It was nice how 5-Live found the time to broadcast all of Gordon Brown's relaunch "live" but then lefty the chamber for some brief analysis, news , travel,etc. etc. Denying the Conservatives the oxygen of publicity and of course not allowing the plebs to hear any criticism of the "Dear Leader"
Yes and as it has been pointed out, most of what the gay one eyed snot eater announced today has been launched more times than the Space Shuttle and ALL independent analysts agree that McSnot is not telling the truth about the economy.
The Lib Dems also get a free ride. Whilst the BBC goes on about 'Tory spending cuts' they ignore the Lib Dem spending cuts, not to mention Clegg has promised to cut taxes. So how does St Vince propose to do that then?
You can bet that whilst licking St Vince's bum clean of poo Paxo won't be asking those questions.
ITV's Tom Bradby was scathing about the one eyed Scottish snot eater. "We're not that stupid" (in regardds to Brown's lies about no Labour public spending cuts) was a classic.
The ignorance of the BBC on Islamic jihad: BBC 2 'Newsnight' tonight on MUMBAI, Nov 2008.
Although BBC's Watson gave us the route in Mumbai of these mass murderers, the main impression given was that they were 'Pakistanis' and 'terrorists'.
There was no explanation of how the Islamic beliefs of the Islamic jihadists drove them to specifically seek out and murder jews in that city. The BBC report mentioned the group 'Lashkar-e-Taiba' a couple of times, but with no specific reference that this is an Islamic jihad organisation. The BBC report concentrated a lot on the failures of the Indian security forces, but the BBC did not indicate any of the following needs for e.g. the UK:1.)the need for profiling of immigrants;2.)a stop to mass immigration; 3.) new strong border controls; 4 .)a non-dhimmi approach to Islamic jihadists and their supporters in the UK.
A more informative reference on Mumbai:
Pamela Geller's 'Atlas Shrugs':
"The chilling words of the Muslim Mumbai killers recorded during their murder spree: 'Keep killing, keep killing, the dogs.' 'Insh'Allah' 'The manner of your death will instill fear in the unbelievers. This is a battle between Islam and the unbelievers'"
Labour don't want to be re-elected but pretend that they do. They pretend that under their continued leadership after the next election the garden will be rosey. It is only the nasty tories who will mess it up. The conservatives will win, try to sort out labour's mess, give us all al load of unavoidable pain – then labour will get re-elected and say we told you the tories would mess it up again.
Karma Nirvana, eh? Why, they must be Hindu. Named Asif and in the Pakistani community. And men are victims just as much as women, apparently. So this whole complaint about nasty Muslims oppressing women isn't really the whole story. It's just this arranged marriage thing like they had in "Bend It Like Beckham". They were HIndu, so these people must be as well.
Here's a story the BBC seems to have overlooked (from today's Telegraph ) : "OECD tells Government to cut spending or face hardship for years to come."
Remember those "Tea Party" protests the BBC didn't want you to know about for weeks? The ones that they were forced to report on because so many of them took place on April 15, and so they had to call us all racist Obamessiah haters, anti-abortion extremists, and insult us with a sexual innuendo? The ones the BBC lied to you all and said they were happening only on April 15?
12:40 — Guest veteran gets huge cheers from the crowd, “I was offended by being called a racist redneck teabagger,” says our veteran, who is an African-American female."
And here's a couple photos of some more racist rednecks. Don't know about their sexual practices.
In any case, there's still a a lot more of them going on, especially on July 4.
Remember how the BBC told you – and us fool United Statesians on their news broadcast targeted directly at us – that we needed to elect The Obamessiah to restore the world's respect and everyone would love us again?
Following up on the David Preiser (USA) comments on tea parties: in Atlanta, Georgia, the Obama supporting lefty Billionaire owners of the Gwinnett Center, a large complex and car park where the 4th July tea party was to be held suddenly canceled the booking leaving the Georgia tea party folks without a venue. It appears the Obama crowd now fear the tea parties enough to censor them – so are the tea parties not a big enough story yet for the BBC?
Can we have some way of flagging "Trident must be canceled" stories published by the BBC. This is clearly a central element of the BBC manifesto and is broadcast at any opportunity (mad old socialist crone we found in a park says "Trident must be Canceled", Teachers against Trident say "Trident must be canceled", Lots of overpaid socialists who were in CND and now work for the BBC say "Trident must be canceled")
-'Britain must increase spending massively on more wasteful WINDFARMS, and cut UK DEFENCE spending to pay for them.'
The BBC today,pushing the Ashdown case, does not allow the case for an INCREASE in Defence spending to be put.
UK Defence spending, at 2.5% of GDP is at its lowest level since the 1930s! And not that we live in a peaceful world.
This whole anti-Defence spending exercise throws in the propaganda which is popular with the BBC, that Britain's defences interests are safe withe EU, but not with the USA.
