Well, not a great night for socialism, was it? And the BBC are not happy campers. I listened to an orchestrated onslaught against the UKIP here and the Conservatives here. Osbourne got a real mauling from Humphyrs. It appears that once again we have an election result in which there are no winners. The other BBC meme being pushed remorselessly is that the BNP is “extreme right”. It’s not. It is hard-left but because this is an inconvenient truth to the BBC champagne swilling socialists, it is turned around and re-presented as being extreme-right. The BBC’s idea of “centre-right” is the likes of the Euro-fanatical socialist EPP group. Having watched BBC election coverage last night and then listened to it this morning, I am so grateful that we have better choices to glean information these days – particularly the net. But this makes the continued imposition of the license tax unbearable when the bias is so evident! Tired after the late night but thanks to those who came across to the Liveblog!
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Maybe the BNP is so far hard right they have come out the otherside on the left?
Actually, help me out here. I get confused when people throw around hard left and hard right…what is the difference between the two?
While the BBC's vitruperation against the BNP continues, so does the BBC's political blind spot: the BBC, unlike 'Harry's Place' is not concerned with this-
"Ban Hussein Ye"
('Harry's Place').
"Mr Ye’s next connection with the UK should not be a flight to London, but rather a letter from the Home Office banning him from the country for supporting terrorists and preaching disgusting religious hatred.
"For more on Malaysia, please see 'Malaysian Islamists Against Women' at The Spittoon."
('Harry's Place'.)
Right believe in free market and deregulation and small government.
Left believe in nationalisation, protectionism and big government.
I was listening to Radio 4's coverage last night in an attempt to nod off, and the Tory rep (Lord Pearson?) made this point and quoted Lord Tebbitt that the BNP is like the old Labour Party with added racism.
The comment drifted off unanswered into the ether.
Who votes for the BNP? right wing Tory voters? Nope, not a BNP member is sight in the posh leafy parts of Surrey or Kent.
Oh hang on what about hard left wing Labour areas in the north? Yep, there is a clue.
I have just heard the most disgraceful interview on the Today programme this am . This was John Humphreys interviewing George Osbourne. He did not let Osbourne complete a single sentence without interrupting in a hectoring tone, sometimes talking over the top of him, challenging answers while Osbourne was still speaking, often introducing new points while Osbourne was trying to start answering the question, let alone develop any reasonable point. He desperately attempted to prevent Osbourne from making any form of contribution. It was the most despicable example of naked bias that I have ever heard.
By contrast, Harriet Harman was treated with a sort of funerial respect with the tone reminiscent of a discussion about the recently dearly departed, and even Nick Griffin was allowed to complete his sentences (although the sense of hostility was palpable). Stupid Sarah of course let Nick Clegg say virtually what he liked.
What is it with Humphreys? This time he really excelled himself. Perhaps he was upset that the Tories had had the best result in Wales for nearly 90 years. All in all, one of the worst BBC responses to an election for many years.
Institutionally biased beeboids aside, quite a fun weekend . Presumably the delusional darling of the beeboids, cleggover, was allowed to make his laughable assertion of the limpdims having a good basis to work from, unchallenged !
Also good to see the socialist party that dare not speak its name , causing the hypocritical socialist party , grief !
This would be an oportune moment for all to e-mail their MP, demanding that action is taken to end the pro-labour bias at the bbc !!
The best part of the night is when YouGov phoned the stuidio and gave Harpy a verbal slapping for misquoting the results of a poll.
I also noticed that Labour and the Beeb took every available opportunity to push their AGW agenda. I'm still waiting for the solid scientific proof that we should wreck our already floundering economy to silence the ranting of the eco-Nazis and political opportunists.
These are the same people who've managed to fling the preposterous allegation – and make it stick through attrition – that Hitler and the Nazis were somehow right-wing. The fact that they were called the National Socialist German Worker's Party is probably unimportant. Or an ironic joke. Or something. In any case, it's not really worth analysing, so we might as well just forget about it.
