BBC's political propaganda priority for today includes, as lead story on its 'Europe' page:
"Sweden pushes EU climate action".
Talking of Europe stories, BBC has apparently, dhimmi-like, decided not to even mention the report that Al Qaeda is threatening France, if France bans the burqa.
Instead, on France, the BBC is building up a head of steam favouring the thousands of illegal immigrants who have converged on Calais. The flow of such people, in large numbers, is unending; these people happen to be from far off Islamic countries, all these people determined to get to Britain and take up residence here. The BBC know whose side its on, and will do its utmost to get them all here.
"NOW that Jonathan Ross is back on telly following his three month suspension by the BBC, how long can it be before Russell Brand is restored to his former position on Radio 2?
"The two men were in deep trouble last October when they left lewd messages on the actor Andrew Sachs’s voicemail and broadcast them on Brand’s show.
"Ross was banished from the airwaves, Brand left the station and Radio 2’s controller Lesley Douglas lost her job. Now there are signs that Douglas’s successor Bob Shennan, now four months into his job as controller of Radio 2 and Radio 6 Music, is thinking about bringing Brand back."
Coverage of the 2.4% fall in GDP was interesting on the BBC News at 10 last night. They rushed through Stephanie Flanders' analysis of the fall and then moved swiftly on to the Conservative spending plans after for after the election. No comment from either Conservative or Labour about the fall in GDP.
As for the coverage of the Conservative spending plans……
Nick Robinson's blog referred to by George R has a fascinating spat between various posters and one Mike Naylor. He is clearly a Labour Party worker who defends the utterly indefensible such as Gordon Brown's "spending rise of 0%". Entertaining reading.
Anita Anand was on fine biased form on the 'Daily Politics' today.
Interrupting Tory Grant Shapps's answer to her question about Lord Mandy's rants, she asked Guardianista Nick Watt (with wide-eyed incredulity), "That's very different from what George Osborne said yesterday, isn't it?' When Watt failed to oblige her, Anita passed the Tory-bashing baton on to the Lib Dem Danny Alexander (without putting a question). When Alexander had finished, Anita said he had made "a good point".
After Prime Minister's Questions, she read out four e-mails, two anti-Brown, two anti-Cameron. She didn't give a ratio of the overall balance of the viewers' overall opinion. Is it really 1:1? Or is it 2:1, 50:1, 1000:1? Surly (as Atlas Shrugged would say) we should be told.
Next, we had the 'FT'/'Guardian' angle on the Tory-Labour cut/spending row, which she put enthusiastically to Mr Shapps ("a credible argument", she repeated) & echoed Gordon Brown directly: "You're the only party that's not going to spend its way out of this recession" (as if this was necessarily a bad thing!!!)
She was no less enthusiastic over Nick Clegg's questions & handed her enthusiasm onto Danny Alexander again, so he could keep on Tory-bashing (again without asking the Lib Dem a question).
Actor Bruce Jones, who spent a week among the homeless, was then interviewed. Grant Shapps had spent Christmas Eve 2007 'living homeless' (as "a stunt", he admitted). Anita again interrupted him & said dismissively, "Your empathy is one thing but what people want to know is what you're going to do about it", and then cut away without giving him a chance to answer.
Incidentally, one of Bruce Jones's ideas is that murderers and rapists currently in prison should be executed. This is not an acceptable point of view at the BBC & Anita called it first "controversial" then "very controversial" & passed it straight over to Lib Dem Danny to pour scorn on the idea (again without putting a question to him).
(After Andrew's succinct comment, 5.23pm, this must seem like a long rant, but I'm feeling hot and bothered & feel like ranting!!)
Finally, here come the Bias Coefficients for Anita Anand:
Danny Alexander (Lib Dem), a paltry 1.3
Grant Shapps (Conservative), a powerful 3.7
Shapps was interrupted 8 times. Alexander was never interrupted.
Good rant, Craig, close to an colonic enema, but good. The whole of the BBC interviewer/presenter army are pro-Labour snipers positioned at every angle with one mission, to shoot down Tories. Its shameless, and they don't think we've noticed, worthless douchebag Anita.