Spot on, the IPPR report is flogged by the BBC comrades because it pushes all the leftist dogma of the socialist/left ideology.
Headed by a socialist/ex marxist and co authered by a faux socialist both in ideological hock to the idea of stripping the UK of any type of meaningful defence and going cap in hand to the EU for our defence needs(can you see the frogs'N'krauts wasting one one bullet to protect our interests?), the equivolent of Belgiums defence doctrine!
The leftist IPPR report could have been written by the SWP/CND pacifists and while the beeboids cherry picked the bits that best fitted their ideology the report did seem to coincide with the newlabour need to cut spending somewhere. Newlabour plans cuts by flogging a fake report to see how its received?
The newlabour traitors in association with the MOD(ministry of defeat'N'stuff)have already almost completely destroyed the British armed forces and left them with outdated armoured forces,'new' destroyers with less firepower than a WW2 cruiser and no anti sub capabilities, foreign trucks built by foreigners while our own workers languish on the dole,the A400M airbus a rubbish heavy transport aircraft bought on the sole strength of a computer cartoon and leaving us with a massive hole in our air transport needs. The MOD opperates on the principle of slush funds/kick backs /paying triple for the worst kit possible,ignoring all proper defence procurement principles. Its surprising that we still have any national defence left, the UK is a paper tiger now and because of the newlabour betrayal we will enter the next decade open to threats from the worlds nutcases with an axe to grind.
All those hundreds of £billions wasted with nothing to show for it, huge defeats in Iraq and now Afghanistan, troops with rubbish and outdated kit supplied by a 'not fit for purpose' MOD. Only in the la la land of socialism eh? Spain is nearly in a position to take back Gibralter, Argentina is re equipping for another try for the Falklands and the UK is downgrading its defences by neglect, can you see the eurotrash commissars stepping up to look after the UKs national interests?
More of the usual shameless bias on Today again this morning. At half six James Naughtie and Bridget Kendall discussed the defence spending review from leftie think thank IPPR and it was very obvious that they both liked it a lot. Its call for nuclear disarmament and closer military ties with the EU were guaranteed to find favour at the Today programme. Naughtie and Kendall took the review, tied a nice big red bow on it and presented it to listeners as a marvellous work of great significance.
Shortly before seven there was a segment about events in Honduras. Rather than offer an intelligent analysis of why the Honduran military had been forced by the tenets of the constitution to remove Zelaya, Montague presented a very superficial "military coup" line and then interviewed a carefully-selected left-wing American author about how great it is that Obama is supporting Zelaya (for good measure the writer said how great Carter and Clinton had been in Latin American affairs, unlike, y'know, the nasty presidents). Montague lapped it all up. No questions about Zelaya's unconstitutional power grab, nor for that matter any attempt to contrast Obama's eagerness to denounce the Honduran (and thus side with the thugs Castro and Chavez) with his feeble words on Iran. No, that would never do because it might suggest that Obama is somehow less than perfect.
The news bulletin at seven had more promotion of the IPPR review, this time with added Frank Gardener. A little later there was a segment about social housing, so naturally enough Jim Naughtie chatted to (as opposed to interviewed) Ken Livingstone.
Just now there's a discussion about how to keep cool in hot weather which has inevitably become a discussion about climate change.
Yeah, barry the light worker seems awefully in a hurry to criticise friends and lawful actions YET remains strangely silent when real leadership is most needed.
At this pace, Barry is going to make Carter look like a foreign policy genius! 🙂
They were murdered, but lets not mention it. A short back story on the men, but nothing about the people who apparently were with them when they 'died'.
A coroner concluded security guards Jason Swindlehurst, from Skelmersdale, Lancashire, and Jason Creswell, from Glasgow, died from gunshot wounds.
BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner said the revelation of the men's apparently violent deaths some time ago is a bitter blow to all the families who are still awaiting news of the three remaining hostages.
BBC still plugging 'Islamic visual art' on radio by reference to British Victorian artist, William Morris (Radio 4 trailer, prior to 1 pm news.)
In the real world:
'Jihadwatch' (today):
"Jihad against joy, culture in Lahore"
"'There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.' – Ayatollah Khomeini
"'The Prophet said that Allah commanded him to destroy all the musical instruments, idols, crosses and all the trappings of ignorance.' – Hadith Qudsi 19:5
"'Winds of Islamism make Pakistani artists shiver,' by Ayesha Nasir for the Christian Science Monitor, June 28."
This is a couple of weeks old and may have been mentioned already but who cares when the meat is as red as this?
"If you want to meet a pea-brained, slack-jawed, lolling-tongued, hunch-backed, club-footed, string-wart covered simpleton, look no further than John Humphrys or James Naughtie. Unusually stupid seven-year olds are smarter than Today programme presenters."
