"BBC says it is enlisting new satellites to broadcast its Farsi service into Iran"
" — The BBC is using two extra satellites to broadcast its Farsi-language service after days of jamming it blamed on Iran.
"The British state-run news organization said the move was meant to help it reach its Iranian audience as the crisis over their country's disputed election deepens. It is also a challenge to Iran's religious government, which has accused foreign broadcasters of stirring unrest, singling out the BBC in particular.
"'This is an important time for Iran,' BBC World Service Director Peter Horrocks said in a statement. "'We hope that by adding more ways to access BBC Persian television, Farsi-speaking audiences can get the high quality news, analysis and debate they clearly desire'."
(Orlando Sentinel, AP report.)
There's quite a bit of irony and hypocrisy in the BBC's activity on this:
1.) the BBC is going to great lengths to ensure that Iranians get the BBC political message by providing extra satellite coverage, whereas British licencepayers cannot get VHF coverage of Radio 5;
2.)the political message which the BBC is determined to get across to the Iranians is merely: 'we at the BBC are dhimmis, and we too support Hamas and Hezbollah, and are enemies of Israel'.
As we know, the BBC is noted for its friendship to Ayatollahs.
3.)Peter Horrocks' statement above, that the Iranian people will get, thanks to the BBC -"the high quality news, analysis and debate they clearly deserve" – is just his little joke, of course.
We are already very familiar with the bias which the BBC thinks we "clearly deserve".
The 'phantom council tax' claims of MPs are not being downplayed on Sky News, where the ever-entertaining Peter Spencer points out that they are much more serious than, say, the duck pond. They are, he says, "potential fraud".
No-one (as far as I'm aware) seems to have noticed that at the BBC.
The BBC are not reporting the police inquiry into the mainly Labour MPs and Peer on their news website at all. Meanwhile it is front page news on The Telegraph, The Guardian, Sky and The Times' news websites. Why so coy BBC?
BBC News 24. Peter Sissons interview with Polly Toynbee and Gordon Brown's oficial biographer…
Totally craven – Brown saved the international banking system; Brown troubles all down to unforseen events; more Prime Minestrial than Cameron; Brown not keen on trappings of power; Brown the family man and wanabee teacher (because he cares about the future); Brown acknowledged around the world as senior international statesman etc… not one critical word.
Indeed, judging by this interview -Jesus had better watch out – Brown sounds more qualified for the messiah role, than the son of God himself.
Here is how she condemns racism, by slurring over one million people and the bbc didn't edit her comments out, in a pre recorded programme. It's disgraceful.
30 years ago, the BBC in its political opposition to the Shah of Iran, happily hooked up with Ayatollah Khomeini; and the BBC has remained a dhimmi ever since.
The BBC allies itself with a certain strata of Islam in Iran, thus:
-Hugh Fitzgerald ,(of 'Jihadwatch'), wrote this two years ago ('Jihadwatch' 23/3/07):
"Fitzgerald: Blaming England"
"There is a certain kind of left-wing Iranian, the kind who at first supported the overthrow of the Shah and then found that the real and only winners were the Ayatollah Khomeini and the primitives who make up the Iranian masses. (These masses are not our sort — not the Nafisi or Bina or Tabatabai sort, the sort who have names like Cyrus and Darius rather than Mohammad, but the sort who actually make up the masses of Iranians that those upper-class secularized Iranians in exile still can't quite recognize or allow themselves to understand, because it would be too painful.) For these left-wing Iranian the entire Khomeini phenomenon can be explained by two words or, possibly, three: 'Mossadegh.' 'Coup.' 'England.' In other words they want to believe, and want us to believe, that Shi'a Islam is just fine, and that if only Mossadegh had survived, and thrived, and the Shah had the feathers of the Peacock Throne clipped, everything would have been all right — because such people still can't see how the very forces of modernization brought about by oil wealth would naturally unhinge the country.
"And its unhingement would in turn naturally cause Islam, the Islam of Khomeini and his ilk, to make a comeback. In this these Iranian leftists resemble the secular Shi'a in exile, who couldn't imagine what Iraq would turn out to be like, and how it would not conceivably rise to the fantastic occasion offered in by the American removal of Saddam Hussein. These 'unrepresentative' Best People, in Iraq and in Iran, simply can't face up to what most of their countrymen are deeply like, and deeply like because of Islam. They are embarrassed. They are personally and civilizationally embarrassed and don't know how to face it, deal with it, talk about it.
"It is, for them, much easier to mutter about the coup against Mossadegh, which supposedly made ineluctable, a quarter-century later, the takeover by the Khomeinist forces of black reaction. And behind that coup, the Eternal Enemy in the manichaenism that comes naturally to Islam with that Zoroastrian substratum: 'England.'"
Banning the burka is just bullshit. As much as muslims make me retch for their fantacism, I couldn't care one iota about any of the women of that group and their alleged 'rights'. If they are dumb enough to walk around all day in a one man tent then they deserve all they get.
Furthermore, if they started dressing like civvies, I wouldn't know who to avoid on the street, lest I should accidentally stumble into their blast radius.
Muslim attire is the same as a Nazi uniform, their weirdy beardies and darth vader wives let us keep tabs on the scum with ease.
How can I refuse to get into a muslim driver's cab because his religion offends my human rights or refuse to give directions on the street to one of their female black phantoms for the same reason. I need to quickly identify the enemy so I can avoid them immediately. Don't we all?
