Well, not a great night for socialism, was it? And the BBC are not happy campers. I listened to an orchestrated onslaught against the UKIP here and the Conservatives here. Osbourne got a real mauling from Humphyrs. It appears that once again we have an election result in which there are no winners. The other BBC meme being pushed remorselessly is that the BNP is “extreme right”. It’s not. It is hard-left but because this is an inconvenient truth to the BBC champagne swilling socialists, it is turned around and re-presented as being extreme-right. The BBC’s idea of “centre-right” is the likes of the Euro-fanatical socialist EPP group. Having watched BBC election coverage last night and then listened to it this morning, I am so grateful that we have better choices to glean information these days – particularly the net. But this makes the continued imposition of the license tax unbearable when the bias is so evident! Tired after the late night but thanks to those who came across to the Liveblog!
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Given the BBC's Mark Mardell's report below, perhaps we should describe him, as he describes Geert Wilders:
Suggest a REWRITE of the following BBC report by Mardell, at 1.):
"The leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV), Geert Wilders, denies he is a racist, saying his problem is with Islam as an ideology, not the colour of people's skin."
Suggested REWRITE as preface to Mardell's report above:
"The leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV), Geert Wilders, denies he is a racist, saying his problem is with Islam as an ideology, not the colour of people's skin."
Inspired by Mardell's blog:
"March of the Right".
some of the names of fascist groups in british politics
National Labour Party,
Union Movement,
National Socialist Movement
the 'far right' accusation comes from the communists in European politics, the communists are far left.
Mussolini " I created fascism to destroy communism.
"We are socialist, but we are national socialists"
Recommended reading for BBC, Labour and all:
"European elections 2009: How Left let the BNP flex its muscles"
(by Philip Johnston)
"Whereas the intellectual Left (think George Orwell in 'Keep the Aspidistra Flying') once patronised or mythologised the white working class, for years now they have been considered an embarrassment, a low-achieving, boorish, poorly educated affront to the sensibilities of the 'progressive' elite that preached the virtues of multi-culturalism, promoted mass immigration and makes up much of the political establishment, including the modern Labour Party.
"The YouGov poll found that nearly half of BNP voters come from traditional Labour backgrounds. Two thirds of respondents thought Labour used to care for the concerns of people like them; but only 19 per cent think it does so nowadays. The issue they regard as most important by a long way (87 per cent of BNP voters) is the one that mainstream politicians refused to talk about for decades: immigration.
"Rightly or wrongly, this group of voters believes that the people who suffer most discrimination in modern Britain are 'white people'. This is the response of 77 per cent of BNP supporters; but it is also the view of 40 per cent of voters overall. They don't like the way that Muslim extremists appear to sound off with impunity while anyone defending their country's heritage and traditions is denounced by the progressives as a fringe loony. Hence the BNP's heavy reliance on wartime imagery to appeal to this nostalgic sense of a lost past." (Philip Johnston.)
Correction to 11:51 am above: 'Telegraph' headline word is 'Labour', not 'left'.
That was an excellent article in the telegraph about WHY people voted BNP.
But :
1 The Telegraph is not the BBC's newspaper
2 The BBC is only interested in why people should not vote BNP – not why they do.
All the UKIP posters I saw were headlining immigration. Much more than last time ?
If the greater share of voting going to BNP AND to UKIP is largely opposition to excessive immigration and multi-culti stuff, failure of assimilation, a sense that the indigenous population is being marginalised etc – that is a measure of why the Tories have failed too. Plus dominance by the EC.
My "protest vote" went to UKIP – it should not have needed to.
Yesterday we had Humphrys (albeit with his facts wrong) using climate change scepticism as a line of attack against one of the Conservative's new partners in Europe:
"…the leader of the party you are now allying with – the Civic Democrats – has said for instance that global warming is a false myth…"
The same theme was adopted by the BBC's Dino Sofos on this morning's Up All Night:
"There are a few questions hanging over these parties. The ODS party [aka Civic Democrats], their founder has questioned many current assumptions about climate change and the Polish party, they've faced accusations of making homophobic statements. So there is a question about whether they should be aligning with these parties."