BBC 2 'Conspirary Files', 9 pm TONIGHT reports on many Muslims in Britain in denial about July 7 Islamic jihad massacres in London; but BBC still gives Islam special treatment on a daily basis in its reporting.
I object hugely to having such a detailed piece on the beeboid website, it gives the fenian nutjob behind this the further oxygen of publicity and several score million muzzies can now read it world wide, it having the pseudo legitimacy of appearing on the beeboid website. The BBC is a most effective recruiter for world wide islamofascism. Viva!
"Lloyds to cut 2,100 banking jobs." ('Business' page.)
Non-BBC report:
Labour's medium-term plan for banks in the UK – Sharia banking:
"Banking on Allah"
(by Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens)
"Islamic banking is becoming increasingly accepted as a viable and fair alternative to the current 'Western capitalist' banking system. European governments, including the UK's, are embracing Islamic banking. Gordon Brown recently declared that it was his desire to make Britain the Islamic finance capital of Europe. A number of leading UK banks now offer sharia-compliant financial services and the Treasury is considering the implementation of the sukok, or sharia-compliant, bond. Such moves fail to recognise Islamic banking for what it is — a modern Islamist construct, designed as another wedge between Western Muslims and their societies." (', July/Aug 2009.)
Another quote from Naughtie this morning, discussing Iran: "Of course, the BBC is lumped together with Britain and accused in all sorts of bizarre ways."
The British Broadcasting Corporation "lumped together" with Britain. Heaven forfend!
Don't the BBC just love this? A chance to give some fruitcake the publicity to blame the UK and US intelligence agencies as well as of course those Israelis (natch!).
Any chance of the BBC airing a documentary on the conspiracy behind the Palestinians shooting Mohammed al-Dura and putting the blame on Israel? Or the Jenin 'Massacre' that wasn't?
No? Hmmm, thought not…
Not when there is any chance of putting forward any view that doesn't blame the islamists for 7/7, 9/11, etc,etc.
Apparently, according to the BBC the only defence we need is a) a lightly armed paramilitary gendarmerie (to be used when kicking in doors of people who like fox hunting) b) The RAF to be reduces to three SAR helicopters and an imperial flight for Broon c) the navy to be abolished and replaces with six coastguard RIBs for life guard duty on beaches.
this is because there is no credible threat.
This is exactly the same position taken in the 1930's and as a result we lost world war 2 (America won it, we survived as an impoverished client state). Why are the Russians building 10 new carriers and an entire new generation of SSN's? BBC comrades – perhaps you would like to consider the fact that the Russians are no longer communists
Haaretz just reported via Reuters that Al Queda has threatened retaliation against France for the burka (binliner) ban. Be interesting to see what the beeboids make of that.
The BBC response was to get some Burka clad 'woman' (I think it was, I couldn't tell) on the 'The One Show' to prove to all us 'unbelievers' that there is nothing to fear here, don't worry, it's us being irrational etc etc
Yes, it will be interesting to see how the BBC plays this one; of course, it opposes Sarkozy as he's of the 'right', and it supports the burqa wearing because it's what some of the minority of Muslims in France (who take precedence over the majority of French people) want, but the overt Islamic jihad threat from al Qaeda over this is not something that the BBC can support, can it?
For BBC, here's a report which 'France 24' did earlier (complete with video clip:
REUTERS – "Al Qaeda's north African wing threatened revenge against France for launching a 'war' against Muslim women who wear full burqas that cover them from head to toe, according to a Web statement posted in the group's name.
"French legislators expressed concern this month that more and more Muslim women were wearing a burqa or a niqab which cloaks the entire body, sometimes leaving a gap for the eyes.
"President Nicolas Sarkozy said the garments were not welcome in France because they are a symbol of the subjugation of women.
"'Here is France mustering all her capacity, mobilising all her institutions and organising her ranks to wage a perfidious new war against our sisters who wear the niqab,' said the statement posted on a Web site used by al Qaeda supporters.
"It said the French were committing these injustices 'at a time when their denuded women … flock to our land and occupy our beaches and streets, outrageously defying the feelings of Muslims'. It said France's campaign against the burqa was tantamount to 'religious terrorism' and was an incitement to a hatred that would only grow.
"'This is why we call upon all Muslims to respond to this hatred by another that is more ravaging, we call upon them to confront this French obstinacy,' the statement said.
"It said Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb vowed 'before God not to be silent in the face of these provocations and injustices and do all in our power and take revenge at the first opportunity against France and its interests wherever they may be found, for the honour of our daughters and our sisters'.
"Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is the remnant of an Islamic insurgency that raged through former French colony Algeria for most of the 1990s.
"The group was formerly known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), itself a spin-off of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) which was blamed for a series of bombings in France in 1995.
"France, home to Europe's largest Muslim minority, is strongly attached to its secular values and to gender equality. " ('France 24'.)
Watched the nauseating One Show with the muzzie creature in a burkha.
