I have to laugh at this quote Keen made some time back in an interview
"…so..I would put my house up on the fact that if Gordon Brown doubled fuel tax and petrol went up 75%, even if he said the world is coming to an end, people would say ‘no, it’s not coming to an end, all you’re doing’ – all the press would say, three-quarters of the press would lie and say, ‘this is terrible, this is terrible…there’s not a problem, this is purely Gordon Brown wanting to take my money’…"
Also why didn't the BBC article mention that Keen has been a very close friend and aide to Brown for years.
Oh and that both of them had put in claims for private health care. What not only are scummy Socialists queue jumping for health care they want us to pay for it.
Just watched Philip Hammond on Newsnight with that tosser Paxman. Paxo went on anod on about what cuts the Tories would make then got so pathetic he read out some article in the toilet roll (The Guardian) that the Tories were planning a two day summit once in power to decide what spending cuts to make. So when would Paxman expect the Tories ot decide what to do about spending cuts?
Oh and why is it that whenever that sold on man from the Lib Dems who has dementia (St Vince) comes on Newsnight he is NEVER quizzed over WHAT the Lib Dems would cut? All Cable ever says (when the stupid brain damaged tool can remember) is "well be need to make serious decisions". No frigging shit.
Oh and now Newsnight has another beeboid tool on (Ethical man) who boats that he has travelled 5,000 miles across America in the most Carbon free way he can.
er… except for the high Carbon way he travels across the Atlantic of course. Note he didn't mention that. Or perhaps he swam.
Is there anyone out there that really believes this shit pumped out by the BBC?
Yes, Martin. BBC 2 'Newsnight' is the pits tonight; the BBC decides there is no news!, so it gives its priority to its lazy default propaganda position of a reprise on 'climate change', complete with that expensive one track self-styled ethical whatsit.
Why didn't the BBC get some rabid feminist on to talk about the Burkha rather than some sad old man who has no job and no life?
Could it be that a feminist would have agreed with Sarkozy? and that wouldn't have worked with the BBC narrative that Islam is good for the west?
Why did Livingturd start ranting on about female priests? The Church is not important and as Livingturd knows in France the state is secular. Women in France are free to form their own Church if they want to. We know that Muslim females are forced to do many things including wearing that stupid Guinness bottle garb.
"the BBC decides there is no news!, so it gives its priority to its lazy default propaganda position of a reprise on 'climate change', complete with that expensive one track self-styled ethical whatsit."
"The BBC is poised to ignite a fresh row over expenses by refusing to disclose how much its executives spend on entertainment for their stars.
"Days after MPs provoked a furious backlash by blacking out details of their expenses, the BBC is refusing to reveal how much is spent on hospitality and gifts for its best-paid celebrities.
"The corporation is to publish claims by senior executives, some totalling more than £1,000 a month, amid accusations that it is wasting millions of pounds of public funds.
"Publication is being brought forward by several weeks to forestall demands for greater disclosure and could come as early as today. But BBC bosses will remove some of the most sensitive information about expenses, leaving them vulnerable to charges of partial transparency'."
So the BBC admits that conspiracies exist at high levels.
I believe it likely that The BBC's current method of funding is being conspired against at the highest level. This site may even be part of this conspiracy, I have no way of knowing for sure.
The strange thing to me is, that many commentators genuinely believe that changing the BBC's method of funding will be allowed to change in anyway the levels of vile establishment sponsored disinformation that spouts from the BBC, and the rest of the MSM on a second by second basis.
What possible evidence could you or anyone else have for this way of thinking.
Surly not SKY news, the Guardian, or The Daily-Mail, for example. For these organizations are said to be private or foundation/trust owned entities. Yet the only perceivable difference between SKY lies and BBC's lies is only in that lefties generally believe BBC lies the most. While righties generally believe SKY lies the most.
Surly it is worth noting that The BBC and Sky for example, report the same issues, follow the same establishment agendas, at the same time, in virtually the same manner. While coming to almost exactly the same conclusions.
Some may claim that this is evidence that they are telling the same truth. Where as those with still possess a thinking mind of there own. See this as CLEAR evidence that they are in reality telling the same lies, and hiding the same truths.
What we require from our media is not a change in there funding. What we desperately need, and have very rarely ever actually had is OBJECTIVELY TRUTHFUL, and FULL UNADULTERATED INFORMATION.
Without which, our subjective opinions are very much worse then worthless to ourselves, or any one else.
Comment is Free, but FACTS are sacred.
Unless you are the BBC, where pathetically dis-informational and therefore less then worthless comments, costs over £3.5 billion a year, of ordinary peoples hard earned and highly taxed cash.
Since when have you EVER claimed that the BBC tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
You and just about everyone else here repeatedly claim that the BBC propagates lies and is profoundly bias towards one agenda or another. Has not the last couple of generations of British and American governments not shown you anything?
You simply must resist the temptation in only believing bullshit you feel comfortable in believing. The TRUTH is far more important then your personal comfort.
Perhaps one day you will regain your independent mind and spirit. If by some miracle this takes place, I hope you may be able to start using it for the benefit of your fellow man.
BBC World series "Ethical Man" Ethical? Some prat charging around 'educating' people about being 'green' and if they aren't then they are 'unethical'. It's driving me mad.
