Just listened to Tony Wright of the Labour Party on 5Live claiming that Gordon Brown’s position has been strengthened after last night results. Amazing to hear him get away with this. Still, I guess there won’t be too many empty bottles of champagne strewn across the corridors in Broadcasting House this morning. The party is over.
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Just heard it too and had a double take. Nicky Campbell let that one go as usual. Safe passage for Labour on the BBC.
News from Ireland – Sinn Fien 7 IRA are the onlay party on the beeboid radar
Nicki Campbell doing the Radio 5 phone in. Only talking about the BNP. Did Labour have a good night then?
That would be Tony Wright whose son Ben is a political reporter on the impartial BBC.
David, Tony Wright is correct – Brown scored a big policy success last night.
British Jobs For British Workers.
If it wasn't for him, two otherwise unemployable BNP members wouldn't have jobs for the next four years.
Ralph 9:30
Did the BBC not disclose the connection, before the interview with Wright ? If no, must have been an oversight, surely !
Another Liebour Minister resigns. On Sky right now. On the BBC? Some pollster claiming it was a bad night for the Tories and that Gordon can hang on.
The BBC business as usual.
Ha!! Sky said Jane Kennedy was sacked. The BBC 2We don't know why she left"
Well turn on Sky news you effing twats!!!
She refused to back Brown.
Sloppy journalism or bias you decide?
BBC Headline – ‘Kennedy leaves in Brown reshuffle’
“Environment Minister Jane Kennedy is to leave the government… It is not yet clear whether she has resigned or been removed.”
Same story on Sky – “Farming Minister 'Sacked' From Government”.
‘Minister for farming and the environment Jane Kennedy told Sky News the Prime Minister had asked her personally to pledge her loyalty to him. When she said she was unable to, he asked her to leave.” In the end, I could have stayed, if I had made that pledge of loyalty," she said.’
How can the BBC still claim to be ignorant the reason for this ministers’ departure? All they have to do is watch or read the Sky news website. It’s bad enough that despite having the greater resources, the Beeb constantly get out-scoped by Sky, but at least they could try and respond to their breaking news-stories.
Mark Mardell:
"The saddest moment of the night: Labour MEP Richard Corbett lost his seat."
You couldn't make it up.
Actually the Beeb might be right. If Brown goes (and I hope he does) the next one may be obliged to call a GE. The Labour parasites er MP's now know they will be unemployed so may just bottle it so they can keep sucking down the expenses for another year.
DB – Mardell was hammered last night – fat blundering oaf, he was staggering all over the place in a very tired and emotional fashion.
Ralph said…
That would be Tony Wright whose son Ben is a political reporter on the impartial BBC.
& yesterday the BBC send wee Ben down to Newham to report on Brown's party lovefest.
Radio 5 in FULL defend Brown mode. Vicki Pollard had some thick ranting jock on fro Glasgow going on about the evil Tories and the 15% interest rates (last century) lies about David Cameron that Vicki didn't once try to shut him up about.
Now we have Mayo with an endless list of left wing politicians (Livingturd has just bee on) spouting on about how great Gordon is.
Oh and the BBC is also lying about the BNP. The BBC state that the BNP vote didn't increase. It did. The BNP got the same vote they did last time, but with a lower turn out. So their vote has clearly gone UP not stayed the same.
I loved the BBC News Bimbo's question to William Hague halfway through the interview imbedded in the BBC's webpage
She is unable to say the words "failure". "meltdown" or "defeat". Instead she stumbles about for: “The current governments, um, well, doing so badly.”
I guess it is their facility with words that qualifies BBC "info Babes" for their 92k salaries.
Ralph and All Seeing Eye,
That's the same Tony Wright who said that the world sees Gordon Brown as "a towering figure", which the BBC chose to use as a headline for a mostly negative segment.
I guess you'll be seeing a lot of him over the next couple of days, as a counterpart to Toynbee (and Maitlis). After all, the BBC must demonstrate impartiality while trying to save Labour at any cost.
Compare and contrast Mark Mardell: "The saddest moment of the night: Labour MEP Richard Corbett lost his seat."
Lance Price, in 1997, a BBC political reporter, later deputy to government spin doctor Alastair Campbell: '…when I finally appeared live on BBC1 to predict with confidence that Portillo was about to lose his seat, I provoked the biggest single outbreak of massed cheering in Britain at least since the 1966 World Cup.'
And that was only among the BBC staff assembled in the studio. Clenched fists, yells of triumph. I know. I was there.
Bbc bias continues in the website with a few sentences on the English Democrats and the Christian Alliance each getting about 250000 votes each but a full page with quotes from its Leader Bob Crowe of the no2eu party who only got a 150000 votes (a FAR left bunch of Trotskiest infighters but not described as such anywhere by the BBC). I await with baited breath how much wordage the Stalinist (sorry Socialist) Labour party (Led by A Scargill) for their 150000 votes.
