I was reading here that economic “guru” Vince Cable was too disorganised to pay his own bills on time, his expenses claims have revealed.
The Lib Dem deputy leader, who lectured the Government on economic prudence, received 19 reminders and warnings from utility firms and office equipment suppliers during 2005-6. His electricity and gas suppliers both threatened to cut off his constituency office over non-payment of bills
Anyone got a link to the BBC coverage of this?
No but Labour shit sniffer Dimblebore took the piss out of Ken Clarke on QT last week for the very same thing. You can bet St Vice won't be accosted in the same way.
Has the concept of setting up one of those direct debit things passed the BBC's favourite economic 'guru' by?
To be fair – it he uses NPower then it's a matter of principle I fully endorse. They really are scum and i've reserved a special place in my heart for hating them.