Al-Beeb's whole angle on it was from the point of view of womens' oppression, which in itself is fine, but surely more important is the effect this sinister, anonymising disguise has on non-Muslims. Obviously for al-Beeb the Muslim women come first and our feelings don't count at all.
Our ancestors have evolved for millions of years to read the expressions on the faces of people we interact with. We use them when we make judgements about whether someone is friendly or hostile, safe or a threat, trustworthy or untrustworthy. If someone is wearing a tent we can't do that and these women are effectively saying "we don't want to be part of your society, we don't respect your country or its people, we're not interested in the feelings of non-Muslims".
I trust al-Beeb wouldn't mind if we non-Muslims took to wearing balaclavas in public. Mind you, what with their admiration for the IRA and now the UVF perhaps they wouldn't.
Just watching the '7/7 conspiracy' program. What an utter waste of our licence fees. It's a non-issue. The conspiracy theory is being peddled by deeply disturbed people and Holocaust deniers or Islamists who want to deflect the blame from the culprits.
Just watched Channel 4's Dispatches programme on Mumbai Islamic jihad massacres.
It was mostly impressive, making BBC 'Newsnight's effort on the same theme last night appear guarded and superficial, and not merely because the Channel 4 programme was longer.
'Dispatches' concentrated on the organised motivation of the jihadists with guns, and their heard, but unseen, Islamic jihad controllers in Pakistan; but unlike the BBC's effort, we got to know more detail of the victims and resisters. The Islamic jihadists' fascist hatred of any jew was very apparent, as, in contrast, was their sparing of two Turks simply because they were Muslims. (The jihadist killed many other people who were Muslims.)The realism of the massacre was necessarily more graphic, and more than the BBC allowed us to see and hear.
One criticism of the on-screen language subtitles: when the translation of the Islamic jihadists' invocations were printed on screen as being to 'God', these invocations were, of course, to the Islamic jihadists, 'Allah'. This is an important distinction; it is important to know to whom these Islamic jihadists owed their allegiance.
Its the damage that even airing this utter crap does that really concerns and annoys me. Totally irresponsible, totally evil, actually. An insult to the bereaved, another injury for the maimed.
can you imagine a similar programme being aired on US mainstream TV about 9/11? Somehow I doubt it. the production team would probably need police /FBI protection. Perhaps David can comment if he reads this.
While I don't like to admit it, I am a very hardened person. After 9/11 I actually didn't give it much thought, its just one of those things) But a few days later while listening to the telephone messages being played over the radio I had tears in my eyes.
I had tears in my eyes again tonight after watching that despatchs program.
How the hell can a man who has murdered so many innocent people (Including babies) expect people to pray for him.
And the bBC defends people like this as; "Misguided criminals"
My only wish is that the bBC gets bit hard by the people it defends. OH I wish. On that day I will dance and hand out sweets. (Just like they do in Gaza)
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year)
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
ZephirFeb 23, 16:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bbc bias (lies) in a nutshell, once again: “BBC exposes its own bias against Reform UK in coverage of major…
vladFeb 23, 16:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The big story in the German election is the unstoppable rise of the AfD. The BBC can’t bear that reality,…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Comment “The sheer insanity, we can’t even give weather payments to our Elderly and have bankrupt councils and they want…
atlas_shruggedFeb 23, 16:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Stew I need to help you with your thinking. You are completely right. The politicians know that they are special…
It was nice how 5-Live found the time to broadcast all of Gordon Brown's relaunch "live" but then lefty the chamber for some brief analysis, news , travel,etc. etc. Denying the Conservatives the oxygen of publicity and of course not allowing the plebs to hear any criticism of the "Dear Leader"
Yes and as it has been pointed out, most of what the gay one eyed snot eater announced today has been launched more times than the Space Shuttle and ALL independent analysts agree that McSnot is not telling the truth about the economy.
The Lib Dems also get a free ride. Whilst the BBC goes on about 'Tory spending cuts' they ignore the Lib Dem spending cuts, not to mention Clegg has promised to cut taxes. So how does St Vince propose to do that then?
You can bet that whilst licking St Vince's bum clean of poo Paxo won't be asking those questions.
ITV's Tom Bradby was scathing about the one eyed Scottish snot eater. "We're not that stupid" (in regardds to Brown's lies about no Labour public spending cuts) was a classic.
The ignorance of the BBC on Islamic jihad: BBC 2 'Newsnight' tonight on MUMBAI, Nov 2008.
Although BBC's Watson gave us the route in Mumbai of these mass murderers, the main impression given was that they were 'Pakistanis' and 'terrorists'.
There was no explanation of how the Islamic beliefs of the Islamic jihadists drove them to specifically seek out and murder jews in that city.
The BBC report mentioned the group 'Lashkar-e-Taiba' a couple of times, but with no specific reference that this is an Islamic jihad organisation.