David Steel was on 5 live banging on about "how well" Brown did in his press conference and what integrity he had (even though he lied through his teeth in response to fraser nelson) although he was spoonfed this comment by the beeboid.
Needless to say the Beeboid was fawning all over him for "speaking the truth when most politicians tell porky pies"
Still going back to Scotland to plan for government Mr Steel?
None of them have the guts to wield the knife.
Am I missing something? Not sure how Beeb headlines on it's website could be any clearer about Labour taking a kicking – (Short of the headline "Labour Take A Kicking)
BBC Headlines right now:-
PM confronts his Labour critics
Gordon Brown faces his Labour critics after another minister quit with a blast at his leadership.
Election: Winners & losers
Labour slumps to historic defeat
BNP wins two European seats
Tories hail 'European advances'
UKIP beats Labour into second
Europe steers to right
Minister quits in PM loyalty row
It really is noticeable how hard Al Beeb is pushing that it is the tory's who missed out…not Labour in the European elections.
'Anorak News' (anorak.co.uk'):
"Biased BBC Fails With ‘Lying’ Mandeleson"
"BRIAN Appleyard says it’s time to ditch the cosy politcal lobby that means the electorate can be lied to by a poltical leader and a BBC hack does nothing about it. Note: both are paid for by the taxpayer they are cheating:
"Mandelson’s appearance on the Andrew Marr show this morning [Sunday, 7 June] sustained me in my conviction that editors must now get together and agree to withdraw from the lobby system. Marr could not really lay a glove on Mandelson because he could not break the lobby and everyone at Brown’s press conference – Brown, the hacks – knew he was lying when he said he had not tried to get rid of Darling. In fact, he tried to make him go on Thursday night and Friday morning. The lobby, thanks to the years of New Labour spinning and bullying, is now a conspiracy against the electorate. Destroying it would go some way to purifying politics and political coverage. There are now no arguments for its continued survival.
"The BBC will regrow its teeth once New Labour is kicked out at the next election and the Tories the Beeb doesn’t support get in…"
Tony Wright may be 'right' in exactly the same sense that Captain Bligh's position was strengthened when Fletcher Christian forced him into the row boat.
Surrounded with friends but with much less room to manoeuvre. 🙂
Soz folks – bit drunk, will read after computer works. There was a Paxo weary pimp job for Newsnight nicely slapping the Labour Prty; credit where credit's due. Good lad.
PM programme this evening excelled itself in its pro-Labour bias. Having reported that the Tories had polled more votes than Labour in Wales, TWO Labour people were interviewed. Both gave a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party. NO ONE else was interviewed!!!
To me the most worrying feature of these elections was that over 15% of the voters supported a party whose leadership, by the rules established at Nuremburg, is a criminal cabal who should be tried for their policies of aggressive wars.
Now I didn't follow this myself, but some people might be interested in this link to what seems a pretty good Guardian appraisal of the BBC coverage of the BNP today, by allowing the possibility that Griffin could silence the "intellectual giant" Humphreys, it either means it is being blankly truthful or hiding the fact that Griffin was far more devastating, I could doubt.
I only know Humphreys as a bloated pompous buffoon, a single noise outside his comfort sphere can upset him, I think this is the problem with leftists who find that when debating with people who are outside the pale of their own PC spin, such as the BNP, you may find you are a victim of a turkey shoot. I have no sympathy with the BNP and I know a real intellectual giant like Eric Blair could really give Griffin a run for his money, but that's where we stand nowadays cosy inane righteousness projected as truth is vulnerable to anyone touching on real world issues.
"How the BBC handled the BNP on the airwaves this morning"
I still laugh when Jack Straw said on Newsnight that the Tories didn't do that well in the elections. Well they got 38% in the local elections, probably a few points off for the expenses nonsense (labour were smashed) and in the Euro election they got nearly double what Labour got.
What is concerning is how the BBC and the left wing press are spinning to get some sort of Lib Lab pact to keep the Tories out.
So if that happened yet again the fucking jocks will be in control of England.
It would be a crime if the single largest party in the Commons was kept out of power by some sleazy deal with the jock Labour MPs
"It would be a crime if the single largest party in the Commons was kept out of power by some sleazy deal with the jock Labour MPs"
These are desperate times for the leftist elite – their backs are against the wall and at times like this despots will do anything to cling onto power. They don't just give in graciously.
It would seem that parties of the self declared left took a pasting in the European elections, without Gordon Brown, an expenses scandal, cabinet sackings/revolt, etc.
The economic downturn seems across the board as well. Perhaps someone has some figures? NuLabor seems to have mismanaged to about the same degree as ruling parties across Europe.
How do B-BBC commenters account for this general trend?
I think you've already answered your own question.
