David Preiser @ 8:40 PM – Glad that the ABC infomerical was a dud. Sad that it took a Republican sex scandal to hoover up the headlines form this narcissistic celebrity president.
Sangita is lovely, and hasn't ever struck me as a typical beeboid (and not just because I fancy her).
So possibly her rarity on the box these days (and I haven't seen her since she did a decent programme about the Guinness dynasty a while back) marks her out as another sufferer from "Oakley Syndrome".
Fingers crossed anyway, as I currently have a vacancy here for an Empress.
So Michael Jackson – a popular vocalist – has died and the BBC has gone into overdrive. From 7:00 to 9:00 on Radio 4 this morning we had 60% (yes 60%) of the main news bulletins on the hour devoted to this regrettable (but not exactly world-shattering for those with an IQ above 75 and who have a life) incident together with at least two extended spots on Today. I wonder what real news (unwelcome to the BBC and it's sponsoring political party currently in governemt) is being kept from us.
Actually I thought the BBC were a joke over Jackson's death. Sky reported it very early on last night and had all the Twitter, blog & website stuff and were saying he was dead whilst the BBC were still giving us the old fashioned "at this time the BBC cannot confirm…"
This seems to happen with any breaking news story. Sky get it and seem to get some reporter from somewhere but the BBC seem to still act like THEY tell the world what is going on and nothing if FACT until the BBC says so.
The BBC is less and less relevant today. I remember the same thing with the Hotel attacks in India, Sky were all over the story using all the media but the BBC were just SO SLOW to pick up the story.
People just turn off BBC News 24 and use Sky or the web to get the news. We don't want to be told what happened an hour ago as the story has moved on.
Yes, Brown and BBC: do what you fancy with our money.
With UK unemployment rising, with UK workers taking pay cuts, or working for nothing (as at British Airways), -what are Brown (and the BBC) giving their priorities to?:
– Getting the British people to donate huge subsidise to foreign countries to modernise their industries, because of a theory about climate change!
Having said that, I wish Al Beeb would take that approach to EVERYTHING.
They should only be committing to something once it has been proven, not running with innuendo because it fits their political agenda (ie. any blood libel about Israel).
George R: Yep Gordon Brown back doing what he does best. Spouting bollocks and giving our taxes away to the third world.
That camp twat Harrabin was spouting his usual crap as well.
I'd really like to see Harrabin's expenses and see just how many times he flies a year and not only how much that costs us but how much CO2 this tosser puts into the air.
An insidious undercurrent to BBC (and other MSM) coverage of M. Jackson: 'he may have committed crimes, but never forget he was black, had a difficult childhood'.
Er…is the BBC's Six O'Clock News going to ever mention what is going on in Iran? Watching little Sophie Raworth emote about MJ – as if he had JUST died and not last night – but not mention the brave protesters in Iran, sickens me.
Funny to see the Beeboids scampering around Glastonbury having to turn their hand to news instead of partying at our expoense.
Its not normal to die at 50. Interested to see what if anything comes out from the autopsy. I'd think more of him if it was a "rock n roll" cause – an excess of something (not plastic surgery please)
I'll remember him mainly as a little boy who missed out on a childhood, and then wasted more talent than most people have ever had trying to look like Judy Garland. Perhaps he should have joined the Mormons – the Osmonds are still looking pretty good on it.
To remind us that Labour's, and BBC-approved claim of TURKEY to join EU is on target, the BBC gives us this uncritical item:
"Turkey to 'never give up' EU bid".
('Europe' page.)
Of course, now that the BBC's Obamessiah has stated that it is in his political interest to get Turkey in, we can expect more BBC dhimmitude on Turkey from now on, with little reference to the fact that most people in the EU do NOT want Turkey, with its 75 million Muslim to join. The BBC does not refer to the fact that the EU elections of last month reflected an increased vote for anti-Turkey political opinion. And the BBC ignores this sort of critique:
.."a key condition imposed by the EU is the [Turkish]army's abrogation of political authority – which suits the AKP just fine, for the military is the greatest barrier to Islamisation. Moreover, the party shares the Islamist belief that Europe will inevitably be conquered by the high birthrates of its Muslim inhabitants – and Turkey's entry would immediately add some 70 million."
(Extract from: "Turkey's leaders plan Muslim Europe" by Edward Luttwak, 'Thefirst post', 26/6/07.)
These BBC clones are always easy to spot, just look out for a bucket loads of moral equivalence, labeling your opponent a “Daily Mail reader” and being told just how bad the BNP are.
One of them was exposed a while back on this thread, see comments 16 & 27.
Michael Jackson is dead and it's perpetual 24/7 news for the state broadcaster, so as to obscure their own expenses scandal. Talk about intervention of the gods. The BBC really are a pack of jammy bastards
Still, a lot of seven year olds will be able to sleep safely in their beds tonight.
Or in Michael's bed. Which of course they were never in. Whatever.
Oh dear I was unfortunate enough to leave Radio 4 on after 6:30pm tonight while in the kitchen and ended up listening to 15 minutes of the Now Show. God knows how I lasted that long as even now 2 paracetamol and a dog walk later I still have a headache.
Surely there can't be anyone even in the Beeb who finds that c**p even slightly funny ? Tonight we had a 10 minute rant on the European election results. Apparently "we" can and should influence politics but this doesn't include voting BNP or UKIP both of whom were the subject of long harangues.
Headache aside it is fun to listen to the confusion in the voices of the Beebs favourite leftie comedians at the current political situation.
Does anyone know if there is any link between the BBC's commercial arm and the Glastonbury music festival ? Its just that all week the 30 odd year old "youth" DJ's on Radio 1 have been pushing this event. Every member of the public who calls in has been asked if they are going to "Glasto" this weekend and if not why not.
Incidentally does anyone know who Radio 1's target audience is any more ? Listening this week every caller appears to be white , middle class and aged 19 to 22. I suspect that Radio 4's Moneybox show has a more diverse audience 🙂
I hear Michael Jackson is to be cremated at a toy factory, then recycled into a range of "Michael Jackson" plastic figures, so kiddies can play with him for a change.