Characterising the BNP as 'extreme right' shouldn't be much of a problem for them. The BBC might be an organisation brimming with hyper-partisan moon-faced simpletons who couldn't operate in the real world, but they have the infrastructure and the money, so they can just repeat the lie until people take it as gospel.
Oh, and eat shit socialism. Nice to see the most dangerous thing ever invented by humanity take a kicking.
DV wrote: "The other BBC meme being pushed remorselessly is that the BNP is "extreme right". It's not. It is hard-left but because this is an inconvenient truth to the BBC champagne swilling socialists"
No it isn't. It is extreme right. The consensus on this is overwhelming. I, personally would say it is the extreme right of socialism, but it is extreme right. Criticising the BBC for referring to the BNP as "extreme right" only discredits this site. This site is either serious about combating BBC bias or BBC bias is just a platform for right wing propaganda.
hatethebias 8:58 AM, June 08, 2009
"What is it with Humphreys?"
He's a scumbag.
The Left, and its propaganda machine the BBC has spent decades insulting people who raise legitimate concerns about immigration and national identity to such an extent that they are driving voters into the arms of the BNP. Is David Cameron's Conservative Party going to articulate this? A less than 1% chance I would say. He is so cowed by the Pravda incarnation of the BBC that virtually everything he says is tailored to appease BBC Pravda, contributing hugely to the vacuum that has led British Nazism to gain an unprecedented 2 seats in national elections. Just imagine if Herr Griffin cottons on to Le Pen's anti-semitic appeal to Muslim voters in France and teams up with Galloway's gang of Kristalnachters to further amplify his vote. Whew! That would remove a lot of the hostility from Humphreys and his Thought Police buddies towards the BNP.
Whether the BNP is "hard right" or "hard left" , it is now beyond any dispute that the BBC is hard left !
George Osnorne said a couple of times "The BBC keeps accusing us of…." It seems the top Tories are starting to recognise the animosity at the BBC, the groupthink of asking the same false questions.
JohnA, the bias of the BBC has been obvious for decades, it seems that only now Cameron's Tories might be working up the gumption to challenge it, having decided before to suck up to it instead. It seems to me that the BBC's local and Euro Election coverage gives Cameron more than enough grounds to launch an attack on the BBC for having become Britain's Pravda. Noone hold their breath though.
it was a pretty fab night for socialism in the UK – the bnp got two seats. On a European level though it was a disaster with the leftists swept away.
I'm dying to know how the pointless accusation that the European People's Party is "socialist" stacks up??? Federalism hardly equates to socialist does it – the United States of America is a federation and it's economic policies at federal level are (or have been until recently…) extremely unsocialist. The EPP is about as free-market as you can get in continental Europe without hopelessly alienating voters. Cameron may be out as he doesn't like federalism, which is fair enough, but that's a separate issue.
I can reveal that Nigel Farage is a big fan of Biased BBC Blogspot.
I bumped into him and his charming leggy assistant, 2 years ago, in The Audley Pub, on South Audley Street, in Mayfair London.
We shared several beers and discussed all sorts – Really nice bloke – I mentioned blogging on here and he was very familiar with the site.
BBC election coverage was messy. It just gave the not unusual impression that there was too much money being used/wasted. I soon turned over to Sky for slightly less one sided presenters, pannel and coverage.
"Who votes for the BNP? right wing Tory voters? Nope, not a BNP member is sight in the posh leafy parts of Surrey or Kent.
Oh hang on what about hard left wing Labour areas in the north? Yep, there is a clue."
Can't say I'm a big fan of Tory voting Surrey people though. I know both Surrey and Bradford very well. If those dinner-party multiculturalists in Surrey hadn't been giving tacit approval to large scale immigration over the last 40 years, those awful racists in places like Bradford wouldn't have turned to the BNP.
"Who votes for the BNP? right wing Tory voters? Nope, not a BNP member is sight in the posh leafy parts of Surrey or Kent."
indeed -just look at the votes down south compared to up north.
down south its UKIP , up north its BNP – same kind of dividing line as Tory/Labour isnt it?
