It would be great if the Conservatives actually showed a bit of bottle and helped us get rid of the bloated parasite in the grotesque form of Michael Martin that occupies the historic role of Speaker of the House of Commons. There is far too much prevarication and triangulation going on when what is needed is clear leadership on this issue. The BBC reports that their darling, Nick Clegg, has actually said the unspeakable and called on Gorbals Mick to go. Naturally cronies in the form of Stuart Bell and Stephen Pound has come to the aid of their pal Martin. Reading the report, it feels like the BBC wants to see Martin stay and so the prospect of his immediate political demise is downplayed. Let Cameron go for the jugular and start the process of cleansing out the stable.
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Aaaah the libdems, the BBCs new best friends eh?
They may be heretics but at least they are nearly socialist, with the well deseerved implosion of the newlabour project the BBC commissars need new allies.
The libems now appear to be much more visible on the BBC, way beyond their actual share of the vote could justify, but hey since when did fairness ever trouble the BBC commissars, they need allies in the coming fight against the Tories and what a fight its going to be!
They must realise that McMental is finished and the perverted maniac is determined to take labour with him, he would rather destroy the party indeed the whole nation than give up his dreams of power, the BBC new axis partners will be the libdems/greens(if they get seats)/
unions and whatever remains of the labour party post implosion.
we should all pray that cameron has the balls to speeak up, not in a timid “swe need a new direction” kind of way, but in a”get this fat fuckwit out of here” way.
dont bet on it though
Whenever Labour are deep in the shit (and Gorbals Mick is as Labour as you get), out comes Stephen Pound.
He may not have an official title, but he’s unofficially Labour’s Minister for Shit.
Pound is a C**T. Every weekend he crawls out of Brown’s arse spelling of you know what and then does the rounds of the TV studios speaking up for McCreep.
There seems to be a small group of these twats that tour the BBC, they being Sir Michael Shite, Kevin MaGuire, Pound and of course St Polly.
Absolutely hilarious defence of the expenses by belittling it, ala Stephen Fry, and Labour…..whilst bludgeoning the Tory expense claims
“Your typical Labour expenses claimer claims the expense on an extra radiator to heat his bedroom. Your typical Tory expenses claimer claims the expense on extra pipes to heat his swimming pool.”
hmmm…..thou dost protest too much….
Not especially pertinent to the subject of Gorbals Mick, but as he is as guilty as any of them, he fits in with this picture very nicely thank you.
Seems to me, we are all of us overlooking the obvious, the most glaring hypocrisy of all…namely that this whole expenses fiasco reveals these champagne socialists for they are not only benefits cheats, they are also tax cheats…expenses are a reimbursed expense and therefore NON taxable, they are by and large out of pocket expenses and so are not subject to the grasping hand of the Taxman. Now coming from those who write and continuously revise the tax codes, they hypocrisy becomes absolutely staggering.
Now, there are circumstances where monies received in lieu of income are indeed subject to taxation, but I’d wager, not too often, in these circumstances, especially with this lot. They would exempt themselves from such an onerous burden; you can bet it’s written in those “RULES” they keep hiding behind, though it would be buried under a mountain of obfuscation.
So, how do we find out just what these “troughers” actually paid in personal taxes for the past decade? Might be far, far more damning than their obvious thievery.
Given that they themselves wrote the rules, they MOST SURELY knew the bloody obvious horse and cart they were driving through that Augean stable. Given the amounts now being revealed by these disclosures on a daily basis, it is very apparent just how much tax they have evaded. If a politician’s annual salary is is the region of 60,000 pounds, but when adjusted for expenses, raises the amount to over 300,000 (in some of those cases so far revealed), it surely must raise alarm bells in all but the most deceitful, just exactly what has transpired, but deceitful opportunists is exactly what we have in positions of authority right now….thieves…but then again, it has always been the way with socialists, the divine right to help themselves to other peoples’ monies. “It’s for the children after all!”
Please note, I do not exempt the Tories from this moral degradation, but they are in reality, but a whiter shade of pink, for they cast out their principles a long time ago, simply to follow Blair’s winning formula at the ballot box. Truth be told, many of them cast them out long before that… amoral scumbags…corrupt parasites the whole bloody lot of them.
By such simple ineptitude, they have revealed themselves for what they are , rotten and corrupt to the core. Wake up and throw them all out.
And before anyone asks who else…anyone but this lot.
