I had the misfortune to listen to Five Lies this morning around 9.30 when politicians expenses were being discussed. Someone commented that the BNP were politicians of conviction. The presenter, Nicky Campbell??, was straight in with ” and many of them do have convictions”, without even a hint of humour. I know he was only putting out the BBC line on this but can anyone recall a similar comment about those denizens of political representation from Ulster, who have very strong convictions
Complaint logged with the BBC, but I will not be holding my breath!
apparently we are all going to die from salmonella. we need to start spending billions of pounds now before it is too late.
a picture of hurricane katrina is thrown in for good measure – yet further proof of MMGW- yes of course, everyone knows hurricanes are caused by global warming.
“..and many of them do have convictions” is the oldest joke in the world. Nice to see Nicki Campbell is on form. Wonder if he’s heard the one that goes: “My wife went to the west Indies for her holiday…”
I tuned in to BBC24 at 2pm to keep up with the fast-moving developments of the day.
All they have done is show a live feed from Ilkeston where Ali Brown and his 40 thieves are conducting a gabfest with oodles of tame questioners.
So far this has been nothing but a 40-minute party political broadcast for Labour! That would be bad enough any day but on a day when there is so much real political news to report this is an appalling piece of editorial decision-making
“Turkey to open office in Brussels to educate Europe about Islam!”
“And to work to dispel ‘Islamophobia’ — you know, the linking of Islam with terrorism. Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate did not, unfortunately, announce any plans to open offices in Riyadh, Tehran, Gaza, Kabul, Baghdad, Swat Valley, Kashmir, southern Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Nigeria, or anywhere else, to educate the Muslims there about Islam, and prevent them from linking Islam with terrorism.”
No doubt the BBC’s Muslim Head of Religious Affairs will latch on to this.
2:06 PMA fraction O/T as I can’t really comment on the overall relative coverage yet, but I am a little intrigued that in the news broadcast during the Jeremy ‘let’s stir the country into a rabid froth over nothing by getting on two loons to discuss a stupid PR punt, and then let the dogs of the switchbaord loose’ Show how the two Lord’s punishment was viewed by the house and hence reported.
Let me get this straight… you take a bung to rig the law and you get suspended for 6 months… and then what? Welcome back to the House Partay! (on ex’s no doubt).
Yes there was an inappropriately forgetful Conservative couple, a distraught Labout ex-Cabinet Minister (certainly mentioned) as well, but two Lords a rigging don’t even get fired on the spot????! Or the odd comment gets made on that odd discrepancy?
Mind you, on the Steve Wright Show it has just been mentioned someone bought Kevin Spacey a Lordship, so the exchange of cash in this arena is certainly thriving.
The BBC goes to great expense, (BBC licencepayers’ expense) to cover elections in INDIA, by hiring a TRAIN for 18 days and nights and 5,000 miles:
“BBC Indian Election Train”.
Similarly, the BBC gives the views of the British people on the EUROPEAN UNION only a one out of ten countries’ look-in on BBC’s J.Dymond’s MONTH-LONG European tour (‘Europe’ pages), paid for by…
The live Labour propaganda feed on BBC 24 finally ended after 55 minutes of eye-wateringly embarrassing questions from Labour party supporters & bland answers from the Labour cabinet. I’ve never seen a more stilted, stage-managed event. The decision, as you say, is surreal and disgraceful on a news day like this. Of course, what the Beeboids were waiting for was the news conference afterwards. Amazingly, they even bungled this. They went to it halfway through Nick Robinson’s question about Elliot Morley!
Compare and contrast the 55-minute long, uninterrupted coverage of Labour’s bizarre yet tedious Euro election launch on BBC News 24 with Sky News‘s more balanced approach.
Sky showed the first 30 minutes of the live Labour feed then switched to David Cameron’s election conference (which was stage managed too, but not stilted), which it stuck with for about 15 minutes before re-introducing real news & – after an ad break – Adam Boulton.
Sky, like the BBC, wasted 45 minutes of its viewers’ time – but at least it provided balance. It even, shortly after the Cameron show began, offered a Sky Active Red Button option, allowing viewers to choose between Labour and Conservative propaganda. Did the BBC offer any such balance? Of course not. It was Labour, Labour, Labour – like it or lump it.
So not only were the BBC incompetent in their news management, they were also typically biased.
2:46 PM George R said “Turkey to open office in Brussels to educate Europe about Islam!” “And to work to dispel ‘Islamophobia’ — you know, the linking of Islam with terrorism.
