On Sunday morning, one of the Big Questions was “Is Israel a racist state”. This being the BBC, they applied their usual “balance” criteria, and populated the studio with Israel supporters and Israel haters.
On the podium Dame Anne Lesley (who has a great deal of factual knowledge on the subject) was matched by a rather vociferous (aren’t they all) Muslim, mercifully not Anjem Choudry, who shouted Lesley down while objecting to any interruption to correct matters of fact.
On the floor we had claims of Aparthied from a woman from South Africa, whose main point seemed to be that as the claim originated from St. Desmond Tutu it must be a fact.
A woman rabbi made the point (rather diffidently) that the debate was geared by the BBC mainly for entertainment. She also pointed out that as Israel was in a war with its Arab neighbours, discrimination was a matter of survival. She was dead right, this was the BBC Colosseum with Jews versus Lions for the edification of the sanctimonious Left. The topic was pejorative and in itself anti-semitic, with no hope whatever of any light being thrown on the Israel/Palestine conflict.
Actually, the conduct of the most vociferous – and being allowed to be so – rather damned them from their own mouths, to this objective observer at least.
I found the diffidence of the thoughtful speakers, including Ms. Lesley and the Rabbi, to be all the more powerful in contrast, especially when slicing and dicing the gobby guy with the beard with his own ‘let me please speak’ when he couldn’t permit them two seconds without jumping in over them.
The moderator’s chairmanship abilities in managing this were of course also telling by their absence.
This may or may not be BBC bias, but if Esther Rantzen is an alternative to the present crowd in Westminster, give me the present crowd, sleaze and all. It seems from the appearance of ace reporter and secular saint Martin Bell on Radio 4 over the weekend, that the BBC is gearing up for the altenative (but in reality the same old but this time more media-based) political class to claim its stake to power.
Exon said… As an aside, where’s Toenails? Big things going on in the Commons and Nick is nowhere to be seen…Well, something’s up, and what wouldn’t I give to be a fly on the wall in Aunty Central at the ‘mo.
Mr. Robinson’s blog has always ‘enjoyed’ ‘unique’ moderation, but currently all of the politicals… Newsnight, Andrew Neil… seem to be in meltdown.
I do believe the narrative is proving a tad hard to control, much less enhance.
The BBC HYS section is still a picture of socialist denial in action.
The BBC comrades know that a HYS on the corruption of Westminster will show how angry everyone is, so they deny the people the opportunity to let their views be known. The BBC is just itching for this story to go away and what they do report is blatant newlabour protectionism creating strawmen by the dozen and watering down any story they do show. The BBC are acting like reactalite sunglasses, they are shielding their newlabour allies and taking direct orders from newlabour on what to report and how to report it. The anger isnt going to go away no matter what the BBC do and no matter how much the BBC wish it to go away.
I notice the BBC are pushing the lie that the Tamil Tigers gave the world suicide bombings.
Eh hem. I think our towel head friends in the middle east actually gave the world suicide bombers. I seem to remember them being used in the Iran/Iraq was if not before then.
The BBC doesn’t always push its agenda. Occasionally conflicting articles escape the net and are published.
It is my contention that those articles soon disappear into the ether to places that can only be found if you know where and what to look for. Articles that reinforce the agenda stay linked and prominent for long periods.
Case in point, Netanyahu’s visit to Obama. From all appearances it was friendly, longer than expected and both parties repeated known positions without rancour.
“KATE Hoey may be one of the few MPs to emerge with her reputation enhanced from the expenses scandal – after her high-profile challenge to Speaker Michael Martin – but she is still not getting any respect from the BBC. An almighty row is now brewing between the BBC and the Countryside Alliance over Aunty’s decision to veto an interview with its Chairman, Labour MP Hoey, on Farming Today.”
London Evening Standard
Same old bigots. Same old BBC.
Time for the Speaker to go. Time for change. Time for the Evil Empire at the BBC to be dismantled.
Tbe utopian, pro-green BBC neglects to criticise the Labour government on its incompetence in the wasteful area of ‘carbon capture’.
Christopher Booker,’Sunday Telegraph’ 16 May:
“Just one of countless examples of how our MPs now fail in their true responsibilities was glaringly on view on April 23. Our Climate Change Secretary, Ed Miliband, announced to MPs that, to keep Britain’s lights on, he will graciously permit us to have a new generation of coal-fired power stations. But this is only on the condition that they can in future be fitted with “carbon capture”, extracting the CO2 to bury it in holes in the ground. To pave the way for this, Mr Miliband is insisting on four pilot schemes in different parts of the country, each of which, although he didn’t admit it, is to cost £1 billion, paid for by all of us through our electricity bills.
“So far, there is not a single commercial carbon-capture scheme anywhere in the world. The technological problems in creating one may well be insuperable. Even if they could be made to work, they would, in effect, double the price of electricity and require us to double our already huge imports of coal, mainly from Russia.
“In other words, Mr Miliband was announcing to the Commons a completely mad, quixotic proposition. But instead of pointing this out, the handful of MPs present, led by the Tories’ energy spokesman, Greg Clark, and John Gummer, fell over themselves to welcome it. If we had grown-up MPs with the remotest understanding of the real world, they could simply have laughed this totally absurd measure out of court, and saved us all £4 billion – 40 times as much as they cost us each year, including their allowances.” (Christopher Booker.)
Sir Michael Lyons, the chairman of the BBC Trust, has warned the BBC would be left a “pale and weak shadow” of its current self if the licence fee is amended or abolished. The TelegraphWe shouldn’t fund the BBC. By its promotion of multiculturalism, all things foreign, Islam,it is conniving at the destruction of the British nation.I object strongly to the BBC using my licence fee money to fund their propaganda. Cut them loose now and lets see them compete in the real world.
Hey, it could be a green shoot. Not widely loved, though, since the movers and shakers fleeing the sinking ship are, in the words of the article, ‘those with guaranteed jobs and gilt-edged pensions [namely] public sector workers paid for by the private sector.’
