As has been suggested on another thread, it really is time that the BBC linked to B-BBC in order that a sense of balance be provided to licence-payers. Here is a thread for your suggestions as to how you reckon we can achieve this….thoughts?
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Er.. the only way to get the BBC to link here is to turn it into a Liebour loving site.
Er.. the only way to get the BBC to link here is to turn it into a Liebour loving site.
Absolutely right.
The BBC is so not interested in the opinions of its customers, it truly defies adequate description.
The Common Purpose of the BBC is to radicalize society into division and confusion. To FORCE the pubic, kicking and creaming if possible, into the not so new, big money, very big government dominated, socialist/communist/corporatist ( take your pick, cus it makes no difference ) New World Order.
Therefore the opinions of ordinary people have NO value, and hold less then NO interest whatsoever for the establishments controllers of The BBC.
Eternal Jake Boot in the face of mankind, is the only language The BBC either understands, or wishes to understand.
If, for some kind of incomprehensible, and wishful thinking type of reason the owners or contributors to this site are still labouring under the illusion that the system basically gives a damn about the common people. Then it would be best for all concerned, that they close this site, and then attempt a process of rapid growing-up, ASAP.
Sorry, I see nil prospect of the BBC linking to this site. So nil point in trying.
I am afraid that Anonymous is right – the BBC are in bed with the elite and the “common man” is not worth their attention, after all they know their views and these are not the same as the BBC. So unless you work for an NGO, are a “pop star” or a Labour politician then you just have to pay up and be ignored.
Actually you only had to see the BBCs so called “White Season” to see what utter contempt they hold for the ordinary person.
The BBC would rather link to an Hamas web site than the BBBC.
Spot on John Horne Tooke and contributors above. Even in the world of elites, the BBC fails. What radio station has done the most to bring classical music to a wider audience? Your choices are (1) Radio3 since its inception 40, 50 odd years ago; (2) Classic FM over the last 10 years. No contest.
Spray paint
next to the word ‘nigger’ [apologies] on the walls of BBC Television Centre
Wood Lane,
Photograph it and post it on Facebook, You Tube, and email it to everywhere else in the news media that we can.
Watch the BBC cover it up…
Did anyone ever watch ‘Invaders’ back in the 1970s – they’d understand all this.
JohnA is probably right, but there’s no harm in doing something other media will have to acknowledge.
In order to do that, there probably has to be a concerted effort to create a section or series of posts in which BBC reports are coldly taken apart, either showing evidence that they misled the public, evidence of past BBC reports where they behaved differently when the other side was involved, contrasts between honest reporting from other sources and dishonesty from the BBC, etc
Put together enough evidence how their lies, misrepresentations, hiding of the truth, and blatant editorializing, and it will have to be acknowledged. There are still a few BBC people who keep an eye on things here occasionally, and they’ve all made it clear what they like and what they don’t. Use that as a guide, and there are possibilities.
Also, don’t give up on the book. A solid book with real evidence would make at least other media notice for sure. Once enough other people are paying attention, the Beeboids will have to as well.
First step: take away David Vance’s posting privileges. As long as he contributes to the site, you won’t deserve to be taken seriously by anyone.
Does anyone remember the catchphrase “It’s Your BBC”. It should have read “It’s our BBC”.
1. The BBC and it’s management are on the other side of a line in the sand. They will NEVER link the BBC site to B-BBC. Indeed, it would be a bad thing if they did.
2. B-BBC should stay an independent voice or to put it another way, it’s not “your B-BBC” but OURS.
PS, that’ll be £32.99 for my expenses, please.
if this site was taken seriously by the BBC and their supporters you would be doing something wrong.
Do you take the BBC seriously?
At least with Parliament, there are occasional elections when the British people can vote out the incumbent government which taxes the people.
With the BBC, the British people are powerless to vote out the incumbent BBC which taxes the people and propagandises in the BBC’s own political interests.
Cheers Scott – great idea.
To the adults,
I am simply responding to a request from a reader.
Sometimes putting a video up on YouTube is hardly worth the effort but Mags Moran, thieving MP, whining away about how it’s all within the rules is starting to become quite popular. So I thought I’d share: PIGGIE SQUEALS – MARGARET MORAN MP
Scott M
What a great idea – lets stop people posting to this site and then maybe the BBC will link to it.
David Vance you must stop pointing out the bias at the BBC it upsets people like Scott.
As has been suggested on another thread, it really is time that the BBC linked to B-BBC in order that a sense of balance be provided to licence-payers. Here is a thread for your suggestions as to how you reckon we can achieve this….thoughts?Look to the Newsbusters model where claims of bias are backed by actual evidence. Proper quotes, stuff like that. From there flows respect.