“Not even Africans regard the African village as a useful societal model. But nor is the European village. Europe’s addiction to big government, unaffordable entitlements, cradle-to-grave welfare, and a dependence on mass immigration needed to sustain it has become an existential threat to some of the oldest nation-states in the world. And now the last holdout, the United States, is embarking on the same grim path:Read More at Hillsdale College
Classic Peter Allen on Radio 5. It just shows what a f**king twat he is.
Interviewing that man who is giving the profit from his house to charity Allen sneers that “You have to charge people more for goods originally to make money don’t you?”
Yes Allen it’s called capitalism. The fact he didn’t get it, the fact he sneered just shows what a bunch of left wing Communist twats the BBC are.
How would anyone know at the BBC about profit? 3.5 billion a year Allen probably on a very fat six figure salary and he doesn’t care that people can go to jail for not having a TV licence.
At today's press conference with Gordon Brown there was a marked contrast in tone between the Beeb's Nick Robinson and (I think, because I could only see the back of his head) Tom Bradby of ITN and (I think) Jon Craig of Sky. Everyone’s topic was the error-prone (according to the BBC) Elliot Morley. (Most might prefer to call him a crook).
Because of the Beeb's bungling, ‘live’ viewers missed the opening of Robinson's question, but it ended by asking (meekly) whether Morley should be deprived of his job as a select committee chairman. Big, brave question Nick – not! (Morley, by this time, had already been suspended from the Parliamentary Labour Party, & from his post as Brown’s climate change envoy.)
ITN, in contrast, asked, “A fortnight ago Elliot Morley told your aides that there was a serious problem with his expenses. Why wait till now to do something about it? You could have lanced this boil two weeks ago. And if Elliot Morley can be suspended, how about some of your cabinet and other backbenchers?
Sky asked, “Elliot Morley, in the statement released today, has said that he was guilty of insufficient notice on his accounting. He said his accounting was sloppy. Isn’t the same true of your leadership in this issue?”
Will Nick Robinson ever dare to ask Brown a tough question? Does he not want to? Is he not allowed?
Female BBC presenter sacked for ‘drunkenly abusing strangers’ during radio roadshow at family farmMiss Ledward admitted yesterday that she had ‘behaved disgracefully’ after boozing at the annual ‘Discover Nature’ weekend staged by BBC Radio Lincolnshire at a farm near Lincoln – but said she could not remember exactly ‘what went on’. Take a cue from your bosses and stick to cocaine, Daphne. That way you’ll remember everything with startling clarity – and they won’t sack you (in fact they’ll probably call you into the office to ask you how much you get your blow for).
As others have pointed out earlier ,there is a glaring reluctance by the BBC to mention that the two suspended Lords are labour. The story is mentioned but the fact that they are labour is often omitted. When they don’t mention it the average listener will assume that it is Tory Toffs up to no good . We all know that if it were two conservative Lords, the BBC would be going into overdrive, dropping everything to cover it. Time for the BBC to be investigated by the Daily Telegraph.
To be fair smug Eddie Mair on PM has just devoted nearly 15 minutes to the dodgy peers story, including an interview with one of the two rogues, Lord Trustnot, who Mair treated with characteristic sarcasm – and, given his lordship’s own smug self-defence, rightly so.
However, as this site has been noting throughout the day, Eddie was not so keen to stress that they were Labour peers.
And, of course, the Labour peers story came third. What was first on the BBC’s biased menu yet again? Was it the scatter-brained (if we believe him, and who does?) Robert Morley? No, it was the Conservative MP Andrew MacKay and his dodges.
“Hit the Tories first, hit the Tories first, hit the Tories first!” Is this on some poster in every room at Beeb Central?
Oh dear, another non-story about Jonathan Ross whipped up into a frenzy by the Mail. I’m sure nobody complained about this either until the Mail got the stupid sheeple riled up about it.
Ross, 48, suggested parents should put their sons up for adoption if they wanted a Hannah Montana MP3 player.
A number of listeners complained to the broadcasting watchdog, claiming the comments on his programme on Saturday were homophobic.
Ross was involved in a light-hearted discussion about prizes in a competition themed around the fictional teen pop star when he joked: ‘If your son asks for a Hannah Montana MP3 player, you might want to already think about putting him down for adoption before he brings his…erm…partner home.’
Good thing he didn’t say anything about bringing home a Golliwog, otherwise he’d be fired for sure. Any bets Ross will get the chance to offer yet another public apology to make good, whereas that drunken gardening woman got no such protection from the BBC?
Surly you should have worked out by now that you all should be watching far less or absolute ZERO BBC.