One imagines you’ll find overstuffed BBC employees among the lucky punters spared contact with scruffy people. Can anyone be bothered to lift a finger and find out, perhaps with a few names and addresses for the convenience of well-wishers?
Sadly but predictably, most of you will opt to have a cup of tea and a biscuit, maybe whinge a bit about the need to give someone a jolly good talking to, and then turn out the lights.
Gorbals Mick’s statement sounded awful on the Radio, But I have now seen it on TV – and it is even worse. The guy could hardly read his own short statement, and he was clearly not understanding the procedural issue about what sort of motion had been tabled. What a buffoon, ignorant as XXXX. If the public did not much like Martin before, now they have really seen him in action they will be even more annoyed.
It is typical of NuLabour that they foisted this idiot on The Commons as Speakerm and have defended all his idiocies. But the game is up now, this con has been openly exposed. If Brown tries to sustain Martin in office, Brown will suffer. Ergo – Brown and the Labour whips will not fight much longer on Martin’s behalf, the man is utterly toxic.
Am concerned that the whole story is becoming one about whether Martin should stay or go. This is only one consequence of the real story, that of the massive abuse of the expense system (or more accurately, that of a massively abusable expense system that has clearly been milked).
Last thing we need is for one person to go and then everyone to start claiming a line has been drawn under it and the story is finished. It isn’t, and whilst Martin should go there should be a continuation of investigations afterwards – he shouldn’t be the only one.
The BBC website is reporting the launch of the euro campaign and as usual they are lying through their teeth again, pathological dishonesty comes as standard. Under the title ‘Brown launches euro push’ they report that Brown is “polling as low as 23%” Oh yes but only in the general election polls BUT they are polling far less on the euro election polls at around 17% and thats nearly on a par with UKIP, see the dishonesty there? Deliberate confusing of the two different polls to give newlabour a much higher poll rating!
The whole report is very one sided and as usual with the BBC the side quote boxes are reserved for supportive statements. The BBC also lie about the common thief Blears paying some of the money she stole, we have no proof that she has paid a penny back, the crumpled up cheque she waved around was blank and she has provided no proof of payment, the correct statement would be ‘Blears claimed to have repaid the monies she stole’
Martin said… 7:52 PM, May 18, 2009It seems an odd thing for folk to be vying for the ‘honour’ of inventing, but I’d say the concept of a person and an explosive device being married as a way to direct the latter’s aim went way back. However, usually it was a desperate last ditch military option.
It just takes a particular refinement of skill for old blokes who like to hide in caves or try and escape military action in ambulances, to persuade dumb, hope-less younger ones to do so, preferably targeted at even younger kids, to ‘help’ with the former’s dreams of power and money. Um… for the ’cause’.
It has been an interesting time to see true leadership brought to the fore these last few days.
With the last vestiges of Parliament’s credibility excavating out the barrel base, dribbling across into the gutter and now halfway to China, I have noticed, by his absence at least, Grinning Gordon seems reluctant to be seen in the House.
By all accounts, even when he has to be in there it’s more a duck and run deal.
However, we have been treated to the smile at all manner of hugely relevant events, from the opening of fetes(Ok, I made that one up) to pouncing on on scrappage buyers (hopefully not disappointed Ford or Honda ones as, surprise, the scheme hasn’t been properly thought through).
Then there was the big one, as the towering intellect in a safety zone sandwich between Messrs Rooney and Beckham.
At no point have I heard it mentioned, much less asked of him, whether actually running the country from the driving seat might be a bit of a plan?
I have been wondering if there is a clear BBC policy (that could be adhered to) when it comes to the mentioning of the political affiliation of miscreants, and how it is done?
These pages often have examples of odd inclusion or omission. I can’t see why it cannot be standardised , and clear breaches logged and brought to the attention of the BBC. In fact, as with the commercial sector, I can’t see why it is not incumbent upon them to provide documentary evidence that when such reports are made, they have been covered consistently.
Maybe because I do pay attention to what is raised here more than some, but my ears did twitch as I typed when BBC Midlands today was on about the latest pol (missed who, or whether local or national) who had misbehaved, but very definitely he was heralded as ‘Tory’.
No problem with that at all (though I wonder when ‘Conservative’ is used instead). I think their affiliation is of relevance.
However, if there is a marked inconsistency in when that is appended in a report, there needs to be serious questions asked as it goes to policy and agenda. This was no slip by the autocue reader; this was inserted and approved scripting.
Today programme 8.10am: John Humphreys, in the wake of the Michael Martin affair takes…..David Cameron to task.
What gives? Why the focus on Cameron and the Conservatives in the wake of Martin’s woeful performance in recent days? Was this to divert attention from Gorbals Mick and the present Government? Did it reflect Humphreys’ natural contempt for conservatism in general?
Also, why did Cameron allow himself to fall into this trap, where he becomes the focus of attention when it should be Martin?
Abandon Ship is right, I heard the interview & Humphries was bordering on the rude, he never treats labour like this and Cameron was far to soft to handle him robustly. I despare about the Conservatives.
Presumably the BBC’s staff expenses for second homes is still ongoing:
‘Mail’ (8 March)-
“BBC staff could receive £46,000 pay sweetener to move to broadcaster’s new home”
“The BBC is to offer staff up to £46,000 to persuade them to move from London to Salford. “The corporation is planning to move 1,600 employees north to its new Media City headquarters. Among the parts of the BBC being transferred are children’s programming, sport and Radio 5 Live.”
” Tory vote on licence fee puts BBC back on political agenda”
“The shadow culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has said that the Commons vote tomorrow in which the Conservatives will press for the licence fee to be frozen at £139.50 is about making a stand against BBC excess and forcing the government to ‘explain its position’ on the corporation’s funding.