These BBC clones are always easy to spot, just look out for a bucket loads of moral equivalence, labeling your opponent a “Daily Mail reader” and being told just how bad the BNP are.
Good find. That _marko reads an awful lot like another Anonymous we get here sometimes. There was one who accidentally revealed that he was an IT Beeboid, and disappeared immediately.
In any case, I have to admit that _marko was just about the least sanctimonious commenter on that first thread. "Secretariat" is unreal. From Comment #11: But you can go on believing it's all the fault of the Muslims and this vicious cycle will continue and all of the worlds children will suffer the consequences..
It's hard to believe that's not a put on. At first I thought that was going to be the Beeboid troll.
Perhaps the BBC will run a piece like this on Michael Jackson's conversion to Islam.
Then again, perhaps it won't:
"Black Americans and Islamic Da'wa"
"'Jihad Watch's Hugh Fitzgerald discusses the strangeness of the phenomenon of black Americans converting to Islam."
Hugh Fitzgerald:
"Given Islam’s record on slavery, black Americans should think twice about converting. And there are other considerations. Islam does not permit music, though here and there folk music has been allowed. But music having to do with religious worship is absolutely forbidden. When black Americans convert, they are throwing out all of Gospel music, doubly wicked in Muslim eyes: the music itself is forbidden, and this particular church music takes its texts from Old Testament stories (stories involving Jews, and the Promised Land). It is curious that real Muslims regarded (and may still regard) Elijah Muhammad's Black Muslims as not the real thing, partly because of the claims made on behalf of Elijah Muhammad himself, and partly because of the music that occasionally was allowed (and may still be) at certain gatherings of followers. When black Americans discard Christianity for the sake of Islam, because they are fooled into believing that Islam is somehow the correct vehicle of protest, they manifest ignorance of the whole horrible Arab slave trade." (Hugh Fitzgerald, 4/2/06.)
What the BBC's obsessions with Michael Jackson and Glastonbury perfectly demonstrate is the domination of the Corporation (and much of the UK's media) by a particular age group.
The BBC's political bias flows from a similar source.
I am quite honestly appalled at the amount of coverage the BBC are giving wacko. Newsnight, I suppose I'd always seen this as BBC's flagship news programme, has forgotten that anything is happening in the world except the 'talent' that was wacko is no more. I'm lost for words at the absurdity of it all. Did Elvis get this much coverage? And where's Jarvis Cocker when we want a voice of sanity?
What the BBC won't say is that last night he hadn't been that stiff since McAuly Calkin stayed over!
The usual biased drivel from the BBC about 'global warming' from the 'news' website this evening:
"Officials had already said this summer may be warmer than the past couple of years.
With climate change, heatwaves are likely to become more common over the next few decades and the Chief Medical Officer has warned of an increase in deaths in times of hot weather. "
Note the Corporation's absurd position, that AGW is an incontrovertible fact.
For the record, the Met Office's forecast for my local area (courtesy of their fellow travellers at the BBC) has been more than 70 per cent wrong for the past several months.
Note, also, the curious absence of similar remarks about AGW when we were freezing nigh unto death in January.
Executors of the Jackson estate report that Michael Jackson's body is to be melted down into Lego bricks, so that children can play with him for a change.
In related news, agents for the Jackson Five have confirmed that a twenty percent refund will be paid to all ticket holders for their prospective concert tour.
The US House of Representatives has passed a climate change bill aimed at reducing the country's emissions.
The legislation will put curbs on pollution and apply market principles to attempts to tackle global warming.
It was passed by a narrow margin of 219 votes to 212. President Barack Obama said the vote represented "enormous progress".
But the bill still has to be passed by the US Senate before it can become law, and it faces another tough fight.
"Today the House of Representatives took historic action with the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act," Mr Obama said after the vote.
"It's a bold and necessary step that holds the promise of creating new industries and millions of new jobs, decreasing our dangerous dependence on foreign oil."
Next we get the usual "correspondents say," which means Justin Webb or somebody is relaying what they read this afternoon on the HuffingtonPost.
They provide balance by quoting criticisms which are just statements that the Waxman-Markey bill will cost jobs, and the usual nasty Republican complaint about more taxes.
Okay, fine. Yet, even a news brief as brief as this finds space to provide an explanation of how it will work, while the BBC doesn't provide an opposing explanation. Only cliché complaints.
This has been, and will be forevermore the Narrative of the BBC religious broadcasting. Environmentalism, I mean. Emphasis on the mental.
We all know about farmers paid not to grow food. But now, American taxpayers apparently will be paying companies not to chop down trees. The Washington Times reports that as part of the legislation, the House will also be voting Friday on a plan to pay domestic and international companies around the world not to cut down trees.
Such offsets "would be a transfer of wealth overseas," said William Kovacs, vice president for environmental affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. So if a tree falls in a Brazilian forest, does a U.S. taxpayer make a sound?
As we've said before, capping emissions is capping economic growth. An analysis of Waxman-Markey by the Heritage Foundation projects that by 2035 it would reduce aggregate gross domestic product by $7.4 trillion. In an average year, 844,000 jobs would be destroyed, with peak years seeing unemployment rise by almost 2 million (see charts below).
Not just clichés. But the BBC will not give you the actual reasoning behind the opposing viewpoint. It's enough for Beeboids to mention that there are opposing views.
So how does the BBC close the piece? By pointing out the right-on Leftoid concern:
The legislation has been widely supported by environmentalists but there are concerns that it will not go far enough towards addressing climate change.
It doesn't go far enough. Which environmentals, BBC? Why can't you mention who is saying that The Obamessiah isn't going far enough?
Because it's effin' Greenpeace, that's why. They're only good for criticizing nasty Republicans.
Defenders of the indefensible will now by crying, "Hey, you said they never criticize Him, and now here they are doing it."
And I will say: Yes, they have an article pointing out a criticism. From the Left.
But the decision has angered environmental groups.
Mr Salazar's move "only serves to cement the Bush administration's legacy of ignoring global warming science, thus putting the polar bear at further risk of extinction", said Melanie Duchin, a Greenpeace campaigner in Alaska, in a statement.
