The Stern Report on climate change, commissioned by the British Government under Blair, is seen by at least some people as being “a deeply flawed attempt to justify extraordinary new taxes and regulations on carbon dumping by quantifying future economic costs should we fail to impose them.” The alarmism that pervades Stern’s politicised climate change analysis would make at least some people wary of it or at perhaps offer a balancing view. But not the BBC. It holds the line that the Stern Report understates the actual climate change position – or as Professor David King puts it on this item, is “too conservative.” Listen to the sympathetic hearing King is given as he waxes lyrical on the need to impose action now – in order to save the planet. This climate change fascists are given a free ride each time they appear on the BBC.
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The thing is the BBC is one of the most polluting organisations on the planet.
I think you’re forgetting, Mr Vance, that Lord Stern (economist) and David King (Professor of physical chemistry) are experts on climate science and their word on the matter should not be questioned.
this mornings Toady programme was a beeboid tour de force, all of their fave bits in one half hour segment.
– Holding children of illegal economic migrants in a detention centre, just because they refuse to go back when caught.
– Nasty Israelis knocking down Palestinian structures in East Jerusalem just because they don’t have planning permission.have planning .
– How the Joan of Arc of the chattering classes ( mad hattie harperson to the rest of us), was making it compulsory for all govt departments to defeat the class structure.
Yes, the science is settled – lol!
Start the week with the hard left in full flow today.
A rather surprisingly sensible article in The Independent of all places –
“When the Sun has gone quiet like this before, it coincided with the earth cooling slightly and there is speculation that a similar thing could happen now. If so, it could alter all our predictions of climate change, and show that our understanding of climate change might not be anywhere near as good as we thought.
Climate Science is religion right?
Fact? We dont need no steeenkin facts…
Facts only get in the way of the true believer. Let’s give all our money away and ruin our economy cos money will always fix the sun wind and rain …won’t it?
Come on David; if Mr Stern tells me that there will be Alligators at the poles then, who am I to say he’s barking mad?
David King is the same scientific adviser who was partially responsible for the complete balls-up in dealing with the foot and mouth epidemic. King doesn’t know which way is up in matters within, let alone those outside, his so-called “competence”. This analysis by numberwatch lays bare King’s virtually criminal uselessness generally and particularly during the foot and mouth outbreak of 2001. The analysis also highlights the shortcomings of “science-based” computer modelling in predicting the future accurately if you have a “garbage in, garbage out, garbage science” model.
Agreed that Stern’s work is generally crap of a high order but King had the sheer chutzpah (unchallenged by a supportive Naughtie) to castigate economists for attempting to predict matters 80 years ahead on the basis that economists “got it wrong” on the economy. OTOH climate science is apparently so exact in its predictions that King claimed (unchallenged by Naughtie) that the predictions of the warmists since 2002 have been “accurate” (except, of course, for the ones – ignored by the BBC – that have been inaccurate).
rightofcentre many thanks for that link. I might be hoping for to much but I do believe we are seeing the beginning of the end for the global warming scare.
I knew the political class and their tame scientists would never admit they were wrong about it but thought they would need an “excuse”. I suspect we will now see the sun blamed as the reason none of their worst case scenarios come to pass. Then gradually global warming will vanish from the political agenda never to be mentioned again rather like global cooling in the 70’s. Don’t worry though I’m sure another environmental scare will come along.
Evil Israelis indeed! Al beeb turns a blind eye to recent historical evidence. Forget planning permission. How many countries recognised Jordan’s illegal occupation of the West Bank until 1967? Two. Which? Pakistan and Britain! It wasn’t till Israel took over that “Palestinians” stopped dropping like flies from nasty diseases borne by open sewers and malnutrition. Although no one seems able to do much about weak kidneys and other maladies caused by people marrying their cousins. Is that actually allowed in Islamic societies? hmm
1327 – true i think the tide has turned.
global warmists are being exposed as frauds all over the place. the “watts up ” blog has done fantastic work and stuck to real science.
we were told be scared witless re aids and it did spread out of control in western europe.
we were told Y2K would wipe out our computers.
avian flu would kill us all.
the money spent on global warming will be seen as a late c20th / early c21st groundnut scheme
sorry , i missed MMR off my list !
sorry – we were told be scared witless re aids and it did NOT spread out of control in western europe.
jimbob we were told Y2K would wipe out our computers
Yebbut, you are ignoring the huge amount of work that went into ensuring that Y2K wouldn’t happen! It was a surely over egged pudding but was a pudding none-the-less.
The Indy article you linked to on sunspots and likely global cooling is by David Whitehouse – ex-BBC science correspondent.
He has been writing in this vein for some time, eg :
I like the irony of the BBC’s temple of global warming being demolished by ludicrous overstatements by its current “science” correspondents, and the truth from its former guy.
i remember al beeb editors and others being interviewed after his holyness the Goracle’s court case and they all seemed to say its ok to eggagerate the truth so long as it gets the message across and its how we shoud be living our lives anyway so what does it matter
effin bloody lefties and how many Science reporters does al beeb need. far to many of them. they need culling, like baby seals in spring
The Times 03.08.06: “Ministers and environmental campaigners have been urged to use spin to persuade the public to tackle climate change. Warm Words, a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research [IPPR], a left-wing think-tank, advised them to act as if there were no dispute over the causes and rate of climate change.”
There’s an article here which is remarkable for its lack of bias. Maybe no-one has told Steven McKenzie the house rules yet.
The BBC just will not read any critism of their beloved warmists.
“But first, a very brief comment on Stern. If scaremongering seems a
trifle harsh, I should point out that, as a good civil servant, he was
simply doing his masters’ bidding. As Mr Blair’s guru, Lord Giddens (the
inventor of the so-called third way), laid down in this context in a
speech last year, “In order to manage risk, you must scare people”.
Giddens was a second-rate philosopher, already forgotten – and a third-rate policy guru. Therefore ideal for Blair and his policy mushiness.
jimbob we were told Y2K would wipe out our computers
Yebbut, you are ignoring the huge amount of work that went into ensuring that Y2K wouldn’t happen! It was a surely over egged pudding but was a pudding none-the-less.
The Cattle Prod of Destiny | 27.04.09 – 1:36 pm | #
What? The IT sector of the UK came across a gigantic bonus and took it from gullible fools. By contrast, South Korea spent nothing on Y2K because they simulated the change of calender in microchips and found that nothing, precisely nothing, went awry. There was certainly a great deal of pudding for Britain’s IT personnel. How about building up for Y2010?
Allan@Aberdeen | 29.04.09 – 8:46 pm |
2036, IIRC, is a good year – when 32-bit dates run out of seconds …
I have worked on a number of systems that failed prior to Y2K changes because of 2-digit-year dates. In fact, many of them used 31/12/99 or 9/09/99 as end dates …
As I said, it was exagerated but it was still a problem. And, yes, I did make a whopping great fortune out of it! Every cloud … 🙂