not to discuss the fact that when McGuinness was a senior IRA commander, many innocent men, women and children lost their lives. But that was then and this is now – and so the prospect of one terrorist being killed by another breaks BBC hearts.
Yes, the BBC ignores the civilians, Police and soldiers who are no longer around thanks to the IRA scum.
Earlier, in a statement, Mr McGuinness said that there have been numerous threats against him over the years.
Why is that, BBC? Any thoughts? The Pope gets more scrutiny.
I await the BBC interview where they ask McGuinness what evidence he has that British agents are behind all this.
The BBC has never met a terrorist it didn’t like – Murdering McGuinness being no exception.
Meanwhile, on a slighly more banal note, BBC finds Filthy Jew Oranges in Iran Shocka.
I await the BBC interview where they ask McGuinness what evidence he has that British agents are behind all this.
I await the BBC interview where they ask you what evidence you have that British agents are not behind all this, and much else besides.
Do you always insist on having evidence that would stand up in court, before you arrive at an opinion or hunch based on experience? No, I did not think so. Only robots and judges do that.
I personally believe that McGuinness has more experience of how things IRA or otherwise have long since worked, then may be yourself.
After all is it not self apparently so that McGuinness must have had, and still does have, very powerful contacts and supporters from within the British establishment. Otherwise he would not only, not be alive by now, he would not be a British MP.
i sincerly hope that “dissedent” terrorists keep thier word and shoot martin asap.
his loss will be no loss to us in britain.
if loyalists had ever been worth thier salt they would have done it years ago.
i hope the bbc gets the chance to do a dewey eyed funeral live with its multitudinous irish workforce providing the coverage.
ngg – well said.
Atlas Shrugged. Do you always have to introduce your demented rantings with a vexated personal attack on how stupid we all are for not listening to your demented rantings?
The reason we don’t listen isn’t because we fail to understand the inner workings of secret society in the same way you do, but because you are a foaming, deluded nutjob.
i sincerly hope that “dissedent” terrorists keep thier word and shoot martin asap.
Come on, his posts are a little near the knuckle, but he doesn’t deserve to be gunned down in cold blood! 🙂
nqq 6:05
“shoot Martin asap “.
I hope you are not referring to the Martin who posts here on a regular basis ?
Atlas shrugged | 26.04.09 – 6:00 pm |
Do you always insist on having evidence that would stand up in court, before you arrive at an opinion or hunch based on experience? No, I did not think so. Only robots and judges do that.
This a pointless remark. My comment was about the BBC’s biased coverage of an IRA leader, not about whether or not they were providing me with enough data to form an opinion of my own.
Unless you haven’t been paying attention – and I know you have been – I am quite capable of forming my own opinion based on facts without any assistance from the BBC.
I personally believe that McGuinness has more experience of how things IRA or otherwise have long since worked, then may be yourself.
Obviously. But the BBC is supposed ask these questions. They often do when it’s somebody they don’t like. When Paul Staines was on a couple of weeks back – on two different programmes – the BBC repeatedly asked him if he stood by his accusations about Derek Draper, and made the extra effort to make sure the audience was aware that Staines was not to be trusted with this, and that his statements were possibly libelous.
Martin McGuinness makes a far more outrageous and serious statement, and the BBC lets it pass. If you could stop with your paranoid conspiracy obsessions for a moment and focus on the point of this blog, perhaps you’d see that and get less abuse from people here.
After all is it not self apparently so that McGuinness must have had, and still does have, very powerful contacts and supporters from within the British establishment. Otherwise he would not only, not be alive by now, he would not be a British MP.
Is McGuinness a Freemason like you? Inquiring minds want to know.
i dont know the martin here.
and though i am somewhat anti irish, ihave not yet taken to issueing death threats to people who are named martin.
anybody called declan is in trouble though.
Those who live by the Armalite can expect to die by the same.
Maybe Martin could put “protection” down on his (abstentionist) parliamentary expenses. It’s a racket he knows well. He could hire some of his pals in Eta.
Atlas shrugged
One of the wonders of democracy is that even after 11 years of new labour people can become MPs without the backing of the establishment.
I will not have a rational debate with you that is impossable like the religious you can produce a theory to suit any fact.
I would have more respect if you used your real name. Are you scared the giant lizards will find you?
One day Atlas will find a girlfriend, and we will all be spared any more of his illuminating posts.
In the meantime, his nan is keeping a close watch on him and he finds it difficult to escape from the box room
i dont know the martin here.
and though i am somewhat anti irish, ihave not yet taken to issueing death threats to people who are named martin.
anybody called declan is in trouble though.
ngg | 26.04.09 – 7:09 pm | #
Not an Elvis Costello fan then?
I’m worried about Martin, he’s gone awfully quiet….. have those IRA b*stards got him!
A few weeks back I saw “Hard Talk” with Gavin Esslar. He was interviewing a Sinn Fein man who had, some years ago, been an IRA gun runner. Now these two were chatting like a couple of old pals over a pint or two of the black stuff. There was never any uncomfortable critisism of this former terrorist having the blood of British soliders and Northern Irish citizens on his hands. I thought that even by the standards of the BBC this was an appallingly cozy interview.