"Regrettably, it seems to reflect an emerging willingness by the Obama administration to ignore clear scientific imperatives on global warming in the face of industry pressure."
If Jackson had a fondness for little girls instead of little boys would he have got the same coverage?
If he had been white instead of black…. Er
Suprised the BBC have not worked out how to put a black border round the screen yet. Can't help thinking what news Gordon Brown is trying to bury today.
Now I remember why I stopped listening to Radio 3 late in the wee hours. I've always enjoyed Catherine Bott's work as a vocalist, but her radio persona makes me think she should be reading Beatrix Potter stories the way she reads off the notes about French harpsichord music.
After her show, the top story for the news break is Michael Jackson. Then the next phase in His Plan for Us, then other mundane world affairs.
The host of the next programme is that overly precious host from White Trash in the Attic. I didn't realize that put him on track to host a Classical Music programme. Now he's doing those long vooowwwwels like Roooooobert Pehhhhston.
if it wasnt for the bbc, we wouldnt know that britain was leading the world in dealing with catastrophic human induced dangerous runaway climate change
Ron 5:43 I was just planning to post the same point , but you beat me to it ! Of course the strange thing is that the repulsive Jackson tried to change his skin colour from black to white !
I couldn't bear watching or listening to the BBC yesterday, but to avoid accusations of bias, did the BBC interview anyone who said that Jackson's music is boring, repetitive, mediocre c**p ?
This article is intuitive of how the BBC handle potentially embarrassing stories for the PM. Hilary Benn the Environment Secretary admitted on Radio 4’s Any Questions that cuts in Public spending would be ‘unavoidable’ after the next election. Now this is quite a scoop, because as I’m sure you all know, Gordon Brown insists that his has no plans to cut public spending. Indeed, his whole recovery/election strategy is build around the [false] premise of ‘10% Tory cuts vs. continued Labour investment’.
So basically here we have a cabinet minister, flatly contradicting the central economic/spending message of the GVN. But if you read the article, nowhere is this fact explicitly stated. Talk about downplaying your own scoop…. A reticence which goes against the fundamental journalistic principle of self-promotion; I certainly couldn’t imagine any of the BBC’s rivals either on screen or in print, being so coy.
Of course, the BBC isn’t always so shy. When one of Cameron’s lieutenants goes off message – e.g. Ken Clarke over Inheritance tax or Europe, or Andrew Landsley and spending cuts – I seem to remember the BBC gleefully talking about Tory splits or the cat being let out of the bag etc… Well hasn’t Hilary Benn just implied that our PM is lying, when he claims that there will be cuts in his Department? Especially, when the PM at PMQ’s publicly ridiculed the idea of cutting public spending on the Environment at a time of climate change…. So who’s telling the truth; most (if not all) independent commentators and economists are clear – public spending will have to be cut. Indeed such a ‘real terms’ cut is implicit in the GVN’s own spending plans as outlined in the budget. Does the BBC mention these two points… which seem central to this debate? Well not explicitly, once again it is only intimated. I thought the BBC’s charter – its whole raison d’être – was to illuminate, not muddy the argument. But once more, the BBC chose to let Gordon off the hook, even though they all know – hell anybody who covers politics knows – that he’s lying. Will Andrew Marr take up the challenge tomorrow; will he vigorously raise Mr Benn’s assessment? My prediction – don’t hold your breath.
In Nigeria, a presenter on Radio Continental broke down live on air and could not continue her programme. A woman in Ghana burst into tears in the capital, Accra, when told by a BBC reporter about the musician's death.
This is my belated response to DB's request the other day for a typical 'Today' programme running order, complete with Beeboid blurb. After all there's no news at the moment – only Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson:
7.09 Ayatollah Ali Khamania has accused Israel of funding the ongoing protests in Iran. Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen considers whether the allegations are true, and suspects they are.
7.15 A British man who is suing the Home Office for collusion in his alleged torture in Kazakhstan has given his first broadcast interview to the BBC’s Home affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford. The BBC cannot independently substantiate his allegations, but will broadcast them anyway.
7.28 Sports News
7.31 Up to 10 million people aged under 100 may be dying unnecessarily from hay fever each year in the UK, according to research. Dr Dave Moron of the Cumbria Hay Fever Panic Association tells us that targets are to blame.
7.43 Today Papers
7.45 Thought For The Day from leading Islamic scholar Hassan Nasrallah
7.53 It is 40 years since a riot began outside a bar in New York which is credited as giving birth to the modern gay liberation movement. Ellen DeGeneres, who was there, and Kenneth Williams, who was on the London gay scene at the time, discuss the lasting significance of the Stonewall riots.
8.09 The UK has more cocaine users than any other European country, despite global markets for cocaine, opiates and cannabis being steady or declining, the UN's latest report on drugs says. Sandeep Chawla, the lead author of the report, discusses some other findings of the research with Martin of the Biased BBC blogsite, who alleges that most of this cocaine in fact goes up the noses of BBC employees.
8.18 France is to set up a commission to study the extent of public stonings in the country, after President Nicolas Sarkozy said that stoning adulterers according to Sharia Law went against France’s secular tradition. Lawyer Stephen Suffering, who has worked on cases fighting Islamophobia in France, discusses if public stonings should be banned.
8.28 Sports news
8.31 Independent economist Professor Vince Cable assesses which of the three major parties has the best strategy on public investment, and Steve Richards of the ‘Independent’, Polly Toynbee of the ‘Guardian’ and Kevin Mcguire of the ‘Mirror’ discuss the ongoing arguments over public spending between Labour and the Tories.
8.48 Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, says the BNP is a racist party.
8.55 Can Obama calm down commuters? David Daftoe reports on why the words of the American president are to be included in service announcements on the London Underground. Comedian Marcus Brigstocke says this can somehow bring people together on public transport.
Remember in his interview, Benn stated that spending reductions would be 'unavoidable' after the next election.
How can the word 'unavoidable' in this context be described as just a hint? It sounds like a statement of fact to me. He also mentioned that his own Dept's budget had already been cut. Remember Brown claims that there have been no Labour cuts. Why doesn't the BBC call Brown out on this lie…?
