Hi all. Been away all day and am only now catching up with things!
I guess the thing that strikes me tonight is the way in which the BBC – playing along with the Nulabour pigs whose snouts have been exposed as having beeb sunk deep into the trough of taxpayer largesse, has been playing up the possible police investigation of the leak to the Telegraph.
Suddenly, at least on the teatime news, the issue was one that focused on whether the police would track the leaker down? Such a helpful distraction from all that unfortunate detail exposed for us all to see. I heard Theresa May interviewed and although a bit on the wet lettuce side, at least she didn’t come across like the Labour MP interviewed this morning who declared that we should respect our politicians. No we should NOT. They should respect US and their unseemly avarice speaks volumes for how little respect they show us. The BBC seems to think the issue is whether this damages the public confidence in politicians. No, it is not. The issue is the rapacious greed of the political class and what this says about the state of our democracy. Surely the BBC should pursue that – fearlessly and without favour? Instead it seems concerned for the honour of the politicians whereas ordinary people just feel enraged at their greed.
I believe there are quite a few lamp-posts within distance of the Palace of Westminster.
I thought it was interesting that Sky and ITV went to see McTwats brother but the BBC did not.
The BBC ran Mandelsons story that this was the Telegraph working for the Tories and Prick Toenails Robinson believing every word of it like the 4 eyed twat he is.
The Telegraph have made it clear that they are going after the top dogs first then working their way down.
But expect to see the BBC latch onto the first real bad Tory story and run with it.
On Newsnight Michael Prick had his tongue hanging out when he managed to bring up Derek Conway (why he didn’t bring up Spelman was beyond me, perhaps he already had a hard on?) yet no mention of Peter Hain, McNulty or others.
Yeah – I heard the Mandy angle. As you say – predictable. Wait for the first bad Tory.
The difference between the Sky News website and Al Beeb’s, on this major story, is astonishing.
Sky News has it plastered everywhere.
Al Beeb has nothing but about 9 different stories about Islam! Check it out – it’s hilarious!
Our soldiers, ours, not the governments are dying in Afganistan. Corus is on the verge of closing- a good company destroyed by a government blessed takeover that burdened it with an impossible debt laden balance sheet. But our contemptible crawling tax eating broadcaster can only think of what it can do to support those who have bought themselves and Britain into disrepute.
The BBC is now part of the problem.
It is an affront to us all.
WE deserve better than this.
Yes, another four of our guys killed in Afghanistan in the last 24 hours. The BBC should be expressing outrage at this pointless carnage, but they scarcely even bother to report it. Obviously the poxy politicians don’t give a fuck – they are too busy squirming around trying to save their own worthless arses.
I await news that the police are investigating obvious fraud by certain MPs, never mind investigating the leak of their wrongdoing.
What an insult it is to every working person who spends a lifetime maintaining a home and paying for everything going, (from earned and taxed wages), to see government ministers and MPs taking everything they can, even down to the very biscuits they eat.
It’s clear – as much from their shameless and smug reactions when confronted with the wrongness of what they have done as from the actual wrongdoing itself – that they haven’t a shred of decency or morality. Nor have they any dignity.
So much for the much-touted principle of “fairness” by the Son of the Manse. That’s Prudence, Son of the Manse, Chancellor Extraordinaire of the Exchequer, now PM, comprehensively housed, limousined and paid for by the public, who, not content with that, claims twice for a plumbing bill* and even wants the public to pay for a window blind as well. Labour, the party of morality and principle, don’t forget. Well, according to their own script, that is.
I knew they were profligate with public money and with a love of big splashy spending but I am still shocked by the lengths and depths to which they have gone to feather their own nests and to avoid paying for the things that every other person has to pay out of income in the course of daily life. I am beyond angry and disgusted by these people.
* accidentally, I am sure…hm
Did you catch the UKIP article at 6pm though? Balanced, moderately fair, even pointed out that post office privatisation is an EU directive. I was agog! Some genuine balance, I thought.
Millie Tant
You are quite right – it is an outrage. The BBc treat it as with every other news story as some kind of soap opera.
You can sense the playing down of their corrupt friends. You know that when someone other than Labour or Lib Dems are accused of this greed the BBC will be all over them like a rash. They should treat them all with the contempt they deserve reagrdless.
Who cares who leaked the information, that is of no consequence compared to the content of the leak. The BBc want us to concentrate on the messenger and not the message.
And on the question of the 4 soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan – the BBC would normally have this high on their news agenda – with messages like “The taliban are winning again”, but for now they have to try and lessen the impact of the expenses scandel for their friends in Labour.
