Anyone catch Justin’s love-in concerning Obama’s 100th glorious days? Truly nauseating stuff. Like the way Justin misleads on the polls as well. He seemed to miss the recent one that suggests that US confidence that it can win the war on terror has hit a low since Obama came to power or the fact that the US economy has slumped disastrously since Obama ascended to on-high. Just too in love to see the blemishes, I guess. (P.S Didn’t Churchill, whom Obama quotes to Justin’s delight , also believe that you had to utterly destroy your enemy to achieve peace?)
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On TPO’s and Grant’s point, I absolutely agree.
In fact, the absence of general threads is one of the things that keeps me away from this site.
This may, on reflection, be the intention, of course!
Grant / TPO,
The NEW site will solve this recurring problem. My apologies – I do understand how much you all like a general thread at or near the top. It’s odd for me since I tend to always just hit on one topic!
oh dear, again youre wrong im afraid. hes made plenty of speeches without the telepromter. how about the debates? dodged that bullet didnt you?wise move.
oh and remember who was even worse without a script – oh yes mccain and palin. palin didnt know africa was a continent, mccain thought the economy was doing ok. they were far better werent they? and that idiot biden? even with a script he says the wrong thing.
and can I point out one thing the hardcore Obama haters here seem to miss – those of us who think he’s alright, like I do, think exactly that: he’s ok. i dont think hes jesus, i dont expect him to fix the worlds problems or stop the ice caps melting, i don’t worship him or chant ‘ýes we can’. i just think hes a breathe of fresh air compared to the previous lot. thats how many feel, and thats why 65 % of americans think hes doing ok (according to one of the papers i read today). not everyone (in fact id say very few of his supporters) thinks hes some kind of saviour; its his opponents that crank up this messiah BS. most obama supporters just think hes a bit better than the other guy; not as many people are as deluded or idealistic as you think.
Now Obama realises that people have cottoned on to his dependence on teleprompters, he has taken to not having them right in front of him. Instead he has large prompt screens at the back or above the audience.
And he was not much good in the debates, either. Slipppery, yes, but not forthright or specific.
Dinosaur Alan writes: “…its his opponents that crank up this messiah BS…”
This is not only sub-literate, it’s rubbish, too.
The people elevating Obama way beyond his (patently mediocre) rank are his fanboys in the media – most notable among them, the BBC hacks who worship him in the most odious display of sycophancy since Pravda wrote its daily love letters to Uncle Joe Stalin.
There is no comparison between the war on terror and WWII.
Putting it simply, WWII was against organised national armies, who were easily identifiable and generally followed the geneva convention and looked after enemy POW’s with some degree of respect (excluding the nips of course).
The war on terror today can in no way be compared to WWII simply because the war is against a decentralised enemy that doesnt represent anyone nation state and isnt against a formal standing army.
Obama’s whole torture thing is a joke – the White House seems to be full of bloody pansies these days :
“Barry O’bama isnt thick either. Neither are exactly intellectuals, but most people would agree that Barry is more articulate, and his worldly knowledge adds perspectives”.
Worldly knowledge?????????.The bum has never had a proper job.
The conditions in the liberated concentration camps were partially caused by the actions on those invading British soldiers.
One of the interesting things about wartime propaganda is that the troops, as much as the public back home, are highly suspectible to it.
David Preiser (USA) | 30.04.09 – 5:42 pm
My alias isn’t a dig at Dave V. It’s a play on an old folk song.
Late last night when the squire came home, enquiring oer his lady, some denied and some replied she’s gone with David Vance.
I’d love to see what the BBC’s take on Ales Jones’ “The Obama Deception” is. The “War on Terror” couldn’t be further from the truth when you consider that it is the government that initiates ‘Terror’ on the masses in order to trick them into submission. 9/11 (initiated by Bush/Al-CIAeda/Mossad) and 7/7 (initiated by Tony Bliar/Mossad/MI5) are prime example of ‘Terrorism’.
Obama is just another Bilderberg/New World Order puppet who happens to be good at brainwashing the sheeple… he’s certainly brainwashed the cretin ‘journalists’ at the BBC.
Of course the left have to label things they don’t understand, and that’s why inconvenient truths about ‘Terrorism’ and the real agenda behind Obama are labelled ‘Conspiracy Theory’. :LOL:
Hey Atlas, love that new handle!
belial/atlas/loser who needs more sunshine:
conspiracy theories are nice cos they explain things, only life can’t be explained. quit trying to.
but then what would i know, i’m just a bilderberger new world order stoogie cum CIA spy
Obama and his White House staff have been interfering hugely in the US motor industry – eg effectively sacking the General Motors CEO and selecting the replacement.
Their latest round of interference has been with the re-structuring of Chrysler. In such cases, bondholders recognise that their bonds have to be turned into equity in the “new” company. But Obama’s plan was for the 41% of private bondholders (the Government has the rest) to receive just 10% of the new entity – ie they were being royally screwed. Meanwhile the trades unions would get about 35% of the new entity – even though they had no prior investment either in equity or bonds.