The BBC report concentrated a lot on the failures of the Indian security forces, but the BBC did not indicate any of the following needs for e.g. the UK:1.)the need for profiling of immigrants;2.)a stop to mass immigration; 3.) new strong border controls; 4 .)a non-dhimmi approach to Islamic jihadists and their supporters in the UK.
A more informative reference on Mumbai:
Pamela Geller's 'Atlas Shrugs':
"The chilling words of the Muslim Mumbai killers recorded during their murder spree:
'Keep killing, keep killing, the dogs.' 'Insh'Allah' 'The manner of your death will instill fear in the unbelievers. This is a battle between Islam and the unbelievers'"
('Atlas Shrugs' 28/6/09.)
Spot the missing word
Labour don't want to be re-elected but pretend that they do. They pretend that under their continued leadership after the next election the garden will be rosey. It is only the nasty tories who will mess it up. The conservatives will win, try to sort out labour's mess, give us all al load of unavoidable pain – then labour will get re-elected and say we told you the tories would mess it up again.
Anonymous @ 11:46
Karma Nirvana, eh? Why, they must be Hindu. Named Asif and in the Pakistani community. And men are victims just as much as women, apparently. So this whole complaint about nasty Muslims oppressing women isn't really the whole story. It's just this arranged marriage thing like they had in "Bend It Like Beckham". They were HIndu, so these people must be as well.
Man, those Pakistani Hindus are a surly bunch.
They have always been trouble.
Labour's manifesto-in-waiting, Building Britain's Future,had a picture of a half-caste girl on the cover. Great. Super.
Here's a story the BBC seems to have overlooked (from today's Telegraph ) : "OECD tells Government to cut spending or face hardship for years to come."
click here
Remember those "Tea Party" protests the BBC didn't want you to know about for weeks? The ones that they were forced to report on because so many of them took place on April 15, and so they had to call us all racist Obamessiah haters, anti-abortion extremists, and insult us with a sexual innuendo? The ones the BBC lied to you all and said they were happening only on April 15?
Well, they're still going on.
From someone who live-blogged it:
12:40 — Guest veteran gets huge cheers from the crowd, “I was offended by being called a racist redneck teabagger,” says our veteran, who is an African-American female."
And here's a couple photos of some more racist rednecks. Don't know about their sexual practices.
In any case, there's still a a lot more of them going on, especially on July 4.
Don't trust the BBC on US issues.
Remember how the BBC told you – and us fool United Statesians on their news broadcast targeted directly at us – that we needed to elect The Obamessiah to restore the world's respect and everyone would love us again?
We did. The respect and love? not so much.
Maybe that anti-Americanism thing wasn't all Booooosh's fault after all. Don't tell the BBC, though.
Following up on the David Preiser (USA) comments on tea parties: in Atlanta, Georgia, the Obama supporting lefty Billionaire owners of the Gwinnett Center, a large complex and car park where the 4th July tea party was to be held suddenly canceled the booking leaving the Georgia tea party folks without a venue. It appears the Obama crowd now fear the tea parties enough to censor them – so are the tea parties not a big enough story yet for the BBC?
Can we have some way of flagging "Trident must be canceled" stories published by the BBC. This is clearly a central element of the BBC manifesto and is broadcast at any opportunity (mad old socialist crone we found in a park says "Trident must be Canceled", Teachers against Trident say "Trident must be canceled", Lots of overpaid socialists who were in CND and now work for the BBC say "Trident must be canceled")
A typical BBC/CND''greenie' attitude:
"UK 'must slash defence spending'" ('Front page.)
This is BBC/CND/'greenie' propaganda line:
-'Britain must increase spending massively on more wasteful WINDFARMS, and cut UK DEFENCE spending to pay for them.'
The BBC today,pushing the Ashdown case, does not allow the case for an INCREASE in Defence spending to be put.
UK Defence spending, at 2.5% of GDP is at its lowest level since the 1930s! And not that we live in a peaceful world.
This whole anti-Defence spending exercise throws in the propaganda which is popular with the BBC, that Britain's defences interests are safe withe EU, but not with the USA.
George R,
Spot on, the IPPR report is flogged by the BBC comrades because it pushes all the leftist dogma of the socialist/left ideology.
Headed by a socialist/ex marxist and co authered by a faux socialist both in ideological hock to the idea of stripping the UK of any type of meaningful defence and going cap in hand to the EU for our defence needs(can you see the frogs'N'krauts wasting one one bullet to protect our interests?), the equivolent of Belgiums defence doctrine!
The leftist IPPR report could have been written by the SWP/CND pacifists and while the beeboids cherry picked the bits that best fitted their ideology the report did seem to coincide with the newlabour need to cut spending somewhere.
Newlabour plans cuts by flogging a fake report to see how its received?