The BBC is simply bad for you, in so many different ways, I would have to write a whole book on the subject to fully cover quite how bad the BBC is, for just about everything you can imagine, including of course, your IMAGINATION.
We must completely stop watching the BBC and Sky. Sky may be as much as 1% better then the BBC, but it is still establishment propaganda, that hides more then it reveals, when not telling damned right lies.
The BBC is clever, very clever. So fucking clever in fact that it does what it does systematically within a highly departmentalized environment. The BBC does this so that most actually doing the donkey work, have completely lost the ability to understand that they are doing something that is always EXTREMELY immoral, and very often EXTREMELY ILLEGAL. The entire BBC, from the REAL BOSS all the way to the apprentice journalists, have lost, or never possessed in the first place (which is why they were given a job at the BBC,) the ability to tell right from wrong, or a lie from the truth.
What makes the situation forever worse is that they have all be selected, or brainwashed to believe, that all truth is subjective, when the TRUTH is, TRUTH is ALWAYS completely objective. Something is either TRUE or it is not TRUE, opinions and theories however, are a completely different matter.
The BBC has blood on its hands on this sort of thing.
Remember what the BBC and the Guardian in conspiracy with a mafia type business man did before and during the 1997 general election campaign?????????????
So why have the BBC been sleeping for 12 years???????????????
When trying your best to answer these questions, please try your very best to remember the following.
The BBC does not work for The Labour or Conservative Parties, and it sure as hell does not work for the British People, and never has during the entire history of its existence.
The BBC is part of The British and now World Establishment. Which is a whole bunch of despotic characters few have even heard, and absolutely no one has ever voted for.
They force us, using the direct threat of criminal law, to pay for their propaganda channel and our own profound ignorance.
AGW is clearly the big BBC give away.
Truth has no meaning for The real bosses of the BBC. They studied Third Reich propaganda as well as the best of them. As did the third Reich most certainly study the BBC’s own particular brand back in the thirties.
During this coming Forth Reich, which is the one that will most surly last at least a thousand years, there are two important lessons in the art and science of propaganda that the BBC will not forget.
1. If you tell the same lie enough times a majority of people will end up reluctantly agreeing with it, however silly the lie clearly is. They will do this because there is a very strong instinct within the common man to be in general agreement with his everyday surrounding and community. Being right does not make you friends, especially if every one else is wrong. Truth is not decided by majority vote. The truth is the truth nothing more and nothing less.
( Accepting that it is the only thing that can set you free, and the thing most likely to get you hated or even assassinated.)
2. If the lie is big enough, then people will want to believe the lie. Simply because the implications of it not be true are too horrendous for their minds to comfortably come to terms with. If realizing the ‘big lie’ is exactly that, also challenges the individuals own personal indoctrination or way of thinking, then the lie remains perfectly safe, and murderously dangerous, for the entire population in the end.
Lets face it folks. It the BBC is so clearly telling fibs now, and has been for the last 12 years. How many lies has our entire media and education system being telling us for all of our lives, which we don’t have the slightest clue about?
When you also work out for your self that virtually everything you have ever been told, is either a lie, or is based on a lie. You can not help but reflect on what a completely over-trusting idiot you were, before you finally had to grow-up.
All the right phrases and buzzwords included here to tickle the ears of your average Beeboid:
white, aristocrat, black poacher, Eton educated, white settler etc
“A white Kenyan aristocrat convicted of the manslaughter of a black poacher on his estate in 2006 has been sentenced to eight months in prison.
The judge told a packed High Court in Nairobi he had decided to give Thomas Cholmondeley a light sentence.
The Eton-educated 40-year-old has spent the last three years in jail.
Last week, the judge cut Cholmondeley’s murder charge to manslaughter as he did not show “malice aforethought” in the shooting of Robert Njoya, 37.
The killing was the second time in just over a year that Cholmondeley had fatally shot a black man.
Kenyans react to the sentencing of aristocrat Thomas Cholmondely
The case, involving the great-grandson of the third Baron Delamere, one of Kenya’s first major white settlers more than a century ago, has attracted huge media attention.”
..and just look at that superior whitey Etonian colonial expression on the disgraced toffs face in the picture the BBC use. Couldn’t be better! But the BBC are probably a bit disappointed at the sentence – no doubt he got off lightly because those poor natives were swayed by his naturally superior, aristocratic, white, settler…. oh go on then, racist ways.