The BBC is taking ever more risks in showing itself as the PR Department of Labour. Endless threatening quotes from the unelected Lord ministers. Jesus it make the fall of the Third Reich look a model of stability as it spins into the abyss.
The Liars are now calling everyone else liars. Attack is their only defence. Why not bring back Damien McBride as leader of the Labour Party, and cut out the middle men.
BBC applauds UN advice to illegal immigrants/'asylum' seekers from mainly Islamic countries of e.g. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, now in camps in their thousands in Calais, intent on getting to Britain to be resident here:
BBC report:
"UN to help advise Calais refugees".
Note: how BBC presumes these people are 'refugees', no inverted commas for the BBC in this context as it wouldn't assist the putative immigrants; how the BBC is determined to have an 'open-door policy' so that the British indigenous people (except the better-off liberal elite, inc better-off Beeboids) bare the brunt of the continuing mass immigration of Labour.
'Telegraph', has a different emphasis to BBC:
"Migrant influx feared as Calais centre advises on UK asylum policy."
"An influx of migrants to the UK is expected after the United Nations began giving asylum advice to thousands massing in northern France.
"It has established a full-time presence in Calais for the first time in seven years, offering 'information and support'.
"The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ) said the 2000 odd migrants sleeping rough in the area should be allowed to make an 'informed decision' about their options."
It expects more to arrive as facilities improve and summer weather makes living conditions easier.
"Most are motivated by economic or family reasons, but a few have fled violence or persecution and their well-being is of direct concern," added a spokesman for the agency.
"Many have no idea about the situation back home, or about what they can expect in the UK."
"The agency originally left Calais in 2002 following an agreement reached between Britain and France to close the Sangatte Red Cross Centre.
"It had acted as a magnet for thousands of illegal migrants heading for the UK ."
'New English Review' : As Hugh Fitzgerald points out in this report, the British government, like the Italian government should tell the UN and the EU to go to hell:
"Italian Government Quite Rightly Tells U.N. and E U. To Go To Hell"
"The U.N.'s Commission on Refugees, or 'Refugees,' presumes to tell the government of Italy that it cannot return the unassimilable people, Muslim Arabs and black Africans who keep arriving by the boatload, not as 'refugees' in the only sense that should matter — refugees from persecution, from the Nazis or the Communists or Fascists (Einstein comes to mind, and Balanchine, and Toscanini. amd others of that ilk), who arrive merely in order to take advantage of whatever they can that is offered by the country that does not request them to come, that wishes them not to come, that suffers from their disruptive presence, in housing and in hospitals and in schools, and from their crime, and from their inablity, save for a few remarkable exceptions (who somehow are always taken to be the rule), to integrate into Italian society and who only serve to dismay and discombobulate the indigenous Italians, and to cause all kinds of disarray. The Italian government has told the U.N. and its presumptuous buttinskys to go to hell, and to hell they should go. And the same goes for the odious E.U., whose panjandrums tell Italy 'no to Fortress Europe,' while the indigenous peoples of Europe want their governments to behave exactly as the Italian government is now behaving."
(Hugh Fitzgerald, New English Review, 15 May, 2009.)
I saw a bit of PMQs today. I really did think Brown was going to go sideways. He was doing that DeNiro-esque laughing-then-looking-psychotic-then-laughing in rapid succession a la the 'game' scenes in The Deer Hunter. I wouldn't've been surprised if he'd taken off his trousers and started pointing his pen at people with menacing stab-motions. The man's quite clearly insane. I pity him. Someone should commit him for his (and ours) safety.
Newsnight. Another Tory free zone and yet another appearence by St Vince.
They were talking bollocks about the banking system (funny they never got Sharia banking in) and talking about the mess the bankers got us into.
Yes the bankers did. But what about the role of the fat one eyed jock liar?
It was pointed out that some of the banks that failed were not the supposed high risk banks (like Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley). But these banks were handing out 125% mortgages to buy to rent and so on.
On whose watch was this allowed to happen? The Tories? NO. The fat jock.