And David, please, please fuck this word verification crap off. It took me 3 attempts to post this message.
On radio 4's 'World tonight',Fri 19th, about 28 mins in, BBC reporter Catherine Miller, in a piece on the Iranian situation, came to the following conclusion:
"Iran's particular brand of religious democracy has always promised a balance between clerical leadership and the will of the people. Now many people's faith in that system has been lost and it may take more than a recount to restore it."
I've been long since resigned to the BBC referring to Turkey, Malaysia – and even Indonesia – as modern secular democracies but surely this is taking abuse of the word too far. She even seems to be implying a system of checks and balances!
"Bangkok: A human rights group says Muslim insurgents in southern Thailand must stop the 'sickening trend' of attacking teachers, 115 of whom have been killed since the outbreak of the separatist rebellion five years ago.
"The US-based Human Rights Watch said Friday that as part of a general recent escalation of violence, 5 teachers have been killed since the beginning of the new school term in May."
Thought some of you might have a small chuckle at the latest post on my little blog-ette – it seems the Iranian Govt. mouthpiece is nicking al-Beeb graphics to use on its website; on which one of the main headlines today accuses Britain of stealing Iranian assets!
Unless al-Beeb have given them permission of course 😉
It is instructive (not least for the BBC), to compare the BBC's coverage of IRAN with that of just one outstanding single blog site, that of:
'atlasshrugs.com', (Pamela Geller's site) -which at this moment has some searing text and pictures of what the Islamic Republic of Iran's killer state thugs are doing.
The usual action of an autocratic regime in a spot of bother at home is to look to create a diversion or war to bring the people into line. Iran is especially dangerous now. No mention of this on the BBC of course but we shall see. I hope the Israelis are alert. AS for the so called moderates, that is just wishful thinking. There are no moderates in Iran. It is , like nearly all Islamic lands, in the grip of a collective madness we should treat with the only weapon we have left. Isolation from our world. At whatever economic cost to us.
As reproted by BBC: Iran police clash with protesters As reported by CNN:At least 19 people died after clashes erupted Saturday in Tehran as Iran's security police used tear gas and clubs to beat back demonstrators.
Not sure about you guys but I'm willing to take a wager that Al Beeb's "farsi service" asks Iranians to stay at home or do what the supreme moron Ayatollah Beardface says. Fox News have changed their schedule and focus solely on events in Iran. I couldn't care less but if (I repeat if) the Iranians would get rid of the mullahs we might be heading in the right direction after all.
The ever dishonest BBC comrades still cannot bring themselves to tell the truth about the roma criminal gangs in Belfast, the cant even tell the truth about who they are, the BBC keep refering to them as Romanians.
Notice how local residents never get to have their say? You see they are not 'on message' about how wonderfully diverse it is to have roma criminal gangs living next to you(not the BBC comrades of course)!
Notice how the BBC didnt explore the the huge rise in crimes like mugging/cash point crime/pickpocketing/bag snatching/ agressive begging with threats.
Notice how the BBC didnt want to uncover just why these criminal gangs were forced onto an already hard pressed comunity and given scarce housing while locals were pushed to the back of the queue.
With the BBC you get half a story and only the approved version where any dissent from the socialist orthodoxy is suppresed!
Yes. Fox News coverage of Iran has been impressive; it is more politically wide-ranging, and less stilted than that of the BBC. For example, at the 'Fox Forum' section of the 'foxnew.com' website, there are significant contributions, including this, by Iran expert, Walid Phares:
"Iran -The Uprising Is On and There's No Turning Back"
"Why did the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei decide to suppress demonstrations and not order a reorganization of new elections to solve the crisis? What is the analysis inside the Khamanei/Ahmedinijad 'war room'? Based on several assessments, it appears that the regime feels the protest movement is too wide and too determined to allow it to expand further.
"The ayatollahs in charge of the 'revolution' and the top commanders of the Revolutionary Guards as well as their financial operatives fear a popular shift inside Iran’s population along the magnitude of East Europe’s revolution against Soviet rule. The most cataclysmic parallel would be with the fall of Romanian communist dictatorship under Ceausescu. Even a change a la Gorbachev is too dangerous for the elite that ruled Iran with an iron fist for three decades. Hence, after a minute calculus, the top mullahs and their militia barons have decided not to open Pandora’s box to bring reform or democracy to their own world. And, the world should expect them to use all the power at their disposal to do away with the demonstrations and its leaders." (Walid Phares.)
I note that the Andrew Marr show is the normal tory free lefty love fest. Why don`t the Conservetives get some backbone and complain about this BBC bias!
I note that The Andrew Marr show is a Conservative free zone again. Denying Tories the oxygen of publicity? A respectful interview with Nick Clegg and even the £2.4 million donation questions were hardly pressed. I just cannot watch the Jack Straw interview for the sake of my television.
Yes, I too remember Frank Gardiner gushing a couple of weeks ago about good prospects for the Iraq hostages.
Now he says "recently people had been saying …." not "I,a total appeaser, had been saying…."
Meanwhile it is appalling how little the BBC has been mentioning this weekend's deaths and brutality in Iran. The impression you get is that one guy got cut by a razor, another got shot in the arm. Things are far far worse than that, and the BBC with all its resources knows this full well.
Truly sickening that the BBC fails to report clear facts.