Michael Martin is now expected to announce tomorrow – or rather to confirm – that he will be leaving at the end of this Parliament.
But as we already expected this – how is the public demand for blood satisfied ? He really has to go NOW. On grounds of ill-health, maybe ?
The BBC of course trots out Stuart Bell to defend him !
But Martin is capable of digging himself even deeper tomorrow. And now the spotlight is really on him, the public demands for him to go immediately look likely to increase, not lessen. People do not want this to be brushed aside. We have rampant corruption right through the Commons, people rioting right outside, time for someone more senior than Clegg to do a Leo Amery intervention ?
(My favourite now for new Speaker is Frank Field, although I still like the idea of Alan Williams as a stopgap.)
Cameron has now let the dogs out to finish of Gorbals. If he had been too blatant he would only have united the Labour party against him. But Hague has now announced a free vote for Tories on the no confidence motion. That should mean curtains for Gorbals.
Martin..That awful Kevin Maguire is the most biased commentator ever, and he is on the BBC almost daily!!
Politicians have run out of time.
The masses have seen through the bull of the last 12 years (about time). The Economy has blown apart. The body politic has blown apart. And the BBC still wheel out pathetic nobody’s like Pound to provide a torrent of more bull that no one, absolutely no one, with two brain cells at least, believes.
The more those like Pound, White, at al, infect our screens, the lower the Labour vote will fall.
They’ve been seen through. They’re finished. My fear is that they will take the country down with them.
I’m floundering here in the USA. What is actually going on back home? I have no trustworthy source of information? Is there any one commentator you guys think has it about right? I can hear the BBC underplaying the ‘crisis’ for obvious reasons and some nutty websites telling me the world of politics as we know it is about to end…what’s going on?
I have read all the newspapers on line as I usually do and I log on to websites and of course the Beeb. But for the first time in my adult life I have no perspective about what’s happening? Help!
Betty Swollocks and Martin,
Don’t forget that Maguire was in on that Red Rag meeting. He knew, his Beeboids buddies knew, they all kept it covered up, and they still have him on now. Maybe he’s got something on an important Beeboid or two in that regard?
David Preiser: Adam Boulton was having a go at Iain dale this morning on Sky about how the dead tree press had got one over the bloggers.
Of course Dale really missed a good point. The dead tree press were fully aware of this scandal about MPs expenses. Just like McBride and his dodgy dealings the dead tree press sucked up to the political elite.
All of a sudden the dead tree press are having to drop their buddies in the shit and they don’t really like it.
I suspect that at some point there will be pay back from the politicians to the press.
The BBC has done its best (as it usually does) to ‘move the story on’. For example no where today idd the BBC mention that McTwat was responsible for the Lloyds HBOS merger. It was McTwat personally who made it happen. Now it’s all gone wrong the BBC don’t want to mention McTwats name. Randall on Sky News reminds us though.
The BBC firstly played the whole thing down, then it attacked the Tories, then it tried to link the Tories to the BNP and now the BBC is just looking for any story to divert attention away from McTwat and his failed Government.
People should really be asking WHY the press didn’t make more of this before. For example 5 bellies Smiff and Balls and Cooper were top troughers and what about Mandelson? What about the two Liebour peers found guilty last week?
All we get from the BBC is reminders of Tory sleaze and it’s all Thatchers fault.
Martin must NOT be allowed to hang around. He must go, and go now. And no pay-off’s. Further, the fact he is trying to keep the dynasty ambitions alive in Glasgow re his son getting parachuted into a “safe” seat shows he is a trougher her learns nothing!
Agree with the comments re Maguire btw – always given media access by the BBC,
Got to disagree here – from the website’s perspective anyway, I haven’t heard any radio or TV news. The Beeb. website seems to have it in for Martin just as much as anyone else’s does.
Where’s an example of them trying to save him, on the website? Or is it other media you’re primarily talking about.
Martin @ 7:57PM
The BBC has done its best (as it usually does) to ‘move the story on’. For example no where today idd the BBC mention that McTwat was responsible for the Lloyds HBOS merger. It was McTwat personally who made it happen. Now it’s all gone wrong the BBC don’t want to mention McTwats name. Randall on Sky News reminds us though.