PS Dunno if anybody has mentioned this yet but the next North America editor will be Mark Mardell. According to Fran Unsworth, BBC head of newsgathering: “His engaging reporting has brought the story of Europe alive for the past three years for audiences across all our output”. I must have missed that because I’ve been under the impression that Mardell has failed utterly to force the EU agenda onto the BBC. Whatever one thinks of their journalism the likes of Webb, Peston and Robinson have at least increased the profile of their relative beats. Mardell, by contrast, has pretty much kept his head down (in a big bowl in a fancy restaurant in Brussels or Strasbourg, probably). The era of the Lisbon Treaty and the remorseless subjugation of national power to continental rule should have been the ideal time for a European editor to force the EU into the forefront of every news programme. Mardell wasn’t up to the job. And he won’t be rocking any boats in Obama’s Washington, either.
Perhaps try making the posts more considered and less ranty.
Sentences like this “It is a BBC meme that the UN = force for good. Meanwhile, on Planet Reality, the rest of us see it as an anti-Semitic US-hating tyranny loving moral cesspit providing jobs for the boys – especially if your name is Annan” do little to help this site be taken seriously.
Ooops, you’re right. Meant to say… thieving anti-Semitic US-hating tyrannyloving dhimmified pointless expensive moral cesspit. Thanks.
“Ooops, you’re right. Meant to say… thieving anti-Semitic US-hating tyrannyloving dhimmified pointless expensive moral cesspit. Thanks.”
It’s puerile stuff like that that will ensure that nobody outside your little clique will ever take you seriously, David.
By all means keep on posting. I’m sure that as you do so, and as Biased BBC slips further into irrelevance, you’ll find somebody other to blame than yourself.
well, the scientiffic test to show balance will be the bbc’s coverage of the tories expense claims this coming week
Actually, this site has been linked by the BBC several times. For example when we pointed out the BBC’s wikipedia edits of George Bush’s bio amidst a mini scandal of corporate editing of wikis where the BBC were caught in their hypocrisy.
Need to beware narcissism and other forms of self-importance here. For many on this site (most?), the goal is not more chatter. The BBC is beyond redemption and can’t and shouldn’t be fixed. Don’t mend it, end it.
Also, I don’t buy the idea on a nearby thread that B-BBC proselytising ‘Stateside’ is a good idea. (BTW, people who say ‘Stateside’ also often say ‘Frisco and SanB’doo and are regarded as jerks.)
The As and Bs in the US are widely aware of the awfulness of the BBC and capable of doing their own research. The rest are rarely decision makers.
To be blunt, you’d be wasting your time stroking yourself.
The real battle you have to fight is at home in the UK. That’s more about action than chatter. The rest is pissing into the wind.
“It’s puerile stuff like that that will ensure that nobody outside your little clique will ever take you seriously, David.”
So why do you visit this site Scott, is it to argue your side of a debate or is it to attack the people here?
Is it, as is the case with the BBC, that only those people who agree with their views are welcome to debate and those who do not are personally attacked.
No one has to agree with David Vance, but at least have the courtesy to argue the points raised.
Who the heck do you think you’re speaking for, Scott M.?
Here’s the spin we were all expecting. Amazing isn’t it? They are so predictable.
They won’t link to it now that Vance is here.
Vance the Irishman who pretends to criticise the beeb on this forum and then promote his appearance on the beeb here.
You couldn’t make it up. Only a paddy could do it and get away with it.
disillusioned kraut – who the hell are you to criticise Scott-M?
John Bosworth – Indeed it is
“Expenses system ‘wrong’ – Blears “
“Tory Duncan ‘claimed for garden’ “
The BBC won’t link here. Why should they?
All we can do is post links when commenting on Have Your Say or The Editors’ Blog and hope a moderator occasionally allows it through.
All the world’s a stage, the Bard wrote. Now Justin Webb has revised that: all the world’s a TV show with Oprah as a possible supreme court judge. (“seriously” quoth Webb)
In the United States of Omerica the President is the Jester-in-Chief and a TV agony aunt is the BBC’s choice for supreme court judge. And journalism is dead. Stop the world I want to get to get off.
Hi there, all. The BBC has linked here for a while from the official feedback page at
Nostalgia, anyone?
October 21st 2007. Nick Reynolds and a little article in Ariel
Scott M
At least B-BBC tries to tell the king he’s not got alot on if you know what I mean.
Mr Vance may rant a bit and the site may be obsessed with the isreal palestinian thing but it is still the most consistant voice attacking the BIAS in the broadcaster that we all own.