“Wednesday’s vote on the annual licence fee increase is being forced by the Tories after the party leader David Cameron in March called for the licence fee to be frozen at last year’s level of £139.50 – rather than rise by £3 to £142.50 – in response to the recession.
“The Commons vote on the increase is normally a formality. All three parties have whipped the vote, with the Lib Dems promising to support the government, meaning that the increase is almost certain to be passed.
“However, Wednesday’s vote will be a warning to the BBC that if the Conservatives win next year’s general election, as seems increasingly likely, the issue of the licence fee will return to the political agenda.
“Hunt said of the vote: ‘It seems completely wrong that the BBC is getting an inflation rise when there is no inflation. The BBC’s income was traditionally on a par with the income for the commercial sector but now that advertising is suffering it is getting on to double what the commercially funded sector is getting’.”
Interesting interview with Tory spokesman on Toady this morning re dentistry ( although it could have been absolutely anything). interviewer persistently interupted with faux joviality, doing his best to disrupt spokesman and queer his pitch. Compare that to the respectful silence with which the hysterical ramblings of mad hattie harperson are reverently received.
As a self-confessed occasional HYS commenter on the BBC, it seems even their ‘moderators’ are tarnished by the bias and the ‘house rules’ are taken from their ‘little labour book of creating wooly, abusable, and loopholed and rules and laws’. Example below:
DEBATE: Should British forces be covered by human rights law? SENT: 18-May-2009 14:04 COMMENT: I don’t normally agree with cases for sueing for this that and the other, however this seems to be for the greater good – giving this Labour govt a kick up the backside as a temporary distraction from their 1st place troughing, to give our troops the decent basic equipment they need and deserve in combat. COMMENT STATUS: REJECTED
A reminder of the Eurabian E.U. which the ‘multiculturalist’ BBC propagandises for:
“Eurabia has a capital: Rotterdam”
[Extract 1.)]:-
“Holland is an extraordinary test case. It is the country in which individual license is the most extensive – to the point of permitting euthanasia on children – in which the Christian identity is most faded, in which the Moslem presence is growing most boldly.
“Here, multiculturalism is the rule. But the exceptions are dramatic: from the killing of the anti-Islamist political leader Pim Fortuyn to the persecution of the Somali dissident Ayaan Hirsi Ali to the murder of the director Theo Van Gogh, condemned to death for his film ‘Submission,’ a denunciation of the crimes of Muslim theocracy. Fortuyn’s successor, Geert Wilders, has lived under 24-hour police protection for six years.
“There is one city in Holland where this new reality can be seen with the naked eye, more than anywhere else. Here, entire neighborhoods look as if they have been lifted from the Middle East, here stand the largest mosques in Europe, here parts of sharia law are applied in the courts and theaters, here many of the women go around veiled, here the mayor is a Muslim, the son of an imam.
“This city is Rotterdam, Holland’s second largest city by population, and the largest port in Europe by cargo volume.”
[Extract 2.)]:
“In the Casbah of Rotterdam”
“In Feyenoord, veiled women can be seen everywhere, darting like a flash through the streets of the neighborhood. They avoid any sort of contact, even eye contact, especially with men. Feyenoord is the size of a city, and there are seventy nationalities coexisting there. It is an area that lives on subsidies and residential construction, and it is here that it is most obvious that Holland – with all of its rules against discrimination and all of its moral indignation – is a completely segregated society. Rotterdam is new, having been bombed twice by the Luftwaffe during the second world war. Like Amsterdam, it is below sea level, but unlike the capital it does not enjoy an image of reckless abandon. In Rotterdam, it is the Arab shops selling halal food that dominate the cityscape, not the neon lights of the prostitutes. Everywhere are casbah-cafes, travel agencies offering flights to Rabat and Casablanca, posters expressing solidarity with Hamas, or offering affordable Dutch language lessons.
“It is the second-largest city in the country, a poor city, but also the economic engine with its huge port, the most important in Europe. Most of the population are immigrants, and the city has the tallest and most imposing mosque in Europe. Sixty percent of the foreigners who arrive in Holland come here to live. The most striking thing when one arrives in the city by train are the enormous and fascinating mosques framed by the vibrant green, luxuriant, wooded, watery countryside, like an alien presence compared to the rest. They call it ‘Eurabia.” The Turkish Mevlana mosque is imposing. It has the tallest minarets in Europe, even higher than the stadium of the Feyenoord soccer team.
“Many of the neighborhoods in Rotterdam are captive to the darkest, most violent form of Islamism.”
Of course, even in this time of the run up to the E.U. elections, the BBC is disinclined to mention that the Muslim population of Brussels is about 25%*. (*Source: ‘Islam in Europe’.)
That’s interesting about Rotterdam, because three hundred or so years ago it was a primary destination for Jews escaping oppression elsewhere in Europe. Many of them were living in poverty at first because they left everything behind. They got no free ride from the government upon arrival, and had an incentive – survival – to adapt to the local civilization. Result: a thriving, successful Jewish community living in harmony with their Dutch neighbors.
These days the specifics of immigration to Rotterdam are entirely different, of course.
The bBC, dumbing down the news and half the story.
Ex-embassy woman cheated justiceA former embassy official charged with fatally injuring a cyclist in a hit-and-run crash has been found guilty of perverting the course of justice.
Natela Grinina, 34, knocked down Thomas Sippel-Dau, 54, as she drove her Range Rover in South Kensington, west London.
Woolwich Crown Court heard she fled the UK before selling the vehicle on eBay, following the incident in March 2005. Grinina, who working at the Georgian embassy, still faces a charge of death by dangerous driving. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8058152.stm
So on reading that bBC news report. Was Grinina; A English person working at the Georgian embassy? A Georgian working at the British embassy? Somebody else.
And here is how the Guardian reports the same story.
Georgian embassy official Natela Grinina denies fatally injuring cyclist in hit-and-run crashAn Georgian embassy official fatally injured a cyclist in a hit-and-run crash before her 4×4 car was sold on eBay, a court heard today.