"Conservatives did not deserve our vote because they are still failing to talk like conservatives on a number of issues, one of the obvious ones being Europe.
The final straw for me was reading William Hague's defence of the Conservatives' Euro policy in the Spectator last week. It starts full of sound and fury. "Yes!" you go. "You tell 'em, Willy", as the bald one lists the manifest iniquities of Britain's relationship with the EU. Here's a taste:" The Telegraph
I also listened to Humphreys interviewing Osbourne this morning. Simply blatant bias, and considering that England is a sea of blue election results, the Beeb are digging their own graves with interviews like this. Who do they think is listening?
Actually it's the drug taking wet liberals that have allowed uncontrolled immigration for the last 40 years. BBC types.
Errr… if the NUMBER of votes is down, but their % share is up, that means fewer people voted for the BNP, but then fewer people voted overall.
A victory for the racists on the surface, but the ultimate loser here, surely, is democracy. Those who represent us have let us down so badly, that those who would normally vote Labour, Conservative or Lib Dem just didn't bother to turn out. Those with hate in their hearts DID turn out, hence the result.
Not hard, is it?
'No it isn't. It is extreme right. The consensus on this is overwhelming…
If the 'consensus' says it, then of course, we must bow to the superior beings.
Just who is the consensus then, hippiepooter? Would it be the talking heads on Aljabeeba, the enlightened ones at the Guardian and the Indepednent?
Thought so. But they are NOT the consensus and that's the reason the country is in such trouble.
Is not the confusion with the BNP, the fact that they are socially conservative, but are economically left?
And also, like the left, they are 'group' orientated, rather than individualist.
But the difference being that the BNP (just like old working class labour types), identify with the white tribe… whereas progressive-metropolitan-elite peecee leftoids identify with any ethnic 'victim' group other than white.
Radio 4's coverage of the results last night, from 9pm with Naughtie, was a real mess. They kept missing the start of results being announced, they had no real instant analysis, they kept up their animus against UKIP as well as the BNP – and precious Jonny Diamond was set up to interview someone, could not hear her, kept gabbling until Naughtie had to interrupt. A really tatty production.
Martin said "Who votes for the BNP? right wing Tory voters? Nope, not a BNP member is sight in the posh leafy parts of Surrey or Kent."
I voted BNP. It was a tough choice between them and the Conservatives. If Hague was back in charge then they would have got my vote. I've never voted Labour.
Do you maybe think it's because the leafy parts of Surrey etc. haven't been given the 'benefits' of multi-culturism…yet?
You could have said, there are more mosques up north therefore it must be the muslims voting BNP. But again, you'd be wrong.
Radio 4 play this afternoon was about the dying days of the calaghan government in 1979, when the Whips were scrabbling round trying to get the votes in – remember the ambulances bringing Labour people to vote on the no-confidence motion ?
No mention of the ambulances. Instead there was a genial Callaghan, kindly Labour whips, and the focus of the play, Alf Broughton, was told not to try to travel from his sick bed. Tory Whips were cast as smarmy.
Broughton's absence lost the vote. Just one vote. Play ended with Callaghan phoning Alf, telling him to look after himself. Alf was made out not to know the vote result.
Yeah – I bet.
And to finish it off we had a chorus of the Red Flag.
Bias ? What bias ?
According to the Wiki entry, Alf Broughton was on his death bed – but some sources say that Callaghan still wanted him brought down from Yorkshire to the crucial vote. Not a hint of any such dilemma in the play, Callaghan was a pure saint, as were Cocks and Harrison, the Labour Whips.
My favorite part of the Humphrys-Griffin exchange was when Griffin said that the BNP doesn't want to allow non-whites at this time because then they couldn't sue employers for discriminating against a legal political party. An excellent bit of twisted logic, the kind we bust Beeboids for using so often. The rest of their discussion made me laugh out loud.