Your TV was very lucky. The Jack Straw interview was spineless, even by Marr's standards, with a tiny Bias Coefficient of 1.5, and only 4 interruptions – none of which were very strong! 52% of the interview was concerned with parliamentary reform, 41% with the Iraq War inquiry and 7% with Iran. Of tough questions, there were none on any subject.
The Clegg interview was almost equally spineless. Of the four interruptions, two were supportive and only one (on fraudster Michael Brown) was even mildly aggressive. The Bias Coefficient was a tiny 1.6. Parliamentary reform took up 55% of the interview, the Iraq War Inquiry 18% and the dodgy Lib Dem donor 27%.
For comparison, last week's Marr interview with Michael Gove scored a 2.4 Bias Coefficient, was unfriendly throughout & spent nearly half of its time on Tory spending cuts.
TVs the length and breadth of the nation should tremble when Marr comes on.
Yes and Frank the 'plank' got it wrong again. The crippled tosspot was claiming that the bodies were given up as a 'gesture' by the captors for the release of some halfwit Iraqi.
Oh but it appears that in actual fact it was the AMERICANS who got them from interrogating a prisoner they had.
Just heard the pathetic cripple Gardner try to put his position into sharp reverse on BBC News 24. Pathetic little man. He really doesn't have a clue.
Here's a thought Frank. Muslims are just vile killers and torturers (REAL torturers not like the west where they stick your head under a tap, something I used to inflict on irritating twats as school) who enjoy killing people.
After all Frank you can no longer wipe your own arse thanks to these lovely Muslim people can you?
I agree with above comments about Frank Gardner who seems to be suffering from an advanced case of what used to be called "Stockholm syndrome" – yes they shot me but I still love them. I had to switch off Radio 4 in disgust at the book programme last week going on about the so-called palestinian book festival – as if there was any distinct palestinian culture as opposed to general Arab "culture". The whole thing was designed to be controversial, holding it in Jerusalem instead of Ramallah or Jenin or Jericho or some other delightful spot in the PA administered areas. On a lighter note, I am appalled at the rumoured decision to drop the lovely Arlene Phillips as a judge form Strictly Come Dancing and reportedly to substitute Alesha Dixon who knows nothing about ballroom dancing or choreography apart from the set routines she learnt as a competitor. This is a blatant example of ageism by the BBC against a knowledgable & in my opinion charming older woman.
Today's 'Politics Show' featured a three-way discussion between Ming Campbell (Lib Dems), Theresa May (Conservatives) & Sadiq Khan (Labour), conducted by our biased friend Jon Sopel.
Here come more statistics:
Here is the amount of time each got to speak: Ming – 4 mins 58 Sadiq – 3 mins 38 Theresa – 2 mins 58
Each was asked 6 questions.
Here are the number of significant interruptions (by Sopel): Theresa – 6 Ming – 3 Sadiq – 1
Finally, here are the Bias Coefficients (the higher the figure, the tougher the interview): Teresa – 4.6 Sadiq – 2.1 Ming 2.0
With what is going on in Iran, I'm wondering what on earth we need foreign news reporters for. Let's just use the comments on Facebook and Twitter from the people actually there, on the ground. Western media have been restricted and we are still getting lots of news out, from the people actually making the news. We don't need obese pontificating bigheads like Simpson, telling us what's going on, he's only an overpaid intermediary.
Craig, I assume you are keeping a record of all of your bias reports. If you want to publish a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly bias report then I am happy to put it up on my blog; interested?
The ‘Politics Show’ also featured a biased report by Max Cotton, which itself (like a play within a play) highlighted yet more BBC bias.
Its focus was the wonderful new mayor of Doncaster, the English Democrat Peter Davies.
Sopel introduced the segment by describing the English Democrats as “a party that campaigns in favour of an English parliament & against multi-culturalism and political correctness”. Not the BBC’s cup of tea then, obviously.
Cotton was smug, mocking and patronising towards Mr Davies, folding his arms and pointing his finger at the mayor as he badgered away at him. Cotton wondered whether he was “homophobic” or “racist” & when Mr Davies described his plans to cut funds for multicultural projects, Cotton sneered “That’s tolerance, is it?”
Cotton then sat down & listened to an interview given by Peter Davies – on the day of his election – to BBC Radio Sheffield which, from the clip played, would have yielded a huge Bias Coefficient. Even Cotton later described the Beeboid interviewer’s questions as “hostile”, but invited Mr Davies to take the blame for the interview’s collapse (which, good on him, he refused vigorously to do) and didn’t seem to realise that such a level of hostility betrays severe bias & should be censured by the BBC. The issue being discussed was Mr Davies’s election pledge to withdraw funds from a gay pride march. (No wonder the Beeboid was hostile!)
Cotton then had a sympathetic chat with the chairman of the council’s Labour group , rather than asking this rogue (who walked out on Mr Davies on election night & whose group is now challenging the validity of the election!) why he is behaving like a very bad loser., instead challenged Mr Davies to explain himself for others’ actions.
The whole report dripped with Beeboid bias – and Southern condescension.
Al-Bowen playing things down on Iran (from a BBC News Online article dated today):
"the split on the streets between those people who really think the election was a fraud and people who don't."