While the BBC is busy telling you that the Speaker of the House of Commons is being scapegoated, is a victim of class and anti-Scottish prejudice, and generally isn’t getting a fair shake, they have not ever told you about the growing problems of the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the US.
Nancy Pelosi is no longer respected by most of her Democrat colleagues, to the point that they no longer invite her to their fundraising events.
The fact that both Speakers are under fire at the same time ought to be worth at least a mention somewhere in the vast output of BBC News reporting and analysis, especially considering the severity of the charges against both. Pelosi’s situation is ignored by the BBC because all of her problems reflect badly on their beloved President Obamessiah.
Pelosi, along with her cohorts in Congress, created the massive, pork-filled Spendulus Bill, against which hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting across the country. So, criticism of her is also criticism of Him on that score, especially the way the BBC reported it. But her recent troubles really began when it was revealed that she knew that waterboarding was being used a few years ago, and didn’t complain, and has since said that the CIA lied to her about it. The current director of the CIA – a Clinton crony – says Pelosi’s the one who isn’t telling the truth.
Here’s a whole page of stories from the pro-Obamessiah/Conservative-hating CNN about Pelosi’s problems. It ain’t pretty.
The BBC’s favorite world leader has disappointed some supporters over here by taking the Bush Administration’s position on things he campaigned on changing, such as military tribunals, the withholding of unpleasant photos from Abu Ghraib with the excuse that it would endanger US soldiers, the use of warrant-less wiretapping, and protecting those who used waterboarding on terrorist suspects.
So Pelsoi’s hypocrisy on waterboarding doesn’t help His position at all, especially since it was the President who released the CIA memos that started all this in the first place. Of course, the BBC never told you any of that. All you know is Hope and Change, and how pragmatic and “solid” He is. You shall not have believed in vain.
The point is that the US Speaker is soon to be in the same situation as the UK Speaker, yet nobody at the BBC seems to think this is worth a mention. In fact, they haven’t said a single word about Pelosi versus the CIA at all. Their own Obamessiah-centric focus makes her irrelevant. It’s much more important for the Beeboids to play up the President and attack Conservatives and anyone who opposed Him.
So you’re all not only uninformed, but actually misinformed as well.
David Preiser: Pelosi really spat her dummy out the other day didn’t she? Luckily we have Fox News over here to give us the facts as to what is going on.
Just spotted the latest scare story from the BBC – ‘Prepare for a Heat Wave’ – UK told. It contains these immortal lines:
The Met Office says it is too early to tell whether it will be a very hot summer this year, but the signs so far are that it will be warmer than our last two summersAs it would be pretty hard to get colder than our last two summers this has to be a fair bet. Why are they churning out this nonsense? Is it a combo of warmist spin combined with sneaky efforts to promote a feelgood hot summer to boost Gordon’s doomladen electoral prospects?
Pelosi, the quick version: she has no coherent principles; her political reflexes are all BBC/Guardian liberal; her constituency is SFrancisco; she’s backed by lotsa money from angry homosexuals; she’s a saggy old bag with botox brain.
Translation: she ticks enough boxes at White City to be off-limits, immune to all criticism.
She’s also two heartbeats away from the presidency. The thin, very thin, line of succession goes from One to Her, via Biden, who in his lucid moments, rare these days, still seems to be channeling Neil Kinnock. That, surely, is a story for the Frei/Webb thing.
and in case you ask – of course the fact that 9 year old girls were wearing hijabs was never mentioned by the BBC, even though we could see it with our own eyes.
when it comes to gender career equality, Islam is never criticised.
try to get your head around that Beeboid worldview. it will make your head meltdown in oooh about 30 seconds.
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On Sunday morning, one of the Big Questions was “Is Israel a racist state”. This being the BBC, they applied their usual “balance” criteria, and populated the studio with Israel supporters and Israel haters.
On the podium Dame Anne Lesley (who has a great deal of factual knowledge on the subject) was matched by a rather vociferous (aren’t they all) Muslim, mercifully not Anjem Choudry, who shouted Lesley down while objecting to any interruption to correct matters of fact.
On the floor we had claims of Aparthied from a woman from South Africa, whose main point seemed to be that as the claim originated from St. Desmond Tutu it must be a fact.
A woman rabbi made the point (rather diffidently) that the debate was geared by the BBC mainly for entertainment. She also pointed out that as Israel was in a war with its Arab neighbours, discrimination was a matter of survival. She was dead right, this was the BBC Colosseum with Jews versus Lions for the edification of the sanctimonious Left. The topic was pejorative and in itself anti-semitic, with no hope whatever of any light being thrown on the Israel/Palestine conflict.
I watched it.
Actually, the conduct of the most vociferous – and being allowed to be so – rather damned them from their own mouths, to this objective observer at least.
I found the diffidence of the thoughtful speakers, including Ms. Lesley and the Rabbi, to be all the more powerful in contrast, especially when slicing and dicing the gobby guy with the beard with his own ‘let me please speak’ when he couldn’t permit them two seconds without jumping in over them.
The moderator’s chairmanship abilities in managing this were of course also telling by their absence.
This may or may not be BBC bias, but if Esther Rantzen is an alternative to the present crowd in Westminster, give me the present crowd, sleaze and all. It seems from the appearance of ace reporter and secular saint Martin Bell on Radio 4 over the weekend, that the BBC is gearing up for the altenative (but in reality the same old but this time more media-based) political class to claim its stake to power.
It looks like the BBC have given up on Labour as a lost cause and are now on a ‘they’re all as bad as each other’ tack in order to stop the Tories.
So that’s the BBC choice now is it; Ester and Bell? A self publicist and another one! Great. 🙁
Meanwhile, from the ‘Whodathunkit’ files….