Young Mr Sofos was clearly a man on an anti-eurosceptic mission. He interviewed Daniel Hannan who explained that the Conservatives were forming the group "to speak for all those millions of anti-federalist Europeans in every country who up until now have not been represented." Sofos said that the Conservative "risked alienating themselves" and demanded to know who the right-wing parties were that they would be aligning with in the new bloc. Hannan responded calmly, "You'll have to wait and see." This got Sofos quite irate: "Well no! Name the parties! You must know now. You know who won!" Hannan explained that the parties themselves would make their own announcements in good time. Sofos kept demanding that Hannan name names and at one point even declared, "You can't name them because their aren't any." Hanan offered a bet that the new group would be up and running by the time the next Parliament forms in July. Sofos replied tetchily: "You may well have a group but it will be significantly weaker than the European People's Party, no?" Again Hannan made the point about giving voice to those who have had enough of being pushed around by unelected bureaucrats.
Having already used the climate change attack earlier in the piece, Sofos now brought up that other universal truth held dear by BBC journalists – the unparalleled wisdom of Obama:
"One of the interesting issues here is that Obama has frowned upon this idea that a future British government – which is looking even more likely with the share of the votes that we saw last night – he frowned upon the idea that you'd leave this main group. If you look at it you'd be refusing to sit at a table with three of the leaders of the G7 member states."
Oh well, if Obama says it then it must be correct. Hannan batted away Sofos's idiotic argument, explaining that the Conservatives are not refusing to sit at a table with any European leaders, they're just disagreeing with them on the big issue of transferring more power to Brussels.
Presenter Rhod Sharp praised Sofos for his Paxmanlike interviewing technique. Does being Paxmanlike mean showing your evident dislike for Eurosceptics and right-wing politicians? If so, then Sofos nailed it.
It's available on Listen Again via the Up All Night website (Tuesday). The segment on the EU elections begins at 2:34 and the bit about the Tories begins at around 2:42.50. There's also some analysis about who voted for the BNP. Sofos's own views on this can be gleaned from his twitter page where he isn't too bothered about hiding his opinions:
Hats off to the bloke in Southapmton that yelled 'Fucking Facists' as the BNP vote was read!
Shit. The BNP have won their first seat in the EU Parliament thanks to the racists in Yorkshire.
Screenshots here and here.
Is this sort of thing acceptable from a BBC journalist?
You know who the instigators are here, BBC:
"Left out: how the far-right stole the working class"
(By Neil Clark, 'thefirstpost' 8 June):
"For middle-class leftists, large scale immigration means cheap Polish plumbers and some great new ethnic restaurants. How on earth, they wonder, could anyone be opposed to it, let alone vote for a party which promises an end to immigration?
"The middle-class takeover of the Left has also meant a lack of focus on the basic problems which most concern ordinary people. Instead it's middle class issues and preoccupations – civil liberties, identity politics and human rights."
DB @ 12:44 PM
Sofos now brought up that other universal truth held dear by BBC journalists – the unparalleled wisdom of Obama:
"One of the interesting issues here is that Obama has frowned upon this idea that a future British government – which is looking even more likely with the share of the votes that we saw last night – he frowned upon the idea that you'd leave this main group. If you look at it you'd be refusing to sit at a table with three of the leaders of the G7 member states."
Reminds me of this:
The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:8
Grant said…
10:25 AM, June 09, 2009
You can 'suspect' all you want knob cheese. My education and qualifications say different.
Anon. 4:38
Shame you can't write proper english !
4:38 PM, June 09, 2009
Your attitude tells a whole different story…..
Calling someone "knob cheese" is hardly indicative of great intelligence.
