See the BBC is leading with Labour fighting back after the scale of their rapacious greed is exposed for all to see It gives Margaret Moron, oops, I mean Moran and Phil “Nappies” Woolas the lead story as they try to defend the indefensible. It’s hilarious to see Labour sinking and there is NOTHING the BBC can do to save them. It will be interesting to see how the State Broadcaster covers the revelations concerning the Conservatives and Lid-Dems. It seems to be that the scale of what has opened up has set back even the best PR the BBC can provide. Brown is not waving, he is drowning and he is now way beyond help. So where will the narrative now move?
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BBC on “expenses” : Pravda and Isvestia rolled into one. Translation – Pravda: Truth, and Isvestia: News. Saying of the time was never more accurate – “There’s no News in Truth, and no Truth in News”More tractor production statistics to follow.
What an evil withered barren freakshow the BBC has become. Connected like the Borg to 10 Downing Street. Populated by an incestuous gene-pool of the Left – what happens with in-breeding when you recruit all your staff through the Guardian for fifty years. Chromosome-mismatch: freaks, dwarves, window-lickers. Welcome to The Island of Dr Moreau.
They are worse than pigs: pigs may butt their way snout first into the trough but they don’t lie and they don’t try to pull the wool over our eyes. That puts them well above our politicians and our state broadcaster.
Mind you, Millie, we devour pigs for breakfast.
Ah, the good ol’ Ulster fry!
All this denigration (and eating) of the unfortunate pigs reminds me of Mark Twain’s remark that man is the only animal that blushes – or needs to.
That’s why I find this whole saga so upsetting. They are supposed to be able to think about what they are doing and to know that it is wrong and repugnant to take, take, take at the expense of people who are a lot worse off in many cases and have to pay for their own groceries or plumbers or KitKats.
Most of the talk on the BBC today has been about “why no Tory expenses?” especially from known leftist like Peter Sissons on News 24.
I really hope that David cameron removes the whip from any Tory Mp that has clearly abused the situation (like he did withConway) that would really put the one eyed twat in a position.
If these politicians wanted to do the honourable thing they would all quit and force a general election. The whole of Parliament is in such a mess and run by the most dishonest politicians in modern history.
And if the Queen still cared for this country and its people (although I have my doubts) she should dissolve parliament now.
Excellent piece here:
“The stink of decay seeping from Downing St has now reached everyone. Can Labour credibly lead us anywhere except to a piggery?”
‘Mail’ has:
“BBC puts up Dan Snow in pig flu ‘quarantine flat’… at £250 a night”
“The BBC spent £250 a night to keep presenter Dan Snow quarantined in a luxury flat on his return from swine flu-hit Mexico – although he does not have the virus and has not even seen a doctor.”
‘Observer’, Andrew Rawnsley:
“Lord Mandelson, ever a man to think attack is the best form of defence, lashes out at the media, as if the disgrace was the exposé rather than that exposed. From most of the rest of the government there has been either skulking silence or a stubborn refusal to acknowledge that there has been any wrongdoing.
“Caught in flagrante, they do not bow their heads in shame. Their answer to public disgust is to thrust two fingers at the voters. Everyone hates them; they don’t care.
“The MP who claimed for horse manure? Well, why not when so many other parliamentarians simply don’t give a shit.”
Switch on my PC this morning, and on comes the PIP window, defaulting to the BBC news.
And who pops up? Could it be… Kevin Maguire? And he is with a grey-haired, and suited, fellow who used to be an MP. Not sure who he was or who he used to represent, but as a twofer they were, how best to say this…’defensive’, and not greatly challenged by the anchors. Very odd, as one was Charlie Stayt and he has been quite feisty of late. Not so much today.
Then we had a pause of a few stories and out came the smoothie from the Telegraph who I thought handled the ‘some says’ (‘they’re all at it so it’s OK’, ‘why is it politically motivated (putting Government Ministers first ahead of unheard of Conservative MPs – the very idea), ‘shouldn’t we be hunting down the leak like a dog instead’?) from unstated sources quite well.
Which I guess all counts as balance. But why, he asks, rhetorically, does our national broadcaster work with such extremes? It’s not informative, hardly objective and at best polarising. If they do ‘need’ ‘comment’, why not invite on the Guardian lass from yesterday who went a tad off message based on the evidence of her own eyes and, if one can be found, an opposition (Vince?) representative to do the ‘it’s a tricky system and easy to let a few loo seats and mock Tudors to slip through under the rules that state this gear should be essential to doing the job’.
It also distracts from hammering at facts, real issues and abuses.
As the headline above states: Pigs defending noses in troughs… at the highest, and most egregious levels of government.
Also, just as there seem to be rules and ”rules”, when is the law actual legal?
…told the BBC the paper’s report was “inaccurate” and “probably actionable”.
Immigration minister Phil Woolas has also threatened legal action over “disgusting” allegations he claimed for women’s clothing..I am afraid my national broadcaster is not much help clarifying what ‘might’ be ‘inaccurate” and/or ‘actionable’….’probably’. An awful lot of quote marks there.
And why is receipt for women’s clothing, I presume claimed for, an allegation and.. oddly.. disgusting?
There’s a cracking test of the “BBC is pro-Labour” hypothesis coming up, as David implies.
If, as one assumes it will, the Telegraph publishes expenses details of some prominent Conservatives tomorrow, then the B-BBC hypothesis predicts there will be a marked difference in the tone and extent of coverage given to this story. This will have to go some. As far as I can tell, the BBC had led with this story for three days running; all of course hugely damaging to the Government. If it were “pro-Labour”, it would have sought to minimise the coverage, but there is no evidence whatsoever it has done this. In fact, like the rest of the media, it has waited with baited breath for the latest revelation and ran with the story in huge detail. See this morning’s coverage on Hazel Blears.
Let’s see how this goes shall we.
The defence will be the tories are as bad (AM show today )
Closer to the general election their will be constant reminders of tory sleaze. And in Scotland there will be constant reminders of how Brown defended their banks with English money and moved defence jobs up there.
On news 24 last night Margret Beckett was blaming Thatcher for Browns pension crisis.
Vote Cameron get Thatcher will be one bbc theme.
Yep, and the BBC-sponsored ‘fightback’ continued this morning, 10th May, on Broadcasting House beginning at 9am. Margaret Moran arguing that she ‘needs a private life’. Extraordinary and absurd; nonetheless it was an argument not contradicted by the Beeboids.
Sorry, but the BBC has been spinning this story for all it’s worth for the Government.
If we had had a list of endless Tory Ministers being outed like this the BBC would be going on and on and on about ‘Tory sleaze’
The BBC has to report the story, but note that when it’s BAD news for the Government the BBC report it, but try to spin it as best they can for the Government.
You only have to read Prick Robinson’s’ blog to see that for Christ sake.
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Rubbish, if you withdraw the whip from all those abusing the system the members of each party still holding the whip will be outnumbered by those that don’t. That goes for your beloved Conservatives just as much as labour or the Liberal Democrats. All the MPs are nauseating.