From the Socialist Unity blog yesterday :
Can anyone explain why Jeremy Vine’s show on Radio 2 this afternoon ended up interviewing John Rees, former SWP big cheese, as a studio guest representing typical urban dwellers, in a debate contrasting city life with rural living ?
Among the comments :
As National Secretary of Respect, John Rees appeared on the show many times, presumably the producers & Vine liked his style and so when they needed someone to speak on this subject called a few names on their list and JR came through. There’s no mystery.
The SWP have these weird connections in the BBC. A few years back, Paul Thatcher from Portsmouth SWP appeared on R4 as a “man in the street” disgruntled ex-Labour voter, neglecting to mention that he had actually stood against Labour in the previous general election as a Socialist Alliance candidate.
How strange that the SWP should have connections at the BBC when many of its ex and current members have presented or been involved in producing programs for it.
Aren’t a few of the BBC’s ‘comedians’ members of the SWP? The late Linda Smith, Mark Steele (undoubtedly the thickest man ever to appear on the BBC), Jeremy Hardy. I’m sure that there are many more.
Vance is a fascist pig
You have left off Alexei Sayle, geriatric and always unfunny. Plus that git Billy Bragg.
Mark Steele is an insult to any intelligent person over 40. or at least, his ignorant rants upset, say, 60% of us.
So – why does the the BBC want to insult us ?
BBC World Service has just carried a piece about Ypres, WW1.
Thoughtful – including comments from a young girl from OZ whose great-uncle died there.
Kind words from the Mayor. Then some more words from OZ pilgrims.
Hey BBC – it costs you nothing to reflect what WE want to hear
Of course theres Michael Rosen, “Word of Mouth” presenter and childrens laueate. Ex SWP and regular at socialist unity comment discussions
The insane leftist/BBC obsession with global warming was dealt another blow by their messiah Obama AGAIN.
How can you tell when Roger(tipping point)Harrabin is lying?
when his lips move!
The BBC has a problem, the wild promises of the Obama regime to sabotage US industry by trying to cut a completely harmless trace gas called CO2 has failed to materialize as the ecoloonies demanded.
Steven Chu the US enegy secretary has had to back down from his insane and highly damaging promises to slash CO2 emmissions, Ooooh dear and oooh the humanity and we are all dooooomed etc!
The BBC have a major problem now, how do they critisise the lack of action while shielding their messiah?
Harrabin claims the failure is down to domestic opposition but fails to name this mysterious source of annoyance, hmmmmm! could it be that the senate and congress will kill any suicide bill put before it? are the BBCs beloved democreeps opposed to a suicidal path of economic sabotage?
Is public opinion starting to influence the political classes and are they so worried about polling numbers and pissing off the voters with highly unpopular and useless anti CO2 laws and China/India have zero interest in destroying their economies do they?
Roger Harrabin tells us NOTHING about the story, he hides so much that there is almost nothing left of the story to report.
Steven Chu is reported as saying that “he fears we are heading for a tipping point” and as usual harrabin reports it completely out of context, we are heading for a tipping point only in what the American voter will tollerate, the tipping point is in fact that the majority dont believe the AGW/MMCC alarmist lies and propaganda and the leftist fanatics can no longer sell their destructive lies to an ever more sceptical voter.
The BBC leftists have painted themselves into the mother of corners now, the one sided and partisan coverage of global warming means that they have had to lie and cheat the public and now they have to cover up the lies and cheating with ever more lies and ever more cheating, a self destructive spiral that will destroy them in the end.
Roger Harrabin is a liar and a cheat, he is a disgrace to himself and to humanity, I hope he gets whats coming to him and I hope the BBC stab him in the back.
12:41 AM, May 22, 2009
‘Please use it sensibly, no abuse and no trolls!’….Or?
Meanwhile, back on topic, not that it seems to matter much, the speed dial featured favourites for Aunty’s staff researcher-derived, producer-approved vox pops can always amuse.
‘We need objective commentary! Bring me the talking head of….[insert here according to topic]!’
Poor sleepy Anonymouse (12:41).
He posted an nasty attack on David V. on a thread by Laban.
Another mistake, another apology please!
The shameless promotion of a nasty Marxist dictatorship with a terrible human rights record continues apace.
The toady show reports about Cubas ‘free medical treatment’ to foreigners, ooh how wonderful eh?
Well they are not telling us the whole story as usual, Cubans live in abject third world poverty while the party commissars live the high life, the ordinary Cuban citizen has to queue for medical treatment and its terrible, they have a classic two tier health system, one for the elite and foreigners and the rest get the scraps!
The BBC forgets to mention that all the expensive medical equipment is given in the form of eurotrash aid, so in effect we are funding a marxist attempt to subvert south american nations by giving certain people free medical care and training in the hope that they will spread Marxism when they return home.
The only reason that Cuba is doing this is to influence poor people and spread its poisonous Marxist agenda, the Cuban poor pay the price and the eurotrash sympathisers pay the bills.
Many beeboid drones spend their holidays in Cuba and contribute their extorted taxslave cash to the Cuban regime, in effect we are funding and assisting a Marxist revolution without knowing it.
The BBC fantasize about free treatment for the proletarian poor when in fact this ‘free treatment’ coes at a very high cost and an even higher price.
If the SWP, why not the BNP ?
Classic BBC bias.
Grant said…
If the SWP, why not the BNP ?
Classic BBC bias.
I agree, and the BBC do love the classic analogy of the latter with the Nazi party , but conveniently forget that the Germans were officially called the NSDAP, and were also a Socialist Workers Party!
John Rees, Big Cheese – I like it!
Anonymous is one of us.
“Respected Criminologist” David Wilson is on the Vine show’s speed-dial. He was the only expert voice offered in explanation of the huge number of arson attacks upon schools discussed on friday’s show. Ex-SWP he may not be, but his use of victimology as explanatory tool for selfish, destructive bastards’ actions certainly fits with the SWP’s perverse take on the world.