Sorry to post about the Benn interview again, but to put some perspective on the BBC article – here is how Labour Home reviewed Benn’s Any questions interview…
I have just heard Hilary Benn on Any Questions on Radio 4. He made a gaffe and said that Labour are going to make cuts in public spending. This plays into the hands of the Tories. How can we credibly call Cameron Mr 10% now? How can we credibly fight back against Tory suck-up Mervyn King? After all a Labour minister is now agreeing openly with his Thatcherite policies! Why can’t we stick with the growth strategy? That’s the Labour mantra, and we can all believe it, because Gordon Brown has shown over the last 12 years that it is possible. Instead we will be giving in to the baying Tory press with these cowardly cuts. We can’t win an election by chanting “vote for Labour cuts, not Tory cuts”. —- http://www.labourhome.org/forum/?p=6100 Two points… 1)Labour Home have called Benn’s admonition a ‘gaffe’; the BBC don’t
2)Labour home is quite explicit – Benn said ‘Labour are going to make cuts’; the revised BBC article claims that Benn hinted at future cuts.
Conclusion: The BBC – less tough on Labour minister and more receptive to Labour spin – than Labour Home.
The BBC reserves its political wrath for the BNP, but expresses dhimmitude towards this Islamic Republic of Iran-financed, Islamic jihad HEZBOLLAH, which has a 'celebration' planned for London in two weeks.
Gavin Esler's panel on 'Dateline: London' (BBC News 24) was as unbalanced as ever, with that deranged leftie Yasmin Alabhai-Brown being joined by Mustapha Karkouti, the left-wing Gulf writer and broadcaster, Tom Bemis of Marketwatch.com (a less obviously pro-Obama American specimen than usual, but pro-Obama nonetheless), and the rather tasty Mina al Oraibi of the pan-Arab daily Asharq al Awsat.
The last topic up for debate was Sarkozy's call for a ban on the burqa in France.
All was going smoothly to begin with. Hot Mina and Gavin Esler were cosily agreeing with each other than Sarkozy was “wrong”, with Mina saying (without contradiction) that his comments could “almost be seen as racist”. Karkouti agreed that Sarko got it wrong, saying “it’s none of his business” and that the burqa’s “a question of personal freedom”. The dhimmitude was in full flow.
Then a bomb went off – in the form of Yasmin Alabhai-Brown, who howled against the burqa, shouting about how it was “offensive” and a “walking cage”, and comparing it to slavery. For the first time in my life I found myself willing her on!!! Her earlier contributions on the world economy had all the profundity of a huffy right-on teenager, but here she shone. I never thought I’d say that.
“Good find. That _marko reads an awful lot like another Anonymous we get here sometimes. There was one who accidentally revealed that he was an IT Beeboid, and disappeared immediately.”
Yes that’s him; he was invited over here by Biodegradable on this thread, comment 620.
And I’m sure Secretariat is a BBC researcher. It’s worth keeping an eye on the BBC blogs forums, there’s a few Beeboids over there defending their favorite religion, and also questioning anyone that dares to defend Israel.
Note how the dhimmi BBC reports the election in Lebanon of Saad Hariri, son of assassinated Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri (assassinated by we know whom):
"Hariri named as Lebanon's new PM"
"The BBC's Natalia Antelava in Beirut says one particular stumbling block for the new prime minister could be the issue of Hezbollah's arms.
"The group wants to protect its militia, which is more powerful than Lebanon's army, and it is demanding veto power over major government decisions." ('Middle East page.)
Yes, that was worth mentioning in passing, BBC.
And who provides Hezbollah with weapons, supplies and propaganda?
-The Islamic Republic of Iran.
-And what does the BBC have to say about the Iran-Hezbollah Islamic interlocking?
– ZERO. The BBC political line: we are all Hezbollah now.
Charlie FarleyFeb 23, 17:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Tomo , I’m in Hampshire / isle of Wight and Elections are cancelled until 2026 supposedly…….it’s everywhere that Reform are…
Fedup2Feb 23, 17:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 First German exit poll suggests ADF got 20% – BBc sounded chippy
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year) https://twitter.com/clim8resistance/status/1893656465514061845
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://twitter.com/alexharmstrong/status/1893668671098134537
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
ZephirFeb 23, 16:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bbc bias (lies) in a nutshell, once again: “BBC exposes its own bias against Reform UK in coverage of major…
vladFeb 23, 16:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The big story in the German election is the unstoppable rise of the AfD. The BBC can’t bear that reality,…
Here's the Jonathan Beale video report no longer available on the BBC website.
David Preiser @ 8:40 PM – Glad that the ABC infomerical was a dud. Sad that it took a Republican sex scandal to hoover up the headlines form this narcissistic celebrity president.
adam 11:32
Sangita is lovely, and hasn't ever struck me as a typical beeboid (and not just because I fancy her).
So possibly her rarity on the box these days (and I haven't seen her since she did a decent programme about the Guinness dynasty a while back) marks her out as another sufferer from "Oakley Syndrome".
Fingers crossed anyway, as I currently have a vacancy here for an Empress.
I see that Mark Easton is now citing libertarians on his blog. Good for him. I wonder if it was anything we said.
BaggieJonathan said…
Is there any doubt he was killed, no there is not.
It would appear you didn't read beyond the headline.
Al-Qaeda's North Africa branch has CLAIMED responsibility for the killing …Al-Jazeera said it could not verify the authenticity of the message.
Reading not your strong point?
DB 6:39
I guess Katty Kay seems to have forgotten that Bill Clinton got involved in a few sex scandals !
So Michael Jackson – a popular vocalist – has died and the BBC has gone into overdrive. From 7:00 to 9:00 on Radio 4 this morning we had 60% (yes 60%) of the main news bulletins on the hour devoted to this regrettable (but not exactly world-shattering for those with an IQ above 75 and who have a life) incident together with at least two extended spots on Today. I wonder what real news (unwelcome to the BBC and it's sponsoring political party currently in governemt) is being kept from us.
Actually I thought the BBC were a joke over Jackson's death. Sky reported it very early on last night and had all the Twitter, blog & website stuff and were saying he was dead whilst the BBC were still giving us the old fashioned "at this time the BBC cannot confirm…"
This seems to happen with any breaking news story. Sky get it and seem to get some reporter from somewhere but the BBC seem to still act like THEY tell the world what is going on and nothing if FACT until the BBC says so.