So much going on in the world, but BBC World news chooses to lead on an "exclusive" about torture allegations supposedly committed by the Americans at Bagram airbase. They just can't miss an opportunity to get the boot in on the Americans as well as act as a recruitment sergeant for the Taliban and the worldwide jihad in general. Twenty or so Talbanesque fighters claimed they were tortured (evidently none seriously, because they are all now free men) and the BBC swallows it hook line and sinker. Of course, innocent people captured by Islamist thugs never get as far as complaining about torture by their captors on account of their heads no longer being attached to their bodies.
Meanwhile in neighbouring Pakistan, genuine cases of oppression and torture against the Christian minority hardly ever gets a mention.
Case in point: LAHORE, Pakistan, June 23 (Compass Direct News) – A 37-year-old Christian is languishing in a Sialkot jail after police broke his backbone because his father was preaching Christ, according to a local advocacy group.
In his latest blog on the Obama heathcare plan Justin Webb quotes this:
"A commanding 85 percent of Americans want "fundamental changes" in American health care, according to a recent New York Times-CBS News poll. On the allegedly controversial "public option" — a government-run plan that would compete with private insurers — 72 percent are in favor. And that includes half of self-identified Republicans."
Paxman's interview with Philip Hammond had the highest Bias Coefficient I've yet found (6.7), with 13 interruptions in a 4-minute interview. Paxo was full of himself last night.
Vince Cable's 4-minute interview with Evan Davies on 'Today' yesterday, by contrast, had the tiniest Bias Coefficient yet (0.9), with no interruptions at all.
Cable is always treated gently. Of the other Cable interviews recently, Ed Stourton (Today 18.6.09) interrupted only once in a 4 and a half minute interview (BC of 1.6) and even Jon Sopel (Politics Show 14.6.09) interrupted just 4 times in a 6 and a half minute interview (BC of 2.1).
You are right. The item about the allegations of American torture in Bagram was front page all day yesterday, ousting the news from Iran (I have a screen shot). Moral equivalence perhaps?
Inside the piece, you would notice that the allegations refer to the period 2002-8. Now why would the Beeb take this outdated and dodgy example, when they could have a much better one of American 'atrocities', that is, a drone attack on a Taliban funeral that reportedly killed 60 people. http://hotair.com/archives/2009/06/23/wow-drone-strike-on-taliban-funeral-kills-60-in-pakistan/
You would have thought this could serve the Beeb better because it happened only the day before yesterday, in parallel to the Iran atrocities.
So why the outdated piece in preference to the current one? Well, guess who was POTUS in 2002-8 and who was POTUS the day before yesterday?
The Beeb are so transparent in their evil innuendo.
"BBC bows to viewers and curbs swearing after 9pm watershed"
"The BBC is to tone down the amount of sex and swearing screened following the 9pm watershed, because viewers were dismayed by the moral decline in programme standards. "
That travelling round the USA feature on Newsnight last night was rubbish! Man made global warming taken as read, vested interests in oil and coal rampant but of course none on the other side of the debate, wind turbines unequivocally a Good Thing, punitive taxation a Good Thing, etc, feeble stunts like something out of 'The Day Today' eg using hundreds of chocolate bars to illustrate energy, because everyone knows that Americans are fat, right?
Could it be that a feminist would have agreed with Sarkozy?
I doubt it. He/she probably would've gone through some astounding feats of mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance, and finally betrayed his/her stated beliefs and come down firmly on the side of the Islamists. I know how Lefties' minds work. I used to be one.
On Today Sarah Montague interviewed Conservative shadow Justice Secretary, Dominic Grieve. Apparently Cameron is to address the electorate this afternoon about "how a Conservative government would control the power of the state". Fair enough: Montague could have approached this item in one of two broad ways (1) as an impartial interviewer eking out the essentials of the Conservative policy and then pointing out that the Conservative policy is essentially one of no (or, at best, marginal) change and is as bad (or as acceptable – take your choice) as the present government's policy or (2) as an attack dog for the present government (a) making an issue of the authoritarian tendencies of some Conservative local councils in their use of current legislation while (b) portraying the Home Office (internal) inquiry into some aspects of RIPA as a wholesale review by the government of the intrusive state (with an implied assertion that something positive will result – as if!)
Ms Montague, in her usual barely disguised irritation that Conservatives have the effrontery to disagree with her take on life, follows alternative no 2 and gives Grieve a going-over. To be realistic, the Conservatives have as much intention of rolling back the intrusive state as does Gordon Brown, but that's another topic which a mildly competent and impartial "news-explaining" organisation would explore. Unfortunately the BBC is neither.
A complacent BBC piece on its commitment to secrecy, re-Balen, expenses,etc:
" FOI and the BBC: The next round "
(BBC 'blogs/opensecrets', 25 June.)
…"the BBC is set to appear in the High Court next week to defend its stance on refusing to publish the internal "Balen report" on Middle East coverage and (arising from a separate case [179Kb PDF]) some production cost information, including EastEnders.
"The Balen report case will now be considered on the central issue of whether to publish after a Jarndycean detour through a series of legal technicalities which went all the way to the House of Lords. The report itself is now five years old.
"Much media attention will also doubtless now focus on the BBC's reluctance to make public, with regard to high-profile and highly-paid presenters or 'talent', the same kind of information about individual pay and expenses that it has committed itself to revealing about comparatively anonymous executives."