I haven't seen many of the latter at all recently, Jezza. A quick youTube search brings up about four from days ago, compared to the deluge of evidence we're seeing from the other side
Nice to see everyone's favourite Palestinian genocide advocate, Abd al-Bari 'If the Iranian missiles strike Israel – by Allah, I will go to Trafalgar Square, and dance with delight if the Iranian missiles strike Israel' Atwan on some BBC show (whose name I didn't bother to commit to memory) on BBC 'News' 24 yesterday being treated like his opinions are valid. Great use of he license fee. Shame Hilter is dead, otherwise the BBC could have him on too. Jerks.
Of course, if the BBC were to discuss the history of Iran/Persia, reference to the early Muslim conquest of that land could not be avoided:
"Muslim conquest of Persia"
( Wikipedia, )
[Extract: first sentence]:
"The Muslim conquest of Persia led to the end of the Sassanid Empire in 644, of the Sassanid dynasty in 651 and the eventual extirpation of the Zoroastrian religion in Persia."
Am I the only person to speculate on the remarkable co-incidence of Iran calling Britain it's No 1 enemy and the murder within 24 hours of two British abductees – by an militia unit in Iraq. Perhaps Iran had some influence?
So much for the analysis and reporting I 'value so much' from the BBC
Credit where due: If nothing else, the BBC Farsi service has been worth its weight in taxes. They made good choices in the Mousavi supporters who feed them those video streams. The rest of the media seems to have missed an opportunity and have gone with photos and correspondents' repeating what the people in the hotel bar tell them.
Of course, the BBC did pay the price of sacrificing any pretense of impartiality. But they're getting video of the mad mullahs' thugs shooting their own people.
Here's a thought Frank. Muslims are just vile killers and torturers (REAL torturers not like the west where they stick your head under a tap, something I used to inflict on irritating twats as school) who enjoy killing people. After all Frank you can no longer wipe your own arse thanks to these lovely Muslim people can you?
Gardner doesn't care about his own arse, only about wiping those of the Islamists. I recall he was the Beeboid who told us that the Teddy Bear Protests were a good natured gathering, while gangs of Islamic thugs waved swords and spears behind him.
You knew this day would come, didn't you? No matter the outcome, it's because of His brilliance. This is the same non-strategy which Justin Webb was praising as "confusing his enemies" when the President sent that video kiss to Iran in January.
The era of Ahmadinejad has become doubly intolerable for some sectors of Iranian society, now that the Great Satan is run by a guy who shares a middle name with the opposition candidate, Mir Hussein Moussavi; a man who speaks directly to the Iranian people and who tells them that Persia, a great and ancient civilisation, deserves America's respect.
Mr Obama even had the good sense to apologise for the British and American-backed coup against Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq in 1953 after he tried to nationalise Iranian oil.
If the mullahs lose power and Iranians are free from the regime which has led to their alienation, this will have nothing whatsoever to do with anything Bush did: it will all be because He walks among us.
And it's the same Narrative coming from three different Beeboids, at three different times. Come see the bias inherent in the system.
I too saw the BBC piece on the new Mayor of Doncater. It was obvious from the start the direction it would take.
Funny how the BBC focused on "Homophobia" and "racism", which were both denied by the Mayor himself. No mention was made of his aim to cut out unnecessary jobs and thus saving the council tax payers money.
"He believes in harsher punishments for young thugs and persistent offenders and that criminals should serve their full sentences. He has campaigned consistently for the nation's withdrawal from the European Union.
Mr Davies has pledged to reduce council tax over a four year period, starting in 2010, by cutting bureaucracy, ditching the council's newspaper Doncaster News, stopping all translation services for immigrants, reducing the number of councillors from 63 to 21,axing all the authority's politically correct jobs and scrapping huge pay offers to senior managers.
He would reduce the mayor's salary to a maximum of £30,000 and hold a referendum on the mayoral governance of Doncaster.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Comment “The sheer insanity, we can’t even give weather payments to our Elderly and have bankrupt councils and they want…
atlas_shruggedFeb 23, 16:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Stew I need to help you with your thinking. You are completely right. The politicians know that they are special…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 machete attacks and drug-fuelled brawls and tasty kebab shops!
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tomoFeb 23, 16:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 That’s going to look so lame when things really kick off over there – and they will…. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1893668892850921919
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tomoFeb 23, 16:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://twitter.com/WeAreFairCop/status/1893579082295591039
Fedup2Feb 23, 16:01 Weekend 22nd February 2025 German election – turn out 2pm – 52% against 36% last time – 41% time before that ….. could AFD…
"BBC says it is enlisting new satellites to broadcast its Farsi service into Iran"
" — The BBC is using two extra satellites to broadcast its Farsi-language service after days of jamming it blamed on Iran.
"The British state-run news organization said the move was meant to help it reach its Iranian audience as the crisis over their country's disputed election deepens. It is also a challenge to Iran's religious government, which has accused foreign broadcasters of stirring unrest, singling out the BBC in particular.
"'This is an important time for Iran,' BBC World Service Director Peter Horrocks said in a statement.
"'We hope that by adding more ways to access BBC Persian television, Farsi-speaking audiences can get the high quality news, analysis and debate they clearly desire'."
(Orlando Sentinel, AP report.)
There's quite a bit of irony and hypocrisy in the BBC's activity on this:
1.) the BBC is going to great lengths to ensure that Iranians get the BBC political message by providing extra satellite coverage, whereas British licencepayers cannot get VHF coverage of Radio 5;
2.)the political message which the BBC is determined to get across to the Iranians is merely: 'we at the BBC are dhimmis, and we too support Hamas and Hezbollah, and are enemies of Israel'.