Link between broadcasters and Westminsterhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/newsnight/michaelcrick/2009/05/link_between_broadcasters_and.html#commentsanchor
Cattle prod:
At least that’s balanced-ish!
As an aside, where’s Toenails? Big things going on in the Commons and Nick is nowhere to be seen…
BBC News’ (Politics page):
“Brown launches Labour Euro push”
-not mentioned by BBC and Labour:
‘to get 75 million Muslim Turks into E.U.’
Exon said…
As an aside, where’s Toenails? Big things going on in the Commons and Nick is nowhere to be seen…Well, something’s up, and what wouldn’t I give to be a fly on the wall in Aunty Central at the ‘mo.
Mr. Robinson’s blog has always ‘enjoyed’ ‘unique’ moderation, but currently all of the politicals… Newsnight, Andrew Neil… seem to be in meltdown.
I do believe the narrative is proving a tad hard to control, much less enhance.
The BBC HYS section is still a picture of socialist denial in action.
The BBC comrades know that a HYS on the corruption of Westminster will show how angry everyone is, so they deny the people the opportunity to let their views be known.
The BBC is just itching for this story to go away and what they do report is blatant newlabour protectionism creating strawmen by the dozen and watering down any story they do show.
The BBC are acting like reactalite sunglasses, they are shielding their newlabour allies and taking direct orders from newlabour on what to report and how to report it.
The anger isnt going to go away no matter what the BBC do and no matter how much the BBC wish it to go away.
I notice the BBC are pushing the lie that the Tamil Tigers gave the world suicide bombings.
Eh hem. I think our towel head friends in the middle east actually gave the world suicide bombers. I seem to remember them being used in the Iran/Iraq was if not before then.
Demonstrations are llegal around the Houses of Parliament unless you are a Tamil then you can block traffic and do as you please.
The BBC doesn’t always push its agenda. Occasionally conflicting articles escape the net and are published.
It is my contention that those articles soon disappear into the ether to places that can only be found if you know where and what to look for. Articles that reinforce the agenda stay linked and prominent for long periods.
Case in point, Netanyahu’s visit to Obama. From all appearances it was friendly, longer than expected and both parties repeated known positions without rancour.
How does this account for Is Israel heading for clash with US? last updated 28th April? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8023366.stm.
The short answer to Katya Adler’s wishful thinking is NO!
Hoey barred by BBC from Farming Today
“KATE Hoey may be one of the few MPs to emerge with her reputation enhanced from the expenses scandal – after her high-profile challenge to Speaker Michael Martin – but she is still not getting any respect from the BBC. An almighty row is now brewing between the BBC and the Countryside Alliance over Aunty’s decision to veto an interview with its Chairman, Labour MP Hoey, on Farming Today.”
London Evening Standard
Same old bigots. Same old BBC.
Time for the Speaker to go. Time for change. Time for the Evil Empire at the BBC to be dismantled.
Tbe utopian, pro-green BBC neglects to criticise the Labour government on its incompetence in the wasteful area of ‘carbon capture’.
Christopher Booker,’Sunday Telegraph’ 16 May:
“Just one of countless examples of how our MPs now fail in their true responsibilities was glaringly on view on April 23. Our Climate Change Secretary, Ed Miliband, announced to MPs that, to keep Britain’s lights on, he will graciously permit us to have a new generation of coal-fired power stations. But this is only on the condition that they can in future be fitted with “carbon capture”, extracting the CO2 to bury it in holes in the ground. To pave the way for this, Mr Miliband is insisting on four pilot schemes in different parts of the country, each of which, although he didn’t admit it, is to cost £1 billion, paid for by all of us through our electricity bills.
“So far, there is not a single commercial carbon-capture scheme anywhere in the world. The technological problems in creating one may well be insuperable. Even if they could be made to work, they would, in effect, double the price of electricity and require us to double our already huge imports of coal, mainly from Russia.
“In other words, Mr Miliband was announcing to the Commons a completely mad, quixotic proposition. But instead of pointing this out, the handful of MPs present, led by the Tories’ energy spokesman, Greg Clark, and John Gummer, fell over themselves to welcome it. If we had grown-up MPs with the remotest understanding of the real world, they could simply have laughed this totally absurd measure out of court, and saved us all £4 billion – 40 times as much as they cost us each year, including their allowances.” (Christopher Booker.)
Sir Michael Lyons, the chairman of the BBC Trust, has warned the BBC would be left a “pale and weak shadow” of its current self if the licence fee is amended or abolished.
The TelegraphWe shouldn’t fund the BBC. By its promotion of multiculturalism, all things foreign, Islam,it is conniving at the destruction of the British nation.I object strongly to the BBC using my licence fee money to fund their propaganda. Cut them loose now and lets see them compete in the real world.
So proof that the BBC is trying to ‘move the expenses’ story along.
BBC 6PM News they have just under 4 minutes to the story.
Sky News at 6PM gave 10 and ITV I think was very similar
BBC 10PM news about 5 minutes
Sky News 11 minutes
ITV still going on about it now
How the borders of the BBC’s anti-military, ‘multiculturalist’ Britain are ‘defended’ by Labour today:
BBC ‘politics’ page:
“UK ‘at risk of sea-borne attack'”
“Britain is vulnerable to terrorist attack from the sea because no single body is responsible for protecting the UK’s coast, MPs have warned.
“Just nine Royal Navy ships along with a ‘motley collection’ of police and coastguard boats guard a shoreline more than 7,000 miles long.”
Yet another story too close to home for the BBC to touch in any detail:
British bureaucrats buying homes in Spain give Costa Blanca market a lift
Hey, it could be a green shoot. Not widely loved, though, since the movers and shakers fleeing the sinking ship are, in the words of the article, ‘those with guaranteed jobs and gilt-edged pensions [namely] public sector workers paid for by the private sector.’
One imagines you’ll find overstuffed BBC employees among the lucky punters spared contact with scruffy people. Can anyone be bothered to lift a finger and find out, perhaps with a few names and addresses for the convenience of well-wishers?