Naturally some bondholders are saying “stuff this, it is totally inequitable” – a state-backed grab of private assets, handing them to the unions whose obduracy over recent years has been the root of the car industry’s problems.
Obama is portraying the bondholders as obstructionist, but no court woud support his plan. This socialistic/fascistic interference by Obama on behalf of the unions is probably making things much worse, there cannot now be a very quick Chapter 11 reorganisation, Chrysler’s brand will suffer even more – sales will likely fall.
“Chains we can believe in”
I think Obama is naive, vain, weak, superficial and a fake. But, time will tell !
I don’t think Belial is Atlas, the post is too short !
Forget about what Obama does/says/enacts/doesn’t do, there’s something inherently creepy about the guy I just can’t put my finger on, y’know?
Anon at 10.50am on Obama’s fascist grab of Chrysler was me.
I now see that the estimable lawyers at Powerline have spelled it out much more clearly.
The BBC has been carrying Obama’s claim that some people are selfishly blocking the reconstruction. The would never stoop to explaining WHY there are objections, objections rooted in normal commercial law.
Obama is trying to ride roughshod over the law, bullying, armtwisting – all to support the car unions. Stuff the bondholders, stuff the taxpayers, stuff everyone except the unions.
Shades of British Leyland ?
here’s the Powerline explanation of Obama’s thievery at Chrysler :
Seems he is taking lessons from his buddy Chavez.
I really think the guy is going to do huge damage to the US economy – is already doing huge damage.
flapjackdavy | 30.04.09 – 1:55 pm | #
Intelligent counter-argument is labelled as trolling. Comments from within the BBC are banned.
No wonder all the intelligent commenters have fecked off.
@Dinosaur Alan… as a newcomer, I find you quite insulting. Perhaps you should learn to ‘relieve’ yourself of your anger more often? Apologies if you have trouble doing so. 🙂
If you were a CIA/Bilderberg ‘stoogie’ then you wouldn’t be posting on here. Since you have now shown us all your intelligence level you may want to start waking up with this…
No school tomorrow, so you can stay up late researching this. Bath night Sunday, remember.
This is a useful review of all the trash Obama and his people have been coming up with on “torture”.
Threatening to prosecute lawyers of the previous administration for the advice they gave is another aspect of Obama’s banana-republic style.
I’d like to thank flapjackdavy for bringing to my attention the Andrew Sullivan/Ben Macintyre articles about Colonel Stephens. If it hadn’t been for him I would have never found the Guardian article about Bad Nenndorf, and thus I wouldn’t have emailed Jonah Goldberg about the whole business yesterday morning. Here’s the result.
Sarah Jane’s Ghost | 01.05.09 – 12:30 pm |
Intelligent counter-argument is labelled as trolling. Comments from within the BBC are banned.
If he actually provided intelligent counter-argument, I’d agree with you on this one.
Dinsaur allan,
You had me untill the bit about ‘icecaps melting’ they aint melting and to suggest they are suggests to me that your grasp of actual reality is somewhat lacking.
Have a look at ‘Watts up with that’ and ‘climate audit’ for a real taste of reality, you may be shocked at how you have been misled by the AGW/MMCC narrative.
Churchill was in favour of the summary execution of all the leading nazi personalities,he being on record well before the war ended. See Richard Overy, Interrogations, especially the first 2 chapters.
It’s interesting that the ‘Messiah’ (Obama)… the ‘government’… The BBC… and all the other over-payed idiots are fighting…
‘The War Against Terror’.
Abbreviate the above 4 words… and what do you get? [cue the channel 4 show ‘Countdown’ music]
Yes… the same bunch of $%$£’s running the Obama ‘administration’, the ‘government’, and the over-payed idiots like Mossad/CIA/MI5, et cetera, et cetera.
David Preiser (USA) | 01.05.09 – 3:44 pm
No you wouldn’t.
More commentary on Obama’s eunuch attitude to so-called “torture”.
Has anyone seen the BBC using its normal scare quotes when the word “torture” is used ? Or does the policy apply only to words like “terrorist” ?
DB | 01.05.09 – 3:20 pm
That’s fantastic. The Pilsbury Pantload himself, the hammer of Liberal facists everywhere; inspired by me. There’s no evidence offered that the British tortured in
WWII though. But he makes some good points elsewhere about the nature of war.
The right really hate Sullivan don’t they. I wonder if LGF Charles is going the same way.
The Guardianistas at the BBC must struggle with Obama’s strong support for Israel….and his likely confrontation with their beloved mullocracy in Iran….
In twelve months time, he’ll be a hate figure. The Democratic Party in America is not a socialist command and control edifice like European left wing parties. It’s politically centrist and has the instincts of our soft left conservatism. All US Presidents put American interests first. Not that of the Marxist left in the Guardian or at the BBC.
His white ancestry will then be a growing topic and, as often happens during long periods of opposition, debates will follow in the UK Left as to how Obama has let down the rainbow coalition, reneged on his black supporters, did not socialise medical services and went to war like that now despised, hypnotic charmer of the Toynbee left…Blair.
