Nick Robinson, the Guardian, and even the BBC have given up. Despite their best efforts – even James Naughtie reluctantly agrees – labour is history.
No-one will vote FOR anyone, all votes will all be AGAINST.
Half of us still think the Tories are toffs, the other half say they’re indistinguishable from labour. No self respecting MP would send their children to the schools they’ve downgraded till they’re only good enough for ours. For some reason all MPs need massive flat screen tellies.
Do Ukip, the BNP, the Greens, Vince Cable or Esther Rantzen look any better?
No, not really. Not even on a giant T.V. screen.
very well said.
on a bnp matter, i think a vote for them will be very good for democracy.
if gordon brown thinks its ok to have radical islamists giving him advice on how to make them less likely to murder us, then why shouldnt radical white fasicts be given the same treatment????
without a complete representation of our politics, it will remain isolated from the people.
Right. I put a cross next to BNP on my postal vote ballot this morning. Not because I like them or support them (they're national socialists as far as I can see), but because the BBC kept telling me (or would've if I happened to watch or listen to any of the dross they broadcast) not to. It was like having a big red button with a 'Whatever you do, do not press this button' note next to it.
I did it purely to see Beeboids/Guardianistas look uncomfortable. I despite them that much.
The fact that a majority of potential incoming Tories are to the right of Cameron(easy I know) and are anti eco rather cheers me up.
I always love the mix of fellow travellers on this site.
On the one hand, the hardline hasbara types for whom no reporting on the Middle East can be anything less than anti-semitism.
And on the other, the sometimes not so thinly veiled supporters of the BNP, including the "I didn't really want to vote for them but I did" lot – when the BNP members and leadership have a horrendous track record of…. antisemitism.
The BBC seems to have a plan: now that his demise is only a matter of time, follow the Guardian lead, dump Brown and support a new leader hoping to keep Labour in power a year down the road.
So far all the coverage has been passive: the "cabinet-ministers-defend-their-record-against-attacks" type of story. Now the tone will change and we will see who the mandarins have told their BBC hacks to support this time. (This is done through dinner parties and informal chats). Robbo is a good gauge. He has 'contacts'. Don't look for the substance of what he says, but how many times one candidate is simply mentioned. Then let's watch the way the Beeboid establishment builds up the new man/woman. The destruction of Cameron will begin soon after.
Personally, I love it that the Beeb got an incompetent man (but their favourite*) elected last time and now its great to see them squirming. I guess Tony Blair's autobiography should be titled "The Great Escape".
*The Beeboids' favourite politician was, is and always will be the former Lord Stansgate, the former Sir Anthony Wedgewood-Benn, former BBC radio producer Tony Benn.
voting for UKIP here.
i dont trust Cameron's weasel words on the Lisbon Treaty.
Dunno what this post has to do with BBC bias but I agree with the sentiments – not that I've heard any non politician come up with a reasonable way forwards either mind, so I wouldn't just blame the political class…
I'm just so delighted to see the entire Labour government implode before my very eyes. I don't recall anything quite like this happening before in Britain. However, much as this is an enjoyable spectacle, I remain highly sceptical about Mr Cameron and his motley collection of green and liberal policies. Blimey, he even looks like Nick Clegg!
Voting fo the BNP is the only way to put the brakes on political correctness , uncontroled immigration and to get out of the EU. The other parties have not been listening for the last 50 years! If labour/socialists/communists/BBC do not like it, they only have themselves to blame.
Me too. A massive UKIP vote will annoy the BBC even more than a large BNP vote. They treat UKIP as a joke, but they hate them nonetheless.
A large BNP vote would mean that they can wring their hands, worry about 'racism' and play down the drubbing Liebour are about to get.
You wrote:
"No-one will vote FOR anyone, all votes will all be AGAINST."
Sorry, Sue, you have lost me completely. Whenever I cast my vote, I have the choice of voting FOR a particular candidate or voting FOR a different candidate. (The only alternative is either not to vote at all or to write "None Of The Above – NONA" or else to spoil the ballot paper.) In all of these cases it is not possible to use my vote actually to vote AGAINST a candidate.