Sadly but predictably, most of you will opt to have a cup of tea and a biscuit, maybe whinge a bit about the need to give someone a jolly good talking to, and then turn out the lights.
Gorbals Mick’s statement sounded awful on the Radio, But I have now seen it on TV – and it is even worse. The guy could hardly read his own short statement, and he was clearly not understanding the procedural issue about what sort of motion had been tabled. What a buffoon, ignorant as XXXX. If the public did not much like Martin before, now they have really seen him in action they will be even more annoyed.
It is typical of NuLabour that they foisted this idiot on The Commons as Speakerm and have defended all his idiocies. But the game is up now, this con has been openly exposed. If Brown tries to sustain Martin in office, Brown will suffer. Ergo – Brown and the Labour whips will not fight much longer on Martin’s behalf, the man is utterly toxic.
Yes, I agree: Brown is toxic. And Straw…both are arch hypocrites and charlatans.
THe sooner we get rid of them the better.
Am concerned that the whole story is becoming one about whether Martin should stay or go. This is only one consequence of the real story, that of the massive abuse of the expense system (or more accurately, that of a massively abusable expense system that has clearly been milked).
Last thing we need is for one person to go and then everyone to start claiming a line has been drawn under it and the story is finished. It isn’t, and whilst Martin should go there should be a continuation of investigations afterwards – he shouldn’t be the only one.
Millie Tant: You are right. “Jack” Straw has always been a Beeboid favorite because he is media friendly. He has never had any job outside politics…
How can people with no life experience other than a committee room and political meeting know anything about the real world?
God, it’s depressing.
The BBC website is reporting the launch of the euro campaign and as usual they are lying through their teeth again, pathological dishonesty comes as standard.
Under the title ‘Brown launches euro push’ they report that Brown is “polling as low as 23%” Oh yes but only in the general election polls BUT they are polling far less on the euro election polls at around 17% and thats nearly on a par with UKIP, see the dishonesty there?
Deliberate confusing of the two different polls to give newlabour a much higher poll rating!
The whole report is very one sided and as usual with the BBC the side quote boxes are reserved for supportive statements.
The BBC also lie about the common thief Blears paying some of the money she stole, we have no proof that she has paid a penny back, the crumpled up cheque she waved around was blank and she has provided no proof of payment, the correct statement would be ‘Blears claimed to have repaid the monies she stole’
Martin said…
7:52 PM, May 18, 2009It seems an odd thing for folk to be vying for the ‘honour’ of inventing, but I’d say the concept of a person and an explosive device being married as a way to direct the latter’s aim went way back. However, usually it was a desperate last ditch military option.
It just takes a particular refinement of skill for old blokes who like to hide in caves or try and escape military action in ambulances, to persuade dumb, hope-less younger ones to do so, preferably targeted at even younger kids, to ‘help’ with the former’s dreams of power and money. Um… for the ’cause’.
It has been an interesting time to see true leadership brought to the fore these last few days.
With the last vestiges of Parliament’s credibility excavating out the barrel base, dribbling across into the gutter and now halfway to China, I have noticed, by his absence at least, Grinning Gordon seems reluctant to be seen in the House.
By all accounts, even when he has to be in there it’s more a duck and run deal.
However, we have been treated to the smile at all manner of hugely relevant events, from the opening of fetes(Ok, I made that one up) to pouncing on on scrappage buyers (hopefully not disappointed Ford or Honda ones as, surprise, the scheme hasn’t been properly thought through).
Then there was the big one, as the towering intellect in a safety zone sandwich between Messrs Rooney and Beckham.
At no point have I heard it mentioned, much less asked of him, whether actually running the country from the driving seat might be a bit of a plan?
I have been wondering if there is a clear BBC policy (that could be adhered to) when it comes to the mentioning of the political affiliation of miscreants, and how it is done?
These pages often have examples of odd inclusion or omission. I can’t see why it cannot be standardised , and clear breaches logged and brought to the attention of the BBC. In fact, as with the commercial sector, I can’t see why it is not incumbent upon them to provide documentary evidence that when such reports are made, they have been covered consistently.
Maybe because I do pay attention to what is raised here more than some, but my ears did twitch as I typed when BBC Midlands today was on about the latest pol (missed who, or whether local or national) who had misbehaved, but very definitely he was heralded as ‘Tory’.
No problem with that at all (though I wonder when ‘Conservative’ is used instead). I think their affiliation is of relevance.
However, if there is a marked inconsistency in when that is appended in a report, there needs to be serious questions asked as it goes to policy and agenda. This was no slip by the autocue reader; this was inserted and approved scripting.
Today programme 8.10am: John Humphreys, in the wake of the Michael Martin affair takes…..David Cameron to task.
What gives? Why the focus on Cameron and the Conservatives in the wake of Martin’s woeful performance in recent days? Was this to divert attention from Gorbals Mick and the present Government? Did it reflect Humphreys’ natural contempt for conservatism in general?
Also, why did Cameron allow himself to fall into this trap, where he becomes the focus of attention when it should be Martin?
Very strange indeed.
Abandon Ship is right, I heard the interview & Humphries was bordering on the rude, he never treats labour like this and Cameron was far to soft to handle him robustly. I despare about the Conservatives.
Presumably the BBC’s staff expenses for second homes is still ongoing:
‘Mail’ (8 March)-
“BBC staff could receive £46,000 pay sweetener to move to broadcaster’s new home”
“The BBC is to offer staff up to £46,000 to persuade them to move from London to Salford.
“The corporation is planning to move 1,600 employees north to its new Media City headquarters.
Among the parts of the BBC being transferred are children’s programming, sport and Radio 5 Live.”
” Tory vote on licence fee puts BBC back on political agenda”
“The shadow culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has said that the Commons vote tomorrow in which the Conservatives will press for the licence fee to be frozen at £139.50 is about making a stand against BBC excess and forcing the government to ‘explain its position’ on the corporation’s funding.