Humphrys was clever enough to ask him why he would take the votes of Sikhs but not allow them into the party, and Griffin said that the BNP would reconsider letting in non-whites when people stopped persecuting them for being racist. Again, excellent comedy material. But then Humphrys was not clever enough to point out that if the BNP let the Sikhs in, nobody could call them racist anymore.
That would have been fun. Although, I guess that would have made it seem like Humphrys was helping the BNP. Still, it made me laugh.
While I didn't hear the Humphries Osborne interview my huband did. He (my husband – not George) is usually the one calming me down – but was near explosive at Humphries constant interruptions. He addrted that Humphries did not like it when Osborne interrupted him.
Why was the interview with Griffin the 'big' after eight interview – BNP only get two seats – shouldn't it have been the time for the Osborne interview – but perhaps that would make people realise that the Conservatives are the future
Good catch, Deborah
You hit the nail on the head…
"but perhaps that would make people realise that the Conservatives are the future"
I too was wondering why this morning that the BNP who are normally never to be seen were suddenly front page news in 'OHMEGAWD' big shock capital letters.
…until I noticed that the conservatives had made huuuge gains.
The BBC is insidious at information warfare, suddenly the big story is the BNP to distract, deceive, confuse from the real big story.
….The end result though is Griffin gets massive free publicity from his no.1 enemy (with quotes from everyone saying how this now means "we're dooooomed" "we're dooooomed") while everyone slowly wonders why there's no story on the Conservatives, investigates and finds out anyway.
The ole ship HMS BBC just hit it's 2nd big iceberg of the week.
Humphrys' interview of Osborne was an absolute disgrace. I do hope the Tories dismantle the Beeb if and when they get into power. Since then I've lost count of the number of Labour MPs being allowed to preach their mantras. Balance?
I dont hope the Tories dismantle the BBC. I hope they mount a full blooded purge of the Thought Police and restore it to its former glory.
All the Tories have to do is lock up all the Islington drug dealers and knock down the mens urinal son Hampstead Heath. Beeboids would be stuffed then.
"I dont hope the Tories dismantle the BBC. I hope they mount a full blooded purge of the Thought Police and restore it to its former glory."
The moment the Tories come into power next year, the top floor at the BBC will open and talks will begin with the new government on how the state broadcaster can best serve their interests.
Expect a swing toward the right at Al Beeb in the next few years. These scumbags put their salaries way before their politics.
And the Tories know that there will be plenty of ripe positions at the Beeb made available for their offspring.
A swing to the right at the BBC. Of course there will be. Just as we saw under the last Tory governments…
I hope Sutekh was being ironic. I recall the BBC's open warfare against previous Conservative governments.
Expect more of the same. And, personally, I have absolutely no confidence in the pusillanimous Dave's willingness to de-fang the Corporation.
Well, I didn't hear the Humphreys but I did hear the Asian news presenter on Channel 4 interviewing the other BNP MEP on the subject of immigration, starting by asking him if he thought all immigration was bad and ending by asking him this: "If you think this country is so awful, why don't YOU leave?"
Astonishing. Couldn't believe my ears. Not even the BBC would go that far. Would it?
Cameron needs polices on the EU before UKIP overtake him at the next election:
Paying the EU £40 million a day for membership with unlimited immigration is enough to make anyone vote UKIP ..Paying EU £40million a day while British roads, hospitals and transport network would shame a developing third world country?
Excellent piece by Melanie Phillips on BNP and British politics, which the BBC and Labour especially could do with studying:
"The real reason for this"
.."they [the BNP] have been able to seize their opportunity – and not just because of the expenses scandal. No, the rot in our culture that has let in the BNP goes far, far deeper than that. It is because it has turned attachment to national identity itself into a crime. Anyone who objects to multi-culturalism is called a bigot; anyone who wants to curb immigration is called a racist; anyone who objects to the Islamisation of Britain is called an Islamophobe; anyone who wants to leave the EU and regain the power of national self-government is called a xenophobe; anyone, in short, who wants to retain Britain’s national identity rooted in the shared particulars of religion, law, history, traditions and culture and its powers as a self-governing nation finds themselves ostracised as a pariah.
