Operation Save Gordon is in full throttle today and nowhere is this more evident than on the BBC. I refer you to the main news portal which leads with Postie Johnson declaring of Gordo that “… he is ” better than me or anyone else” as prime minister.” Well, certainly better for the Tories! However if you scan down the stories under Postie’s declaration of undying loyalty to Brown, look at the other BBC headlines. “Blears denies criticism of Brown”, “Clarke in smears row action call” and “Prescott rounds on Brown’s critics”. Notice the slant? Not just biased – outrageously biased.
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Thanks for that Martin. Cogent and thought provoking as ever.
I thought your recent posts suggested you were increasingly of the mind that the BBC had given up on Brown. Have you changed your mind?
Thanks for that Martin. Cogent and thought provoking as ever.
I thought your recent posts suggested you were increasingly of the mind that the BBC had given up on Brown. Have you changed your mind?
It’s hard not to see bias from a news organization which initially publishes an article entitled “Blears attacks Labour’s ‘failure'” into “Blears denies criticism of Brown”.
Look at Versions 3 and 4 of this. It’s like night and day. Damage and spin control is clear.
And what happened to that article title “What is Blears up to”? That one said that she was not generally known for “disloyalty”. That’s a Party line if I ever heard one.
I’d bet that a look through News Sniffer would reveal a few other Gordon-friendly editorial moves.
It’s hard not to see bias from a news organization which initially publishes an article entitled “Blears attacks Labour’s ‘failure'” into “Blears denies criticism of Brown”.
Look at Versions 3 and 4 of this. It’s like night and day. Damage and spin control is clear.
And what happened to that article title “What is Blears up to”? That one said that she was not generally known for “disloyalty”. That’s a Party line if I ever heard one.
I’d bet that a look through News Sniffer would reveal a few other Gordon-friendly editorial moves.
It’s hard not to see bias from a news organization which initially publishes an article entitled “Blears attacks Labour’s ‘failure'” into “Blears denies criticism of Brown”.
Look at Versions 3 and 4 of this. It’s like night and day. Damage and spin control is clear.
And what happened to that article title “What is Blears up to”? That one said that she was not generally known for “disloyalty”. That’s a Party line if I ever heard one.
I’d bet that a look through News Sniffer would reveal a few other Gordon-friendly editorial moves.
Flackjackdavey, why did you not answer Martin’s points instead of making stupid, snide, faux-ironic comments?