Douglas Carswell MP was listening to the BBC talk about their expenses today…
“Listening to Radio 4 news item on BBC executives’ expenses.
They spivishly turn it into a feature on social attitudes to money. They’ve even got some moocher “expert” attacking Thatcherism. That’s right; when in doubt over how you’re spending the license fee, blame Maggie.
I imagine there a few MPs who’d like the BBC to have turned news of their expenses into a feature on attitudes to money and Thatcherism.”
Ah, to be the watchman, eh? But who will watch him?
"The Director-General said that the corporation was the victim of a clique of Labour policymakers who wanted it to hand over £130 million a year to prop up ITV’s regional news service. He said that the policymakers were “ideologically focused” on attacking the BBC’s funding structure."
Comrades turning against comrades? Somebody phone the KGB.
I heard the item – some supercilious prat who said 'We want to know about BBC expenses we're obsessed with money because of Reaganonomics and Blair-Thatcherism'. Idiot. Reagan left office in 1989, Thatcher in 1990. We want to know because this is PUBLIC MONEY PAIS FROM PUBLIC TAXATION, you jerk!
Spreading the money around is not such a good idea. It makes it much harder to kill off the tax. Keep it all with the BBC then the target is kept in our sights.
The chap who blamed everything on Thatcher and Reagan yet ignored the manifold errors of BlairBrown was Oliver James (Eton and Cambridge) a clinical psychologist who is used by the BBC when they wish to outsource Tory-bashing. Is there a name for being unable to see the foreground?