"Voters have been told in effect that there is nothing standing between national suicide on the one hand and racism on the other. If you don’t want the former, you are automatically branded with the latter. And so the BNP have been able to make hay. What’s more, the BNP have had a further devastating impact upon public discourse. Because they do indeed stand for beliefs that are beyond the pale, they toxify everything they touch. So because they take up causes such as the loss of immigration controls, EU membership or the Islamisation of Britain, this makes such causes radioactive. Mainstream politicians are terrified that if they touch them, they will instantly be tarred as ‘BNP- lite’." (Melanie Phillips.)
Mels piece is lovely, as always.
I'd go further. As PJ O'Rourke said – "Give War a Chance". Liberals of all political colours have let us down badly. Perhaps voters have thought its time to let a few "racist thugs" have a chance.
Concerning the definition of right and left that has exercised some posters, there is an attempt to come up with a new spectrum at the Greater Surbiton blog.
The blogger is a relentless multi-culturalist with left wing roots, all of whose ideas about the Balkans, with which he is primarily concerned, are vitiated by a roseate view of 'moderate Islam.'
Having said that he reserves a place for Guardianistas, with whom I suppose Beeboids could be lumped. My chief quibble would be that he seems to think there is a right wing form of Islam, while I believe that that entire religion is a form of fascism pure and simple, focussed on belief rather than race or nation.
It's at:
with the rationale behind it at:
(scroll half way down page)
Wise words from Melanie Phillips. For years the Labour Government have had an open door policy on immigration. But it is not immigration per se that is the problem – it is in fact the lack of assimilation. Labours multicultural dream has been a nightmare for many areas of the UK. How do the Labour Party deal with the problem? Do they teach the new immigrants the British way of life and our history. No instead they send everyone on "diversity courses" – where people are told they are racists and how we should feel guilty for what happened over 100 years ago. Where every immigrant is a gift to the country and that none of them are bad.
There are only 2 possible outcomes for this social engineering – one is that it works and we start despising ourselves and the other is that it gets your back up and you start resenting the immigrants themselves. Either way society suffers.
And the BBC and most of the politicians will still inflict the "multicultural heaven" on the unwilling population and wonder why the BNP are getting support from the people who have to live with the results.
I do not blame these people for voting for the BNP – It is the fault of the politicians (all of them not just the "liberals")
No one seems to have taken up Mailman's 8:31 AM, June 08, 2009 (1st in this thread question.
Much of this discussion seems to confirm:
a) The terms Left and Right no longer clearly define political ideology but serve more as terms of abuse.
b) It is possible to be left (or right) wing on some issues while right (or left) wing on other issues.
c) Issues that divided the people in the early part of the 2oth Century have changed. The Left/Right divide is not where it was.
Melanie Phillips is a stupid bint. She believes in exactly what the BNP believes in but then calls them 'racist thugs' on a frequent basis. She then goes on to say there's no middle ground when it's people like her who have been shouting 'racist' for too long. The less intelligent are taken in by her but they don't see her duplicity. She doesn't even see it herself.
Anonymous 8:17 am
Your gratuitous insult against Melanie Phillips misses the intelligence of her argument at the 'Spectator blog', referred to, in extract , above, at 10:33 pm.
I think the pendulum has swung full circle now. There's perfectly sensible arguments against the BNP's policies on immigration and jobs, there's rational arguments against UKIP's anti-EU policy, much of what Mel P would have suburbanite middle-England believe is manifestly ridiculous ("Londonistan"??? "rampant English anti-semitism"??? puh-lease).
But Brown, Cameron, Clegg, any Beeb-head never make these arguments because they know they'd be shouted down – so they're reduced to sulky sniding about imaginary "loonies" and "racists". They've only got themselves to blame because they shouted down rational views against their own extremist multiculti happyhuggy agenda for so long that people got f***ked off with pragmatic centrism and just went full pelt the other way.
Anon 8:17
I suspect Melanie Phillips is a lot more intelligent than you and I love the way she gets right up the noses of the lefties !