So, one day after D-day and the site is still here and I have been closely following your comments. I want to let you know that we will try and follow up all your positive and thoughtful suggestions, wherever this is possible.
There are a few things that I have decided ARE staying on blog – such as the Twitter bar. The reason is that this enables me to post a quick comment which may be on the BBC whenever I hear or see it. If some don’t like this, tough. Furthermore, it may be that the blogger platform is imperfect but trust me there is no such thing as a perfect platform.
Some people have commented regarding the siting of A Tangled Web and All Seeing Eye at the top of this site. I would simply point out the huge behind the scenes work that Geoff from the Eye makes to this site (Ever wondered who makes the weekly Question Time session run smoothly) and just like ATW he also picks up on BBC related issues – so both blogs are staying, linked here – to be augmented with others. The broader blogroll will also develop. This is WORK IN PROGRESS – but progress it is. So my thanks to all who come here – hope the shock of the new is now wearing off – and from tomorrow on I only want to talk about the lousy BBC and the bias it exudes. Hope you agree!
Twitter is for goons. Who wants to know what anyone else ate for breakfast?
Twitter is for goons. Who wants to know what anyone else ate for breakfast?
Twitter is for goons. Who wants to know what anyone else ate for breakfast?
Twitter is for goons, I agree with the ghost.
I’m not terribly fond of this new site. Actually it sucks. I prefered the old haloscan comments and the blue is garish. Going for gimmicks over content was a mistake in my view.
Twitter is for goons, I agree with the ghost.
I’m not terribly fond of this new site. Actually it sucks. I prefered the old haloscan comments and the blue is garish. Going for gimmicks over content was a mistake in my view.
Twitter is for goons, I agree with the ghost.
I’m not terribly fond of this new site. Actually it sucks. I prefered the old haloscan comments and the blue is garish. Going for gimmicks over content was a mistake in my view.
Twitter is for goons, I agree with the ghost.
I’m not terribly fond of this new site. Actually it sucks. I prefered the old haloscan comments and the blue is garish. Going for gimmicks over content was a mistake in my view.
I normally sign in as JohnA and wish to continue to do so. I do NOT want a Google account – ever.
Now I seem to be totally blocked from signing in as JohnA. I can only use a monicker I had previously used on a US site. I do not wish to use that monicker here in the UK.
What has happened to the comments section to start this blocking – it was possible to sign in as JohnA for the first couple of days ?
here is the comment I was trying to leave – but on the Open thread :
Today up to its usual tricks at 8.40am, a discussion between an Israeli diplomat and an “expert” on the Middle East.
Hmmmm – might the “expert” come with a bias ? Google expert’s name, Rosemary Hollis – hmmm, years of work at Chatham House, notably pro-Arab over decades.
Surprise surprise – the expert criticises the Israeli negotiating position, offers nil criticism of the Arabs.
Thanks BBC.
I normally sign in as JohnA and wish to continue to do so. I do NOT want a Google account – ever.
Now I seem to be totally blocked from signing in as JohnA. I can only use a monicker I had previously used on a US site. I do not wish to use that monicker here in the UK.
What has happened to the comments section to start this blocking – it was possible to sign in as JohnA for the first couple of days ?
here is the comment I was trying to leave – but on the Open thread :
Today up to its usual tricks at 8.40am, a discussion between an Israeli diplomat and an “expert” on the Middle East.
Hmmmm – might the “expert” come with a bias ? Google expert’s name, Rosemary Hollis – hmmm, years of work at Chatham House, notably pro-Arab over decades.
Surprise surprise – the expert criticises the Israeli negotiating position, offers nil criticism of the Arabs.
Thanks BBC.
I normally sign in as JohnA and wish to continue to do so. I do NOT want a Google account – ever.
Now I seem to be totally blocked from signing in as JohnA. I can only use a monicker I had previously used on a US site. I do not wish to use that monicker here in the UK.
What has happened to the comments section to start this blocking – it was possible to sign in as JohnA for the first couple of days ?
here is the comment I was trying to leave – but on the Open thread :
Today up to its usual tricks at 8.40am, a discussion between an Israeli diplomat and an “expert” on the Middle East.