(Problems with HaloScan, hope this goes through)
Oh come along now !! You can’t kick the BBC for being ‘lefty’ and having a bias to the ‘anti-imperialists’ and ‘anti-americans’ and the john pilger brigade, then shoot justin webb for giving a slightly more circumspect view on life in the United States !!
Read his book and make your own minds up. He is certainly willing to criticise both parties when required. I think you are biased yourselves if you don’t read his blog enough to realise that he is not exactly a working-class commie himself.
I suspect when he is back in Britain he is more likely to support Cameron. And this is surely the point.
Much as the twats in the Labour party would like to paint themselves as the ‘Obama’ party, the levels of tax and spend and health care under Obama are more likely to be congruent with our ‘right-of-centre’ than anything else.
And certainly we don’t have a UK equivalent of the Republican party in the GOP’s current incarnation.
Of course, this is likely to change if Cammo wins the next election, as they try and offer some expensive money-spinning consultancy to the GOP about to how re-brand / re-invent themselves as a gay/green/girl friendly party to win back the votes they lost with their loony necon policies.
Oh come along now !! You can’t kick the BBC for being ‘lefty’ and having a bias to the ‘anti-imperialists’ and ‘anti-americans’ and the john pilger brigade, then shoot justin webb for giving a slightly more circumspect view on life in the United States !!
Read his book and make your own minds up. He is certainly willing to criticise both parties when required. I think you are biased yourselves if you don’t read his blog enough to realise that he is not exactly a working-class commie himself.
I suspect when he is back in Britain he is more likely to support Cameron. And this is surely the point.
Much as the twats in the Labour party would like to paint themselves as the ‘Obama’ party, the levels of tax and spend and health care under Obama are more likely to be congruent with our ‘right-of-centre’ than anything else.
And certainly we don’t have a UK equivalent of the Republican party in the GOP’s current incarnation.
Of course, this is likely to change if Cammo wins the next election, as they try and offer some expensive money-spinning consultancy to the GOP about to how re-brand / re-invent themselves as a gay/green/girl friendly party to win back the votes they lost with their loony necon policies.
Oh come along now !! You can’t kick the BBC for being ‘lefty’ and having a bias to the ‘anti-imperialists’ and ‘anti-americans’ and the john pilger brigade, then shoot justin webb for giving a slightly more circumspect view on life in the United States !!
Read his book and make your own minds up. He is certainly willing to criticise both parties when required. I think you are biased yourselves if you don’t read his blog enough to realise that he is not exactly a working-class commie himself.
I suspect when he is back in Britain he is more likely to support Cameron. And this is surely the point.
Much as the twats in the Labour party would like to paint themselves as the ‘Obama’ party, the levels of tax and spend and health care under Obama are more likely to be congruent with our ‘right-of-centre’ than anything else.
And certainly we don’t have a UK equivalent of the Republican party in the GOP’s current incarnation.
Of course, this is likely to change if Cammo wins the next election, as they try and offer some expensive money-spinning consultancy to the GOP about to how re-brand / re-invent themselves as a gay/green/girl friendly party to win back the votes they lost with their loony necon policies.
Of course, if Justin had dissed Obama, you would no doubt have read this as ‘evidence’ of the perceived lefty-anti-americanism which is so trendy.
Honestly, if you are going to make an intelligent argument about BBC Bias, you can’t just shoot the messengers indiscriminately, or people will just assume you haven’t got a real argument to make, which weakens your case by a huge amount.
Of course, if Justin had dissed Obama, you would no doubt have read this as ‘evidence’ of the perceived lefty-anti-americanism which is so trendy.
Honestly, if you are going to make an intelligent argument about BBC Bias, you can’t just shoot the messengers indiscriminately, or people will just assume you haven’t got a real argument to make, which weakens your case by a huge amount.
Of course, if Justin had dissed Obama, you would no doubt have read this as ‘evidence’ of the perceived lefty-anti-americanism which is so trendy.
Honestly, if you are going to make an intelligent argument about BBC Bias, you can’t just shoot the messengers indiscriminately, or people will just assume you haven’t got a real argument to make, which weakens your case by a huge amount.
Damn straight. This is what I’ve been telling David P and others for a long time. But our spats appear to have disappeared
Damn straight. This is what I’ve been telling David P and others for a long time. But our spats appear to have disappeared
Damn straight. This is what I’ve been telling David P and others for a long time. But our spats appear to have disappeared
It’s so easy to come here and play that game once all the other comments have vanished into the ether, isn’t it?
It’s so easy to come here and play that game once all the other comments have vanished into the ether, isn’t it?
It’s so easy to come here and play that game once all the other comments have vanished into the ether, isn’t it?
It’s so easy to come here and play that game once all the other comments have vanished into the ether, isn’t it?
I am as appalled as any man that the Preiser canon has disappeared from B-BBC. How else is the World to learn of the BBC’s teabagging perfidy.
I am as appalled as any man that the Preiser canon has disappeared from B-BBC. How else is the World to learn of the BBC’s teabagging perfidy.
I am as appalled as any man that the Preiser canon has disappeared from B-BBC. How else is the World to learn of the BBC’s teabagging perfidy.