Of course UKIP got a fair hearing. They are now the establishment safety valve because theyre terrified of the BNP. UKIP now good, BNP bad. That makes UKIP part of the political establishment now. Whether thats a good thing is up to the individual. But in an indirect way, its the BBC being as biased as ever.
From the BBC point of view its far better to reluctantly give airtime to a lesser ideological enemy to try and split the nationalist vote, everything the BBC does is thought out and designed with their political narrative in mind.
The BBC knows UKIP has been a minor irritant to the EUSSR whereas the BNP would be a mortal blow, the lesser of two ‘evils’ isnt it?
Of course as soon as the goal is reached, UKIP will be consigned to no mans land again, invisisble to the comrades and not to be spoken of.
The only way to shake the political establishment to its very core is to vote BNP at the euro poll whether you agree with their policies or not, note how the elections are now almost invisible and the BBC are playing the low turnout card already?
In truth the turnout could well be massive, the need for the voter to send a message to a deaf dumb and blind political estabishment is now overwhelming.
The BBC are wrong, in fact I think, the actual turnout will be huge and its going to rattle the cage of the comrades!
Wait until Tory expense claims are made public, the BBC won’t be the least bit interested in where the leaks cames from then.
Cassandra is right about voting BNP. The present lot need a good kicking and I think it’s fair to say that there’s no risk of the BNP forming the next government.
So far as the leaks are concerned, the Telegraph has exposed quite a few Tory snouts as well, to its credit.
The comments here simply don’t correlate with the BBC’s coverage. For instance, Nick Robinson’s analysis was not simply ‘none of this is too bad’. Either you willfully misrepresent him or your own perception is coloured you can’t see straight.
The story has been the top headline across the BBC since the leaks, to suggest it’s being downplayed to protect Labour is nonsense and unsubstantiated.
Cassandra says ‘everything the BBC does is thought out and designed with their political narrative in mind.’. No Cassandra, that’s called paranoia.
The Times Online have a voting form for the most unpopular taxes. Presently the TV Licence is in 2nd place. Perhaps we could put it on the top of the list. http://tinyurl.com/c7g5xn
‘that’s called paranoia’ nope that’s
propaganda !nark!
What especially stinks is that the Nu-Lab police are looking at the leak and not at whether the MPs have committed a criminal offence.
Perhaps nothing sums up this filthy government more is the way they have corrupted the police.
Anon: Yes. Why do you think the BBC is being ‘kinder’ to UKIP? Because they want them to take votes from the Tories.
I’d actually vote UKIP this time except my EU MP is Daniel Hannan and he deserves to be re-elected after humiliating that fat one eyed twat.
I think I posted this on another thread, but of course the last thing the Beeboids want is for their expense claims to be published.
I suspect they would be very similar to MPs.
Martin, yes vote for Dan, wish I could. His destruction job on Dirty Brown in the EU parliament was great but, strangely, not reported by the BBC. But, then neither was Brown’s recent humiliation by the Polish PM. I wonder why !!!
Grant said…
the last thing the Beeboids want is for their expense claims to be published.
I suspect they would be very similar to MPs.
The same way as BBC Job ads in (invariably) the Grauniad NEVER mention private healthcare in the job spec.
They just say very competitive packages.
That’s code for private healthcare amongst all the other goodies in which they compete with Sky(which I have no problem with, as a free enterprise guy.)
I suppose it’s a tad harder to run 24/7 propaganda on socialized healthcare, and how there’s no altrenative to dying by rationing in our wonderful NHS), when all your top and mid-level people get private as part of their package
“They just say very competitive packages.
That’s code for private healthcare”
Jack, show us your proof of this then please.
dave s
Richard North over at EU referendum is a very angry man, as he writes of the issue of our soldiers needless deaths in Afghanistan because of the failure of our anointed MPs to do the job they are very handsomely paid to do.
Pratting about
MPs, cabinet ministers, and even our anointed PM, are now blaming the system itself for the expenses scam that parliaments “right honoroubles” have been profitting from.
This is a red herring. In most professions there is a policy for claiming expenses. The policy is designed on the understanding that professionals have a moral code, common decency and ethics, that will ensure that downright rapacity will not occur. And the fact is, that it works well with decent people.
We now find that the same policy, that of an honours based system for “Right Honoroubles” has not worked. It is not the fault of the policy but the people in this particular parliament, who so charmingly also refer to themselves as “Right Honoroubles”.
No system can be designed that is completely proof from criminal tendencies, or proof from people who are in charge of a system but have no sense of common decency and morality.