A BBC presenter attacked by a robber who preyed on wealthy women on their doorsteps has revealed details of the terrifying assault.
Sangita Myska told the Mail how she was walking from her car to the door of her home in North London last March when she was set upon by Daniel Mykoo.
Arriving back from her niece's 18th birthday party at 1.30am, the 36-year-old news correspondent was knocked off her feet and dragged backwards.
Describing being throttled, she said: 'My neck was twisted so hard that another few millimetres and it would have broken.
'I was threatened with a knife, bashed up and robbed. All the while Daniel Mykoo whispered his threats and instructions with professional precision.'
What? Give an interview to the horrid, racist, tory daily mail? funny how real life intrudes into ideology. Surely the guardian wanted the story? no? oh
Did anyone hear the "Farming Today" this am? A report suggesting that Britain could go entirely organic – guess who the sympathetic presenter chose to interview? A represntative from the "Soil Association" and the main organic moonbat, Peter Melchet! You can imagine the rubbish that they all cooed over. Disgusting bias!
"Keens have not lived at main home for a year, say neighbours"
"IT looks like a haven for squatters. Yet this house, with boarded up windows and an overgrown garden is said to be the primary home of Labour MP couple Ann and Alan Keen.
"The pair, dubbed 'Mr and Mrs Expenses' for billing the taxpayer tens of thousands of pounds for a second home within walking distance to Westminster, today faced calls to resign after the shocking state of their constituency house in Brentford was revealed.
"Hounslow Council is threatening to seize the house, the Keens' designated “main” home, on the grounds that it has not been occupied for more than six months."
I pointed out in the previous open thread that last night's PM programmme ran an item by Jonathan Beale in which he highlighted criticism of American broadcasters for cosying up to Obama.
The TV version of Beale's report has been removed from the BBC News website. Perhaps ABC complained (ABC's Diane Sawyer was interviewed by the BBC about the report and she wasn't happy. Strangely, her interview is still available online even though the piece being discussed can no longer be viewed. You won't find any links to either video on the BBC Americas page, incidentally.) Or perhaps someone at the BBC realised it was being massively hypocritical and inviting ridicule by accusing other broadcasters of pro-Obama bias.
[The audio version can still be heard on the PM website (24/06/2009 – 47 minutes in)]
"…Size 16 female Labour MP claims crisps, doughnuts and a whole tuck shop full of goodies on her expenses…"
"…MP couple dubbed Mr & Mrs Expenses face having 'main' home repossessed – because it's been unoccupied for SEVEN months…"
All Labour MPs but NOT a mention on BBC News 24.
Also regarding Corus job losees camp sounding beeboid was blaming Corus and wanking on about job losses and saying "what are you going to do about it?"
So why not ask the Government, they are the ones responsible for the mess the economy is in.
In this piece about the Somali justice system amputating one hand and one foot each of cell phone thieves, I found a sentence you will find only in a BBC report:
President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, a moderate Islamist, took office in January but even his introduction of Sharia law to the strongly Muslim country has not appeased the hardliners.
That's obviously a definition of "moderate" found only in the BBC editorial guidelines. I think Nick Griffin is a moderate by that standard.
I'm recently returned to the UK, so have just been tuning into Radio 2, but nothing has changed.
Once again Cat Stevens, sorry, Yusuf Islam, sorry, Yusuf (let's be subtle and keep 'em guessing his last name) is getting free promotion on the airwaves with his new song (dirge).
How easy it is to get airplay with a song about finding Islam on the BBC, from a has been singer songwriter, who's recent releases have been complete flops even with the support of the BBC, and particularly Radio2 last year.
Even Sir Cliff would struggle to get airplay with a song about finding Christianity.
ON 1.) Labour would gain votes from the vast majority of the British people by banning the burqa;
ON 2.) the BBC could justifiably campaign to close down the London HQ of the Islamic Republic of Iran regime's 'PRESSTV', as reprisal for Iran's censorship of dhimmi BBC.
Earlier today I found, buried in the report on the BBC website on Tory expense paybacks, figures showing how much each party has paid back. Labour were way ahed with about 66% of the amounts paid back. I just checked now to get the exact amounts and they seem to have been removed from the report. BBC News at one on TV led with the Tory expenses with not a mention of any other parties. Next a whitewashing of the BBC expense scandal. Third, the job losses at Corus !
Yes, 112 results and counting. I'm trying to get 3 months worth of figures to get the big picture. The evidence of chronic bias is already strong and growing.
Katty Kay on twitter: why is it here and in uk that politicians on right get caught in sex scandals and those on left in money scandals?
A few Democrat politicians involved in sex scandals in recent years: Jim McGreevey, Elliot Spitzer, Kwame Kilpatrick, John Edwards. I'm not surprised she doesn't remember them – when the BBC does bother to report scandals involving Democrats it tends not to make a big deal about it and usually neglects to mention their party affiliation anyway.
Anyone watch and compare BBC 1 6PM news and ITV 6:30 news?
BBC 1 top story TORY SLEAZE (sorry a none story about expenses) and I'm sure the BBC lied. They brought up the Duck house again but I thought that claim got rejected anyway so why would the MP be paying anything back?. BBC claim that Cameron is getting rid of old Tory dead wood. So what? Isn't that good news? Oh hang on that makes the Tories look modern and more electable,. So no wonder the Bum Bandit Corporation didn't like it.