Yet this got not a single mention on Newsnight. Gordon Brown's f**k ups now airbrushed out of history by the BBC.
I had to laugh when some tool talked about Fannie Mae and Freddic Mac failing in the USA. And yes they failed because they were backing the sub prime loans which were politically motivated by the Democrats under Bill 'the shagger' Clinton.
Don't report this, BBC – it will ruin the image of Islam which you are contriving:
"Al Qaeda vows 'dreadful revenge' on France over plans to ban burqa"
"Al Qaeda terrorists have vowed to 'wreak dreadful revenge' on France over its plans to ban the burkha. "The chilling warning comes after President Nicolas Sarkozy said the Islamic garment which covers the head and body 'debases women' and is not welcome in his country. French MPs have set up a commission to decide if it should be made illegal for women to hide their faces in public. Now leaders of Al Qaeda's North African network have called on French Muslims to react 'with the utmost hostility'. "One Islamic extremist website carried the message: 'We will seek dreadful revenge on France by all means at our disposal, for the honour of our daughters and sisters'. "
As a libertarian I have no ideological objection to unlimited immigration in itself.
HOWEVER. WARNING this is one hell of a big however. If you are of a nervous disposition please do not read on.
We do not live in a free world or indeed a free ANYTHING. As I have said before only peasants, small business and prostitutes, live in any form of free market. We live in a world vastly more controlled then many could possibly be allowed to even start to imagine.
Therefore. May I again refer you to the above warning?
You can be absolutely certain that if our establishments mouth-piece THE BBC is actively promoting mass immigration of any kind.( which it most clearly is ) Then mass immigration is not intended to be in either our, or our immigrants interests. This in the short, medium, long, or very long term.
Ask yourselves
Why is it, that having spent/thrown away many countless billions of tax payers cash at third world places over a protracted amount of time, such as Africa. Have such places got progressively worse in all regards, then ever. But especially for honest hardworking intelligent and ambitious people to make and keep a few bob of their own?
Why do we have a welfare state that is rapidly bankrupting our great-grandchildren into deliberate created poverty. When the same establishment that created and promoted this insanity, now wants to offer the dubious benefits of same, to the whole mass of deliberately impoverished humanity?
This, when it is clear to even the odd reporter working for the BBC, ( which is truly saying something ) that this policy is utterly and impractically INSANE beyond rational belief.
Well unlike the BBC, I am actually going to give you THE answer. However believe me, you are not going to like it one tiny little bit.
The British and now WORLD establishment have long since planned to effectively DESTROY 'normal' conservative thinking societies, in order to replace them all, with just ONE very corporatist, wholly socialist/communist, and extremely authoritarian type. This will take some time yet.
After possibly 20-30 years of seeming CHAOS. The result is planned to be, and therefore will be, a WORLD society. Far more overtly controlled and vastly less populated then the many national ones the WORLDS establishment currently control today.
So, good luck, we are all going to need it. Maybe some of us will live long enough to see your grandchildren grow-up. With any luck some of them may actually be allowed to do so.
Sorry; but the truth is sometimes very painful. Which is just one reason why the BBC seldom tells the truth, and never tells the whole truth.
Hardtalk had the camp Stephen Sackur was talking to some guy from ESA about space and "what a waste of money it was" and wouldn't it be better spent stopping climate change (well I guess it beats saving starving African babies)
Funny thing is ESA only gets about 3 billion Euros a year. That's probably less than what the BBC gets.
So why is it we can run a space programme on less than 20,000 drug taking rent boy using twats who turn out utter shit get?
Play bBC Bullshit bingo and win a koran signed by Am-a-nut-job. (foreword by Abu Bowen)
The bBC is currently reporting that the United States Marine Corp have launched the their biggest attack since Vietnam in Helmand province. So who's willing to play bBC bullshit bingo with me and see what words they will use in which to promote their masters bidding in which to claim , Allah's little helpers are winning.
I'm going for the bBC to use "Civilian casualties" quite a lot in the next few days.