“Wednesday’s vote on the annual licence fee increase is being forced by the Tories after the party leader David Cameron in March called for the licence fee to be frozen at last year’s level of £139.50 – rather than rise by £3 to £142.50 – in response to the recession.
“The Commons vote on the increase is normally a formality. All three parties have whipped the vote, with the Lib Dems promising to support the government, meaning that the increase is almost certain to be passed.
“However, Wednesday’s vote will be a warning to the BBC that if the Conservatives win next year’s general election, as seems increasingly likely, the issue of the licence fee will return to the political agenda.
“Hunt said of the vote: ‘It seems completely wrong that the BBC is getting an inflation rise when there is no inflation. The BBC’s income was traditionally on a par with the income for the commercial sector but now that advertising is suffering it is getting on to double what the commercially funded sector is getting’.”
Interesting interview with Tory spokesman on Toady this morning re dentistry ( although it could have been absolutely anything). interviewer persistently interupted with faux joviality, doing his best to disrupt spokesman and queer his pitch. Compare that to the respectful silence with which the hysterical ramblings of mad hattie harperson are reverently received.
Spot the difference in the wording of one of these BBC headlines:
“Bush heckled at 4 July event“
“Rumsfeld heckled over war in Iraq“
“David Cameron heckled in Cornwall“
“Hewitt heckled by health workers“
“Obama faces down abortion heckles“
(On the topic of heckling, remember this from the last 2005 election campaign?
“Tory fury as BBC sends hecklers to bait Howard” )
As a self-confessed occasional HYS commenter on the BBC, it seems even their ‘moderators’ are tarnished by the bias and the ‘house rules’ are taken from their ‘little labour book of creating wooly, abusable, and loopholed and rules and laws’.
Example below:
Should British forces be covered by human rights law?
18-May-2009 14:04
I don’t normally agree with cases for sueing for this that and the other, however this seems to be for the greater good – giving this Labour govt a kick up the backside as a temporary distraction from their 1st place troughing, to give our troops the decent basic equipment they need and deserve in combat.
Why do I bother?
A reminder of the Eurabian E.U. which the ‘multiculturalist’ BBC propagandises for:
“Eurabia has a capital: Rotterdam”
[Extract 1.)]:-
“Holland is an extraordinary test case. It is the country in which individual license is the most extensive – to the point of permitting euthanasia on children – in which the Christian identity is most faded, in which the Moslem presence is growing most boldly.
“Here, multiculturalism is the rule. But the exceptions are dramatic: from the killing of the anti-Islamist political leader Pim Fortuyn to the persecution of the Somali dissident Ayaan Hirsi Ali to the murder of the director Theo Van Gogh, condemned to death for his film ‘Submission,’ a denunciation of the crimes of Muslim theocracy. Fortuyn’s successor, Geert Wilders, has lived under 24-hour police protection for six years.
“There is one city in Holland where this new reality can be seen with the naked eye, more than anywhere else. Here, entire neighborhoods look as if they have been lifted from the Middle East, here stand the largest mosques in Europe, here parts of sharia law are applied in the courts and theaters, here many of the women go around veiled, here the mayor is a Muslim, the son of an imam.
“This city is Rotterdam, Holland’s second largest city by population, and the largest port in Europe by cargo volume.”
[Extract 2.)]:
“In the Casbah of Rotterdam”
“In Feyenoord, veiled women can be seen everywhere, darting like a flash through the streets of the neighborhood. They avoid any sort of contact, even eye contact, especially with men. Feyenoord is the size of a city, and there are seventy nationalities coexisting there. It is an area that lives on subsidies and residential construction, and it is here that it is most obvious that Holland – with all of its rules against discrimination and all of its moral indignation – is a completely segregated society. Rotterdam is new, having been bombed twice by the Luftwaffe during the second world war. Like Amsterdam, it is below sea level, but unlike the capital it does not enjoy an image of reckless abandon. In Rotterdam, it is the Arab shops selling halal food that dominate the cityscape, not the neon lights of the prostitutes. Everywhere are casbah-cafes, travel agencies offering flights to Rabat and Casablanca, posters expressing solidarity with Hamas, or offering affordable Dutch language lessons.
“It is the second-largest city in the country, a poor city, but also the economic engine with its huge port, the most important in Europe. Most of the population are immigrants, and the city has the tallest and most imposing mosque in Europe. Sixty percent of the foreigners who arrive in Holland come here to live. The most striking thing when one arrives in the city by train are the enormous and fascinating mosques framed by the vibrant green, luxuriant, wooded, watery countryside, like an alien presence compared to the rest. They call it ‘Eurabia.” The Turkish Mevlana mosque is imposing. It has the tallest minarets in Europe, even higher than the stadium of the Feyenoord soccer team.
“Many of the neighborhoods in Rotterdam are captive to the darkest, most violent form of Islamism.”
Of course, even in this time of the run up to the E.U. elections, the BBC is disinclined to mention that the Muslim population of Brussels is about 25%*. (*Source: ‘Islam in Europe’.)
Nice to see the BBC being ‘fair and balanced’ again.
Talking about Gorbels Mick getting the push John Sople reminds us that “Magaret Thatcher was ousted by her backbenchers”
And what exactly has that to do with a corrupt twat like Gorbels Mick getting the boot?
George R,
That’s interesting about Rotterdam, because three hundred or so years ago it was a primary destination for Jews escaping oppression elsewhere in Europe. Many of them were living in poverty at first because they left everything behind. They got no free ride from the government upon arrival, and had an incentive – survival – to adapt to the local civilization. Result: a thriving, successful Jewish community living in harmony with their Dutch neighbors.
These days the specifics of immigration to Rotterdam are entirely different, of course.
are the beeboids taking the piss or what?
this summer is going to be hotter than the previous 2 summers. what a load of ecobollox. its effin freezing and pissin down like a monsoon
The BBC is advertising a program to be shown soon about ‘how we all come from Africa’.