The Tory expenses story was story 7 I think on ITV news and got about 30 seconds. and the BBC expenses just behind it.
ITV ran the war in Afghanistan and Corus job losses.
Who do you think has the real political agenda here?
The BBC clearly wants to try to rubbish the Tories at every opportunity, especially when they didn't even mention Labour sleaze involving the Keen's yesterday yet managed to run a story about a one armed girl working in a clothes shop claiming compensation for hurt feelings. Funny that the BBC HAD to get in the naked men who work in the shops. I bet there were a lot of male beeboids off to the toilets beating their meat over that, which is probably why is was story 3 on the news.
Meanwhile this is a big week for the future of American healthcare and the questions the president has to answer are set out here in a piece that is hostile but fair I think in pointing out the downsides of the British and Canadian systems.
On the other hand, the US system is grotesquely unfair.
The honest answer surely is that there is a price to pay for fairness – care for the richest Americans would, in the future, be curtailed.
Every once in a while, Webb will link to an actual, honest non-Leftoid piece. In this case, the article from RealClearPolitics lays out a real case against nationalized health care in The Obamessianic Age.
To prove how "grotesquely unfair" (no emotional language there, then) the US system is, he links to a liberal opinion columnist who provides no foundation for her case.
But why is it a big week for health care? What ol' Justin doesn't want you to know is that the ABC government propaganda broadcast was kind of a bust.
Even ABC, who basically killed any credibility they had left outside of Jake Tapper, says it was weak.
Martin I watched the two news bulletins and agree.It was so obvious that the BBC was trying to avoid mentioning it's troughers.They should really try harder to disguise their agenda In addition the report on Wimbledon managed to slip in a gratuitous sneer at the middle classes. Apparantly tennis is too middle class which is why we are useless at it. A bit rich coming from an organisation headed by the ultimate middle class bureaucrats. Mark Thompson is the definitive middle class self satisfied over promoted vastly overpaid second rater. His attempt at a beard just about sums him up.
Eddie Mair has taken offence at my suggestion that PM was culpable as any other fawning media outlet over the Obama fly swatting incident: "I referenced the fly, after DAYS of coverage across the media, so we could talk about the forgotten fly"
ZephirDec 19, 19:14 Midweek 18th December 2024 Why do they use the word “instead” ? It’s STILL a hate crime, just different victims…
Fedup2Dec 19, 19:14 Midweek 18th December 2024 You heard it here first- a brutal prediction – Biden won’t be around very long after 20 January . He…
Fedup2Dec 19, 19:13 Midweek 18th December 2024 Steyn – there’s a list of banned presenters and guests now – which is why I gave up on that…
ZephirDec 19, 19:12 Midweek 18th December 2024 Interesting… so thats how they stopped Trump doing anything first time around…bit like the civil service here
StewGreenDec 19, 19:06 Midweek 18th December 2024 Farage “on GBNEWS we don’t barr anybody ” FFS Katie Hopkins and Tommy are banned by GBnews management ..presenters have…
Emmanuel GoldsteinDec 19, 19:01 Midweek 18th December 2024 On Dewbs they’ve been discussing the increasing use of Sharia Courts in the UK. Whlie I’m against this, I wouldn’t…
Richard PinderDec 19, 18:56 Midweek 18th December 2024 [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fd/Flag_of_the_United_States_Senior_Executive_Service.svg/330px-Flag_of_the_United_States_Senior_Executive_Service.svg.png[/img] Flag of the Deep State * [img]https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/e/eu-eun.gif[/img] Flag of the European Union https://brownstone.org/articles/never-underestimate-the-power-of-unfinished-business/
ZephirDec 19, 18:47 Midweek 18th December 2024 Little doubt this one will be head hunted by the bbc: “A Tennessee college revealed that racist messages found written…
StewGreenDec 19, 18:29 Midweek 18th December 2024 ITV local news “And you’ll be wanting a lower carbon Christmas” FFS blatant libmob #PRasNews I looked at the reporters…
Lefty WrightDec 19, 18:25 Midweek 18th December 2024 White men roasting on an open fire La de da la de da ——-
The BBC report on the two scummy married Labour MPs is a joke.
I have to laugh at this quote Keen made some time back in an interview
"…so..I would put my house up on the fact that if Gordon Brown doubled fuel tax and petrol went up 75%, even if he said the world is coming to an end, people would say ‘no, it’s not coming to an end, all you’re doing’ – all the press would say, three-quarters of the press would lie and say, ‘this is terrible, this is terrible…there’s not a problem, this is purely Gordon Brown wanting to take my money’…"
I wonder which house he is referring to ?
Also why didn't the BBC article mention that Keen has been a very close friend and aide to Brown for years.
Oh and that both of them had put in claims for private health care. What not only are scummy Socialists queue jumping for health care they want us to pay for it.
I can do a better job than those twats at the BBC with a laptop. I don't need 3.6 billion a year a drug dealer or a cheap Polish rent boy.
"BBC boss Mark Thompson claims ideological plot to attack licence fee"
'Biased-BBC commenters claim BBC ideological plot to preserve licence fee.'