Those "Tea Party" protests that the BBC didn't want you to know about, but when the reluctantly reported it lied, misrepresented them, and used a sexual innuendo to insult the participants (including myself), are still going on all over the country. Here's another one:
Lots more all over on July 4. But the BBC won't even be honest about it in Matt Frei's little propaganda puppet show targeted directly at us, never mind actually telling you people anything. Don't want the sheeple getting any ideas that the pols work for them rather than the other way around.
BBC's vague report on forced marriage ignores Islam/mass immigration:
"Forced marriage plea to schools" (1 July, 'UK' page.)
Are you talking C of E schools here, BBC?!Isn't forced marriage a NON-Christian activity? -Mention that, BBC. Some 'profiling' is needed in your reports.
Alternative material is needed, BBC. E.g. from the scholarly report on 'forced marriage' at the 'centreforsocialcohesion', e.g.
And '' has article:
"Will Sharia Courts in the UK sabotage Forced marriage Act?"
CALAIS. More illegal immigrant propaganda from BBC today:
"Migrant squalor in Calais 'jungle'" ('UK' page.)
BBC's Emma-Jane Kirby provides a one-track advocacy piece for illegal male immigrants from Afghanistan, (Iraq, Somalia, etc) planning to sneak themselves across the Channel, and so become British residents, get British passports and so be entitled to bring large extended families of poor people to live off the British welfare state.
Nowhere in this BBC propaganda is there any reference to the views of indigenous British people on all this. What matters to the BBC is to have an 'open-door' immigration policy, continue with mass immigration, and restrict BBC reports to the sensibilities of the illegal immigrants themselves.
"Like the rest of our myopic political elite, Mr Cameron should tell us whether – and how – he will deal with immigration"('Daily Mail')
"For more than ten years, this newspaper and many of its columnists have been pointing out that immigration has been rising at an unprecedentedly fast rate. It can't honestly be said, though, that these worries and warnings made a great deal of difference. The dominant liberal consensus, as exemplified above all by the BBC, was that in every conceivable respect immigration was an enormous boon to our society. Those who questioned whether it was in the long-term interest of Britain to admit so many incomers were branded at best as narrow and insular, at worst as bigots and racists. "
The BBC "story" is the amount of media gathered at Neverland. I thought it was a "The Day Today" spoof, but no. BBC man looks at camera with sun and blue sky behind and directs the camera to look at – all the other media gathered there. No doubt they are all running the same story, and pointing their camera crew at the BBC camera crew.
BBC Gratuitous Obama Reference Watch. On the BBC's Africa page:
"Obama ancestors in East African images spanning a century"
Follow the link and you find that a collection of photographs from East Africa includes some old images of Kavirondo natives. Apparently Obama has some genealogical links with the Kavirondo. This is about as tenuous as claiming that some century's old photos of people in Glasgow were "Gordon Brown's ancestors".
The collection has just been placed online at the Northwestern University, Illinois. Their press release highlights one particular photo:
Portrait of Tippu Tip, a businessman of African and Arab descent who traded slaves even after the British abolition of the slave trade and slavery in 1807 and 1833, respectively.
Five floors of a disused office block in Manchester have been taken over to provide an "interactive theatre" to chronicle how the US became the global super power in the 1960s. Arts correspondent Rebecca Jones visits the exhibition, by documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis, called It Felt Like a Kiss.
And the music is by Damon Albarn. It doesn't get much better for a right-on Today arts correspondent.
The BBC's Culture Show has been plugging "It Felt Like A Kiss" since March and they'll be covering it on July 8. It's also the subject of a special Front Row on R4 tomorrow. It'll probably be on Newsnight Review and a host of other BBC programmes. A film version looks destined for the BBC. It's almost enough to make U2 jealous. Not even Bono has his own BBC blog to plug his work. Curtis explains: "My aim was to try and find a more involving and emotional way of doing political journalism on TV." As opposed to the impeccably objective political journalism the BBC usually produces?
God the BBC are morons. Some camp beeboid was interviewing Usain Bolt who is over here doing some promotion aobut sprinting was finally asked "are you supporting Andy Murray?"