The newlabour traitors in association with the MOD(ministry of defeat'N'stuff)have already almost completely destroyed the British armed forces and left them with outdated armoured forces,'new' destroyers with less firepower than a WW2 cruiser and no anti sub capabilities, foreign trucks built by foreigners while our own workers languish on the dole,the A400M airbus a rubbish heavy transport aircraft bought on the sole strength of a computer cartoon and leaving us with a massive hole in our air transport needs.
The MOD opperates on the principle of slush funds/kick backs
/paying triple for the worst kit possible,ignoring all proper defence procurement principles.
Its surprising that we still have any national defence left, the UK is a paper tiger now and because of the newlabour betrayal we will enter the next decade open to threats from the worlds nutcases with an axe to grind.
All those hundreds of £billions wasted with nothing to show for it, huge defeats in Iraq and now Afghanistan, troops with rubbish and outdated kit supplied by a 'not fit for purpose' MOD.
Only in the la la land of socialism eh?
Spain is nearly in a position to take back Gibralter, Argentina is re equipping for another try for the Falklands and the UK is downgrading its defences by neglect, can you see the eurotrash commissars stepping up to look after the UKs national interests?
More of the usual shameless bias on Today again this morning. At half six James Naughtie and Bridget Kendall discussed the defence spending review from leftie think thank IPPR and it was very obvious that they both liked it a lot. Its call for nuclear disarmament and closer military ties with the EU were guaranteed to find favour at the Today programme. Naughtie and Kendall took the review, tied a nice big red bow on it and presented it to listeners as a marvellous work of great significance.
Shortly before seven there was a segment about events in Honduras. Rather than offer an intelligent analysis of why the Honduran military had been forced by the tenets of the constitution to remove Zelaya, Montague presented a very superficial "military coup" line and then interviewed a carefully-selected left-wing American author about how great it is that Obama is supporting Zelaya (for good measure the writer said how great Carter and Clinton had been in Latin American affairs, unlike, y'know, the nasty presidents). Montague lapped it all up. No questions about Zelaya's unconstitutional power grab, nor for that matter any attempt to contrast Obama's eagerness to denounce the Honduran (and thus side with the thugs Castro and Chavez) with his feeble words on Iran. No, that would never do because it might suggest that Obama is somehow less than perfect.
The news bulletin at seven had more promotion of the IPPR review, this time with added Frank Gardener. A little later there was a segment about social housing, so naturally enough Jim Naughtie chatted to (as opposed to interviewed) Ken Livingstone.
Just now there's a discussion about how to keep cool in hot weather which has inevitably become a discussion about climate change.
Jim Naughtie just said, "We live in an Obama world."
Naughtie just now – kept repeating the title of the IPPR report as if he was plugging his own book.
Yeah, barry the light worker seems awefully in a hurry to criticise friends and lawful actions YET remains strangely silent when real leadership is most needed.
At this pace, Barry is going to make Carter look like a foreign policy genius! 🙂
British hostages 'were shot dead'
They were murdered, but lets not mention it.
A short back story on the men, but nothing about the people who apparently were with them when they 'died'.
A coroner concluded security guards Jason Swindlehurst, from Skelmersdale, Lancashire, and Jason Creswell, from Glasgow, died from gunshot wounds.
BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner said the revelation of the men's apparently violent deaths some time ago is a bitter blow to all the families who are still awaiting news of the three remaining hostages.
The headline on the Today 8 o'clock news ran "It has emerged that the hostages were probably murdered", or words to that effect.
It has emerged! What did anyone suppose they died of? Excessive love? A diet too rich in cholesterol?
BBC's propaganda heroes, (apart from Obama and Brown): Binyam Mohamed, Michael Jackson, and Stonewall NY gays of 1969:
"The march of gay politics" ('Politics' page.)
I thought they highlighted death by shooting just in case we thought they'd been beheaded. I guess we're supposed to be grateful for small mercies.
BBC still plugging 'Islamic visual art' on radio by reference to British Victorian artist, William Morris (Radio 4 trailer, prior to 1 pm news.)
In the real world:
'Jihadwatch' (today):
"Jihad against joy, culture in Lahore"
"'There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.' – Ayatollah Khomeini
"'The Prophet said that Allah commanded him to destroy all the musical instruments, idols, crosses and all the trappings of ignorance.' – Hadith Qudsi 19:5
"'Winds of Islamism make Pakistani artists shiver,' by Ayesha Nasir for the Christian Science Monitor, June 28."
'IPPR says the country doesn't need Trident or more aircraft carriers'
What a suprise! The IPPR is a left-wing 'think tank' with ties to the Liebour party.
So the BBC accept this without question, even though our existing military equipment is past its' prime & falling apart.
First they came for the smokers.
Then they came for the drinkers.
When they came for me, no-one was left.
Alcohol 'kills one in 20 Scots'
This is a couple of weeks old and may have been mentioned already but who cares when the meat is as red as this?
