Last night was a great example of where deceitful politicking gets you, yet so far the BBC have learnt little. Today they report that “The BNP won more than 120,139 votes in the Yorkshire region, slightly less than in 2004”. This detail obscures the fact that their share of the vote increased (which they don’t mention). It’s the wishful thinking that finds this kind of reporting satisfying, and fails to represent the political issue fairly, which has given the Labour-sympathising, Toynbee-Alibai-Brown promoting BBC the bad name it has, and contributed to the rise of the BNP for saying “what you will never hear” on the BBC.
Thanks to the commenters who reported on BBC bias through the evening. The comment thread makes interesting reading.
They genuinely don't know they're doing it, I think the claim of utter stoopid ignorance can be made. Although John Humphries and Sarah Montague should be sacked – in fact, just get shut of all of them who have been in post for over 3 years – circulate their jobs.
Said it before but Toady is the most expensive and to be fair the best alarm clock money has no choice of buying – start the day blooooody furious!
The BBC decided that British people forget E.U. election results, because 'Today' had moved off the subject after about 5 minutes at 7:15 am.
Three classic moments on BBC TV coverage:
From Labour blowhard, and BBC ever-present, Ms. Polly Toynbee:
1.)-on Wales' rejection of Labour:
'how can they? -the land of the KINNOCKS'..
2.)-on Burnley, Lancashre electing a BNP councillor, airily: 'Oh, the peole there may be concerned about Polish immigration'. She appeared unaware of, to use BBC language, in Burnley the significant 'Asian' presence.
3.)Mr. David Dimbleby, interrogating the leader of the BNP, Mr. Nick Griffin, before the result from North West England was in, when commentators were speculating that the BNP would not win there:
'And Mr. Griffin, have you chosen the wrong seat?'
As for Wales being "the land of the Kinnocks", I am part-Welsh, and in common with my friends and relations would resent being linked with that pair of snouts-in-the-troughers.
Furthermore, Neil Kinnock is ethnically Scottish, not Welsh.
Humphrys, trying to paint the Conservative's new partners in Europe as extremists, came out with this during his interview with Osborne:
"…the leader of the party you are now allying with – the Civic Democrats – has said for instance that global warming is a false myth…"
Outrage! Kill the unbeliever!
(Humphrys was wrong anyway. It was the Czech President Vaclav Klaus who said it and not Milek Topolanek, who is the leader of the Civic Democrats. Osborne, as a typical on-message Tory aristo-green, was quick to distance himself from "climate change denying views".)
Anon 8:06
Steady on , don't try and blame we Scots for scum like the Kinnocks !
Grant: Perhaps not, but scum like McTwat is YOUR fault. Oh and Blair.!! You don't get off THAT easy.
From the BBC programme I elicited the following facts.
Less votes were cast this time because there were no postal votes. Oddly enough the majority of the postal votes were for Liebour last time.
Now I quote a recent news item that suggested that the current postal vote system was wide open to systematic fraud. May I suggest that Labour are the habitual beneficiares of fraud. Sleaze? Thy name is Brown.
DB writes: "Humphrys, trying to paint the Conservative's new partners in Europe as extremists, came out with this during his interview with Osborne:
"…the leader of the party you are now allying with – the Civic Democrats – has said for instance that global warming is a false myth…"
And, as I reported during the nightwatch, la Maitlis allowed the intellectually challenged Polly Toynbee to conjoin fascists, 'gypsy haters and climate change deniers' without so much as a raised eyebrow.
Of such stuff are witch hunts made.
GCooper @ 12:48 PM
And, as I reported during the nightwatch, la Maitlis allowed the intellectually challenged Polly Toynbee to conjoin fascists, 'gypsy haters and climate change deniers' without so much as a raised eyebrow.
Of such stuff are witch hunts made.
I saw that too. Just more proof that it's a faith-based quasi-religion, and not really based on non-politicized science.
With all the hand-wringing over the racism of the BNP, did any party besides the Conservatives elect an MEP with a non-white, "ethnic" name? Did I miss one, or is that something else the BBC swept under the rug?
David Presier? Yes. UKIP did I think.
Funny though that on Radio 5 Peter Allen attacked the Spanish woman who used to be the Accounts boss at the EU (who is now a UKIP MEP) stating "Where are you from [Spain] and why didn't you stand there?"
Could you imagine Allen asking a Muslim that?
Basically he was saying "piss off you stopped a Labour person winning and I'm gutted"
I loved her comment though when she said
"they sacked me and now I'm going back, I know where all the bodies are buried"
What with her and Dan the man from the Tories we might see some real blood spilt now.
Can we have the link to that Peter Allen remark? Do 5Live run to listen again?
A Spanish woman doesn't rate on the "ethnic" scale compared to Sajjad Karim (elected in the same region as Nick Griffin) and Nirja Deva. It's looking more and more like traditional Labour voters are the racists.
Sorry Martin but having listened to that interview I think you may have done Peter Allen a disservice. It seemed to me that he was trying to move the interview along and contrast Spain doing well out of the EU budget in the past with how it was doing now as the money goes East.
I cannot believe I have come to the support of a BBC journalist, especially Peter Allen, I feel diminished.
the "spanish" woman is actually from Argentina.
Marta Andreasen
as for that Beeboid asking here "Where are you from [Spain] and why didn't you stand there?" – well that beeboid is just being a nasty racist, because the BBC is well aware that EU citizens can stand for election in any other EU country. That is EU law.
Martin 10:33
I blame Fife for McTwat, not the rest of Scotland !
I notice all the politicians condeming the BNP as racist, for example Cameron saying they are 'beyond the pale'. And yet to me it seems the Labour Party and their broadcasting arm the BBC are at least five to ten times more racist, by always promoting the interests of certain races in this country. For example, Labour run Manchester council had a jobs fair recently for ethnic minorities.
Therefore it would have been closer to the truth if Cameron had directed all his anti-racist comments at the Labour Party.
Reminds me of the old Chinese and Russian news agency strategy when something they didn't like happened.
Pretend it didn't happen.
strovia comrades.
Labour run Manchester council had a jobs fair recently for ethnic minorities. – "ethnic minorities, Asians.." it all means one thing, Muslims.
Unreal. I have never seen such biased Election coverage ever. I'm glad I'm not the only one to have noticed. What with loony left extremist Comrade Toynbee, Nick Robinson taking various "facts" (slurs) against BNP MEP's off the net and constant "It's a baddd day for democracy" lasting for a good week afterwards (it's a good day because the electorate voted them in), I have decided not to pay this tax. Bias, inaccuracy and pure propaganda from loony liberal mugs who should have retired years ago.
And the Anti-BNP coverage from Union reps, and assorted MP's was too much to bear..cringeworthy!