It is said that a local or general election is a "referendum" on the political party in power at that particular time. However, a large proportion of the electorate eligible to vote don't actually vote at all. This is not necessarily, simply a question of laziness or apathy; rather it is a question that the voter cannot think of any reason to vote FOR any of the candidates.
In a genuine referendum (i.e. absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the EUSSR) a voter can vote either FOR a proposal or AGAINST a proposal, YEA or NAY, and the result is binding, but in an election he can only vote FOR a candidate. A voter cannot vote AGAINST a candidate.
I would suggest a major change in the voting rules. A voter should be able to use his SINGLE vote to vote either FOR or AGAINST his favoured (or unfavoured) candidate. Rather than having just a single space in which to place his cross FOR his chosen candidate, the voting slip would have two spaces to the side of each of the candidates, one space being FOR the candidate and the other space being AGAINST the (same) candidate. The voter would still have only a SINGLE vote to cast. If the voter should cast more than a single vote, then that would invalidate his voting paper. Obviously, this idea would amount to a huge change in the democratic process.
A ballot paper (using just the present UK party leaders) might look something like the following:
David Cameron (CINO) FOR AGAINST
Gordon Brown(Socialist) FOR AGAINST
Nick Clegg (Far Left) FOR AGAINST
(Old) Nick Griffin (Ultra Far Left) FOR AGAINST
Caroline Lucas (Green – former Red) FOR AGAINST
Craig – The BBC have been pushing UKIP in the hope that people would vote for them rather than the BNP.
As I said months ago, the UK is on it's way to a little "Le Pen Moment". Sadly, the only thing that will probably change as a result will be an increase in programming like "White Girl" on the BBC.
Anonymous said…
I always love the mix of fellow travellers on this site.
And on the other, the sometimes not so thinly veiled supporters of the BNP…
They would be leftist trolls write here "supporting" the BNP.
Most regulars on Biased BBC are vocal and articulate supporters of the state of Israel.
That simply doesn't jibe with the BNP.
Screw the BNP and their trained rock apes. There is absolutely no reason to vote for this scum sucking bunch of f***tards, tactical or otherwise…
"Most regulars on Biased BBC are vocal and articulate supporters of the state of Israel.
That simply doesn't jibe with the BNP."
"Screw the BNP and their trained rock apes. There is absolutely no reason to vote for this scum sucking bunch of f***tards, tactical or otherwise…"
A self hating BNP member perhaps?
this is a silly argument.
i would hope that we are clever enough to understand the (limited)benifits of a bnp vote while allso supporting israel.
though im of Jewish ancestry i still would welcome a fair representation in our government.
that includes facists and communists, and even the islamists.
if they have poor arguments they will lose the argument!! or are we scared to debate???
I think this post has a lot to do with bias in the BBC – they have supported Brown throughout his premiership, every mistake has been played down or ignored, they have almost shut out any "Tory" opinion from their studios – their opposition voices has come from the Lib Dems – a relatively small party.
Now the wheels are coming off – they will and are pushing for another leader to rescue their beloved Labour party, and when that time comes this new leader will be beyond criticism.
As for voting – that should be for the individual and his conscience – and that is how it should be in a democracy.
well said john.
yuor are either a democracy or your not.
Switzerland is the only real democracy in europe.
The rest of europe is nothing more than a democratically elected liberal dictatorship.
Librul party member A B or C, not a lot different from communist party member A B or C.
The Lisbon treaty proved that we live in a system where we-do-not-get-to-choose-who-is-in-charge.
Ireland only got to vote on the treaty because its neutrality is enshrined in its constitution, so they had no choice but to ask the Irish electorate.
The rest of europe rubber stamped the treaty like the good little politburo members that they are.
Before you vote, I'd like to remind anyone considering voting for the BNP of a couple of quotes from the party's leader, Nick Griffin:
"I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated or turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the earth is flat… I have reached the conclusion that the 'extermination' tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter-day witch-hysteria"
And, criticising David Irving for admitting some people may have died in the Holocaust:
"True Revisionists will not be fooled by this new twist to the sorry tale of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century."