My other half is insisting on watching the incredibly bad “Property Watch” show on BBC2. Apart from being an absolute load of cr*p, this programme has so far heavily criticized those nasty bankers who forced all that money on poor, innocent, wannabe home owners, has praised our dear leader for his benign indulgence in so generously donating his money (obviously not our taxes)to build council houses, and given the general impression that the UK is made up of 50% ethnic minorities. The general patronizing air of this pile of bilge is typical of the current output from what was once a great institution! God, it winds me up….
The train is funded by the taxpayer. Same difference. And it looks like another big waste of public funds.
The FCO and the Government generally does not have any money of its own – it is OUR money. Of course it is easy for you beeboids in your bubble to overlook that small fact.
JohnA – very true. But it is not just with the funding for the BBC. Watch or listen to any report (and not just from the BBC) and you will hear “The government will be giving money for….” or “The government will subsidize…”
The real phrase is “The taxpayer will….”
Its quite easy for the socialists to forget where government money comes from.
Nearly got me there atlas. But 2 sentences in I figured it was you. Took me about 5 seconds to scroll past so Christ knows how long it took you to write it.
The BBC News Homepage's lead story (last update 04:17 GMT), "More MPs face expenses scrutiny", devotes more space to Clare Short (ex-Labour ex-minister, not Muslim) than it does to Shahid Malik (Labour minister, Muslim), & it puts her story first.
This is obviously wrong. The Malik allegations in the Telegraph are far worse than the Clare Short allegations. He should be the article's main focus.
Why isn't he? Is it because he's still a member of the Liebour Party? Is it because he's still a minister? Is it cos I is a Muslim?
Conspicuous next to “More MPs face expenses scrutiny” on the BBC Website is this list of Key Stories:
KEY STORIES More MPs face expenses scrutiny MP joins calls for Speaker to go Tory MP quits post over expenses Tory MP Hogg to repay ‘moat cost’ Brown suspends mortgage claim MP Expenses claims focus on Lib Dems Brown wants all claims reviewed ‘Appalled’ Cameron leads payback
Note the use of the word ‘Tory’ twice and the absence of the word ‘Labour’, which should surely have been included in the sentence ‘Brown suspends mortgage claim MP’.
Martin – Malik’s expenses lead story across the BCC. Every story about the Peers yesterday was crystal clear they were “Labour Peers”. The term “two Labour Peers” led all the radio coverage I heard yesterday, as did the headline on the website.
True about the news on Radio 4 at 7.00 and 8,00, but no discussion of Malik on the Today programme by Naughtie, Humphrys or Nick Robinson. Odd, don’t you think?
Hidden away on the BBC’s website, in stark contrast to the well-promoted outpourings of that gushing idiot Shukman, Richard Cable offers an alternative view of the Caitlin survey. Credit where it’s due, but Shukman’s propaganda reached millions, whereas the BBC doesn’t even link to Cable’s observations on any of the relevant news stories about Caitlin. Earlier this week Cable even challenged the accepted BBC eco-narrative that the polar bear is endangered; as of now there are no comments which suggests that the BBC online editors chose not to link to that one either.
How long will Cable be allowed to get away with this sort of thing before the BBC’s Green Mafia bump him off? Get along to his blog and offer some support.
Well spotted. I have given some support to Mr Cable.
Search Biased BBC
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I had the misfortune to listen to Five Lies this morning around 9.30 when politicians expenses were being discussed. Someone commented that the BNP were politicians of conviction. The presenter, Nicky Campbell??, was straight in with ” and many of them do have convictions”, without even a hint of humour. I know he was only putting out the BBC line on this but can anyone recall a similar comment about those denizens of political representation from Ulster, who have very strong convictions
Complaint logged with the BBC, but I will not be holding my breath!
Climate ‘biggest health threat’
more climate alarmism.
apparently we are all going to die from salmonella. we need to start spending billions of pounds now before it is too late.
a picture of hurricane katrina is thrown in for good measure – yet further proof of MMGW- yes of course, everyone knows hurricanes are caused by global warming.
Gerald 1:58
Maybe if some BNP members were former terrorists the BBC would suport them !
BBC bias in action. Radio 5 2PM news.
“TORY MP resigns over expsenses”.
“Two Peers found to have abused their positon”
So that would be two LABOUR PEERS would it? No mention of them being Labour in the BBC report at all.
Irresistible to the BBC’s political line: a pro-woman, anti- Silvio Berlusconi article, all in one:
BBC News ‘Europe’ page:
“The battle of the Berlusconis”.
“..and many of them do have convictions” is the oldest joke in the world. Nice to see Nicki Campbell is on form. Wonder if he’s heard the one that goes: “My wife went to the west Indies for her holiday…”
I tuned in to BBC24 at 2pm to keep up with the fast-moving developments of the day.