Yes, I remember very well how Robert Peston first said that Mr. Brown personally recommended to the Lloyds boss that they swallow up HBOS. Then, a couple of months ago, when it was clear that this deal was giving Lloyds indigestion, Peston did a careful dance away from this position, until Brown’s hands appeared clean once more.
John Bosworth – I’d say we were talking about revolution – Brit-style. Disillusion with politicians has reached the point of no return. People simply will not vote for them. Trust has broken down utterly and completely and the political classes just don’t get it. I suspect the “nutty” websites are closest to describing what’s going on. As with most revolutions it’s very hard to predict what’s going to happen next, but suffice it to say the status quo is not an option.
John Bosworth
People are always cynical about politicians – but this time the plebs are deeply shocked. Newspapers are getting the biggest amount of mail and emails they have ever had – by a country mile. The odd resignation here and there by Ministers or Tory spokesmen one has never heard of will not be enough. There is real anger – I bet a lot of local parties will de-select their members, there is plenty of time to find replacement candidates for the election expected next year.
But top of the heap is The Speaker. Now that people are focussing on his role in all this, and the normal inter-party code of softly-softly has been broken, Martin’s resignation will be seen by many people as an acid test.
‘Twould be fun if the UK Speaker and the US Speaker both got the boot for their atrocious behaviour ! Of course the BBC is giving no virtually coverage to Nancy Pelosi’s lies.
Richard & etc:
… they MOST SURELY knew the bloody obvious horse and cart they were driving through that Augean stable. …
Mr Speaker, on a point of order, keen historians among us will recall the occasion during the long war of the Newbury bypass when we were told by one Honourable Member that you cannot drive a coach and horses on a bypass. Har, har… I would like to suggest that still less can you drive a horse and cart through the Augean stable, of all places. Har har…
{Guffaws from the benches}
Order! ORDER!
My 8 year old said to me today that if this man Gorbals was so bad and wasn’t doing his job properly and taking people’s money, why can’t we call the police and put him in jail?
After thinking bless him, I wondered if we are just over-complicating everything and should make rules more blank and white?
It is not just about expenses. It is the beginnings of a counter revolution. An instinctive revolt against all those who have presumed. Making ever more absurd laws and attempting to irrevocably alter an ancient and distinctive people to fit an idealised world view most of us do not share.
All of the establishment are floudering. The BBC no less than the rest of them.
This is an old land. Perhaps there is something in our land that calls on us to defend it against those who wish it harm.
It sounds strange but if there is such a spirit and it has at last wakened then God help those that try to stand against it.
We have always been hard to govern and contemptous of our rulers.
My sons and I value our freedom above all else. It is now time to take it back. To govern ourselves as we see fit through honest men and women who wish only to serve the people and spirit of England.
More blank and white, as in that man Blank who is resigning from the bank (I am a poet and I don’t know it).
Nick Clegg looks like a silly mock-indignant little man, calling for the head of the Speaker. After all he has presided over the party with the rich Several Homes / Trouser Press MP, among others infecting the saintly Lib Dems. Did he inspect and approve of their expenses claims? Did he do anything about them at all, before all this blew up? No. In fact he has probably been doing the same with his expenses as all the other home-loving (know wha’ oi mean?) troughers. Why doesn’t he resign?
Also, I want to know why we have a Secretary of State for JUSTICE who put in false claims for full council tax when he was paying only half council tax? Why doesn’t he resign? Why is there no outcry about that either from the media or from the public?
And if that is all right to have a crook, a fraudulent claimer, a thief who claims he made a mistake (honest, Guv), in charge of the legal and criminal justice system, and there is not a word about it, well, then, why should anyone call for the Speaker, or anyone else, to resign? And why should ol’ Gorbals resign?
Anyhow, if anyone does resign, Kate Hoey for Speaker, Prime Minister, Sec for Justice(oh…and Queen – should anything untoward befall our dear Queen, which I hope and pray it does not, for then we really would be in a sorry state too awful to contemplate.)
I suggest that we should leave the Speaker where he is as he will continue to do more damage to labour. Is this the reason the conseratives seem unwilling to stick the boot in?
David Presiser: Yes the BBC must think we’re stupid. Peston made big press at the time that “Gordon” had personally helped the Lloyds HBOS deal along as normally it would have been blocked by the Competition standards lot.
Then I clearly remember Peston coming on the BBC and spinning that Gordon didn’t really have anything to do with it when the whole deal when south.
Just like Orwell’s 1984 the BBC tries to re-write history.