Hmmmm – might the “expert” come with a bias ? Google expert’s name, Rosemary Hollis – hmmm, years of work at Chatham House, notably pro-Arab over decades.
Surprise surprise – the expert criticises the Israeli negotiating position, offers nil criticism of the Arabs.
Thanks BBC.
I normally sign in as JohnA and wish to continue to do so. I do NOT want a Google account – ever.
Now I seem to be totally blocked from signing in as JohnA. I can only use a monicker I had previously used on a US site. I do not wish to use that monicker here in the UK.
What has happened to the comments section to start this blocking – it was possible to sign in as JohnA for the first couple of days ?
here is the comment I was trying to leave – but on the Open thread :
Today up to its usual tricks at 8.40am, a discussion between an Israeli diplomat and an “expert” on the Middle East.
Hmmmm – might the “expert” come with a bias ? Google expert’s name, Rosemary Hollis – hmmm, years of work at Chatham House, notably pro-Arab over decades.
Surprise surprise – the expert criticises the Israeli negotiating position, offers nil criticism of the Arabs.
Thanks BBC.
Well, I am signing in under my usual name – by selecting Name/URL – so why can’t you?
Well, I am signing in under my usual name – by selecting Name/URL – so why can’t you?
Well, I am signing in under my usual name – by selecting Name/URL – so why can’t you?
Well, I am signing in under my usual name – by selecting Name/URL – so why can’t you?
The “Name/URL” option was deactivated yesterday but seems to be available again today, but as I’ve pointed out I need to use an old browser in order to use it.
All in all this Google comment system is a PITA. Like others I refuse to register to comment here. I don’t need to register anywhere else.
BTW, as others have noted I am not “biodegradable ghost”.
The “Name/URL” option was deactivated yesterday but seems to be available again today, but as I’ve pointed out I need to use an old browser in order to use it.
All in all this Google comment system is a PITA. Like others I refuse to register to comment here. I don’t need to register anywhere else.
BTW, as others have noted I am not “biodegradable ghost”.
The “Name/URL” option was deactivated yesterday but seems to be available again today, but as I’ve pointed out I need to use an old browser in order to use it.
All in all this Google comment system is a PITA. Like others I refuse to register to comment here. I don’t need to register anywhere else.
BTW, as others have noted I am not “biodegradable ghost”.
The “Name/URL” option was deactivated yesterday but seems to be available again today, but as I’ve pointed out I need to use an old browser in order to use it.
All in all this Google comment system is a PITA. Like others I refuse to register to comment here. I don’t need to register anywhere else.
BTW, as others have noted I am not “biodegradable ghost”.
New web site format is to fussy and now it takes to long to load up.
Do we have to have all that red tape before making a comment?
I will never register with that Lefty organisation Google
New web site format is to fussy and now it takes to long to load up.
Do we have to have all that red tape before making a comment?
I will never register with that Lefty organisation Google
New web site format is to fussy and now it takes to long to load up.
Do we have to have all that red tape before making a comment?
I will never register with that Lefty organisation Google
New web site format is to fussy and now it takes to long to load up.
Do we have to have all that red tape before making a comment?
I will never register with that Lefty organisation Google
Millie Tant
As bio says, the Name/URL option was missing for a while. It is now back so I can sign in without using a different name.
Millie Tant
As bio says, the Name/URL option was missing for a while. It is now back so I can sign in without using a different name.
Millie Tant
As bio says, the Name/URL option was missing for a while. It is now back so I can sign in without using a different name.
Millie Tant
As bio says, the Name/URL option was missing for a while. It is now back so I can sign in without using a different name.
Yeah someone is messing around with the comments system, and people are being shooed away due to their name 😉
Yeah someone is messing around with the comments system, and people are being shooed away due to their name 😉
Yeah someone is messing around with the comments system, and people are being shooed away due to their name 😉
Yeah someone is messing around with the comments system, and people are being shooed away due to their name 😉