The BBC is less and less relevant today. I remember the same thing with the Hotel attacks in India, Sky were all over the story using all the media but the BBC were just SO SLOW to pick up the story.
People just turn off BBC News 24 and use Sky or the web to get the news. We don't want to be told what happened an hour ago as the story has moved on.
A BBC report, with the BBC's 'greenie' propaganda (Mr. R.H.?) all over it:
"Brown proposes £6bn. climate fund."
('Politics' page.)
Yes, Brown and BBC: do what you fancy with our money.
With UK unemployment rising, with UK workers taking pay cuts, or working for nothing (as at British Airways), -what are Brown (and the BBC) giving their priorities to?:
– Getting the British people to donate huge subsidise to foreign countries to modernise their industries, because of a theory about climate change!
Having said that, I wish Al Beeb would take that approach to EVERYTHING.
They should only be committing to something once it has been proven, not running with innuendo because it fits their political agenda (ie. any blood libel about Israel).
George R: Yep Gordon Brown back doing what he does best. Spouting bollocks and giving our taxes away to the third world.
That camp twat Harrabin was spouting his usual crap as well.
I'd really like to see Harrabin's expenses and see just how many times he flies a year and not only how much that costs us but how much CO2 this tosser puts into the air.
The BBC are distraught about the death of Michael Jackson, he was one of them, a paedophile rent boy drug user.
An insidious undercurrent to BBC (and other MSM) coverage of M. Jackson: 'he may have committed crimes, but never forget he was black, had a difficult childhood'.
Er…is the BBC's Six O'Clock News going to ever mention what is going on in Iran? Watching little Sophie Raworth emote about MJ – as if he had JUST died and not last night – but not mention the brave protesters in Iran, sickens me.
Or, maybe that was the intention all along.
Funny to see the Beeboids scampering around Glastonbury having to turn their hand to news instead of partying at our expoense.
Its not normal to die at 50. Interested to see what if anything comes out from the autopsy. I'd think more of him if it was a "rock n roll" cause – an excess of something (not plastic surgery please)
I'll remember him mainly as a little boy who missed out on a childhood, and then wasted more talent than most people have ever had trying to look like Judy Garland. Perhaps he should have joined the Mormons – the Osmonds are still looking pretty good on it.
To remind us that Labour's, and BBC-approved claim of TURKEY to join EU is on target, the BBC gives us this uncritical item:
"Turkey to 'never give up' EU bid".
('Europe' page.)
Of course, now that the BBC's Obamessiah has stated that it is in his political interest to get Turkey in, we can expect more BBC dhimmitude on Turkey from now on, with little reference to the fact that most people in the EU do NOT want Turkey, with its 75 million Muslim to join. The BBC does not refer to the fact that the EU elections of last month reflected an increased vote for anti-Turkey political opinion. And the BBC ignores this sort of critique:
.."a key condition imposed by the EU is the [Turkish]army's abrogation of political authority – which suits the AKP just fine, for the military is the greatest barrier to Islamisation. Moreover, the party shares the Islamist belief that Europe will inevitably be conquered by the high birthrates of its Muslim inhabitants – and Turkey's entry would immediately add some 70 million."
(Extract from: "Turkey's leaders plan Muslim Europe" by Edward Luttwak, 'Thefirst post', 26/6/07.)
Umbongo 10:41 AM
You'll have to forgive them. A majority of Beeboids simply loooooved Thriller when they were in high school, and haven't gotten over it.
There are a few undercover BBC minions using pseudo names on this thread shilling for their favorite religion.
These BBC clones are always easy to spot, just look out for a bucket loads of moral equivalence, labeling your opponent a “Daily Mail reader” and being told just how bad the BNP are.
One of them was exposed a while back on this thread, see comments 16 & 27.
These guys are ripe for a good trolling, Now I’m off down the pub and when I return I expect to see the Beebiods in tears.
Michael Jackson is dead and it's perpetual 24/7 news for the state broadcaster, so as to obscure their own expenses scandal. Talk about intervention of the gods. The BBC really are a pack of jammy bastards
Still, a lot of seven year olds will be able to sleep safely in their beds tonight.
Or in Michael's bed. Which of course they were never in.
Oh dear I was unfortunate enough to leave Radio 4 on after 6:30pm tonight while in the kitchen and ended up listening to 15 minutes of the Now Show. God knows how I lasted that long as even now 2 paracetamol and a dog walk later I still have a headache.
Surely there can't be anyone even in the Beeb who finds that c**p even slightly funny ? Tonight we had a 10 minute rant on the European election results. Apparently "we" can and should influence politics but this doesn't include voting BNP or UKIP both of whom were the subject of long harangues.
Headache aside it is fun to listen to the confusion in the voices of the Beebs favourite leftie comedians at the current political situation.
Listening to Marcus Brigstocke is dangerous to one's mental health. The other "comedians" on the Now Show I can just about stomach but MB, no.
Does anyone know if there is any link between the BBC's commercial arm and the Glastonbury music festival ? Its just that all week the 30 odd year old "youth" DJ's on Radio 1 have been pushing this event. Every member of the public who calls in has been asked if they are going to "Glasto" this weekend and if not why not.
Incidentally does anyone know who Radio 1's target audience is any more ? Listening this week every caller appears to be white , middle class and aged 19 to 22. I suspect that Radio 4's Moneybox show has a more diverse audience 🙂
Obama's people must be frantically seeing how they can cash in on the Michael Jackson funeral…think of the rhetoric, the publicity, the votes.
I hear Michael Jackson is to be cremated at a toy factory, then recycled into a range of "Michael Jackson" plastic figures, so kiddies can play with him for a change.
Anonymous @ 7:49 PM
These BBC clones are always easy to spot, just look out for a bucket loads of moral equivalence, labeling your opponent a “Daily Mail reader” and being told just how bad the BNP are.
Good find. That _marko reads an awful lot like another Anonymous we get here sometimes. There was one who accidentally revealed that he was an IT Beeboid, and disappeared immediately.