I hope they/David Cameron have more nous than to make it a Conservative Party move and to make themselves look even sillier and more hypocritical than they do already in the wake of moats and moles and the like.
Clegg made the comments in a BBC interview and they blew the story on the back of those comments. Calls for the Speaker to go coming from such a senior politician is unprecedented and puts him under severe pressure.
If this is part of a “Save Gorbals Mick” campaign by the BBC, then its sophistication is well beyond my comprehension.
Or is DV talking cobblers again?
Anon: Because the BBC is trying to move the story on. Note that the BBC has been concentrating on the LLoyds HBOS story today. Sky News has been hammering the Government.
We have now yet another sleazy Liebour MP up to no good, but the BBC skip past it and try to move the agenda on.
The BBC will HAVE to keep reporting the story about Gorbels Prick as the rest of themedia and the public won’t let them move it on.
Is it true Gorbals has a pension worth 1.4m? I’m not sure if it was a just bad dream or I read it somewhere!
If Gorbels Mick gets to the end of his period as speaker he retires on a really big pension. It was pointed out on Sky News that no MP will stand down as they also get a huge pay off and pension.
Which ever way you work it, the tax payer gets hosed.
This is where I start to believe their lives could be in danger. They cannot terrorise the very people who voted for them for taxes to line their pockets and expect there will be no recourse for it. I’ve never seen the country united in such rage.
Any MP gets a £42,000 “leaving ” allowance.
Tax free !
It is amazing all the perks and exemptions they have voted themselves.
Commons bars are the only pubs in the country where you can smoke, for example.
Not a lot of people know that !
Hey Millie Tant, that there is a grand impersonation of outraged of Islington trying to seek a sanctuary on the coattails of dull wit.
If the anger is real and true, the elite will have no choice but to throw Gorbals Mick and his charmer of a wife to the baying mob…that would be us. I sense a smell of fear emanating from the political classes, I wonder when we shall see them panicked into a stampede…or can the BBC ride to the rescue and calm the raging beast, before its jaws rip the self-righteous and their apologists to shreds.
JohnA: Actually John the PRESS PACK have known all about what MPs get for years. The press pack knew about the expenses fiddles but just didn’t report on it.
Look at these CDs the Telegraph purchased. They have been touted around the press for ages but no one wanted to touch then, UNTIL the McBride affair blew up and the media could see that people were well pissed off with politics.
For example, we have known about Ed Ballas and Yvette Cooper’s dodgy expenses for ages.
David Vance said…
‘Martin must NOT be allowed to hang around. He must go, and go now. And no pay-off’s.’
A bit harsh.After all he is one of the main contributors to this site even though he swears a bit!
Clegg’s call for the Speaker to resign were NOT made in a BBC interview. It was an LBC interview – with Andrew Pierce.
1000 journalists and the BBC misses a scooplike that !!! Behind the curve, as usual.
OK, possible you’re right. I’d read this –
And particularly this –
“Mr Clegg told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show that he was not seeking the Speaker’s resignation “lightly or with any relish” but that it was clear that it was a necessary step to rebuild confidence in Parliament.”
as meaning the BBC had been first to get Clegg to say as much.
The Indie credits the BBC as the medium through which he first said the Speaker should go. See here –
But I don’t necessarily trust that rag.
Libdemvoice suggests it was the BBC too
But possible you’re right.
Main point is though, it is hard to argue from any of the facts that there is a “Save GM” campiagn on the BBC.
Every time the BBC gets Stuart Bell or Jum Sheridan to whine on in defence of Martin, they actually worsen what most people think about Gorbals Mick.
I have NOT heard the BBC talking about Martin’s own snout being in the trough. 1000 journalists and they can’t find that obvious thread of the story ?
I find it very amusing that dear Martin, who posts here, is being confused with Michael Martin, especially given B-BBC’s Martin’s view of the Scots !
Well, there he goes at last, and Nick Robinson’s taking a load of flack in the comments page as his idea it was class snobbery in part that toppled him and the rest was scapgoating.
I wonder how long they’ll let the comments stay open.
But then, it’s only a blog.
OK help me here. The whole country is up in arms against MPs. Martin has had to be shoved rather over his reluctance to fall on his own blade.
And the bBC airs a video of the only 3 people in the UK (never mind Scotland) who actually defend the crook. (How much ones his Mum the other his sister and the other his brother)