Dagobert said…PM programme this evening excelled itself in its pro-Labour bias. Having reported that the Tories had polled more votes than Labour in Wales, TWO Labour people were interviewed. Both gave a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party. NO ONE else was interviewed!!!
10:36 PM, June 08, 2009
I stayed up last night to watch Newsnight to see if there might be any insights into how this weird Westminster politico-media bubble notion that things 'are so bad it's good for Gordon' came about.
About the only thing seemed to be that 'there is no better alternative' Ah well, that's OK then. Carry on.
Who cares about the country when there's a personality cult to serve.
What did strike me was the compositions of interviewees. Fair enough to have two Labour MPs, as they were the guys at the meeting and indeed were critical… at least until having been reprogrammed. For the usual tick-box guff reasons to be cheerful we had Jack Straw.
Ms. Kennedy at least was an articulate and telling critic with clear actions in support of her words. The ex-something Tory was straight from central casting. Are the corridors of power now really walked by such folk?
But what got me was the choice of commentators. I was dreading the Kevin Maguire/Andrew Pierce tag team (just seen that on Breakfast – but, amazingly, followed, by Kate S dissecting Ben Bradshaw and his numptie notion that Listening Gordon is now stronger matters to anyone outside the Labour Party and some hacks) but no… we get Polly T from the Guardian and Andrew Rawnsley from the Observer.
Now, I am sure it was late and no one else had an opinion or fancied national exposure, but might it not have been possible to get some other views than 'what 'we' must do to make Gordon more popular as the poor love is copping the flak for the expenses scandal. Ignore any views the public may have, and have expressed via their vote on failing policies, from immigration to the EU'.
Toady now licking the arse of David Miliband.
and has been licking the arse of ZuNu Labour all friggin morning.
the overwhelming majority of people who voted conservative (Con + UKIP) have no airing on Toady. no analysis of the shift to the right – instead we get a funeral wake and self obsessed bollocks from the left wing Toady program.
The BBC just doesn't get it – whether yesterday when they finally get Griffin on the radio to give him a going over (why not before the elections? Bit late now Beeboids to temporarily remove the peg from your nose), or this morning with the touchy-feely-we're all antifascists now story of the old British commies/stalinists given Spanish citizenship, or the ridiculously positive reporting of Gordon Brown's position. When will someone finally burst their bubble and tell them that their comfortable-lefty-multicultural- diversity training-inclusive-low carbon footprint-we're all Palestinians now world is disintegrating before their privileged pompous middle class snouts in the public trough noses?
historical note on the commie veteran interviewed by Toady…
if the commies had beaten Franco , Spain would have become a puppet of Joseph Stalin's USSR.
Which would have resulted in the German army invading Spain in 1940 , right after France.
Franco saved Spain from that. Fact.
The BNP support is overwhelmingly MALE white working class – especially younger men. Whom the BBC despise. There is total disconnect between the BBC multi-culties who see no problem in excessive immigration and failure of immigrants to integrate, and the people at the sharp end of these policies.
Labour (abetted by the Tories) created these problems. The BBC ignores them. The proles, traditionally Labour voters, rebel – at least to the extent of 10% in some areas voting BNP, and the Euro voting system lets the BNP win some seats.
BBC reaction – instead of analysing WHO voted BNP and WHY, goes into condemnation mode, still burying its head in the sand.
Drawing analogies with Mosley and the 1930s is totally misleading. The BBC should be focussing on the here-and-now. There are straightforward reasons for the BNP vote, including increased tensions over employment as well as natural anger at a sense that the indigenous white working class are being marginalised.
But – the BBC despises these people, will never give them a voice. And that sense of isolation merely fuels the anger.
David Miliband was given a party political broadcast on Toady this morning. Naughtie hardly made an appearance. But Miliband adopted a new tactic of speaking as if he was being interrupted – lots of 'just let me say' (no-one was trying to stop him) and at one point claiming 'it was ridiculous' to some deferrent question. No doubt this is a trick learnt from Mandelson who adopted a similar tactic with Marr on Sunday in the face of an interview so soft Marr was in danger of turning into a puddle of water before our eyes. Sinister times – and it looks like we've got another ten gruelling months of it (at least).
Oscar Miller…
RE: David Miliband Interview
No wonder the Labour Party have stuck with Gordon, if David Miliband is the best of the rest. For those of you who missed it, here is the highlight (courtesy of Coffee House) of the interview.
David Miliband [DM]: Last year I wrote an article saying that ‘we needed a radical new phase in Labour policy’.
James Naughtie [JM]: But we haven’t had that. That’s the point.
DM: If I had come on this programme last August and said ‘The best example of a radical new phase is the Labour Government to own two thirds of Lloyds Bank, that’s real radicalism’ you’d have said ‘you must be absolutely barking’
JN: But you were forced into that. The idea that this was a choice on the part of the government is absurd, Mr Miliband.
