Hello and welcome to the brand new Biased BBC site! It’s a revolution in design and I hope you will have a look around and settle in to this new look site.
Of course these things take a lot of work and that’s why my first responsibility is to express my sincere thanks to Geoff – he from All Seeing Eye – without whose enthusiasm, good humour and sustained effort this would not have been possible. I also want to publicly thank G.O.T. (Warning; sweary blog!) for his excellent and visionary work here. We owe these two fine gentlemen thanks for bringing this work to fruition and I doff my cap to both. This is also a work in progress so please bear with us as we finesse and complete. Now, to deal with the BBC…
Yes, I agree that the comments currently lost at the very bottom of the page should be joined to those which are now prominently displayed at top right, since they are in the same category – BBC and ex-BBC staff highlighting the bias. And I would put those two Andrew Marr comments at the bottom of the list since others have made more compelling comments.
If it were up to me I would reinstate the old blog with the old Haloscan comments intact and then proceed a bit more cautiously with the changes. The search facility on the old blog was limited in that it only searched the blog posts. I would change that to enable a search of the comments as well at the same time.
Dunno if any of this is possible, but it sure would be good to see.
Though Haloscan sometimes went on strike, it was far more user-friendly than this blogger system, as it currently exists on the blog.
And as someone else pointed out, are we going to have to type in word verification every time we comment and use HTML every time we post a link?
Yes, I agree that the comments currently lost at the very bottom of the page should be joined to those which are now prominently displayed at top right, since they are in the same category – BBC and ex-BBC staff highlighting the bias. And I would put those two Andrew Marr comments at the bottom of the list since others have made more compelling comments.
If it were up to me I would reinstate the old blog with the old Haloscan comments intact and then proceed a bit more cautiously with the changes. The search facility on the old blog was limited in that it only searched the blog posts. I would change that to enable a search of the comments as well at the same time.
Dunno if any of this is possible, but it sure would be good to see.
Though Haloscan sometimes went on strike, it was far more user-friendly than this blogger system, as it currently exists on the blog.
And as someone else pointed out, are we going to have to type in word verification every time we comment and use HTML every time we post a link?
Looks good overall. Just a couple of points tho’:
Top banner is too big and takes up too much screen real estate, especially on laptops.
Side bar a tad too wide – draws the reader to the secondary stuff on the right rather than to the main content.
Looks good overall. Just a couple of points tho’:
Top banner is too big and takes up too much screen real estate, especially on laptops.
Side bar a tad too wide – draws the reader to the secondary stuff on the right rather than to the main content.
Looks good overall. Just a couple of points tho’:
Top banner is too big and takes up too much screen real estate, especially on laptops.
Side bar a tad too wide – draws the reader to the secondary stuff on the right rather than to the main content.
What’s with the twitter stuff ? What use is it ?
Plus – on my browser it has the effect of pushing the MAIN text way down so I have to scroll a bit before I can even begin reading the real content of the site.
Twittering is what it says on the label. Twittering ! Why not just dump it, it is a distraction.
What’s with the twitter stuff ? What use is it ?
Plus – on my browser it has the effect of pushing the MAIN text way down so I have to scroll a bit before I can even begin reading the real content of the site.
Twittering is what it says on the label. Twittering ! Why not just dump it, it is a distraction.
What’s with the twitter stuff ? What use is it ?
Plus – on my browser it has the effect of pushing the MAIN text way down so I have to scroll a bit before I can even begin reading the real content of the site.
Twittering is what it says on the label. Twittering ! Why not just dump it, it is a distraction.
Congratulations on a great makeover for the site
Congratulations on a great makeover for the site
Congratulations on a great makeover for the site
I’m not getting ‘x new posts’ as I used to get with haloscan, hope this feature comes back?
I’m not getting ‘x new posts’ as I used to get with haloscan, hope this feature comes back?
I’m not getting ‘x new posts’ as I used to get with haloscan, hope this feature comes back?
TT it can be done, the bell can be unrung, if Geoff backed up the old template as the download advised.
TT it can be done, the bell can be unrung, if Geoff backed up the old template as the download advised.
TT it can be done, the bell can be unrung, if Geoff backed up the old template as the download advised.
This comment system is crap – I’m having to use an old version of Safari to post this – the “word verification” graphic won’t show in other browsers.
Bring back Haloscan… please!
This comment system is crap – I’m having to use an old version of Safari to post this – the “word verification” graphic won’t show in other browsers.
Bring back Haloscan… please!
This comment system is crap – I’m having to use an old version of Safari to post this – the “word verification” graphic won’t show in other browsers.
Bring back Haloscan… please!
… and it won’t remember my name!
… and it won’t remember my name!
… and it won’t remember my name!
Hi All.
So many comments, some good some critical. The bring back haloscan movement begins!
Look – this is a work in progress, and it will keep getting better. The facts of life are the haloscan was crap – down way too often. The blogger comments system seems to work for many many blogs and I don’t see why we can’t make it work for us. If there are other options, I am sure we will consider.
Bear in mind that Rome was not built in one day and that all this hard work has been undertaken by colleagues for the vast sum of zero.
Hi All.
So many comments, some good some critical. The bring back haloscan movement begins!
Look – this is a work in progress, and it will keep getting better. The facts of life are the haloscan was crap – down way too often. The blogger comments system seems to work for many many blogs and I don’t see why we can’t make it work for us. If there are other options, I am sure we will consider.
Bear in mind that Rome was not built in one day and that all this hard work has been undertaken by colleagues for the vast sum of zero.
Hi All.
So many comments, some good some critical. The bring back haloscan movement begins!
Look – this is a work in progress, and it will keep getting better. The facts of life are the haloscan was crap – down way too often. The blogger comments system seems to work for many many blogs and I don’t see why we can’t make it work for us. If there are other options, I am sure we will consider.