As we know, the BBC is noted for its friendship to Ayatollahs.
3.)Peter Horrocks' statement above, that the Iranian people will get, thanks to the BBC -"the high quality news, analysis and debate they clearly deserve" – is just his little joke, of course.
We are already very familiar with the bias which the BBC thinks we "clearly deserve".
The 'phantom council tax' claims of MPs are not being downplayed on Sky News, where the ever-entertaining Peter Spencer points out that they are much more serious than, say, the duck pond. They are, he says, "potential fraud".
No-one (as far as I'm aware) seems to have noticed that at the BBC.
George R: All visual elements of Islam are a threat. All should be banned. It should be EU law.
The BBC are not reporting the police inquiry into the mainly Labour MPs and Peer on their news website at all. Meanwhile it is front page news on The Telegraph, The Guardian, Sky and The Times' news websites. Why so coy BBC?
WV = prewippe – what happens postwippe?
BBC News 24. Peter Sissons interview with Polly Toynbee and Gordon Brown's oficial biographer…
Totally craven – Brown saved the international banking system; Brown troubles all down to unforseen events; more Prime Minestrial than Cameron; Brown not keen on trappings of power; Brown the family man and wanabee teacher (because he cares about the future); Brown acknowledged around the world as senior international statesman etc… not one critical word.
Indeed, judging by this interview -Jesus had better watch out – Brown sounds more qualified for the messiah role, than the son of God himself.
Pure Party Political.
Would rantzen have been allowed to slur other groups as she did the Northern Irish.
Here is how she condemns racism, by slurring over one million people and the bbc didn't edit her comments out, in a pre recorded programme. It's disgraceful.
WV = prewippe – what happens postwippe?
You pull your trousers up, flush the toilet, wash your hands, and go about your day.
30 years ago, the BBC in its political opposition to the Shah of Iran, happily hooked up with Ayatollah Khomeini; and the BBC has remained a dhimmi ever since.
The BBC allies itself with a certain strata of Islam in Iran, thus:
-Hugh Fitzgerald ,(of 'Jihadwatch'), wrote this two years ago ('Jihadwatch' 23/3/07):
"Fitzgerald: Blaming England"
"There is a certain kind of left-wing Iranian, the kind who at first supported the overthrow of the Shah and then found that the real and only winners were the Ayatollah Khomeini and the primitives who make up the Iranian masses. (These masses are not our sort — not the Nafisi or Bina or Tabatabai sort, the sort who have names like Cyrus and Darius rather than Mohammad, but the sort who actually make up the masses of Iranians that those upper-class secularized Iranians in exile still can't quite recognize or allow themselves to understand, because it would be too painful.) For these left-wing Iranian the entire Khomeini phenomenon can be explained by two words or, possibly, three: 'Mossadegh.' 'Coup.' 'England.' In other words they want to believe, and want us to believe, that Shi'a Islam is just fine, and that if only Mossadegh had survived, and thrived, and the Shah had the feathers of the Peacock Throne clipped, everything would have been all right — because such people still can't see how the very forces of modernization brought about by oil wealth would naturally unhinge the country.
"And its unhingement would in turn naturally cause Islam, the Islam of Khomeini and his ilk, to make a comeback. In this these Iranian leftists resemble the secular Shi'a in exile, who couldn't imagine what Iraq would turn out to be like, and how it would not conceivably rise to the fantastic occasion offered in by the American removal of Saddam Hussein. These 'unrepresentative' Best People, in Iraq and in Iran, simply can't face up to what most of their countrymen are deeply like, and deeply like because of Islam. They are embarrassed. They are personally and civilizationally embarrassed and don't know how to face it, deal with it, talk about it.
"It is, for them, much easier to mutter about the coup against Mossadegh, which supposedly made ineluctable, a quarter-century later, the takeover by the Khomeinist forces of black reaction. And behind that coup, the Eternal Enemy in the manichaenism that comes naturally to Islam with that Zoroastrian substratum: 'England.'"
Banning the burka is just bullshit. As much as muslims make me retch for their fantacism, I couldn't care one iota about any of the women of that group and their alleged 'rights'. If they are dumb enough to walk around all day in a one man tent then they deserve all they get.
Furthermore, if they started dressing like civvies, I wouldn't know who to avoid on the street, lest I should accidentally stumble into their blast radius.
Muslim attire is the same as a Nazi uniform, their weirdy beardies and darth vader wives let us keep tabs on the scum with ease.
How can I refuse to get into a muslim driver's cab because his religion offends my human rights or refuse to give directions on the street to one of their female black phantoms for the same reason. I need to quickly identify the enemy so I can avoid them immediately. Don't we all?
And David, please, please fuck this word verification crap off. It took me 3 attempts to post this message.
On radio 4's 'World tonight',Fri 19th, about 28 mins in, BBC reporter Catherine Miller, in a piece on the Iranian situation, came to the following conclusion:
"Iran's particular brand of religious democracy has always promised a balance between clerical leadership and the will of the people. Now many people's faith in that system has been lost and it may take more than a recount to restore it."
I've been long since resigned to the BBC referring to Turkey, Malaysia – and even Indonesia – as modern secular democracies but surely this is taking abuse of the word too far. She even seems to be implying a system of checks and balances!