Luckily Bolt didn't reply. What is this obsession the BBC has with Murray and Wimbledon?
Bolt is Jamaican, Murray is a ginger haired scotsman. Why would Bolt be supporting Murray?
Old One Eye was in Leeds today explaining to a chip shop owner about all the things his government is doing for us undeserving private sector scum. Too bad for the 750 employees at "one to one" in Leeds that were let go recently due to the banks not lending. Join a public sector union and this gvt will make sure your arse is in the butter. The BBC brought this to our attention in another excerpt from their "Brown is listening to our problems" parable. The BBC will never understand; 1) the free market 2) people who don't want the Nanny State 3) people who don't want mass unionisation 4) the economy 5)anything other than the crap these idiots had forced into their soft skulls at Uni by some Lefty tutor.
Much beeboid satisfaction at the apparent capture of a US warfighter in Afghanistan. Frank "Ironside" Gardner gloats "The circumstances of his capture are strange and potentially very embarrasing for the Pentagon" In that he was drunk. Well thats something your spine shattering mussie mates can never ever be accused of, eh Frankie? Thats the problem. Mussies dont get pissed. If they were regular topers, like normal religionists are, the islamic threat would disappear overnight.
Sleaze and rip offs: Parliament – BBC – now 'Equalities and Human Rights Commission' (TREVOR PHILLIPS):
'Evening Standard' (Londoner's Diary) –
"Growing call for Phillips to quit his post"
"Phillips is paid £110,000 for a three-and-a-half-day week.
"A year ago it was revealed that a company he co-founded, Equate, was advising major organisations — including Channel 4 and the BBC — on issues regulated by the EHRC.
"He has since resigned as a director of Equate but still owns 70 per cent of its shares and remains its figurehead."
No doubt, if replaced, it will be by one of his ilk.
Hot news prominantly posted "Syria Amends Honour Killing Law" The maximum sentence of 1 year has been replaced by a minimum sentence of TWO years. Fxxking huzzah! Good ole Syria.
Just so you know, the PM prog just has an article about TV news footage held back since the 1960's which was now available for broadcast.
The crack team of elite BBC muppets described Jane 'Hanoi Jane' Fonda's statement after returning from the North [a communist dictatorship then and now] as deriving from her support for 'the Vietnamese.'
What were the [soon to die in thousands] Vietnamese in the south then, O Beeb Kermit? Northern Australians?
The BBC, ignoring the half a nation that's not communist-governed. It's what they do.
The BBC's bias towards the Labour Party is not news (to us), but the extent of it might be.
Covering well over 100 interviews (on radio and television) throughout June, I listed the length of each interview. Adding these figures up, I've been able to calculate the percentage of air-time given by the BBC to each of the UK political parties (excluding Northern Ireland). The results are:
Labour 60.44% Conservatives 22.83% Lib Dems 10.16% SNP 4.01% UKIP 0.98% BNP 0.94% Greens 0.64%
Here are the toughest 15 BBC interviews of June (out of 146 reviewed), according to the Bias Coefficients (where the higher the number, the tougher the interview – and the higher the possibility of bias):
24.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Philip Hammond, Conservative 6.7
29.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Liam Byrne, Labour 6.1
28.06.09 Glenn Campbell, David Mundell, Conservative 5.8
14.06.09 Adrian Masters, Jonathan Morgan, Conservative 5.6
14.6.09 Glen Campbell, Bill Aitken, Conservative 5.2
15.06.09 Andrew Neil, Jo Swinson, Liberal Democrat 5.1
8.6.09 John Humphrys, George Osborne, Conservative 5.0
30.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Michael Gove, Conservative 5.0
30.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Vernon Coaker, Labour 4.8
16.06.09 Andrew Neil, Jeremy Hunt, Conservative 4.7
21.06.09 Jon Sopel, Theresa May, Conservative 4.6
29.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Theresa May, Conservative 4.6
30.06.09 Sarah Montague, Michael Gove, Conservative 4.4
8.6.09 Sarah Montague, Nigel Farage, UKIP 4.4
3.6.09 Emily Maitlis, Nigel Farage, UKIP 4.3
Passing through 116 intervening interviews on the table we come to the gentlest interviews. Here are the top 15 lowest Bias Coefficients, and which 2 interviewees got the easiest ride from the biased BBC? Find out below!