All they have done is show a live feed from Ilkeston where Ali Brown and his 40 thieves are conducting a gabfest with oodles of tame questioners.
So far this has been nothing but a 40-minute party political broadcast for Labour! That would be bad enough any day but on a day when there is so much real political news to report this is an appalling piece of editorial decision-making
The E.U. elections:
“Turkey to open office in Brussels to educate Europe about Islam!”
“And to work to dispel ‘Islamophobia’ — you know, the linking of Islam with terrorism. Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate did not, unfortunately, announce any plans to open offices in Riyadh, Tehran, Gaza, Kabul, Baghdad, Swat Valley, Kashmir, southern Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Nigeria, or anywhere else, to educate the Muslims there about Islam, and prevent them from linking Islam with terrorism.”
No doubt the BBC’s Muslim Head of Religious Affairs will latch on to this.
Martin said…
“Two Peers found to have abused their positon”
2:06 PMA fraction O/T as I can’t really comment on the overall relative coverage yet, but I am a little intrigued that in the news broadcast during the Jeremy ‘let’s stir the country into a rabid froth over nothing by getting on two loons to discuss a stupid PR punt, and then let the dogs of the switchbaord loose’ Show how the two Lord’s punishment was viewed by the house and hence reported.
Let me get this straight… you take a bung to rig the law and you get suspended for 6 months… and then what? Welcome back to the House Partay! (on ex’s no doubt).
Yes there was an inappropriately forgetful Conservative couple, a distraught Labout ex-Cabinet Minister (certainly mentioned) as well, but two Lords a rigging don’t even get fired on the spot????! Or the odd comment gets made on that odd discrepancy?
Mind you, on the Steve Wright Show it has just been mentioned someone bought Kevin Spacey a Lordship, so the exchange of cash in this arena is certainly thriving.
G Brown 1.48pm
My complaint has gone in. Campbell is a toe rag.
Anyone catch this
It’s all Maggie’s fault.
BBC: politics, elections and expenses –
The BBC goes to great expense, (BBC licencepayers’ expense) to cover elections in INDIA, by hiring a TRAIN for 18 days and nights and 5,000 miles:
“BBC Indian Election Train”.
Similarly, the BBC gives the views of the British people on the EUROPEAN UNION only a one out of ten countries’ look-in on BBC’s J.Dymond’s MONTH-LONG European tour (‘Europe’ pages), paid for by…
Charles (2.40)
The live Labour propaganda feed on BBC 24 finally ended after 55 minutes of eye-wateringly embarrassing questions from Labour party supporters & bland answers from the Labour cabinet. I’ve never seen a more stilted, stage-managed event. The decision, as you say, is surreal and disgraceful on a news day like this.
Of course, what the Beeboids were waiting for was the news conference afterwards. Amazingly, they even bungled this. They went to it halfway through Nick Robinson’s question about Elliot Morley!
Compare and contrast the 55-minute long, uninterrupted coverage of Labour’s bizarre yet tedious Euro election launch on BBC News 24 with Sky News‘s more balanced approach.
Sky showed the first 30 minutes of the live Labour feed then switched to David Cameron’s election conference (which was stage managed too, but not stilted), which it stuck with for about 15 minutes before re-introducing real news & – after an ad break – Adam Boulton.
Sky, like the BBC, wasted 45 minutes of its viewers’ time – but at least it provided balance. It even, shortly after the Cameron show began, offered a Sky Active Red Button option, allowing viewers to choose between Labour and Conservative propaganda. Did the BBC offer any such balance? Of course not. It was Labour, Labour, Labour – like it or lump it.
So not only were the BBC incompetent in their news management, they were also typically biased.
“Nazi row puts spotlight on Pope’s PR”
“At the Dome of the Rock, a sacred site to Muslims,…” Apparently the BBC “forgot” it’s the most holy site for the Jews.
The rent boy abusing drug taking twats at the BBC have been dodging the Labour Peers story all day.
This is as bad as ANY Tory cash for questions stuff, but the BBC isn’t going near it.
We have a Labour MP who has been suspended for some very possibly dodgy dealing, yet the BBC ignores it.
Like I say the TOP story on the BBC news site was TORY MP resigning (as Cameron’s bag carrier)
Can’t wait until the Telegraph gives us Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper’s expenses tomorrow.
And I bet Teresa May is the only one attacked on QT tonight for expenses.
2:46 PM George R said “Turkey to open office in Brussels to educate Europe about Islam!” “And to work to dispel ‘Islamophobia’ — you know, the linking of Islam with terrorism.