I take it Anon means Emmental- the cheese with holes? Perhaps he knows something of this knob-fitting from personal experience? Bit like "window-licking", an insider term don't you think?
Of course, the people who demonstrate and report negatively against the BNP, will do the same against Islamic jihadists and their supporters who are responsible for, inter alia, the murder of the British man, Edwin Dyer?:
'Jihadwatch'-(9 June)
"'Islam tells us not to have any links with unbelievers. That is why this man will be executed in the name of God.'"
“'They will see that we are jihadists, envoys of God, and their deaths will be the fault of their governments and their policies.'”
"‘He wept, hands bound. Then I heard two shots,’" by Jon Swain and Bojan Pancevski in 'The Sunday Times', June 7 :
[Extract, from 'Sunday Times' report]:
"A HARROWING account of the final hours of the kidnapped British tourist Edwin Dyer before he was murdered by Islamic militants in the Sahara desert last week has been given by an Arab intermediary who was negotiating for his release."
Back to attempts to objectify BBC bias.
I've listened to all the
interviews with MPs (and MEPs) on the 'Today' programme from last Wednesday through to this morning & have combined our old friend the 'Interruption Coefficient' (number of significant interruptions/length of interview) with a 'Questions Coefficient' (number of significant interruptions/lenght & interview) & added them together to get a 'Bias Coefficient'.
The tougher the interview, the higher the Bias Coefficient. (An average interview falls between 2.5 and 3.5).
Of course, tone of voice and the nature of the questions asked – crucial elements of biased interviewing – can't be caught by this figure. But at least it shows something.
Here goes:
8.6.09 John Humphrys, George Osborne, Conservative 5
8.6.09 Sarah Montague, Nigel Farage, UKIP 4.4
9.6.09 Sarah Montague, John McFall, Labour 3.3
8.6.09 John Humphrys, Nick Griffin, BNP 3.3
5.6.09 John Humphrys, Douglas Alexander, Labour 3.2
8.6.09 John Humphrys, Harriet Harman, Labour 3.1
3.6.09 James Naughtie, Harriet Harman, Labour 2.8
8.6.09 Sarah Montague, Nick Clegg, Lib Dem 2.6
5.6.09 Evan Davies, Barry Sheerman, Labour 2.5
9.6.09 James Naughtie, David Miliband, Labour 2.2
3.6.09 Sarah Montague, Nick Clegg, Lib Dem 2.2
3.6.09 James Naughtie, Caroline Lucas, Green 2.1
3.6.09 Sarah Montague, Lord Falconer, Labour 2
6.6.09 John Humphrys, Caroline Spelman, Conservative 2
6.6.09 John Humphrys, Tony Wright, Labour 1.8
For those who felt that Miliband got a far easier ride than Hague, for example, will see further evidence here. And Nigel Farage (if he reads this site again) might note signs of strong bias against UKIP too.
Hope this hasn't been too boring!
(Any insults from anonymice?)
Sorry, should have proof-read my post.
The 'Questions Coefficient' is the number of questions asked/length of interview.
I can't see the figure for Hague
Your effort is appreciated. One question: Is a low Question Coefficient supposed to indicate that, by asking fewer questions, the interviewer let the guest speak uninterrupted? Or is it supposed to show that the guest is allowed to control the direction of the interview?
Craig 6:55
That is very revealing. I hope you are keeping a permanent record of this evidence. It should come in useful in the future.
Actually, help me out here. I get confused when people throw around hard left and hard right…what is the difference between the two?
You are perfectly correct to be utterly confused, because there is absolutely no DIFFERENCE. OK there is just one difference, the right are slightly more honest, only because they can afford to be.
The BNP are a self confessed NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY. They are as their name suggests the British version of The Scottish National Party, with a bit of crowd pleasing racism thrown in for good measure.