BBC reports this:
"Thailand exports in record slump"
(BBC 'Business' page.)
BUT, the BBC is reluctant to report this:-
"Muslim rebels in Thailand kill 115 teachers"
"Bangkok: A human rights group says Muslim insurgents in southern Thailand must stop the 'sickening trend' of attacking teachers, 115 of whom have been killed since the outbreak of the separatist rebellion five years ago.
"The US-based Human Rights Watch said Friday that as part of a general recent escalation of violence, 5 teachers have been killed since the beginning of the new school term in May."
Thought some of you might have a small chuckle at the latest post on my little blog-ette – it seems the Iranian Govt. mouthpiece is nicking al-Beeb graphics to use on its website; on which one of the main headlines today accuses Britain of stealing Iranian assets!
Unless al-Beeb have given them permission of course 😉
Remember this nonsense from the BBC as they tried to show us that Iran really wasn't how those nasty neocons and Zionists portrayed it?
Now look at the reality Beeboids:
Abandon Ship! 9:33 pm.
It is instructive (not least for the BBC), to compare the BBC's coverage of IRAN with that of just one outstanding single blog site, that of:
'atlasshrugs.com', (Pamela Geller's site)
-which at this moment has some searing text and pictures of what the Islamic Republic of Iran's killer state thugs are doing.
The usual action of an autocratic regime in a spot of bother at home is to look to create a diversion or war to bring the people into line. Iran is especially dangerous now. No mention of this on the BBC of course but we shall see.
I hope the Israelis are alert. AS for the so called moderates, that is just wishful thinking. There are no moderates in Iran. It is , like nearly all Islamic lands, in the grip of a collective madness we should treat with the only weapon we have left. Isolation from our world. At whatever economic cost to us.
As reproted by BBC: Iran police clash with protesters
As reported by CNN:At least 19 people died after clashes erupted Saturday in Tehran as Iran's security police used tear gas and clubs to beat back demonstrators.
What happened to North Korea, it has been forgotten all of a sudden ?
Not sure about you guys but I'm willing to take a wager that Al Beeb's "farsi service" asks Iranians to stay at home or do what the supreme moron Ayatollah Beardface says. Fox News have changed their schedule and focus solely on events in Iran. I couldn't care less but if (I repeat if) the Iranians would get rid of the mullahs we might be heading in the right direction after all.
I see Frank 'the plank' Gardner is having to eat humble pie after the bodies of two Brits taken hostage have been given up.
Only the other week this so called expert was spouting bollocks about how wonderful the terrorists were now going to be.
Yet again Muslims make fools of the BBC.
The ever dishonest BBC comrades still cannot bring themselves to tell the truth about the roma criminal gangs in Belfast, the cant even tell the truth about who they are, the BBC keep refering to them as Romanians.
Notice how local residents never get to have their say?
You see they are not 'on message' about how wonderfully diverse it is to have roma criminal gangs living next to you(not the BBC comrades of course)!
Notice how the BBC didnt explore the the huge rise in crimes like mugging/cash point crime/pickpocketing/bag snatching/ agressive begging with threats.
Notice how the BBC didnt want to uncover just why these criminal gangs were forced onto an already hard pressed comunity and given scarce housing while locals were pushed to the back of the queue.
With the BBC you get half a story and only the approved version where any dissent from the socialist orthodoxy is suppresed!
disillusioned german 2:49 am
Yes. Fox News coverage of Iran has been impressive; it is more politically wide-ranging, and less stilted than that of the BBC.
For example, at the 'Fox Forum' section of the 'foxnew.com' website, there are significant contributions, including this, by Iran expert, Walid Phares:
"Iran -The Uprising Is On and There's No Turning Back"
"Why did the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei decide to suppress demonstrations and not order a reorganization of new elections to solve the crisis? What is the analysis inside the Khamanei/Ahmedinijad 'war room'? Based on several assessments, it appears that the regime feels the protest movement is too wide and too determined to allow it to expand further.
"The ayatollahs in charge of the 'revolution' and the top commanders of the Revolutionary Guards as well as their financial operatives fear a popular shift inside Iran’s population along the magnitude of East Europe’s revolution against Soviet rule. The most cataclysmic parallel would be with the fall of Romanian communist dictatorship under Ceausescu. Even a change a la Gorbachev is too dangerous for the elite that ruled Iran with an iron fist for three decades. Hence, after a minute calculus, the top mullahs and their militia barons have decided not to open Pandora’s box to bring reform or democracy to their own world. And, the world should expect them to use all the power at their disposal to do away with the demonstrations and its leaders." (Walid Phares.)
I note that the Andrew Marr show is the normal tory free lefty love fest. Why don`t the Conservetives get some backbone and complain about this BBC bias!
I note that The Andrew Marr show is a Conservative free zone again. Denying Tories the oxygen of publicity? A respectful interview with Nick Clegg and even the £2.4 million donation questions were hardly pressed. I just cannot watch the Jack Straw interview for the sake of my television.
Yes, I too remember Frank Gardiner gushing a couple of weeks ago about good prospects for the Iraq hostages.
Now he says "recently people had been saying …." not "I,a total appeaser, had been saying…."
Meanwhile it is appalling how little the BBC has been mentioning this weekend's deaths and brutality in Iran. The impression you get is that one guy got cut by a razor, another got shot in the arm. Things are far far worse than that, and the BBC with all its resources knows this full well.