George, such a peaceful religion linked to terrorism never The Religion of Peace
Radio 5 have just attacked the Tories for 15 minutes solid.
Peter Allen mentioned the two ‘Peers’ (what part are they from then?) in passing (about 3 seconds)
Oh and a Labour MP suspended ahead of possible criminal charges.
Talk about the BBC burring bad Labour news.
I bet Pinhead and Toenail’s Blackberry’s have been red hot from Downing Street all day.
Live Free or Die
“Not even Africans regard the African village as a useful societal model. But nor is the European village. Europe’s addiction to big government, unaffordable entitlements, cradle-to-grave welfare, and a dependence on mass immigration needed to sustain it has become an existential threat to some of the oldest nation-states in the world. And now the last holdout, the United States, is embarking on the same grim path:Read More at Hillsdale College
Classic Peter Allen on Radio 5. It just shows what a f**king twat he is.
Interviewing that man who is giving the profit from his house to charity Allen sneers that “You have to charge people more for goods originally to make money don’t you?”
Yes Allen it’s called capitalism. The fact he didn’t get it, the fact he sneered just shows what a bunch of left wing Communist twats the BBC are.
How would anyone know at the BBC about profit? 3.5 billion a year Allen probably on a very fat six figure salary and he doesn’t care that people can go to jail for not having a TV licence.
At today's press conference with Gordon Brown there was a marked contrast in tone between the Beeb's Nick Robinson and (I think, because I could only see the back of his head) Tom Bradby of ITN and (I think) Jon Craig of Sky. Everyone’s topic was the error-prone (according to the BBC) Elliot Morley. (Most might prefer to call him a crook).
Because of the Beeb's bungling, ‘live’ viewers missed the opening of Robinson's question, but it ended by asking (meekly) whether Morley should be deprived of his job as a select committee chairman. Big, brave question Nick – not! (Morley, by this time, had already been suspended from the Parliamentary Labour Party, & from his post as Brown’s climate change envoy.)
ITN, in contrast, asked, “A fortnight ago Elliot Morley told your aides that there was a serious problem with his expenses. Why wait till now to do something about it? You could have lanced this boil two weeks ago.
And if Elliot Morley can be suspended, how about some of your cabinet and other backbenchers?
Sky asked, “Elliot Morley, in the statement released today, has said that he was guilty of insufficient notice on his accounting. He said his accounting was sloppy. Isn’t the same true of your leadership in this issue?”
Will Nick Robinson ever dare to ask Brown a tough question? Does he not want to? Is he not allowed?
Female BBC presenter sacked for ‘drunkenly abusing strangers’ during radio roadshow at family farmMiss Ledward admitted yesterday that she had ‘behaved disgracefully’ after boozing at the annual ‘Discover Nature’ weekend staged by BBC Radio Lincolnshire at a farm near Lincoln – but said she could not remember exactly ‘what went on’. Take a cue from your bosses and stick to cocaine, Daphne. That way you’ll remember everything with startling clarity – and they won’t sack you (in fact they’ll probably call you into the office to ask you how much you get your blow for).
Darn it, this Blogger comment system really is the limit. Where did my paragraph separation go?
As others have pointed out earlier ,there is a glaring reluctance by the BBC to mention that the two suspended Lords are labour. The story is mentioned but the fact that they are labour is often omitted. When they don’t mention it the average listener will assume that it is Tory Toffs up to no good . We all know that if it were two conservative Lords, the BBC would be going into overdrive, dropping everything to cover it. Time for the BBC to be investigated by the Daily Telegraph.
Anon: Lets be honest. This is as bad as the cash for questions stuff from the Tories in the 90’s. But the BBC are treating it as a bit of a joke.
Again, why are the Police not involved?
Will we see the BBC doing a Newsnight special or Panorama on it?
Will we see the BBC talk about Liebour sleaze the same way it does about Tory sleaze?
I think we know the answer. NO!
To be fair smug Eddie Mair on PM has just devoted nearly 15 minutes to the dodgy peers story, including an interview with one of the two rogues, Lord Trustnot, who Mair treated with characteristic sarcasm – and, given his lordship’s own smug self-defence, rightly so.
However, as this site has been noting throughout the day, Eddie was not so keen to stress that they were Labour peers.
And, of course, the Labour peers story came third. What was first on the BBC’s biased menu yet again? Was it the scatter-brained (if we believe him, and who does?) Robert Morley? No, it was the Conservative MP Andrew MacKay and his dodges.