Just watched Philip Hammond on Newsnight with that tosser Paxman. Paxo went on anod on about what cuts the Tories would make then got so pathetic he read out some article in the toilet roll (The Guardian) that the Tories were planning a two day summit once in power to decide what spending cuts to make. So when would Paxman expect the Tories ot decide what to do about spending cuts?
Oh and why is it that whenever that sold on man from the Lib Dems who has dementia (St Vince) comes on Newsnight he is NEVER quizzed over WHAT the Lib Dems would cut? All Cable ever says (when the stupid brain damaged tool can remember) is "well be need to make serious decisions". No frigging shit.
Oh and now Newsnight has another beeboid tool on (Ethical man) who boats that he has travelled 5,000 miles across America in the most Carbon free way he can.
er… except for the high Carbon way he travels across the Atlantic of course. Note he didn't mention that. Or perhaps he swam.
Is there anyone out there that really believes this shit pumped out by the BBC?
Yes, Martin.
BBC 2 'Newsnight' is the pits tonight; the BBC decides there is no news!, so it gives its priority to its lazy default propaganda position of a reprise on 'climate change', complete with that expensive one track self-styled ethical whatsit.
The BBC reports: US, Venezuela to restore envoys
God. Now Newsnight have got that twat Livingdead on talking about burkhas. any excuse to get this tosspot on TV for a cheap sound bite.
George R. Yep. Newsnight really is shite.
Wow! Go USA!
Why didn't the BBC get some rabid feminist on to talk about the Burkha rather than some sad old man who has no job and no life?
Could it be that a feminist would have agreed with Sarkozy? and that wouldn't have worked with the BBC narrative that Islam is good for the west?
Why did Livingturd start ranting on about female priests? The Church is not important and as Livingturd knows in France the state is secular. Women in France are free to form their own Church if they want to. We know that Muslim females are forced to do many things including wearing that stupid Guinness bottle garb.
Martin @ 10:22 PM
I can do a better job than those twats at the BBC with a laptop. I don't need 3.6 billion a year a drug dealer or a cheap Polish rent boy.
So it's filipino rent boys for you, then?
Never mind which house, which press was Keen referring to? One little Scotsman in the Speccie?
"the BBC decides there is no news!, so it gives its priority to its lazy default propaganda position of a reprise on 'climate change', complete with that expensive one track self-styled ethical whatsit."
Maybe the BBC should read the papaers
"One million users make Britain cocaine capital of Europe"
"Gordon Brown forced into climbdown over MPs' pensions"
"UK to sink further into red than any major country, warns OECD "
David Presiser: No rent boys for me, I like a well used beeboid!!!
"BBC fails to account for hidden expenses"
(by Dan Sabbagh and Suzy Jagger)
"The BBC is poised to ignite a fresh row over expenses by refusing to disclose how much its executives spend on entertainment for their stars.
"Days after MPs provoked a furious backlash by blacking out details of their expenses, the BBC is refusing to reveal how much is spent on hospitality and gifts for its best-paid celebrities.
"The corporation is to publish claims by senior executives, some totalling more than £1,000 a month, amid accusations that it is wasting millions of pounds of public funds.
"Publication is being brought forward by several weeks to forestall demands for greater disclosure and could come as early as today. But BBC bosses will remove some of the most sensitive information about expenses, leaving them vulnerable to charges of partial transparency'."
-BBC expense hypocrisy, at our expense.
George R
So the BBC admits that conspiracies exist at high levels.
I believe it likely that The BBC's current method of funding is being conspired against at the highest level. This site may even be part of this conspiracy, I have no way of knowing for sure.
The strange thing to me is, that many commentators genuinely believe that changing the BBC's method of funding will be allowed to change in anyway the levels of vile establishment sponsored disinformation that spouts from the BBC, and the rest of the MSM on a second by second basis.
What possible evidence could you or anyone else have for this way of thinking.
Surly not SKY news, the Guardian, or The Daily-Mail, for example. For these organizations are said to be private or foundation/trust owned entities. Yet the only perceivable difference between SKY lies and BBC's lies is only in that lefties generally believe BBC lies the most. While righties generally believe SKY lies the most.
Surly it is worth noting that The BBC and Sky for example, report the same issues, follow the same establishment agendas, at the same time, in virtually the same manner. While coming to almost exactly the same conclusions.
Some may claim that this is evidence that they are telling the same truth. Where as those with still possess a thinking mind of there own. See this as CLEAR evidence that they are in reality telling the same lies, and hiding the same truths.
What we require from our media is not a change in there funding. What we desperately need, and have very rarely ever actually had is OBJECTIVELY TRUTHFUL, and FULL UNADULTERATED INFORMATION.
Without which, our subjective opinions are very much worse then worthless to ourselves, or any one else.
Comment is Free, but FACTS are sacred.
Unless you are the BBC, where pathetically dis-informational and therefore less then worthless comments, costs over £3.5 billion a year, of ordinary peoples hard earned and highly taxed cash.
Atlas shrugged
Atlas shrugged,
Some may claim that this is evidence that they are telling the same truth
David Preiser (USA)
Are you seriously telling me you are one of them?
Surly not.
Since when have you EVER claimed that the BBC tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
You and just about everyone else here repeatedly claim that the BBC propagates lies and is profoundly bias towards one agenda or another. Has not the last couple of generations of British and American governments not shown you anything?