Bear in mind that Rome was not built in one day and that all this hard work has been undertaken by colleagues for the vast sum of zero.
Congratulations on the new look, and respect to those who put in all the effort to put this together.
I hope some compromise is reached with the comments. My only concerns are some way to show the number of unread comments in a thread, and that somehow all the old comments on the HaloScan server get tied to the relevant posts. It would be a real shame to lose some great discussions with BBC people, as well as useful and educational comments from so many people here. Even if we can search HaloScan for the names of commenters, I’m much more likely to look through the site for specific topics, and then check the comment thread.
And there’s always the need to keep evidence of the comedy routines from defenders of the indefensible. In the end, I don’t particularly care which comment system gets used going forward, as long as functionality remains.
Just one question: Did you go over budget, like the BBC?
Congratulations on the new look, and respect to those who put in all the effort to put this together.
I hope some compromise is reached with the comments. My only concerns are some way to show the number of unread comments in a thread, and that somehow all the old comments on the HaloScan server get tied to the relevant posts. It would be a real shame to lose some great discussions with BBC people, as well as useful and educational comments from so many people here. Even if we can search HaloScan for the names of commenters, I’m much more likely to look through the site for specific topics, and then check the comment thread.
And there’s always the need to keep evidence of the comedy routines from defenders of the indefensible. In the end, I don’t particularly care which comment system gets used going forward, as long as functionality remains.
Just one question: Did you go over budget, like the BBC?
Congratulations on the new look, and respect to those who put in all the effort to put this together.
I hope some compromise is reached with the comments. My only concerns are some way to show the number of unread comments in a thread, and that somehow all the old comments on the HaloScan server get tied to the relevant posts. It would be a real shame to lose some great discussions with BBC people, as well as useful and educational comments from so many people here. Even if we can search HaloScan for the names of commenters, I’m much more likely to look through the site for specific topics, and then check the comment thread.
And there’s always the need to keep evidence of the comedy routines from defenders of the indefensible. In the end, I don’t particularly care which comment system gets used going forward, as long as functionality remains.
Just one question: Did you go over budget, like the BBC?
I forgot one other question: Is it possible to prevent the use of “Anonymous”? I feel that anyone who thinks their comments are worth our time should at least bother to come up with an alias. It’s still anonymous, so I don’t see the big deal. It’s impossible to keep track of them otherwise.
I forgot one other question: Is it possible to prevent the use of “Anonymous”? I feel that anyone who thinks their comments are worth our time should at least bother to come up with an alias. It’s still anonymous, so I don’t see the big deal. It’s impossible to keep track of them otherwise.
I forgot one other question: Is it possible to prevent the use of “Anonymous”? I feel that anyone who thinks their comments are worth our time should at least bother to come up with an alias. It’s still anonymous, so I don’t see the big deal. It’s impossible to keep track of them otherwise.
David P,
Thanks for the helpful feedback which I will ensure we follow up.
Thankfully our extravagant budget of zero was not exceeded!
David P,
Thanks for the helpful feedback which I will ensure we follow up.
Thankfully our extravagant budget of zero was not exceeded!
David P,
Thanks for the helpful feedback which I will ensure we follow up.
Thankfully our extravagant budget of zero was not exceeded!
Can you remove the twitter thing, its a distraction. Perhaps you could put it on your own site. This one is about bbc bias.
Can you remove the twitter thing, its a distraction. Perhaps you could put it on your own site. This one is about bbc bias.
Can you remove the twitter thing, its a distraction. Perhaps you could put it on your own site. This one is about bbc bias.
Two comments seem to stand out:
1/ archduke at 12:21 am
…a To Do list that Should Be Done
2/ Will at 8:07 am
…both points IMO are far more important than they may sound to some. The look matters a lot.
Rest looks good to me. Good luck.
I’m just listening to some Santana.
It’s even more sicodelid? that them.
YEA man!!
Two comments seem to stand out:
1/ archduke at 12:21 am
…a To Do list that Should Be Done
2/ Will at 8:07 am
…both points IMO are far more important than they may sound to some. The look matters a lot.
Rest looks good to me. Good luck.
I’m just listening to some Santana.
It’s even more sicodelid? that them.
YEA man!!
Two comments seem to stand out:
1/ archduke at 12:21 am
…a To Do list that Should Be Done
2/ Will at 8:07 am
…both points IMO are far more important than they may sound to some. The look matters a lot.
Rest looks good to me. Good luck.
I’m just listening to some Santana.
It’s even more sicodelid? that them.
YEA man!!
Two more:
1/ Also agree that hi-octane Jay/Marr/Paxman quotes at foot need promoting. Very lost down there.
2/ And give Twitter a smaller footprint and/or move it somewhere? Twitter seems to work OK, even well, for truly fast-moving stories — forest fires and earthquakes and, maybe, some stock market stuff. Not sure about other uses, it often seems narcissistic and trivial.
Two more:
1/ Also agree that hi-octane Jay/Marr/Paxman quotes at foot need promoting. Very lost down there.
2/ And give Twitter a smaller footprint and/or move it somewhere? Twitter seems to work OK, even well, for truly fast-moving stories — forest fires and earthquakes and, maybe, some stock market stuff. Not sure about other uses, it often seems narcissistic and trivial.
Two more:
1/ Also agree that hi-octane Jay/Marr/Paxman quotes at foot need promoting. Very lost down there.
2/ And give Twitter a smaller footprint and/or move it somewhere? Twitter seems to work OK, even well, for truly fast-moving stories — forest fires and earthquakes and, maybe, some stock market stuff. Not sure about other uses, it often seems narcissistic and trivial.
Looks fine to me.
Looks fine to me.
Looks fine to me.