Maybe your Guardian reading has skewed your judgement. Even from my centrist lib dem viewpoint the BBC is incredibly one sided and needs to be held to account. Forget that the beeb also hate Catholics Jews Business professionals employers scientists married people and anyone who doesnt work for the state.
The beeb is the lover of the shop lifter, the graffiti artist, the ‘lifestyle’ single mum, the islamic extremist, the alternative therapist, the holistic spiritualist welly painting hippy.
The beeb is the hater of the medicine industry the farming industry any industry really apart from the ecobabble industry. It hates tradition hates Americans hates true free speech.
Auntie loves the French, Venezuala Hamas Cuba Iran Russia, dried up old commies, Ricky Tomlinson and the Scargilite left.
Any way enough of my rant just thought i’d like to add my support to this website. Not all the b-bbc supporters are tory or UKIP.
Excellent rant, but so true !
Right , it was my suggestion that DV mentioned and what I envisaged was suggestions along the lines of :
– write to your MP and try and ellicit a commitment from them to promote the idea.
– Write to the beeboid board ditto.
– push the idea hard on message boards, so that a msm journo runs with it.
– get your local constituency party to push the MP to raise it in policy forums. Balance required blah blah.
Good points, Paddy. Sometimes events do drive the topics here, but it’s a fair call in general.
The BBC will never link to this Blog! Oooppps, it already has and does. Doesn’t that make you feel a bit stupid? It must at least give you some pause for thought.
John Horne Tooke says ‘Is it, as is the case with the BBC, that only those people who agree with their views are welcome to debate and those who do not are personally attacked’.
In case you haven’t noticed John, David Vance is never off the BBC! How does that square with your perceptions?
And Paddy, the problem with saying ‘The beeb is the lover of the shop lifter, the graffiti artist, the ‘lifestyle’ single mum, the islamic extremist, the alternative therapist,’ etc etc is that it’s completley unsubstantiated. It’s assertion, with not a shred of evidence. When you then consider that you believe the BBC is biased in favour of everything you hate and biased against everything you support, you begin to see where the problem lies.
Any way enough of my rant just thought i’d like to add my support to this website. Not all the b-bbc supporters are tory or UKIP.Of course not. Some support the BNP, too.
Meiow….zing! Scorchio!
Might the new site design just pop all the anonymouses in their own cage so they can run rings round each other in their spinning wheel?
And speaking of factual accuracy, can one also hope that when Aunty just plain gets it wrong – as can happen – we might be spared another collection of the critters squeaking that it’s only fair when you trade the collective resources of the national broadcaster with some independent bloggers without access to a massive intranet and a rebuttal budget to search all day, to spring ‘gotchas’ from the political section of CBeebies countering (what I fully accept can often be unfortunate) over generalist catch-alls from some quarters.
Then again, with £3B+ and few tens of thousands more on the payroll, it might not happen this end so much, I’d hazard.
But, true, two wrongs do not make a right.
“In case you haven’t noticed John, David Vance is never off the BBC! How does that square with your perceptions?”
How many times have you seen David Vance on the BBC? To my shame I have never seen him – maybe because I live in England and David in NI.
Maybe we should ban all political parties that you don’t approve of – after all your lot are good at banning things. By the way I am not a supporter of any party you mentioned and even if I were it would between me and my conscience.
I have noticed this about the BBC supporters they love to pigeon hole people – is this because they seem to agree with everything their masters say – give me free will anyday.
“When you then consider that you believe the BBC is biased in favour of everything you hate and biased against everything you support, you begin to see where the problem lies.”
So you agree that the BBC is biased against Paddys views – proves the point that the BBC is bias – if it wasn’t Paddys views would be covered by the BBC and as you say they are not.
“Even from my centrist lib dem viewpoint the BBC is incredibly one sided and needs to be held to account.”
I think you misunderstand me. I absolutely, 100% believe that Biased BBC can, and should, be used to fulfil such a purpose.
What it will never do is be taken seriously if the signal-to-noise ratio is as high as it currently is. The majority of David Vance’s posts are of a type: that the BBC must be biased because his own viewpoint is not the one that prevails. All too often, topics which may be of genuine concern get lost under the weight of his own ego.
Take Vance away, and the quality of the site would improve immeasurably. Other posters, such as sue, ed thomas and Natalie all have their problems, but they do have a tendency to try and justify their claims in ways that David Vance tends not to.
Sue: re Ariel.
“Biased BBC “”are the people formally known as the audience””
Bloody laugh out loud. The best, most pithy one – liner I have seen all year. David Vance; any chance of immortalising that quote on the Site homepage?
sorry for the crap typo.