In any case, I have to admit that _marko was just about the least sanctimonious commenter on that first thread. "Secretariat" is unreal. From Comment #11: But you can go on believing it's all the fault of the Muslims and this vicious cycle will continue and all of the worlds children will suffer the consequences..
It's hard to believe that's not a put on. At first I thought that was going to be the Beeboid troll.
Omitted from BBC accounts I've seen.
Ban the BURQA:
"Michael Jackson 'converts to Islam and changes name to Mikaeel'"
"Michael Jackson has reportedly become a Muslim and changed his name to Mikaeel. "
(To see Jackson in a Burqa, go to 'Telegraph' article above, 21/11/08.)
Perhaps the BBC will run a piece like this on Michael Jackson's conversion to Islam.
Then again, perhaps it won't:
"Black Americans and Islamic Da'wa"
"'Jihad Watch's Hugh Fitzgerald discusses the strangeness of the phenomenon of black Americans converting to Islam."
Hugh Fitzgerald:
"Given Islam’s record on slavery, black Americans should think twice about converting. And there are other considerations. Islam does not permit music, though here and there folk music has been allowed. But music having to do with religious worship is absolutely forbidden. When black Americans convert, they are throwing out all of Gospel music, doubly wicked in Muslim eyes: the music itself is forbidden, and this particular church music takes its texts from Old Testament stories (stories involving Jews, and the Promised Land). It is curious that real Muslims regarded (and may still regard) Elijah Muhammad's Black Muslims as not the real thing, partly because of the claims made on behalf of Elijah Muhammad himself, and partly because of the music that occasionally was allowed (and may still be) at certain gatherings of followers.
When black Americans discard Christianity for the sake of Islam, because they are fooled into believing that Islam is somehow the correct vehicle of protest, they manifest ignorance of the whole horrible Arab slave trade." (Hugh Fitzgerald, 4/2/06.)
What the BBC's obsessions with Michael Jackson and Glastonbury perfectly demonstrate is the domination of the Corporation (and much of the UK's media) by a particular age group.
The BBC's political bias flows from a similar source.
I am quite honestly appalled at the amount of coverage the BBC are giving wacko. Newsnight, I suppose I'd always seen this as BBC's flagship news programme, has forgotten that anything is happening in the world except the 'talent' that was wacko is no more. I'm lost for words at the absurdity of it all. Did Elvis get this much coverage? And where's Jarvis Cocker when we want a voice of sanity?
What the BBC won't say is that last night he hadn't been that stiff since McAuly Calkin stayed over!
The usual biased drivel from the BBC about 'global warming' from the 'news' website this evening:
"Officials had already said this summer may be warmer than the past couple of years.
With climate change, heatwaves are likely to become more common over the next few decades and the Chief Medical Officer has warned of an increase in deaths in times of hot weather. "
Note the Corporation's absurd position, that AGW is an incontrovertible fact.
For the record, the Met Office's forecast for my local area (courtesy of their fellow travellers at the BBC) has been more than 70 per cent wrong for the past several months.
Note, also, the curious absence of similar remarks about AGW when we were freezing nigh unto death in January.
Wacko 24/7 is simply the establishment shower ever more CIRCUS, because they are rapidly running out of BREAD.
As The World Mourns …
Executors of the Jackson estate report that Michael Jackson's body is to be melted down into Lego bricks, so that children can play with him for a change.
In related news, agents for the Jackson Five have confirmed that a twenty percent refund will be paid to all ticket holders for their prospective concert tour.
Leave it to the BBC to find the most environmental angle on this story:
US House supports emissions bill
The US House of Representatives has passed a climate change bill aimed at reducing the country's emissions.
The legislation will put curbs on pollution and apply market principles to attempts to tackle global warming.
It was passed by a narrow margin of 219 votes to 212. President Barack Obama said the vote represented "enormous progress".
But the bill still has to be passed by the US Senate before it can become law, and it faces another tough fight.
"Today the House of Representatives took historic action with the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act," Mr Obama said after the vote.
"It's a bold and necessary step that holds the promise of creating new industries and millions of new jobs, decreasing our dangerous dependence on foreign oil."
Next we get the usual "correspondents say," which means Justin Webb or somebody is relaying what they read this afternoon on the HuffingtonPost.
They provide balance by quoting criticisms which are just statements that the Waxman-Markey bill will cost jobs, and the usual nasty Republican complaint about more taxes.
Okay, fine. Yet, even a news brief as brief as this finds space to provide an explanation of how it will work, while the BBC doesn't provide an opposing explanation. Only cliché complaints.
This has been, and will be forevermore the Narrative of the BBC religious broadcasting. Environmentalism, I mean. Emphasis on the mental.
Here's what the BBC doesn't want you to know:
Waxman-Markey: Man-Made Disaster
We all know about farmers paid not to grow food. But now, American taxpayers apparently will be paying companies not to chop down trees. The Washington Times reports that as part of the legislation, the House will also be voting Friday on a plan to pay domestic and international companies around the world not to cut down trees.
Such offsets "would be a transfer of wealth overseas," said William Kovacs, vice president for environmental affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. So if a tree falls in a Brazilian forest, does a U.S. taxpayer make a sound?
As we've said before, capping emissions is capping economic growth. An analysis of Waxman-Markey by the Heritage Foundation projects that by 2035 it would reduce aggregate gross domestic product by $7.4 trillion. In an average year, 844,000 jobs would be destroyed, with peak years seeing unemployment rise by almost 2 million (see charts below).
Not just clichés. But the BBC will not give you the actual reasoning behind the opposing viewpoint. It's enough for Beeboids to mention that there are opposing views.
So how does the BBC close the piece? By pointing out the right-on Leftoid concern:
The legislation has been widely supported by environmentalists but there are concerns that it will not go far enough towards addressing climate change.
It doesn't go far enough. Which environmentals, BBC? Why can't you mention who is saying that The Obamessiah isn't going far enough?
Because it's effin' Greenpeace, that's why. They're only good for criticizing nasty Republicans.
Hey, the BBC has finally brought up a story about President Obamessiah continuing one of those evil old Bush Administration policies.
Was it this one?