“Hit the Tories first, hit the Tories first, hit the Tories first!” Is this on some poster in every room at Beeb Central?
Oh dear, another non-story about Jonathan Ross whipped up into a frenzy by the Mail. I’m sure nobody complained about this either until the Mail got the stupid sheeple riled up about it.
Jonathan Ross in new row over ‘homophobic comments’ made on his Radio 2 show
Ross, 48, suggested parents should put their sons up for adoption if they wanted a Hannah Montana MP3 player.
A number of listeners complained to the broadcasting watchdog, claiming the comments on his programme on Saturday were homophobic.
Ross was involved in a light-hearted discussion about prizes in a competition themed around the fictional teen pop star when he joked: ‘If your son asks for a Hannah Montana MP3 player, you might want to already think about putting him down for adoption before he brings his…erm…partner home.’
Good thing he didn’t say anything about bringing home a Golliwog, otherwise he’d be fired for sure. Any bets Ross will get the chance to offer yet another public apology to make good, whereas that drunken gardening woman got no such protection from the BBC?
Surly you should have worked out by now that you all should be watching far less or absolute ZERO BBC.
The BBC is simply bad for you, in so many different ways, I would have to write a whole book on the subject to fully cover quite how bad the BBC is, for just about everything you can imagine, including of course, your IMAGINATION.
We must completely stop watching the BBC and Sky. Sky may be as much as 1% better then the BBC, but it is still establishment propaganda, that hides more then it reveals, when not telling damned right lies.
The BBC is clever, very clever. So fucking clever in fact that it does what it does systematically within a highly departmentalized environment. The BBC does this so that most actually doing the donkey work, have completely lost the ability to understand that they are doing something that is always EXTREMELY immoral, and very often EXTREMELY ILLEGAL. The entire BBC, from the REAL BOSS all the way to the apprentice journalists, have lost, or never possessed in the first place (which is why they were given a job at the BBC,) the ability to tell right from wrong, or a lie from the truth.
What makes the situation forever worse is that they have all be selected, or brainwashed to believe, that all truth is subjective, when the TRUTH is, TRUTH is ALWAYS completely objective. Something is either TRUE or it is not TRUE, opinions and theories however, are a completely different matter.
The BBC has blood on its hands on this sort of thing.
Remember what the BBC and the Guardian in conspiracy with a mafia type business man did before and during the 1997 general election campaign?????????????
So why have the BBC been sleeping for 12 years???????????????
When trying your best to answer these questions, please try your very best to remember the following.
The BBC does not work for The Labour or Conservative Parties, and it sure as hell does not work for the British People, and never has during the entire history of its existence.
The BBC is part of The British and now World Establishment. Which is a whole bunch of despotic characters few have even heard, and absolutely no one has ever voted for.
They force us, using the direct threat of criminal law, to pay for their propaganda channel and our own profound ignorance.
AGW is clearly the big BBC give away.
Truth has no meaning for The real bosses of the BBC. They studied Third Reich propaganda as well as the best of them. As did the third Reich most certainly study the BBC’s own particular brand back in the thirties.
During this coming Forth Reich, which is the one that will most surly last at least a thousand years, there are two important lessons in the art and science of propaganda that the BBC will not forget.
1. If you tell the same lie enough times a majority of people will end up reluctantly agreeing with it, however silly the lie clearly is. They will do this because there is a very strong instinct within the common man to be in general agreement with his everyday surrounding and community. Being right does not make you friends, especially if every one else is wrong. Truth is not decided by majority vote. The truth is the truth nothing more and nothing less.
( Accepting that it is the only thing that can set you free, and the thing most likely to get you hated or even assassinated.)
2. If the lie is big enough, then people will want to believe the lie. Simply because the implications of it not be true are too horrendous for their minds to comfortably come to terms with. If realizing the ‘big lie’ is exactly that, also challenges the individuals own personal indoctrination or way of thinking, then the lie remains perfectly safe, and murderously dangerous, for the entire population in the end.
Lets face it folks. It the BBC is so clearly telling fibs now, and has been for the last 12 years. How many lies has our entire media and education system being telling us for all of our lives, which we don’t have the slightest clue about?
When you also work out for your self that virtually everything you have ever been told, is either a lie, or is based on a lie. You can not help but reflect on what a completely over-trusting idiot you were, before you finally had to grow-up.
Atlas shrugged
All the right phrases and buzzwords included here to tickle the ears of your average Beeboid:
white, aristocrat, black poacher, Eton educated, white settler etc
“A white Kenyan aristocrat convicted of the manslaughter of a black poacher on his estate in 2006 has been sentenced to eight months in prison.