Funny how news, always seems to report news ie. things that are new, new developments. The development in this story, a story given a huge amount of coverage this week is the possible police investigation of the leak to the Telegraph. It’s just one element of the story.
Inevitably this is ignored in favour of another groundless conspiracy about ‘distracting’ from the real issue. You are clutching at fairly thin straws David. Something you seem to have made a career of.
I do wish Mr/Miss ‘Anonymous’ would grow up and get a name.
I realise that defending the BBC is both a hopeless and shameful task, but you could always choose something appropriate.
Maybe Coco or Zeppo, perhaps?
Richard 10:43
I have no evidence of whether BBC remuneration packages include private healthcare, but given the poor state of the NHS, it wouldn’t surprise me . After all, wealthy socialists always look after themselves and don’t want to mix with the lower orders.
G Cooper 1:37
I am tempted to suggest that no-one should respond to anyone posting as “anonymous” !. But, I am going to do so.
Anon 12:49
The main “element” of the story is why some MPs have been defrauding the taxpayer and why the police are not launching a criminal investigation in to that.
Grant — I know the guy who helped set up the BBC’s digital platform about 8 years ago, and he got private in his package (ouch). Apart from that I suggest this deductive reasoning based on known BBC hiring statements in its house organ: The Guardian.
The BBC operates like a unionized quasi-government body regarding pay for the drones.
They have “pay grades” and “annual pay rises” based on “union” negotiations and unmoored from reward based on performance..
However once you get into the reality of wishing to attract actual talent for higher level jobs, things change. even for defined contract terms:
Check out the outsourced BBC job ads (like the Guardian) which state quite clearly that the BBC offers words like “industry competitive remuneration packages.”
Now check the ads, for Sky (for just one broadcaster) which quite openly states that their packages include private healthcare.
This from a Sky sub-editor ad, that my brother was interested in; and that’s not even that high a level:
As a valued employee of Sky you will benefit from Free Sky + and broadband, pension, private health care and share save schemes with access to a range of discounts including dental, holidays, mobile phones, magazines and DVDs.In fact, private healthcare is the norm in media/TV jobs. And how much reasoning does it need to understand what “competitive” means?
There is a reason why BBC ads don’t detail their “packages” publicly, including salaries. Yes, they hide those in public ads as well, but it doesn’t mean the BBC doesn’t pay salaries.
They know it will piss people off, not least the unions for the drones.
And yet, they also know that they are competing in the real world with Sky and ITV. That is why private healthcare is a dirty little secret in the BBC.
Annon @ 0859hrs seemed a little put out by my earlier post, bringing up toenails Robinsons sickening toadying as proof of an unbiased BBC, Ha ha ha!
Old saying: Just because youre paranoid it doesnt mean people arent out to get you.
Annon is a typical beeboid kneejerk drone unable to see because by doing so it would cause their certainties to implode leaving them naked before the truth.
Didn’t someone do quite a big bit on BBC ‘benefits’ some time back on this blog?
I think healthcare,healthclub, pension, cheap car purchase etc were part of a lot of beeboid packages.
Anyone else remember that?
Martin — didn;t see that but I can bekieve it.
When it likes it, the BBC says it has to “compete” with the private sector.
When it doesn’t, it’s a “public service.”
Except it’s a very selective public service with a very narrow range of acceptable views, outside of which it will marginalize anyone who doesn’t fall within their undiverse thought.
Starting with conservatives.
Irony eh? its so ironic!
Beeboid plastic socialist/marxist rite on comrades enjoying private health care or is the irony lost on them?
Chisseling beeboids using their taxslave cash to get their kids private education, oh the irony?
Can you imagine a beeboid commissar pontificating about the sacred NHS and modern state education while not taking ‘advantage’ of its modern multicultural ‘services’, but then again the state services are only meant for the grubby uneducated masses too thick and unenlightened to truly benefit from clean hospitals and decent clasrooms.
The new elite living the high life on the backs of others hard work and so arrogant and prejudiced.
Martin – you don’t need to vote Conservative to get Hannan re-elected. It’s a list system and he’s top of the list. The real effect of voting Conservative in the South East will be to re-elect James Elles who is fourth on the Conservative list, and a firm Europhile. If you’re anti-EU, but pro Hannan, you can afford to vote UKIP in perfect safety.
Re: Beeb and Private Healthcare – careful where you step.Its a free choice – you want a world where you can ONLY be treated by the State on the State’s terms? Communism I think its called.
1. Presumably anyone faced with a criminal charge concerning theft or fraud now can now simply say that they intend to pay the money back.
2. To be fair it would be interesting to see the expense claims of journalists.