Imagine if they had been interviewing Nick Griffin.
As the number one Elvis Costello fan, I’m concerned!!!
Good man, me too!
Too many Martins’ on this thread for me.
Olivers Army is a modern classic. A great contemporary folk song.
“Bomb kills 12 Pakistani children”
Sorry this is OT but had to mention this story from Al-BBC’s web pages as it fits into Al-Beeb’s general practice of downplaying the evil of terrorism. No where does the story mention the fact that the Taleban have been destroying schools by the hundred and that the bomb was undoubtedly their work. One can only imagine the prominence Al-BBc would have given this story if it had been the US Military who had planted this bomb.
Can a terrorist kill a terrorist or is it just an efficiency saving? I genuinely don’t know. If you’re a psycho intent on killing anyone for no reason at all then surely it should be good news for that cause to be progressed.
Terry Johnson – just like the recent Taliban murder of two people they accused of adultery, you will search in vain within the BBC empire to find a proper detailed account of what really happened. Indeed, as regards the Taliban murder, I can’t find a trace of that story anywhere on the BBC news website.
Surely, they’re not trying to ignore atrocities carried out by fanatics of the Religion of Peace, are they?
Is McGuinness a Freemason like you? Inquiring minds want to know.
I very much suspect he is. I also know, as we all do, that he is a CATHOLIC, and very possibly a Jesuit trained Roman Catholic one at that.
It amazes me quite how many excuses you lot make for hardly EVER engaging in the issues. I am not afraid of doing so. I use LOGIC, based on known and knowable facts, as you lot use BBC disinformation to arrive at your conclusions.
Please understand this.
BBC agendas are not similar to the establishments, they are a carbon copy. I would go as far as saying that the former is the mouth piece of the later, pure and simple.
The BBC is also the mouthpiece of national and international terrorism, without which terrorism would not exist in any thing like the form it does.
Given these two conjoined and self apparent facts, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COME TO YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS, as spelling it all out to you all, in big capital letters, is becoming increasingly dangerous.
I resist as much as possible insulting other commentators. However doing so certainly does not stop others insulting myself, in the most rudest and pointlessly patronizing manner possible.
It is never easy trying to tell people that consider themselves educated and well read, that they do in reality know less about how the world REALLY works then a Sainsbury’s check out girl. Yet I try to do my best without deliberately trying to be rude.
Robert; maybe you yourself may get a life one day. I presently have my work cut out running my own highly successful and profitable corporation, while finding time for my wife and 5 children.
I presently have my work cut out running my own highly successful and profitable corporation, while finding time for my wife and 5 children.
I on the other hand have 5 wives and 1 child –being a Mormon really sucks
ngg | 26.04.09 – 6:05 pm |
if loyalists had ever been worth thier salt they would have done it years ago.
Which begs the question – why didn’t they? As is always the case in these conflicts the leaders seldom get wounded never mind die. Makes you wonder just how devoted to each cause each side is when they can’t even top the people who they know are wrong’uns. They’d be the first to go if I had the choice …
Corporation, no less! Anyone might think you were trying to take over the world…
Atlas shrugged:
Is McGuinness a Freemason like you? Inquiring minds want to know.
I very much suspect he is. I also know, as we all do, that he is a CATHOLIC, and very possibly a Jesuit trained Roman Catholic one at that.
It amazes me quite how many excuses you lot make for hardly EVER engaging in the issues. I am not afraid of doing so. I use LOGIC, based on known and knowable facts, as you lot use BBC disinformation to arrive at your conclusions.
Please understand this.
I resist as much as possible insulting other commentators. However doing so certainly does not stop others insulting myself, in the most rudest and pointlessly patronizing manner possible.
It is never easy trying to tell people that consider themselves educated and well read, that they do in reality know less about how the world REALLY works then a Sainsbury’s check out girl. Yet I try to do my best without deliberately trying to be rude.
Atlas shrugged | 27.04.09 – 9:38 am | #
Some of the above has nothing at all to do with logic – or even common sense. There is no reason at all for thinking McGuinness is a Freemason. And you do have a strange thing about Catholics.
So really, you can’t rely on those shaky foundations to set yourself up as the enlightener of “you lot”. (I am not one of a lot, by the way, but an individual with my own views, many of which are not the same as others’ on here. I am sure the same is true of other individuals here.)
It is up to the moderators of the site to pull people up on the gratuitous personal insults. Anyway, I hope people will desist of their own accord. Other people post all sorts here without a murmur of objection, let alone that level of personal insult.
Atlas shrugged | 27.04.09 – 9:38 am |
I use LOGIC, based on known and knowable facts, as you lot use BBC disinformation to arrive at your conclusions.
You’re a proven liar, and now this is the ultimate insult. The entire point of this blog is that we DO NOT use the BBC to arrive at our conclusions of events and issues. We know they engage in disinformation. Just like you do.
You wouldn’t know LOGIC if it bit you in your tin foil hat.
Calm down, calm down.
David Preiser (USA):
You wouldn’t know LOGIC if it bit you in your tin foil hat.
David Preiser (USA) | 27.04.09 – 2:48 pm | #
LMAO! After a really crappy day, that gave me a really big laugh. Excellent!