White House Is Drafting Executive Order to Allow Indefinite Detention of Terror Suspects
Nah. It was this one:
Obama keeps Bush polar bear rules
Defenders of the indefensible will now by crying, "Hey, you said they never criticize Him, and now here they are doing it."
And I will say: Yes, they have an article pointing out a criticism. From the Left.
But the decision has angered environmental groups.
Mr Salazar's move "only serves to cement the Bush administration's legacy of ignoring global warming science, thus putting the polar bear at further risk of extinction", said Melanie Duchin, a Greenpeace campaigner in Alaska, in a statement.
"Regrettably, it seems to reflect an emerging willingness by the Obama administration to ignore clear scientific imperatives on global warming in the face of industry pressure."
If Jackson had a fondness for little girls instead of little boys would he have got the same coverage?
If he had been white instead of black…. Er
Suprised the BBC have not worked out how to put a black border round the screen yet.
Can't help thinking what news Gordon Brown is trying to bury today.
Just wondered if anyone knows why this thread got closed after just 12 comments…
Ludicrous allegations
I was rather looking forward to noting the irony of Jeremy Bowen's name being used in association with dodgy claims from less than objective sources.
Now I remember why I stopped listening to Radio 3 late in the wee hours. I've always enjoyed Catherine Bott's work as a vocalist, but her radio persona makes me think she should be reading Beatrix Potter stories the way she reads off the notes about French harpsichord music.
After her show, the top story for the news break is Michael Jackson. Then the next phase in His Plan for Us, then other mundane world affairs.
The host of the next programme is that overly precious host from White Trash in the Attic. I didn't realize that put him on track to host a Classical Music programme. Now he's doing those long vooowwwwels like Roooooobert Pehhhhston.
Can't take it anymore.
if it wasnt for the bbc, we wouldnt know that britain was leading the world in dealing with catastrophic human induced dangerous runaway climate change
i'd pay the licence fee for radio 4 alone
Ron 5:43
I was just planning to post the same point , but you beat me to it !
Of course the strange thing is that the repulsive Jackson tried to change his skin colour from black to white !
I couldn't bear watching or listening to the BBC yesterday, but to avoid accusations of bias, did the BBC interview anyone who said that Jackson's music is boring, repetitive, mediocre c**p ?
BBC Headline: Spending cuts unavoidable – Benn
This article is intuitive of how the BBC handle potentially embarrassing stories for the PM. Hilary Benn the Environment Secretary admitted on Radio 4’s Any Questions that cuts in Public spending would be ‘unavoidable’ after the next election. Now this is quite a scoop, because as I’m sure you all know, Gordon Brown insists that his has no plans to cut public spending. Indeed, his whole recovery/election strategy is build around the [false] premise of ‘10% Tory cuts vs. continued Labour investment’.
So basically here we have a cabinet minister, flatly contradicting the central economic/spending message of the GVN. But if you read the article, nowhere is this fact explicitly stated. Talk about downplaying your own scoop…. A reticence which goes against the fundamental journalistic principle of self-promotion; I certainly couldn’t imagine any of the BBC’s rivals either on screen or in print, being so coy.
Of course, the BBC isn’t always so shy. When one of Cameron’s lieutenants goes off message – e.g. Ken Clarke over Inheritance tax or Europe, or Andrew Landsley and spending cuts – I seem to remember the BBC gleefully talking about Tory splits or the cat being let out of the bag etc… Well hasn’t Hilary Benn just implied that our PM is lying, when he claims that there will be cuts in his Department? Especially, when the PM at PMQ’s publicly ridiculed the idea of cutting public spending on the Environment at a time of climate change…. So who’s telling the truth; most (if not all) independent commentators and economists are clear – public spending will have to be cut. Indeed such a ‘real terms’ cut is implicit in the GVN’s own spending plans as outlined in the budget. Does the BBC mention these two points… which seem central to this debate? Well not explicitly, once again it is only intimated. I thought the BBC’s charter – its whole raison d’être – was to illuminate, not muddy the argument. But once more, the BBC chose to let Gordon off the hook, even though they all know – hell anybody who covers politics knows – that he’s lying. Will Andrew Marr take up the challenge tomorrow; will he vigorously raise Mr Benn’s assessment? My prediction – don’t hold your breath.
BBC's uncritical support for UK groups aiding illegal immigration to Britain:
"Protest to call for 'no borders'."
('UK' page.)
'The Sun' has a different perspective on the same events:
"47 arrests as Calais riot fears build up"
['Sun' report 26/6/]:
"FRENCH riot cops made 47 arrests yesterday following clashes with anarchists plotting to help asylum seekers smash their way into Britain.
"Trouble flared in Calais when more than 100 migrants joined protesters at a makeshift camp.
"Machetes, metal poles and a mace were seized and 17 people were held.
"The rest were arrested after chaining themselves to a detention centre for UK-bound foreigners.
"Several hundred people are massing for a 'No Borders' march tomorrow.
"Cops have intercepted protesters' emails pledging to destroy wire fences and other security measures around the Channel Tunnel and ferry port.
"Anarchist groups have also vowed to torch government offices.
"A police spokesman said: 'All vulnerable targets are being guarded. We can take no chances'."
-How would the BBC have reported Calais if it had been BNP (or any other) groups trying to stop illegal immigrants entering Britain?
BBC headline: Africa cries for Michael Jackson
And what evidence does the BBC provide for this?
In Nigeria, a presenter on Radio Continental broke down live on air and could not continue her programme.
A woman in Ghana burst into tears in the capital, Accra, when told by a BBC reporter about the musician's death.
Er, that's it. Two people.
This is my belated response to DB's request the other day for a typical 'Today' programme running order, complete with Beeboid blurb.
After all there's no news at the moment – only Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson:
7.09 Ayatollah Ali Khamania has accused Israel of funding the ongoing protests in Iran. Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen considers whether the allegations are true, and suspects they are.
7.15 A British man who is suing the Home Office for collusion in his alleged torture in Kazakhstan has given his first broadcast interview to the BBC’s Home affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford. The BBC cannot independently substantiate his allegations, but will broadcast them anyway.
