Doesn’t time fly past! Tonight sees Question Time on our screens and what a nightmare panel it is. Hain the pain is on from Wales, Comrade Derek Simpson is on, smarmy Chris Huhne is on, as is drippy Conservative Caroline Spelman and erratic economist Ruth Lea. So, no-one from the solid right on tonight. So we need to provide a little balance. Be there or be square!
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So :-
Left 4 (including Dimblebore)
Right 2 ish
It will be interesting to see if they attack Spelman, given the Labour expense fiddles are much worse and it looks like Brown is failing to support the wretched Malik.
My hunch is that the topic of expenses may not come up at all. I can almost hear Dimblebore saying
" we have covered this extensively in previous programs ".
We shall see !
Hain and Spelman together on yet another BBC political programme. Interesting.
Another six honkeys on the hideously white (yet vociferiously anti-BNP) BBC.
Red 6:39
And not a single muslim ! Never mind, I am sure the audience will make up for it.
Anon. 6:20
And your point about BBC bias is ?
God what a dull panel. I'm just going to be on totty watch.
Martin 7:34
Now there's a surprise.
I've no intention of watching the whole wretched charade, but I caught five minutes or so, and something struck me. I don't know why I didn't notice it when David put up the post earlier. Isn't absolutely extraordinary – if not entirely unprecedented – a week after a national election, for the party that came second to be completely unrepresented on the QT panel? Was anything said by Dimbly at the start?
What would have been as interesting – IMHO more interesting – as having somebody from UKIP on would be to have had somebody from the BNP.
The Queen cannot disolve parliament without parliament instructing her to do so. She is a figurehead. Unfortunately, GB thinks he is a President.
I think that was the most boring QT ever. And the first 20 minutes devoted to the BNP. What great publicity for them.
Right at the start all the Big Three managed to get in their BNP smears early – that they are racists/fascists/neo-nazis ad nauseum.
This smearing of those who hold a certain view on immigration seems to be the vogue among our elites these days.
In fact the only guy in audience who made much sense was the one who voted BNP, were they going to label him as well?
People voted UKIP and BNP because they have had a gutsful of the existing parties. For quite some time there has never been an election where the electorate has truly had a choice.
Say what you like about Nick Griffin, he at least introduces a bit of honest dialog, something you're unlikely to see on the BBC.
What a great episode. And what a great line up. Comrade Simpson, of Unite (the democratic Union that told all its members inc myself to boycott the BNP and vote for ANYBODY else).Comrade Peter Hain, vociferous Anti-BNP activist, currently campaigning to put their members in hospital (and Gaol). Basically a line-up of anti-BNP mugs as usual, all there to give their impartial (!) opinion in front of the Crouch End audience.
In fact such impartiality, with lots of namecalling (fascist, racist etc etc) and NO person invited from the BNP to give their side of the argument. But that's democracy eh? I might actually vote for them next time; that is if it isn't a criminal offence.