Not long to go until Biased BBC’s Question Time live and unleashed so hope you can come along for the trip. It’s been a bad week for Prudence so let’s see what the BBC serves up! Can they save him? The panel seems very left wing so we can expect some top commentary from the watching gang – make sure you are part of it!
Biased BBC Question Time Live
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Sorry but Nick Robinson said that today was a victory for Gordon Brown.
Who the hell is leanne woods? no one has heard of her outside wales oh and another thing:
benn = left
baker = left
skinner = really left
woods = left
dimbleby = luvvy leftie
lansley = right
so another well balanced line for this week.
“tardy Tory”
An utter disgrace
great lineup, should be fun
So lets get this right. According to Toenails on BBC news today was a victory for Snot BECAUSE he withdrew the VERY items he wanked on about on Youtube last week when he insisted HE’D force the change through.
So according to Toenails, if the UK had changed its mind after declaring war on Germany in 1939 we could call that a victory?
Just how much is toenails paid by the Liebour party to spout this crap?
I can’t wait to hear the groans from the right-wing nut-jobs
I have just seen that Tory Bear Blog is also doing a live blog for QT. They do say imitation is the sincereest form of flattery. I will stick with the original here on B-BBC.
An utter disgrace
gaz | Homepage | 30.04.09 – 10:04 pm | #
Oh, I don’t know. A disgrace wouldn’t be so ridiculously, and unintentionally funny…
Comedian Frank Skinner, making his debut on the show, replied: “I’ve never been so insulted.”
Did he really come out with such pompous twaddle? And where is this recorded? Or is it just a bit of a Chinese whisper to fit the reporter’s narrative to give populist heft to the ‘story’?
If so, he joins a long, growing and inglorious list of luvvie stoolies, hot on the heels of Jo & Adrian ‘we have never been so offended’ Brand-Chiles.
Commie-pinko: Moronic troll.
Peter | Homepage | 01.05.09 – 6:59 am |
Skinner, being a comedian, was probably joking …
Is Skinner a comedian ?
Aren’t comedians meant to be funny ?
The BBC seems to specialise in non-comedians these days.
John Lloyd would probably sack the lot of them
I like question time. You never know what you’ll get.
Wow. How boring a life must Red A lead to need (or have the time) to do that.
Highly left wing though – all this close monitoring everyone’s thoughts.
Highly left wing though – all this close monitoring everyone’s thoughts.
Like ‘Eye on Islam’, ‘Jihad Watch’, ‘Biased BBC’ etc….
You walked into that one chum!
How boring a life must Red A lead to need (or have the time) to do that
Only took about half an hour!
Tee hee hee!
Half an hour to make a blog and several hours a week hovering over a blog and posts and comments deconstructing them like a sad geek. All your blog says is that you lead a very dull sad life and that you are borderline obsessive.
At least BBC, Jihad and Islam are far reaching issues (not thoughts! lol) deserving the time for some editorial and relatively engaging.
Good luck with it though. If that’s what turns you on as they say!
to David Vance
You know your blog is going up in the world when people set up a site to examine you intensely! All the best blogs have one.
Kudos mate.
Half an hour to make a blog and several hours a week hovering over a blog and posts and comments deconstructing them like a sad geek
What can I say? I’m a public sector worker and there are limited passtimes one can have in the office. Outside of work I’m a craaaazy social and political animal with no time for blogging, nosiree! 😆
I walk, I run, I eat strange food and read novels whose authors’ names are hard to pronounce. I buy organic veg at the local farmers market. I got to pro-Palestine and anti-war demonstrations. I live, I love, I liiiiike! 😆
It is just a distraction in work, chum, nothing more. Plus, I don’t like bullies and people who try to shut down free speech.
Red 1:51
Your life sounds too exciting for me.
It’s a devilishly fun life to live! 🙂
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
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