The judge told a packed High Court in Nairobi he had decided to give Thomas Cholmondeley a light sentence.
The Eton-educated 40-year-old has spent the last three years in jail.
Last week, the judge cut Cholmondeley’s murder charge to manslaughter as he did not show “malice aforethought” in the shooting of Robert Njoya, 37.
The killing was the second time in just over a year that Cholmondeley had fatally shot a black man.
Kenyans react to the sentencing of aristocrat Thomas Cholmondely
The case, involving the great-grandson of the third Baron Delamere, one of Kenya’s first major white settlers more than a century ago, has attracted huge media attention.”
..and just look at that superior whitey Etonian colonial expression on the disgraced toffs face in the picture the BBC use. Couldn’t be better! But the BBC are probably a bit disappointed at the sentence – no doubt he got off lightly because those poor natives were swayed by his naturally superior, aristocratic, white, settler…. oh go on then, racist ways.
I did nothing wrong, leave me alone to count my money you bastards.
My other half is insisting on watching the incredibly bad “Property Watch” show on BBC2. Apart from being an absolute load of cr*p, this programme has so far heavily criticized those nasty bankers who forced all that money on poor, innocent, wannabe home owners, has praised our dear leader for his benign indulgence in so generously donating his money (obviously not our taxes)to build council houses, and given the general impression that the UK is made up of 50% ethnic minorities.
The general patronizing air of this pile of bilge is typical of the current output from what was once a great institution!
God, it winds me up….
George R – the train is World/World Service so subscription/FCO funded.
Sarah Jane
The train is funded by the taxpayer. Same difference. And it looks like another big waste of public funds.
The FCO and the Government generally does not have any money of its own – it is OUR money. Of course it is easy for you beeboids in your bubble to overlook that small fact.
JohnA – very true. But it is not just with the funding for the BBC. Watch or listen to any report (and not just from the BBC) and you will hear “The government will be giving money for….” or “The government will subsidize…”
The real phrase is “The taxpayer will….”
Its quite easy for the socialists to forget where government money comes from.
The BBC are really scumbags. Check their news site out now. Not a single mention of Maliks expenses. NOT ONE, I repeat NOT ONE.
Nearly got me there atlas. But 2 sentences in I figured it was you. Took me about 5 seconds to scroll past so Christ knows how long it took you to write it.
The BBC News Homepage's lead story (last update 04:17 GMT), "More MPs face expenses scrutiny", devotes more space to Clare Short (ex-Labour ex-minister, not Muslim) than it does to Shahid Malik (Labour minister, Muslim), & it puts her story first.
This is obviously wrong. The Malik allegations in the Telegraph are far worse than the Clare Short allegations. He should be the article's main focus.
Why isn't he? Is it because he's still a member of the Liebour Party? Is it because he's still a minister? Is it cos I is a Muslim?
Conspicuous next to “More MPs face expenses scrutiny” on the BBC Website is this list of Key Stories:
More MPs face expenses scrutiny
MP joins calls for Speaker to go
Tory MP quits post over expenses
Tory MP Hogg to repay ‘moat cost’
Brown suspends mortgage claim MP
Expenses claims focus on Lib Dems
Brown wants all claims reviewed
‘Appalled’ Cameron leads payback
Note the use of the word ‘Tory’ twice and the absence of the word ‘Labour’, which should surely have been included in the sentence ‘Brown suspends mortgage claim MP’.
Bloody typical!
Martin – Malik’s expenses lead story across the BCC. Every story about the Peers yesterday was crystal clear they were “Labour Peers”. The term “two Labour Peers” led all the radio coverage I heard yesterday, as did the headline on the website.
Nonny 8.13am
True about the news on Radio 4 at 7.00 and 8,00, but no discussion of Malik on the Today programme by Naughtie, Humphrys or Nick Robinson. Odd, don’t you think?
Hidden away on the BBC’s website, in stark contrast to the well-promoted outpourings of that gushing idiot Shukman, Richard Cable offers an alternative view of the Caitlin survey. Credit where it’s due, but Shukman’s propaganda reached millions, whereas the BBC doesn’t even link to Cable’s observations on any of the relevant news stories about Caitlin. Earlier this week Cable even challenged the accepted BBC eco-narrative that the polar bear is endangered; as of now there are no comments which suggests that the BBC online editors chose not to link to that one either.
How long will Cable be allowed to get away with this sort of thing before the BBC’s Green Mafia bump him off? Get along to his blog and offer some support.
Well spotted. I have given some support to Mr Cable.