"If you want to meet a pea-brained, slack-jawed, lolling-tongued, hunch-backed, club-footed, string-wart covered simpleton, look no further than John Humphrys or James Naughtie. Unusually stupid seven-year olds are smarter than Today programme presenters."
So says Nick Cohen.
Mickfly 9:27
Maybe Frank Gardner thinks they all committed suicide or shot each other ?
BBC 2 'Conspirary Files', 9 pm TONIGHT reports on many Muslims in Britain in denial about July 7 Islamic jihad massacres in London; but BBC still gives Islam special treatment on a daily basis in its reporting.
I object hugely to having such a detailed piece on the beeboid website, it gives the fenian nutjob behind this the further oxygen of publicity and several score million muzzies can now read it world wide, it having the pseudo legitimacy of appearing on the beeboid website.
The BBC is a most effective recruiter for world wide islamofascism. Viva!
BBC report:
"Lloyds to cut 2,100 banking jobs." ('Business' page.)
Non-BBC report:
Labour's medium-term plan for banks in the UK – Sharia banking:
"Banking on Allah"
(by Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens)
"Islamic banking is becoming increasingly accepted as a viable and fair alternative to the current 'Western capitalist' banking system. European governments, including the UK's, are embracing Islamic banking. Gordon Brown recently declared that it was his desire to make Britain the Islamic finance capital of Europe. A number of leading UK banks now offer sharia-compliant financial services and the Treasury is considering the implementation of the sukok, or sharia-compliant, bond. Such moves fail to recognise Islamic banking for what it is — a modern Islamist construct, designed as another wedge between Western Muslims and their societies." (', July/Aug 2009.)
Another quote from Naughtie this morning, discussing Iran: "Of course, the BBC is lumped together with Britain and accused in all sorts of bizarre ways."
The British Broadcasting Corporation "lumped together" with Britain. Heaven forfend!
Yes this conspiracy 7/7 programme on BBC2 tonight…
Don't the BBC just love this? A chance to give some fruitcake the publicity to blame the UK and US intelligence agencies as well as of course those Israelis (natch!).
Any chance of the BBC airing a documentary on the conspiracy behind the Palestinians shooting Mohammed al-Dura and putting the blame on Israel? Or the Jenin 'Massacre' that wasn't?
No? Hmmm, thought not…
Not when there is any chance of putting forward any view that doesn't blame the islamists for 7/7, 9/11, etc,etc.
Utter sh*theads.
DB @ 3:31 PM
The British Broadcasting Corporation "lumped together" with Britain. Heaven forfend!
Yeah, that bit about it in the Charter and Agreement was just a suggestion. Nobody takes it seriously, really.
-Difficult to avoid the Islamic jihadists on British television, tonight at 9 pm:
either -(a.) Channel 4, Dispatches: Mumbai;
or -(b) BBC 2 Conspirary Files: 7/7.
Apparently, according to the BBC the only defence we need is a) a lightly armed paramilitary gendarmerie (to be used when kicking in doors of people who like fox hunting) b) The RAF to be reduces to three SAR helicopters and an imperial flight for Broon c) the navy to be abolished and replaces with six coastguard RIBs for life guard duty on beaches.
this is because there is no credible threat.
This is exactly the same position taken in the 1930's and as a result we lost world war 2 (America won it, we survived as an impoverished client state). Why are the Russians building 10 new carriers and an entire new generation of SSN's? BBC comrades – perhaps you would like to consider the fact that the Russians are no longer communists
Haaretz just reported via Reuters that Al Queda has threatened retaliation against France for the burka (binliner) ban. Be interesting to see what the beeboids make of that.
Re:Piggy Kosher 6.51pm
The BBC response was to get some Burka clad 'woman' (I think it was, I couldn't tell) on the 'The One Show' to prove to all us 'unbelievers' that there is nothing to fear here, don't worry, it's us being irrational etc etc
piggy kosher 6:51 pm
Yes, it will be interesting to see how the BBC plays this one; of course, it opposes Sarkozy as he's of the 'right', and it supports the burqa wearing because it's what some of the minority of Muslims in France (who take precedence over the majority of French people) want, but the overt Islamic jihad threat from al Qaeda over this is not something that the BBC can support, can it?
For BBC, here's a report which 'France 24' did earlier (complete with video clip:
REUTERS – "Al Qaeda's north African wing threatened revenge against France for launching a 'war' against Muslim women who wear full burqas that cover them from head to toe, according to a Web statement posted in the group's name.
"French legislators expressed concern this month that more and more Muslim women were wearing a burqa or a niqab which cloaks the entire body, sometimes leaving a gap for the eyes.
"President Nicolas Sarkozy said the garments were not welcome in France because they are a symbol of the subjugation of women.