I'm sorry, but it's one thing to object to the main parties. It's another entirely to give endoresment to someone who calls the Holocaust "The hoax of the Twentieth Century."
The entire establishment – political and the media, as well as the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have been telling us, use your protest vote by not voting Labour, but dont vote BNP.
Well, as far I'm concerned, a protest vote, if it has to have any meaning at all, by definition is one which is against the wishes of the establishment.
The UKIP is IMO who to vote for if you want to register a protest vote.
Will be interesting to see how the BNP do tho.
There was a time when no-one could imagine voting for them but local communities have become very polarised in recent years with the high levels of immigration.
Half of us still think the Tories are toffs, the other half say they’re indistinguishable from labour.
You seem to be indicating that a politician can not be a toff and indistinguishable from Labour at the same time.
Which surely one can be, for example Tony Ben, but there are more then plenty of others.
It is wise not to make the assumption that because a party states it is a working class party, that it does in reality represent a working class ideology.
Socialism is not a working class ideology, it is an ideology invented, sponsored, promoted and represented by TOFFS. Eton, Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, have a higher percentage of REAL Marxists within their walls, then does my local Inner City sixth form college.
Socialism is establishment ELITISM. A sort of Plato's Republic given an 'ism.'
Plato's Republic is a socialists blueprint for their perfect society. Yet Plato's republic is an elitist paradise, and a relative working class hell.
So how did they get the working class Turkeys to vote for the establishments authoritarian fascist Christmas, time after time?
They invented the Labour Party, and then The BBC. They conned Trade Unions members to pay for the former, and then FORCED the TV tax payer to cough-up for the latter. All this apparently within a FREE COUNTRY, apart from a hell of a lot of other even worse things.
Then added insult to injury by bleeding forever whiter the next 3 generations at least, to pay for the inevitable results of both.
You can believe this all happens via some enormous cock-up theory if you wish, it is a free world (not) and it takes all types to make it.
However may I venture to suggest that just because I or any one else claims something is a conspiracy. Does not mean it is a conspiracy, but much more importantly, it does not mean it is NOT a conspiracy either?
These sort of things are by definition virtually impossible to prove, one way or another.
I only ask people to start thinking for themselves for a change, and THEN make up whats left of their own minds.
This hopefully after having the forever abused and very usually confused mush between their ears, at least partly open for very possibly the first time in their entire lives.
An act of futile hope, winning over any form of confident expectation, I grant you. However I sleep well in the knowledge that their simply must, by the law of averages, be someone out their paying proper attention.
Atlas shrugged
Screw the BNP and their trained rock apes. There is absolutely no reason to vote for this scum sucking bunch of f***tards, tactical or otherwise…
8:01 PM, June 03, 2009
There's every reason to vote BNP. I'll be voting BNP because of people like you, innit!
We don't have socialism any more, we have revenue backed liberalism, which is supported by every party.
Socialism nationalises all the major infrastructure like for example water electricity transport etc.
The profits go back into pensions for the employees and investment for the entity, instead of the pockets of squillionaire shareholders and wealthy private equity vehicles.
Which is why many modern retired folk have decent pensions, they worked up to the point of Thatcher coming along.
The next 20 years will see them disappear and the oliver twist pensions of modern private companies will be all that's left for millions of workers.
The retail sector is an excellent example.
Only John Lewis has a decent employee pension now, and that's because John Lewis ain't a POS shareholder company.
Sheila said…
"Before you vote, I'd like to remind anyone considering voting for the BNP of a couple of quotes from the party's leader, Nick Griffin…."
Ok, ok, so he said some strange things in his past…
But, as a person who sees first hand massive immigration and the islamification of Britain, can you suggest an alternative party I can vote for?
David A 4:57
I think the British public are too stupid to understand your voting system. They struggle as it is with the present one !
Like many in the labour party, Gordon Brown was a proud communist in the past . He is still a closset communist now. I don't see him being critisised for things he said in the past. In any case these supposed qoutes said to be by Nick Griffin may be labour smears.