You simply must resist the temptation in only believing bullshit you feel comfortable in believing. The TRUTH is far more important then your personal comfort.
Perhaps one day you will regain your independent mind and spirit. If by some miracle this takes place, I hope you may be able to start using it for the benefit of your fellow man.
Atlas shrugged
BBC World series "Ethical Man" Ethical? Some prat charging around 'educating' people about being 'green' and if they aren't then they are 'unethical'. It's driving me mad.
That's why we call him the "Farsical Man".
But hey – he's the only Beeboid who has ever dared to criticize The Obamessiah. That's something, I suppose.
So much going on in the world, but BBC World news chooses to lead on an "exclusive" about torture allegations supposedly committed by the Americans at Bagram airbase. They just can't miss an opportunity to get the boot in on the Americans as well as act as a recruitment sergeant for the Taliban and the worldwide jihad in general. Twenty or so Talbanesque fighters claimed they were tortured (evidently none seriously, because they are all now free men) and the BBC swallows it hook line and sinker. Of course, innocent people captured by Islamist thugs never get as far as complaining about torture by their captors on account of their heads no longer being attached to their bodies.
Meanwhile in neighbouring Pakistan, genuine cases of oppression and torture against the Christian minority hardly ever gets a mention.
Case in point:
LAHORE, Pakistan, June 23 (Compass Direct News) – A 37-year-old Christian is languishing in a Sialkot jail after police broke his backbone because his father was preaching Christ, according to a local advocacy group.
In his latest blog on the Obama heathcare plan Justin Webb quotes this:
"A commanding 85 percent of Americans want "fundamental changes" in American health care, according to a recent New York Times-CBS News poll. On the allegedly controversial "public option" — a government-run plan that would compete with private insurers — 72 percent are in favor. And that includes half of self-identified Republicans."
Actually this is crap. By now the New York Times poll has been roundly criticised on many counts.
Mr. Webb could have pointed out this out – but chose not to. Tut tut. If only he cared as much for the truth as he does for his hero.
Paxman's interview with Philip Hammond had the highest Bias Coefficient I've yet found (6.7), with 13 interruptions in a 4-minute interview. Paxo was full of himself last night.
Vince Cable's 4-minute interview with Evan Davies on 'Today' yesterday, by contrast, had the tiniest Bias Coefficient yet (0.9), with no interruptions at all.
Cable is always treated gently. Of the other Cable interviews recently, Ed Stourton (Today 18.6.09) interrupted only once in a 4 and a half minute interview (BC of 1.6) and even Jon Sopel (Politics Show 14.6.09) interrupted just 4 times in a 6 and a half minute interview (BC of 2.1).
Re the Count of Monte Cristo at 2:58 AM
You are right. The item about the allegations of American torture in Bagram was front page all day yesterday, ousting the news from Iran (I have a screen shot). Moral equivalence perhaps?
Inside the piece, you would notice that the allegations refer to the period 2002-8. Now why would the Beeb take this outdated and dodgy example, when they could have a much better one of American 'atrocities', that is, a drone attack on a Taliban funeral that reportedly killed 60 people.
You would have thought this could serve the Beeb better because it happened only the day before yesterday, in parallel to the Iran atrocities.
So why the outdated piece in preference to the current one?
Well, guess who was POTUS in 2002-8 and who was POTUS the day before yesterday?
The Beeb are so transparent in their evil innuendo.
Craig: Do you keep a running total of this? It would be handy to forward a copy to the Daily Mail.
BBC's Labour line:
"Smith: Expenses furore 'horrible'. "
( BBC 'Politics' page – as 'Desert Island Discs').
("Jacqui Smith talks to Carrie Gracie on World Service's The Interview programme.")
"Former home secretary Jacqui Smith has described the furore about her expenses claims and pressure on her family as 'horrible' in a BBC interview."
Suggestion for BBC – an alternative headline:
"Smith: Expenses furore – it's 'horrible being found out'."
"BBC bows to viewers and curbs swearing after 9pm watershed"
"The BBC is to tone down the amount of sex and swearing screened following the 9pm watershed, because viewers were dismayed by the moral decline in programme standards. "
That travelling round the USA feature on Newsnight last night was rubbish! Man made global warming taken as read, vested interests in oil and coal rampant but of course none on the other side of the debate, wind turbines unequivocally a Good Thing, punitive taxation a Good Thing, etc, feeble stunts like something out of 'The Day Today' eg using hundreds of chocolate bars to illustrate energy, because everyone knows that Americans are fat, right?
Could it be that a feminist would have agreed with Sarkozy?
I doubt it. He/she probably would've gone through some astounding feats of mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance, and finally betrayed his/her stated beliefs and come down firmly on the side of the Islamists. I know how Lefties' minds work. I used to be one.
On Today Sarah Montague interviewed Conservative shadow Justice Secretary, Dominic Grieve. Apparently Cameron is to address the electorate this afternoon about "how a Conservative government would control the power of the state". Fair enough: Montague could have approached this item in one of two broad ways (1) as an impartial interviewer eking out the essentials of the Conservative policy and then pointing out that the Conservative policy is essentially one of no (or, at best, marginal) change and is as bad (or as acceptable – take your choice) as the present government's policy or (2) as an attack dog for the present government (a) making an issue of the authoritarian tendencies of some Conservative local councils in their use of current legislation while (b) portraying the Home Office (internal) inquiry into some aspects of RIPA as a wholesale review by the government of the intrusive state (with an implied assertion that something positive will result – as if!)
