But wait! What about the niggles over impartiality? What about Bowengate?
Get Jewish Katya Adler in for some good old fashioned blatantly emotive, one-sided reporting entitled “Demolitions build Jerusalem tension”
That’ll do the trick.
She can present something panoramic by showing a teeny close-up. The drawback being that there’s no ‘draw back.’ The missing panoramic ‘reveal’ might reveal a bigger picture; but without it she can paint just the picture she chooses.
Hatred of Israel may have subsided now that events in Gaza have been replaced by other news. There’s a danger that certain other matters could prompt some of the public to put two and two together, and, heaven forfend, it’s even possible that they could link Israel’s difficulties over Islamist fundamentalism ……..with our own.
Oh No!
So; hey ho, hey ho, it’s off to work l go.
Katya Adler sets off to inflame the anger of the reader before it’ s too late.
Weekend 18th January 2025
For services to the male incontinence pant industry.