"'Here is France mustering all her capacity, mobilising all her institutions and organising her ranks to wage a perfidious new war against our sisters who wear the niqab,' said the statement posted on a Web site used by al Qaeda supporters.
"It said the French were committing these injustices 'at a time when their denuded women … flock to our land and occupy our beaches and streets, outrageously defying the feelings of Muslims'. It said France's campaign against the burqa was tantamount to 'religious terrorism' and was an incitement to a hatred that would only grow.
"'This is why we call upon all Muslims to respond to this hatred by another that is more ravaging, we call upon them to confront this French obstinacy,' the statement said.
"It said Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb vowed 'before God not to be silent in the face of these provocations and injustices and do all in our power and take revenge at the first opportunity against France and its interests wherever they may be found, for the honour of our daughters and our sisters'.
"Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is the remnant of an Islamic insurgency that raged through former French colony Algeria for most of the 1990s.
"The group was formerly known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), itself a spin-off of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) which was blamed for a series of bombings in France in 1995.
"France, home to Europe's largest Muslim minority, is strongly attached to its secular values and to gender equality. " ('France 24'.)
Watched the nauseating One Show with the muzzie creature in a burkha.
Al-Beeb's whole angle on it was from the point of view of womens' oppression, which in itself is fine, but surely more important is the effect this sinister, anonymising disguise has on non-Muslims. Obviously for al-Beeb the Muslim women come first and our feelings don't count at all.
Our ancestors have evolved for millions of years to read the expressions on the faces of people we interact with. We use them when we make judgements about whether someone is friendly or hostile, safe or a threat, trustworthy or untrustworthy. If someone is wearing a tent we can't do that and these women are effectively saying "we don't want to be part of your society, we don't respect your country or its people, we're not interested in the feelings of non-Muslims".
I trust al-Beeb wouldn't mind if we non-Muslims took to wearing balaclavas in public. Mind you, what with their admiration for the IRA and now the UVF perhaps they wouldn't.
The rubber and leather ones are very popular with manlurve beeboids with a penchant for BDSM, it is widely believed.
Just watching the '7/7 conspiracy' program. What an utter waste of our licence fees. It's a non-issue. The conspiracy theory is being peddled by deeply disturbed people and Holocaust deniers or Islamists who want to deflect the blame from the culprits.
There was no need for this program.
Just watched Channel 4's Dispatches programme on Mumbai Islamic jihad massacres.
It was mostly impressive, making BBC 'Newsnight's effort on the same theme last night appear guarded and superficial, and not merely because the Channel 4 programme was longer.
'Dispatches' concentrated on the organised motivation of the jihadists with guns, and their heard, but unseen, Islamic jihad controllers in Pakistan; but unlike the BBC's effort, we got to know more detail of the victims and resisters. The Islamic jihadists' fascist hatred of any jew was very apparent, as, in contrast, was their sparing of two Turks simply because they were Muslims. (The jihadist killed many other people who were Muslims.)The realism of the massacre was necessarily more graphic, and more than the BBC allowed us to see and hear.
One criticism of the on-screen language subtitles: when the translation of the Islamic jihadists' invocations were printed on screen as being to 'God', these invocations were, of course, to the Islamic jihadists, 'Allah'. This is an important distinction; it is important to know to whom these Islamic jihadists owed their allegiance.
Its the damage that even airing this utter crap does that really concerns and annoys me.
Totally irresponsible, totally evil, actually.
An insult to the bereaved, another injury for the maimed.
Battersea 9:51 pm
Yes, I've looked at only a few minutes of BBC's 'Conspiracy 7/7'and gave up on that pointless exercise.
I'm slightly surprised that the BBC didn't wait a few days to actually show that programme next Tuesday, 7 July as a tribute to? Conspiracy theories.
I have a conspiracy theory about the BBC and Islam…Oh forget it.
can you imagine a similar programme being aired on US mainstream TV about 9/11? Somehow I doubt it. the production team would probably need police /FBI protection.
Perhaps David can comment if he reads this.
Has anyone read this (via Jihadwatch)?
Row after Islam cleric converts schoolboy on Birmingham street
Can someone please grow some balls and send this guy Choudary to his 72 virgins???
While I don't like to admit it, I am a very hardened person. After 9/11 I actually didn't give it much thought, its just one of those things) But a few days later while listening to the telephone messages being played over the radio I had tears in my eyes.
I had tears in my eyes again tonight after watching that despatchs program.
How the hell can a man who has murdered so many innocent people (Including babies) expect people to pray for him.
And the bBC defends people like this as;
"Misguided criminals"
My only wish is that the bBC gets bit hard by the people it defends.
OH I wish.
On that day I will dance and hand out sweets. (Just like they do in Gaza)
Ok the main reason I came on here was this bBC story;
Church's ex faces heroin charge
Can somebody please explain to this thick twit just why the bBC has this under that photo;
Kyle Johnson was born in Cardiff in south Wales