7.28 Sports News
7.31 Up to 10 million people aged under 100 may be dying unnecessarily from hay fever each year in the UK, according to research. Dr Dave Moron of the Cumbria Hay Fever Panic Association tells us that targets are to blame.
7.43 Today Papers
7.45 Thought For The Day from leading Islamic scholar Hassan Nasrallah
7.53 It is 40 years since a riot began outside a bar in New York which is credited as giving birth to the modern gay liberation movement. Ellen DeGeneres, who was there, and Kenneth Williams, who was on the London gay scene at the time, discuss the lasting significance of the Stonewall riots.
8.09 The UK has more cocaine users than any other European country, despite global markets for cocaine, opiates and cannabis being steady or declining, the UN's latest report on drugs says. Sandeep Chawla, the lead author of the report, discusses some other findings of the research with Martin of the Biased BBC blogsite, who alleges that most of this cocaine in fact goes up the noses of BBC employees.
8.18 France is to set up a commission to study the extent of public stonings in the country, after President Nicolas Sarkozy said that stoning adulterers according to Sharia Law went against France’s secular tradition. Lawyer Stephen Suffering, who has worked on cases fighting Islamophobia in France, discusses if public stonings should be banned.
8.28 Sports news
8.31 Independent economist Professor Vince Cable assesses which of the three major parties has the best strategy on public investment, and Steve Richards of the ‘Independent’, Polly Toynbee of the ‘Guardian’ and Kevin Mcguire of the ‘Mirror’ discuss the ongoing arguments over public spending between Labour and the Tories.
8.48 Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, says the BNP is a racist party.
8.55 Can Obama calm down commuters? David Daftoe reports on why the words of the American president are to be included in service announcements on the London Underground. Comedian Marcus Brigstocke says this can somehow bring people together on public transport.
BBC now taking the piss…
Headline now reads: 'Minister hints at spending cuts'.
Remember in his interview, Benn stated that spending reductions would be 'unavoidable' after the next election.
How can the word 'unavoidable' in this context be described as just a hint? It sounds like a statement of fact to me. He also mentioned that his own Dept's budget had already been cut. Remember Brown claims that there have been no Labour cuts. Why doesn't the BBC call Brown out on this lie…?
Sorry to post about the Benn interview again, but to put some perspective on the BBC article – here is how Labour Home reviewed Benn’s Any questions interview…
I have just heard Hilary Benn on Any Questions on Radio 4.
He made a gaffe and said that Labour are going to make cuts in public spending.
This plays into the hands of the Tories. How can we credibly call Cameron Mr 10% now? How can we credibly fight back against Tory suck-up Mervyn King? After all a Labour minister is now agreeing openly with his Thatcherite policies!
Why can’t we stick with the growth strategy? That’s the Labour mantra, and we can all believe it, because Gordon Brown has shown over the last 12 years that it is possible. Instead we will be giving in to the baying Tory press with these cowardly cuts.
We can’t win an election by chanting “vote for Labour cuts, not Tory cuts”.
Two points…
1)Labour Home have called Benn’s admonition a ‘gaffe’; the BBC don’t
2)Labour home is quite explicit – Benn said ‘Labour are going to make cuts’; the revised BBC article claims that Benn hinted at future cuts.
Conclusion: The BBC – less tough on Labour minister and more receptive to Labour spin – than Labour Home.
Excellent satire, Craig. I do hope someone from the Toady programme sees it!
The BBC reserves its political wrath for the BNP, but expresses dhimmitude towards this Islamic Republic of Iran-financed, Islamic jihad HEZBOLLAH, which has a 'celebration' planned for London in two weeks.
'Harry's Place':
"More Hezbollox in London."
Gavin Esler's panel on 'Dateline: London' (BBC News 24) was as unbalanced as ever, with that deranged leftie Yasmin Alabhai-Brown being joined by Mustapha Karkouti, the left-wing Gulf writer and broadcaster, Tom Bemis of Marketwatch.com (a less obviously pro-Obama American specimen than usual, but pro-Obama nonetheless), and the rather tasty Mina al Oraibi of the pan-Arab daily Asharq al Awsat.
The last topic up for debate was Sarkozy's call for a ban on the burqa in France.
All was going smoothly to begin with. Hot Mina and Gavin Esler were cosily agreeing with each other than Sarkozy was “wrong”, with Mina saying (without contradiction) that his comments could “almost be seen as racist”. Karkouti agreed that Sarko got it wrong, saying “it’s none of his business” and that the burqa’s “a question of personal freedom”. The dhimmitude was in full flow.
Then a bomb went off – in the form of Yasmin Alabhai-Brown, who howled against the burqa, shouting about how it was “offensive” and a “walking cage”, and comparing it to slavery. For the first time in my life I found myself willing her on!!! Her earlier contributions on the world economy had all the profundity of a huffy right-on teenager, but here she shone. I never thought I’d say that.
David Preiser (USA)
“Good find. That _marko reads an awful lot like another Anonymous we get here sometimes. There was one who accidentally revealed that he was an IT Beeboid, and disappeared immediately.”
Yes that’s him; he was invited over here by Biodegradable on this thread, comment 620.
And I’m sure Secretariat is a BBC researcher. It’s worth keeping an eye on the BBC blogs forums, there’s a few Beeboids over there defending their favorite religion, and also questioning anyone that dares to defend Israel.
See this thread below:
Comment 90, 99 108 onwards:
Then they come over here and claim to be impartial.
God give me strength.
Note how the dhimmi BBC reports the election in Lebanon of Saad Hariri, son of assassinated Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri (assassinated by we know whom):
"Hariri named as Lebanon's new PM"
"The BBC's Natalia Antelava in Beirut says one particular stumbling block for the new prime minister could be the issue of Hezbollah's arms.
"The group wants to protect its militia, which is more powerful than Lebanon's army, and it is demanding veto power over major government decisions." ('Middle East page.)
Yes, that was worth mentioning in passing, BBC.
And who provides Hezbollah with weapons, supplies and propaganda?
-The Islamic Republic of Iran.
-And what does the BBC have to say about the Iran-Hezbollah Islamic interlocking?
– ZERO. The BBC political line: we are all Hezbollah now.