Truly sickening that the BBC fails to report clear facts.
Not a sheep,
Your TV was very lucky. The Jack Straw interview was spineless, even by Marr's standards, with a tiny Bias Coefficient of 1.5, and only 4 interruptions – none of which were very strong! 52% of the interview was concerned with parliamentary reform, 41% with the Iraq War inquiry and 7% with Iran. Of tough questions, there were none on any subject.
The Clegg interview was almost equally spineless. Of the four interruptions, two were supportive and only one (on fraudster Michael Brown) was even mildly aggressive.
The Bias Coefficient was a tiny 1.6. Parliamentary reform took up 55% of the interview, the Iraq War Inquiry 18% and the dodgy Lib Dem donor 27%.
For comparison, last week's Marr interview with Michael Gove scored a 2.4 Bias Coefficient, was unfriendly throughout & spent nearly half of its time on Tory spending cuts.
TVs the length and breadth of the nation should tremble when Marr comes on.
Yes and Frank the 'plank' got it wrong again. The crippled tosspot was claiming that the bodies were given up as a 'gesture' by the captors for the release of some halfwit Iraqi.
Oh but it appears that in actual fact it was the AMERICANS who got them from interrogating a prisoner they had.
So the totally useless twat gets it wrong again.
Funny that the BBC seem to be playing THIS story down. I wonder why?
The BBC NEVER shut up about Derek Conway even though he lost the Tory whip ages ago.
Just heard the pathetic cripple Gardner try to put his position into sharp reverse on BBC News 24. Pathetic little man. He really doesn't have a clue.
Here's a thought Frank. Muslims are just vile killers and torturers (REAL torturers not like the west where they stick your head under a tap, something I used to inflict on irritating twats as school) who enjoy killing people.
After all Frank you can no longer wipe your own arse thanks to these lovely Muslim people can you?
The BBC In A Nutshell me thinks.
I agree with above comments about Frank Gardner who seems to be suffering from an advanced case of what used to be called "Stockholm syndrome" – yes they shot me but I still love them. I had to switch off Radio 4 in disgust at the book programme last week going on about the so-called palestinian book festival – as if there was any distinct palestinian culture as opposed to general Arab "culture". The whole thing was designed to be controversial, holding it in Jerusalem instead of Ramallah or Jenin or Jericho or some other delightful spot in the PA administered areas.
On a lighter note, I am appalled at the rumoured decision to drop the lovely Arlene Phillips as a judge form Strictly Come Dancing and reportedly to substitute Alesha Dixon who knows nothing about ballroom dancing or choreography apart from the set routines she learnt as a competitor. This is a blatant example of ageism by the BBC against a knowledgable & in my opinion charming older woman.
Today's 'Politics Show' featured a three-way discussion between Ming Campbell (Lib Dems), Theresa May (Conservatives) & Sadiq Khan (Labour), conducted by our biased friend Jon Sopel.
Here come more statistics:
Here is the amount of time each got to speak:
Ming – 4 mins 58
Sadiq – 3 mins 38
Theresa – 2 mins 58
Each was asked 6 questions.
Here are the number of significant interruptions (by Sopel):
Theresa – 6
Ming – 3
Sadiq – 1
Finally, here are the Bias Coefficients (the higher the figure, the tougher the interview):
Teresa – 4.6
Sadiq – 2.1
Ming 2.0
Bias proven!
With what is going on in Iran, I'm wondering what on earth we need foreign news reporters for. Let's just use the comments on Facebook and Twitter from the people actually there, on the ground. Western media have been restricted and we are still getting lots of news out, from the people actually making the news. We don't need obese pontificating bigheads like Simpson, telling us what's going on, he's only an overpaid intermediary.
Craig, I assume you are keeping a record of all of your bias reports. If you want to publish a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly bias report then I am happy to put it up on my blog; interested?
Not a sheep,
Yes, I've a spreadsheet with all the details I've taken so far (since 3rd June, when I began), which I'd be glad to send to you.
I was going to do a monthly awards ceremony for the worst offenders (as you suggested on an earlier post) as well.
I sometimes get the impression from the BBC that the uprising in Tehran is about the importance of the BBC being able to provide its Persian Service.
George R – I'm glad I'm not the only one to have picked up on that note of repellent self-congratulation in the BBC's reports!
The ‘Politics Show’ also featured a biased report by Max Cotton, which itself (like a play within a play) highlighted yet more BBC bias.
Its focus was the wonderful new mayor of Doncaster, the English Democrat Peter Davies.
Sopel introduced the segment by describing the English Democrats as “a party that campaigns in favour of an English parliament & against multi-culturalism and political correctness”. Not the BBC’s cup of tea then, obviously.
Cotton was smug, mocking and patronising towards Mr Davies, folding his arms and pointing his finger at the mayor as he badgered away at him. Cotton wondered whether he was “homophobic” or “racist” & when Mr Davies described his plans to cut funds for multicultural projects, Cotton sneered “That’s tolerance, is it?”
Cotton then sat down & listened to an interview given by Peter Davies – on the day of his election – to BBC Radio Sheffield which, from the clip played, would have yielded a huge Bias Coefficient. Even Cotton later described the Beeboid interviewer’s questions as “hostile”, but invited Mr Davies to take the blame for the interview’s collapse (which, good on him, he refused vigorously to do) and didn’t seem to realise that such a level of hostility betrays severe bias & should be censured by the BBC. The issue being discussed was Mr Davies’s election pledge to withdraw funds from a gay pride march. (No wonder the Beeboid was hostile!)