Ms Montague, in her usual barely disguised irritation that Conservatives have the effrontery to disagree with her take on life, follows alternative no 2 and gives Grieve a going-over. To be realistic, the Conservatives have as much intention of rolling back the intrusive state as does Gordon Brown, but that's another topic which a mildly competent and impartial "news-explaining" organisation would explore. Unfortunately the BBC is neither.
A complacent BBC piece on its commitment to secrecy, re-Balen, expenses,etc:
" FOI and the BBC: The next round "
(BBC 'blogs/opensecrets', 25 June.)
…"the BBC is set to appear in the High Court next week to defend its stance on refusing to publish the internal "Balen report" on Middle East coverage and (arising from a separate case [179Kb PDF]) some production cost information, including EastEnders.
"The Balen report case will now be considered on the central issue of whether to publish after a Jarndycean detour through a series of legal technicalities which went all the way to the House of Lords. The report itself is now five years old.
"Much media attention will also doubtless now focus on the BBC's reluctance to make public, with regard to high-profile and highly-paid presenters or 'talent', the same kind of information about individual pay and expenses that it has committed itself to revealing about comparatively anonymous executives."
A BBC presenter attacked by a robber who preyed on wealthy women on their doorsteps has revealed details of the terrifying assault.
Sangita Myska told the Mail how she was walking from her car to the door of her home in North London last March when she was set upon by Daniel Mykoo.
Arriving back from her niece's 18th birthday party at 1.30am, the 36-year-old news correspondent was knocked off her feet and dragged backwards.
Describing being throttled, she said: 'My neck was twisted so hard that another few millimetres and it would have broken.
'I was threatened with a knife, bashed up and robbed. All the while Daniel Mykoo whispered his threats and instructions with professional precision.'
What? Give an interview to the horrid, racist, tory daily mail? funny how real life intrudes into ideology.
Surely the guardian wanted the story? no? oh
BBC utopian preview:
"Sweden gears up for EU challenges"
('Europe page.)
BBC does not note that Sweden cannot even cope with its own internal challenges, e.g.:
'Youtube: CBN Malmo, Sweden'
(6 mins video.)
Did anyone hear the "Farming Today" this am? A report suggesting that Britain could go entirely organic – guess who the sympathetic presenter chose to interview? A represntative from the "Soil Association" and the main organic moonbat, Peter Melchet! You can imagine the rubbish that they all cooed over. Disgusting bias!
A non-BBC update on Labour MP couple:
'Evening Standard' (today):
"Keens have not lived at main home for a year, say neighbours"
"IT looks like a haven for squatters. Yet this house, with boarded up windows and an overgrown garden is said to be the primary home of Labour MP couple Ann and Alan Keen.
"The pair, dubbed 'Mr and Mrs Expenses' for billing the taxpayer tens of thousands of pounds for a second home within walking distance to Westminster, today faced calls to resign after the shocking state of their constituency house in Brentford was revealed.
"Hounslow Council is threatening to seize the house, the Keens' designated “main” home, on the grounds that it has not been occupied for more than six months."
I know its up against some stiff opposition but is this the most outrageous awful use of scare quotes around a single word ever by the BBC?
Is there any doubt he was killed, no there is not.
Murdered might have been more to the point, and even that wouldn't require scare quotes.
Sky News front page headline:
Steelmaker Corus to cut 2000 jobs.
BBC News front page headline:
Tory MPs 'to pay back £250,000'
'nuff said.
I pointed out in the previous open thread that last night's PM programmme ran an item by Jonathan Beale in which he highlighted criticism of American broadcasters for cosying up to Obama.
The TV version of Beale's report has been removed from the BBC News website. Perhaps ABC complained (ABC's Diane Sawyer was interviewed by the BBC about the report and she wasn't happy. Strangely, her interview is still available online even though the piece being discussed can no longer be viewed. You won't find any links to either video on the BBC Americas page, incidentally.) Or perhaps someone at the BBC realised it was being massively hypocritical and inviting ridicule by accusing other broadcasters of pro-Obama bias.
[The audio version can still be heard on the PM website (24/06/2009 – 47 minutes in)]
Those infuriated by the constant climate change stories on the BBC should read Death of a Civilisation.
It provides a rather chilling parallel.
Camp male beeboid on News 24 just now
"So the Tories are paying back £120,000 on the same day David Cameron is accusing the Government…."
Why link the two stories?
BBC News 24 are a joke. Leading story is Tories paying back money and Cameron getting grilled about will any MPs be sacked.
Did anyone see the BBC grilling the one eyed snot eater about the Keen's yesterday then? I must have blinked and missed it.
"…Size 16 female Labour MP claims crisps, doughnuts and a whole tuck shop full of goodies on her expenses…"
"…MP couple dubbed Mr & Mrs Expenses face having 'main' home repossessed – because it's been unoccupied for SEVEN months…"
All Labour MPs but NOT a mention on BBC News 24.
Also regarding Corus job losees camp sounding beeboid was blaming Corus and wanking on about job losses and saying "what are you going to do about it?"