It should be clear to all, that 12 years of a new labour government, which supposedly prided itself on being non-racist. Has DIRECTLY,and SYSTEMATICALLY, conspired to cause this country to be more racist then at any other time in its history. Which is exactly what far wiser heads, such as myself, warned them would happen, as a logical consequence of their insanely divisive and actually RACIST policies, many years ago.
As I have said before. We are divided so that those that really rule us, can more easily continue to do so.
This is a conspiracy coming from the very very top of the establishment structure. An almost completely secretive level of government, virtually none have even heard of, and The BBC has NEVER under any circumstances even tried to mention. The BBC has not to my knowledge mention INTERNATIONALIST establishment or corporatist sponsored organizations such as The Bilderberg Group, The Club of Rome, The Royal institute of International Affairs, or the Council on Foreign Relations.
It basically starts in our established and establishment controlled colleges and universities, such as Harvard, Yale, Oxford and Cambridge. This usually 20-30 or more years before the fruits of these covert seeds become main stream. The CO2=MMGW scam being one of the more obvious ones.
The vast majority involved therefore have no idea what they are really doing. This not only because they are effectively brainwashed by an elitist university education. But because the lies they are told sound so believable, suit there own greed and needs, and are different at every level of the process.
Which means that not even the attendees or employees of these organizations, including of course The BBC, in reality know what they are really up to, or even have much of a clue who is really behind them, or why they are.
Not withstanding this level of utter ignorance, these places are where the REAL power lies, when it comes to long term national and multi-national corporate policies. Which as we have long since been living in a CORPORATIST WORLD is also where ALL, and I do mean absolutely ALL important, democratic or otherwise government policies originate from.
Radical politics is used as an excuse for people to over-ride what would otherwise be their own god given COMMON SENSE. Which as we know is becoming forever less common.
The ultimate powers that be, which is at a higher level then the above groups, know FULL WELL that the people act like SHEEP, especially if their university friends and lecturers all seem to agree on the same things.
It is not just difficult to stand up in a crowd and state that 'the king has NO CLOTHS, and is acting in a truly EVIL manner, wittingly or otherwise.
It is virtually impossible, especially for our, seemingly intelligent, optimistic and hopelessly green youth. However I would have expected better from you lot.
For example; see how much abuse I get on this site for giving people factual information, simply because it challenges a lot of peoples life time prejudices.
I fully appreciate why it is very few of you have the freedom of mind to accept that you have been largely conned by a system you genuinely believed you understood. Which is why I do not get in any way distressed by the abuse, or retaliate with similar pointless stupidity.
Atlas shrugged
John A, the Hague one was a huge 5.0
(It looks like a mistyped S on my post, as I forgot to add the .0!!)
Thanks for that.
Yes, I have a spreadsheet with all the details (should they also be needed) & will keep on adding to it.
I notice that the BNP got two MEPs which is pretty impressive.
The SNP got two as well, and the SNP is political party who's running jockland(where I live) at the moment.
John A,
Please ignore my last comment & apologies for the mistake. I've been confusing Hague with Osborne (who got the massive 5.0 score) throughout!!!
Thank for your comments.
It's a bit of both – though I was mainly meaning it to be the latter.
The Osborne & Griffins interviews, for example, saw questions of all colours flying from many angles – unlike the Miliband interview.
It's a far from perfect measure, but it has its uses.
John A,
I forgot to add, "D'oh!"
BBC licencepayers should be under no misapprehension: their licence money is not only subsidising the apartheid BBC radio station, BBC ASIAN NETWORK, as a music station; that BBC station is also engaging in its own political agenda, as the 'Guardian's Ms. Z.Williams approvingly mentions in that paper's Culture section: 'Radio Head: BBC Asian Network'.
another useful and potentially telling measure might be the number of times the interviewer actually agrees with the interviewee – be it outright agreement via openly supportive comments, – 'he was such a good (labour) mp, though', 'i take your point', 'yes, of course' – or be it just generally supportive noises such as 'mmm', 'indeed', etc
A very good point!
And this could be deducted from the total.
Thank you.