"Anonymous said…
this is a silly argument.
i would hope that we are clever enough to understand the (limited)benifits of a bnp vote while allso supporting israel."
10:10 PM, June 03, 2009
No, it's entirely contradictory. As the quotes from Griffin above show, we're not talking about a minor issue – unless that's what you regard the holocaust as?
" Anonymous said…
well said john.
yuor are either a democracy or your not.
10:55 PM, June 03, 2009"
To berate individuals voting for hate parties is not being against democracy. No one will be stopping anyone voting for any party they choose, so stop being a drama queen. You can vote for whoever you wish, but to vote to spite people like that just shows up your pettiness (and that's putting it nicely).
Allan@Oslo aside, the majority of regular B-BBC contributors can at least see that.
Exactly, Richard. I don't understand how people on this site can get so worked up up about anti-Israeli bias on the BBC and with the same breath support a party with an open record of anti-Jewish statements and Holocaust denial.
The quotes I gave are demonstrably NOT Labour propaganda – they are from Griffin himself, during his defence in 1998 against prosecution for an article in BNP publication The Rune in which he wrote about what he termed "the Holohoax."
I can understand fears about immigration, but never would that make me vote for a Holocaust denier.
UKIP is the logical place for any protest vote IMO. Euro-sceptic, demanding much greater controls on immigration, better able to keep pressure on the likely next Tory Government.Plus – they have a far better chance of upsetting the applecart today, winning real seats, doing real damage to Labour.
I'm what you might call a vocal supporter of Israel and I have no problem with the BNP as a protest vote.
What will happen is that when BNP support reaches a certain critical level the Tories will suddenly discover their backbones and address immigration properly.
That will pull the rug right out from under the feet of the BNP and they'll be back in the political wilderness.
There is historical precedent – this happened with the National Front in 1979.
Above comment at 1:00pm was left by me, it's been so long since I cammented that Blogger has forgotten my name….
Sheila said…
I think what Mr Griffin questioned is the 6 million bit. Do you know how they came up with this figure? I've heard they counted the Jews in Germany after the war and subtracted that from those at the beginning.
Of course that wouldn't take into account those who moved/escaped. Maybe you know more.
When I was at school the figure was 1.2 million. Statistics eh?
I'm a petty and vindictive little shit, it's true. That's why I voted BNP. If I thought they'd ever win anything, I'd never vote for them. I had to hold my nose; I'm conservative, they're national socialists with a lot of unanswered racist allegations and a definite unsavoury past. It's a pure shake-lots-of-cages-and-ruffle-lots-of-feathers protest vote. I'm not naive. I know what the BNP is.
I'm not an anti-Semite. I'm a Zionist, by which I mean I support the existence and continuation of a Jewish national homeland in the Middle East. I consider it the only good thing about the whole region. A jewel in a sea of festering shit. The only thing that's changed is I no longer give a rat's ass whether the 'Palestinians' ever get a state of their own.
Call me what you like: cynical, angry, pissed off, bitter, but don't ever call or insinuate that I'm an anti-Semite.
Sheila's probably pro-Muslim but then she probably dutifully puts an X next to any of the current* major parties who agreed with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Only ONE party has said it will pull out of both immediately. And rather than kill them in their own country, it will just not let them in to this country.
Hmmm, I wonder which 'evil' party that is?
Answers on your ballot card please.
(*With their debts and now with little support, I predict the death of the Labour party within 5 years 🙂
I don't know how you detect pro-Islam sentiment from my criticism of the BNP's anti-Semitism. That's a very strange logic. Could you explain it to me please?
'Nick Robinson, the Guardian, and even the BBC have given up..'
Possibly, but there are some things that still puzzle.
I just got an email telling me that a comment I made on Mr. Neil's Political blog was 'off topic' and had been deleted.
Odd, as I didn't recall making one for a fair while, and these little moderations tend to be fairly bud-nipping in alacrity.
Anyway, on having a quick gander it seems there has been a bit of a retroactive purge, and almost all have been removed. I am guessing as a consequence, belatedly, of this…
During the MEP and council polls, in line with political parties and other UK broadcasters, the BBC will not be reporting the election campaign or offering discussion about the campaign.