Cotton then had a sympathetic chat with the chairman of the council’s Labour group , rather than asking this rogue (who walked out on Mr Davies on election night & whose group is now challenging the validity of the election!) why he is behaving like a very bad loser., instead challenged Mr Davies to explain himself for others’ actions.
The whole report dripped with Beeboid bias – and Southern condescension.
Al-Bowen playing things down on Iran (from a BBC News Online article dated today):
"the split on the streets between those people who really think the election was a fraud and people who don't."
I haven't seen many of the latter at all recently, Jezza. A quick youTube search brings up about four from days ago, compared to the deluge of evidence we're seeing from the other side
Just what is the point of 'al-Jezz-eera'?
Nice to see everyone's favourite Palestinian genocide advocate, Abd al-Bari 'If the Iranian missiles strike Israel – by Allah, I will go to Trafalgar Square, and dance with delight if the Iranian missiles strike Israel' Atwan on some BBC show (whose name I didn't bother to commit to memory) on BBC 'News' 24 yesterday being treated like his opinions are valid. Great use of he license fee. Shame Hilter is dead, otherwise the BBC could have him on too. Jerks.
One for the BBC?
-Just seen this wry comment on a blog at 'Harry's Place' as a comment on the Iran regime's blaming Britain for Iran's woes thoughout history:
"Forget all this pious jazz about the British Empire misdeeds, I can never forgive the Persians for Thermopylae."
Of course, if the BBC were to discuss the history of Iran/Persia, reference to the early Muslim conquest of that land could not be avoided:
"Muslim conquest of Persia"
( Wikipedia, )
[Extract: first sentence]:
"The Muslim conquest of Persia led to the end of the Sassanid Empire in 644, of the Sassanid dynasty in 651 and the eventual extirpation of the Zoroastrian religion in Persia."
Am I the only person to speculate on the remarkable co-incidence of Iran calling Britain it's No 1 enemy and the murder within 24 hours of two British abductees – by an militia unit in Iraq. Perhaps Iran had some influence?
So much for the analysis and reporting I 'value so much' from the BBC
Credit where due: If nothing else, the BBC Farsi service has been worth its weight in taxes. They made good choices in the Mousavi supporters who feed them those video streams. The rest of the media seems to have missed an opportunity and have gone with photos and correspondents' repeating what the people in the hotel bar tell them.
Of course, the BBC did pay the price of sacrificing any pretense of impartiality. But they're getting video of the mad mullahs' thugs shooting their own people.
Here's a thought Frank. Muslims are just vile killers and torturers (REAL torturers not like the west where they stick your head under a tap, something I used to inflict on irritating twats as school) who enjoy killing people. After all Frank you can no longer wipe your own arse thanks to these lovely Muslim people can you?
Gardner doesn't care about his own arse, only about wiping those of the Islamists. I recall he was the Beeboid who told us that the Teddy Bear Protests were a good natured gathering, while gangs of Islamic thugs waved swords and spears behind him.
Anyone detect a hint of relish in the BBC's reporting that a Tory MP was beaten up by yobs?
I can't say that I do
I must have ESP then.
A got the same tingling sensation when Griffin was hit by an egg and Thatcher broke her arm.
Kim Ghattas's analysis of Obama's response to the Iran crisis may as well have been written by an Obama staffer. Unbelievable. Fucking unbelievable.
You knew this day would come, didn't you? No matter the outcome, it's because of His brilliance. This is the same non-strategy which Justin Webb was praising as "confusing his enemies" when the President sent that video kiss to Iran in January.
And the same thing from Matt Frei on Wednesday/
The era of Ahmadinejad has become doubly intolerable for some sectors of Iranian society, now that the Great Satan is run by a guy who shares a middle name with the opposition candidate, Mir Hussein Moussavi; a man who speaks directly to the Iranian people and who tells them that Persia, a great and ancient civilisation, deserves America's respect.
Mr Obama even had the good sense to apologise for the British and American-backed coup against Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq in 1953 after he tried to nationalise Iranian oil.
If the mullahs lose power and Iranians are free from the regime which has led to their alienation, this will have nothing whatsoever to do with anything Bush did: it will all be because He walks among us.
And it's the same Narrative coming from three different Beeboids, at three different times. Come see the bias inherent in the system.
I too saw the BBC piece on the new Mayor of Doncater. It was obvious from the start the direction it would take.
Funny how the BBC focused on "Homophobia" and "racism", which were both denied by the Mayor himself. No mention was made of his aim to cut out unnecessary jobs and thus saving the council tax payers money.
"He believes in harsher punishments for young thugs and persistent offenders and that criminals should serve their full sentences.
He has campaigned consistently for the nation's withdrawal from the European Union.
Mr Davies has pledged to reduce council tax over a four year period, starting in 2010, by cutting bureaucracy, ditching the council's newspaper Doncaster News, stopping all translation services for immigrants, reducing the number of councillors from 63 to 21,axing all the authority's politically correct jobs and scrapping huge pay offers to senior managers.
He would reduce the mayor's salary to a maximum of £30,000 and hold a referendum on the mayoral governance of Doncaster.
He believes that frontline services should be sacrosanct and would prioritise care of the elderly and vulnerable."