So why not ask the Government, they are the ones responsible for the mess the economy is in.
In this piece about the Somali justice system amputating one hand and one foot each of cell phone thieves, I found a sentence you will find only in a BBC report:
President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, a moderate Islamist, took office in January but even his introduction of Sharia law to the strongly Muslim country has not appeased the hardliners.
That's obviously a definition of "moderate" found only in the BBC editorial guidelines. I think Nick Griffin is a moderate by that standard.
I'm recently returned to the UK, so have just been tuning into Radio 2, but nothing has changed.
Once again Cat Stevens, sorry, Yusuf Islam, sorry, Yusuf (let's be subtle and keep 'em guessing his last name) is getting free promotion on the airwaves with his new song (dirge).
How easy it is to get airplay with a song about finding Islam on the BBC, from a has been singer songwriter, who's recent releases have been complete flops even with the support of the BBC, and particularly Radio2 last year.
Even Sir Cliff would struggle to get airplay with a song about finding Christianity.
BBC = Pro Islam
Yes, yet another example of the BBC going about their mission of "Social Cohesion" from the wrong direction.
I don't want to present:
1.)Labour with vote-winning ideas, nor
2.)the BBC with ways to be more popular,
BUT -by doing U-turns –
ON 1.) Labour would gain votes from the vast majority of the British people by banning the burqa;
ON 2.) the BBC could justifiably campaign to close down the London HQ of the Islamic Republic of Iran regime's 'PRESSTV', as reprisal for Iran's censorship of dhimmi BBC.
Earlier today I found, buried in the report on the BBC website on Tory expense paybacks, figures showing how much each party has paid back. Labour were way ahed with about 66% of the amounts paid back.
I just checked now to get the exact amounts and they seem to have been removed from the report.
BBC News at one on TV led with the Tory expenses with not a mention of any other parties.
Next a whitewashing of the BBC expense scandal.
Third, the job losses at Corus !
Martin @ 9.07
Yes, 112 results and counting. I'm trying to get 3 months worth of figures to get the big picture. The evidence of chronic bias is already strong and growing.
Katty Kay on twitter: why is it here and in uk that politicians on right get caught in sex scandals and those on left in money scandals?
A few Democrat politicians involved in sex scandals in recent years: Jim McGreevey, Elliot Spitzer, Kwame Kilpatrick, John Edwards. I'm not surprised she doesn't remember them – when the BBC does bother to report scandals involving Democrats it tends not to make a big deal about it and usually neglects to mention their party affiliation anyway.
Anyone watch and compare BBC 1 6PM news and ITV 6:30 news?
BBC 1 top story TORY SLEAZE (sorry a none story about expenses) and I'm sure the BBC lied. They brought up the Duck house again but I thought that claim got rejected anyway so why would the MP be paying anything back?. BBC claim that Cameron is getting rid of old Tory dead wood. So what? Isn't that good news? Oh hang on that makes the Tories look modern and more electable,. So no wonder the Bum Bandit Corporation didn't like it.
The Tory expenses story was story 7 I think on ITV news and got about 30 seconds. and the BBC expenses just behind it.
ITV ran the war in Afghanistan and Corus job losses.
Who do you think has the real political agenda here?
The BBC clearly wants to try to rubbish the Tories at every opportunity, especially when they didn't even mention Labour sleaze involving the Keen's yesterday yet managed to run a story about a one armed girl working in a clothes shop claiming compensation for hurt feelings. Funny that the BBC HAD to get in the naked men who work in the shops. I bet there were a lot of male beeboids off to the toilets beating their meat over that, which is probably why is was story 3 on the news.
Here's a gentle bit of class warfare and misdirection about US health care from – who else? – Justin Webb:
Big week for healthcare
Meanwhile this is a big week for the future of American healthcare and the questions the president has to answer are set out here in a piece that is hostile but fair I think in pointing out the downsides of the British and Canadian systems.
On the other hand, the US system is grotesquely unfair.
The honest answer surely is that there is a price to pay for fairness – care for the richest Americans would, in the future, be curtailed.
Every once in a while, Webb will link to an actual, honest non-Leftoid piece. In this case, the article from RealClearPolitics lays out a real case against nationalized health care in The Obamessianic Age.
To prove how "grotesquely unfair" (no emotional language there, then) the US system is, he links to a liberal opinion columnist who provides no foundation for her case.
But why is it a big week for health care? What ol' Justin doesn't want you to know is that the ABC government propaganda broadcast was kind of a bust.
Even ABC, who basically killed any credibility they had left outside of Jake Tapper, says it was weak.
I watched the two news bulletins and agree.It was so obvious that the BBC was trying to avoid mentioning it's troughers.They should really try harder to disguise their agenda
In addition the report on Wimbledon managed to slip in a gratuitous sneer at the middle classes. Apparantly tennis is too middle class which is why we are useless at it.
A bit rich coming from an organisation headed by the ultimate middle class bureaucrats.
Mark Thompson is the definitive middle class self satisfied over promoted vastly overpaid second rater. His attempt at a beard just about sums him up.
Eddie Mair has taken offence at my suggestion that PM was culpable as any other fawning media outlet over the Obama fly swatting incident: "I referenced the fly, after DAYS of coverage across the media, so we could talk about the forgotten fly"