I suppose 'off topic' was the best template they could throw as an excuse, if not reason as of June 4. Check 48 thur 79.
However, as with all of Aunty's 'unique' ways, there do seem some, well one, allowed to remain…
75. At 10:18am on 04 Jun
I do not believe that is why Robinsons blog got shut down early, otherwise so would this one. Robinsons blog is starting to be hi-jacked by extreme people using all kind of insults and it is putting the sensible contributor off. It certainly is me, they are changing names to attack you under another name. However they slip up by using faces or phrases they have used under other names. I notice things like that. I honestly believe people should only be allowed one user name.
If the BBC are making an effort to clean this up to make it more civilized like this one has been I am all for it.
We can have disagreements without resorting to some of the insulting remarks I have had and seen lately.
Which, I presume, is the only one deemed, uniquely, 'on'.. topic.
Heck of a way to ensure that you are the last post standing. Not sure it makes the BBC look too objective, mind.
Grant: (9:33 am)
Maybe you're right! Wouldn't it be nice literally to be able to vote AGAINST your most detested candidate rather than only having the option of voting FOR the least obnoxious one? If a FOR vote were to be counted as +1 (plus one) and an AGAINST vote were to be counted as -1 (minus one) then the "Law of Unintended Consequences" might result in a candidate getting a negative vote. What a delicious thought!
In the event, I voted for UKIP. I understand that Marta Andreasen – a woman of high priciples and integrity – is standing as a candidate for UKIP. Marta was the Chief Accountant of the EU, who, after uncovering all the shenanigans that go on in the EU was sacked as a result of her high principles and integrity. In this topsy-turvy world, honesty doesn't always pay and in the EU it never pays. Marta has just published her book, "Brussels Laid Bare".
The front cover reads, "How the EU treated its chief accountant when she refused to go along with its fraud and waste." In my opinion, it's a real eye-opener and a "must read" for all B-BBCers.
Here is a link to a YouTube video by the Russian dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky.
The video is called, "The European Union – the New Soviet Union."
This is a transcript of the first 30 seconds or so of the video:
"It is really puzzling to me that having just buried one monster – the Soviet Union – another remarkably similar one – the European Union – is being built.
… the Soviet Union was governed by 15 unelected people who appointed each other and who were not accountable to anyone. The European Union is governed by two dozen people who appoint each other, meet in secret and are not accountable to anyone and who we cannot sack."
Sheila said…
Certainly. If you vote for ANY of the major parties then you are pro Islam as they all suck up to the muslim dollar. They all turn a blind eye to disgusting islam traits such as their ill treatment of women, ill treatment of animals (halal meat) and allowing muslims to voice hatred to our soldiers or our people (did you hear any main party politicians calling for those disgusting muslims in Luton to be prosecuted? I didn't.).
And the fact you're pro-Islam, also makes you by default, anti-semite.
The BNP on the other hand are firmly anti-Islam and I'd have thought quite favourable towards the Jewish people (which may explain why one of their councillors is Jewish!).
David A 5:19
Yes, well said and Bukovsky knows what he is talking about.
The problem for many British people is that they do not realise that mainland Europe has no tradition of Democracy, so really they deserve what is coming to them and, indeed, what they already have.
I voted BNP yesterday so that the 'mainstream' parties might get the message that I don't accept the open-door multi-culti invasion of my country nor the accompanying terrorism, criminality, diseases and destruction of Britain. It should surely now be evident to the multi-cultist LibLabCon that the 'nazi' slurs against the BNP just don't work any more because most people have now met members and supporters of the BNP and can see for themselves that the BNP is not 'nazi'. But people can also see for themselves that the invasion of our country facilitated by the treasonous clique at the top of our institutions (BBC, political parties, police, churches, all levels of government and government bodies etc.) will lead inexorably to the end of the predominance of British people within these islands.
As for the BNP's 'anti-semitism' (by which I assume anti-Jewishness), just visit the BNP's website. Uniquely amongst political parties, there is a great majority of BNP suppoerters who support Israel and its self-defence.