But they’ve found themselves out and we actually come from Germany.
It’s all going wrong for the multi cult BBC.
The scum at it again.
Anon 6:21
Only the BBC could see a purely scientific issue of human evolution as a political one !
Pathetic really.
The bBC, dumbing down the news and half the story.
Ex-embassy woman cheated justiceA former embassy official charged with fatally injuring a cyclist in a hit-and-run crash has been found guilty of perverting the course of justice.
Natela Grinina, 34, knocked down Thomas Sippel-Dau, 54, as she drove her Range Rover in South Kensington, west London.
Woolwich Crown Court heard she fled the UK before selling the vehicle on eBay, following the incident in March 2005. Grinina, who working at the Georgian embassy, still faces a charge of death by dangerous driving.
So on reading that bBC news report. Was Grinina;
A English person working at the Georgian embassy?
A Georgian working at the British embassy?
Somebody else.
And here is how the Guardian reports the same story.
Georgian embassy official Natela Grinina denies fatally injuring cyclist in hit-and-run crashAn Georgian embassy official fatally injured a cyclist in a hit-and-run crash before her 4×4 car was sold on eBay, a court heard today.
Natela Grinina, 34, knocked down Thomas Sippel-Dau, 54, while behind the wheel of her Range Rover in Cromwell Road, south Kensington, on the evening of 11 March 2005, Woolwich crown court was told.
The bBC, dumbing down the news and half the story.
While the BBC is busy telling you that the Speaker of the House of Commons is being scapegoated, is a victim of class and anti-Scottish prejudice, and generally isn’t getting a fair shake, they have not ever told you about the growing problems of the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the US.
Nancy Pelosi is no longer respected by most of her Democrat colleagues, to the point that they no longer invite her to their fundraising events.
The fact that both Speakers are under fire at the same time ought to be worth at least a mention somewhere in the vast output of BBC News reporting and analysis, especially considering the severity of the charges against both. Pelosi’s situation is ignored by the BBC because all of her problems reflect badly on their beloved President Obamessiah.
Pelosi, along with her cohorts in Congress, created the massive, pork-filled Spendulus Bill, against which hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting across the country. So, criticism of her is also criticism of Him on that score, especially the way the BBC reported it. But her recent troubles really began when it was revealed that she knew that waterboarding was being used a few years ago, and didn’t complain, and has since said that the CIA lied to her about it. The current director of the CIA – a Clinton crony – says Pelosi’s the one who isn’t telling the truth.
Here’s a whole page of stories from the pro-Obamessiah/Conservative-hating CNN about Pelosi’s problems. It ain’t pretty.
The BBC’s favorite world leader has disappointed some supporters over here by taking the Bush Administration’s position on things he campaigned on changing, such as military tribunals, the withholding of unpleasant photos from Abu Ghraib with the excuse that it would endanger US soldiers, the use of warrant-less wiretapping, and protecting those who used waterboarding on terrorist suspects.
So Pelsoi’s hypocrisy on waterboarding doesn’t help His position at all, especially since it was the President who released the CIA memos that started all this in the first place. Of course, the BBC never told you any of that. All you know is Hope and Change, and how pragmatic and “solid” He is. You shall not have believed in vain.
The point is that the US Speaker is soon to be in the same situation as the UK Speaker, yet nobody at the BBC seems to think this is worth a mention. In fact, they haven’t said a single word about Pelosi versus the CIA at all. Their own Obamessiah-centric focus makes her irrelevant. It’s much more important for the Beeboids to play up the President and attack Conservatives and anyone who opposed Him.
So you’re all not only uninformed, but actually misinformed as well.
David Preiser: Pelosi really spat her dummy out the other day didn’t she? Luckily we have Fox News over here to give us the facts as to what is going on.
To call the CIA liars. Oh dear.
David Preiser
One Speaker down, one to go…
Just spotted the latest scare story from the BBC – ‘Prepare for a Heat Wave’ – UK told. It contains these immortal lines:
The Met Office says it is too early to tell whether it will be a very hot summer this year, but the signs so far are that it will be warmer than our last two summersAs it would be pretty hard to get colder than our last two summers this has to be a fair bet. Why are they churning out this nonsense? Is it a combo of warmist spin combined with sneaky efforts to promote a feelgood hot summer to boost Gordon’s doomladen electoral prospects?
bbc2 “the trouble with working women”
obviously about women and their career options. a laudable cause.
in one clip the bbc go to a tower hamlets school, where practically 90 per cent of the female kids are in hijabs.
i guess the bbc doesnt do irony.
Pelosi, the quick version: she has no coherent principles; her political reflexes are all BBC/Guardian liberal; her constituency is SFrancisco; she’s backed by lotsa money from angry homosexuals; she’s a saggy old bag with botox brain.
Translation: she ticks enough boxes at White City to be off-limits, immune to all criticism.
She’s also two heartbeats away from the presidency. The thin, very thin, line of succession goes from One to Her, via Biden, who in his lucid moments, rare these days, still seems to be channeling Neil Kinnock. That, surely, is a story for the Frei/Webb thing.
Except it isn’t.
and in case you ask – of course the fact that 9 year old girls were wearing hijabs was never mentioned by the BBC, even though we could see it with our own eyes.
when it comes to gender career equality, Islam is never criticised.
try to get your head around that Beeboid worldview. it will make your head meltdown in oooh about 30 seconds.
i would like the the bbc to explain why they produced a documentary that is to all intents and purposes a 1 hour Labour Party political advert.
Even Harriet Harperson is in it – and not a cintilla of criticism of her moonbat lunacy, which will create even MORE unemployment.
Take a look at this. The greedy scum at the BBC aren’t creaming off enough of our money:
This what they think of their public.
Time to investigate them next, after the bloodsucker politicians, I think