DM: No no no. I’m sorry. It is absurd to say that the government did not choose to own two-thirds of Lloyds Bank
JN: (laughing) It ‘chose’ to own it in the context of the biggest financial crash for 80 years.
DM: And we did the right thing.
JN: (scoffing) really.
DM: Hang on. And on the economy, we have shown what a radical new phase means. We’ve proved that it was the right thing to do. Yesterday Lloyds Bank paid back £2.6bn. Now we’ve had the coldest electoral shower imaginable. We have to ask ourselves in other areas – on political reform, on public services and on international policy – what’s the equivalent of unconventional thinking? What’s the equivalent of owning two-thirds of Lloyds Bank?
What a spanner and to think, he’s our Foreign Secretary 🙁
Well as per my comment yesterday at 11:34 am. The Rebel Labour MP's bottled it. We're Browned now till the next election and they get 11 more months of screwing expenses.
When it came to a choice between the good of the country and maximising their own cash they chose cash. Brown actually HAS been strengthened. B'stards the lot of them.
Goedon's just called and asked me to relay the following:
"I'm not backing down – I'll finish what I came here to do"…
:::sound of trolley wheels on rubberised floor, muffled screams ::: 🙂
Re the ridiculous Milliband argument above (seriously off topic, but another example of NuLabs having lost their marbles)
On C4 News last night, Margaret Hodge, in her effort to stop the BNP MEP Bron getting a word in sideways, suggested that wanting a stop to immigration would result in banning foreign students & tourists coming to this country.
(Just for good measure Krishnan told Bron that if he didn't like this country, he should leave. – That's C4, soon to be an additional burden on the taxpayer when it is funded by BBC Worldwide)
" The Rebel Labour MP's bottled it. We're Browned now till the next election"
11:33 AM, June 09, 2009
and the Tories are delighted with that – makes their victory ever more certain. And Labour's meltdown even worse.
Might we even see a return to Tories v Whigs?
Martin –
Don't think you'll have to worry about "the fucking jocks" as you delightfully describe us .
Check out the map –
The protectionist and the anti-free market policies which make the BNP 'far left' if implemented are reversible within 10 years if the country wants a free maket economy again. But at least we would still have a country.
On all other issues the BNP views are in line with conservative thinking – support the armed forces, pro discipline in schools, law and order, immigration control, being patriotic fo Britain and its values, pro British Independence, not making PC considerations trump everything else.
The effect of the other parties' immigration policies, (unlike the protectionism of the BNP) are largely irreversible, and could lead to civil war when the Muslims reach a certain critical level and are impossible to challenge through voting due to their overwelming numbers.
Also, there is one litmus test which the BNP passes – the BBC hates them. Remember, this is a BBC which likes Labour and Cameron. Generally you cannot go far wrong if you take the opposite view on any issue to the BBC's.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown will announce plans for a new Westminster voting system, the BBC understands.
He will unveil an alternative vote system to choose MPs to replace the first past the post method, BBC political editor Nick Robinson said.
Mr Brown will make a statement to MPs on Wednesday about his reform plans in the wake of the expenses scandal.
The prime minister is also expected to propose Lords reform and an independent body to police MPs' expenses.
This man is seriously deluded!
"I have my strengths and I have my weaknesses. I know there are some things I do well, some things not so well. I've learned that you need to keep learning all the time."
Is this really what people want from a Prime Minister? It is humiliating.
"Might we even see a return to Tories v Whigs?"
I wouldn't write Labour off just yet – there has been over 10 years of socialist indoctrination in this country. It has affected every walk of life and is endemic in every British institution. It has even got its tentacles into the Conservative Party.
That kind of indoctrination will be hard to shake off.
Anyone else see Newsnight? Yet again no Tories or Lib Dems. Just three left wingers talking about reform of the voting system and other things.
I just don't get WHY the Tories don't make a formal protest to the BBC Trust? WE seem to do all the protesting to the BBC about the Tories being given the middle finger.
What we need is the labour party to win the next election in a coalition with the SNP to form a Government with a very low majority. That way the labour party would de the ones who had to make the public sector cuts (at the moment their line of credit is good to the next election so no cuts!) then they will be seen as the truly nasty party even by the client state. If you think the labour parties infighting at the moment is fun to watch wait till you would see them during and after thousands of cuts! This scenario would also bring down the SNP with it!
pmjk –
Excellent plan .
Only problem is that by that point they'll have abolished elections , made homosexuality compulsory , turned the country into Euro-Provinces nos 17-26 and made Martin independent .
If you think it's slash-and-burn just now , think what it'll be like if they get another couple of years (after all , such a government isn't going to last a full term).
That's ignoring the fact that The People's Front of Judea is never going to form a coalition with The Judean People's Front (Northern Branch). Ferrets in a sack .