29.06.09 Martha Kearney, John Healey, Labour 1.5
23.06.09 Eddie Mair, Sir George Young, Conservative 1.4
24.06.09 Evan Davies, Lisa Nandy, Labour 1.4
14.6.09 Glen Campbell, Richard Baker, Labour 1.3
24.06.09 Evan Davies, Keith Vaz, Labour 1.3
26.06.09 Brian Hanrahan, Ed Balls, Labour 1.3
29.06.09 Evan Davies, Keith Vaz, Labour 1.2
19.06.09 Anita Anand, Lord Gilbert, Labour 1.2
15.06.09 Robin Lustig, Nick Clegg, Lib Dem 1.2
25.06.09 Shaun Ley, David Miliband, Labour 1.2
18.06.09 James Naughtie, Hilary Benn, Labour 1.1
16.06.09 Andrew Neil, Ming Cambell, Lib Dem 1.1
2.6.09 Ritula Shah, Roy Hattersley, Labour 1.0
12.06.09 James Naughtie, Yvette Cooper, Labour 0.9
24.06.09 Evan Davies, Vince Cable, Lib Dem 0.9
Strong trends will, of course, only emerge over time.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Books for the future … [img][/img]
non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
Fedup2Feb 23, 20:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Time for the new thread – bit early as i am going bye byes …zzz Btw it seems the Israeli…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:19 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” ………………………………………………………………………. One person has been killed and five…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 20:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 BBC ignoring this very sinister development as a woman is harassed by police for daring to criticise a Labour…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Afghan wants to box for ‘his country’….apparently that’s Ireland…according to the BBC… ‘Young asylum seeker’s dream to box for Ireland’…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Migrants aren’t the problem…they are the victims of racist Irish people….says BBC. ‘Ireland’s view of immigration one year since Dublin…
Fedup2Feb 23, 19:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s really hard to see anything ‘good ‘ ( for TTK ) coming out of meetings with 47 and JD…
The beeboid collective is becoming increasingly unbalanced. Maybe its the pressure of having to balance all those ideological contradictions.
BBC's political propaganda priority for today includes, as lead story on its 'Europe' page:
"Sweden pushes EU climate action".
Talking of Europe stories, BBC has apparently, dhimmi-like, decided not to even mention the report that Al Qaeda is threatening France, if France bans the burqa.
Instead, on France, the BBC is building up a head of steam favouring the thousands of illegal immigrants who have converged on Calais. The flow of such people, in large numbers, is unending; these people happen to be from far off Islamic countries, all these people determined to get to Britain and take up residence here. The BBC know whose side its on, and will do its utmost to get them all here.
Evening Standard' (Londoner's Diary):
"Brand poised to make his BBC comeback"
"NOW that Jonathan Ross is back on telly following his three month suspension by the BBC, how long can it be before Russell Brand is restored to his former position on Radio 2?
"The two men were in deep trouble last October when they left lewd messages on the actor Andrew Sachs’s voicemail and broadcast them on Brand’s show.
"Ross was banished from the airwaves, Brand left the station and Radio 2’s controller Lesley Douglas lost her job. Now there are signs that Douglas’s successor Bob Shennan, now four months into his job as controller of Radio 2 and Radio 6 Music, is thinking about bringing Brand back."
Coverage of the 2.4% fall in GDP was interesting on the BBC News at 10 last night. They rushed through Stephanie Flanders' analysis of the fall and then moved swiftly on to the Conservative spending plans after for after the election. No comment from either Conservative or Labour about the fall in GDP.
As for the coverage of the Conservative spending plans……
BBC's Nick Robinson blog:
"Honesty is the new battleground in British politics."
-And BBC loses.
Nick Robinson's blog referred to by George R has a fascinating spat between various posters and one Mike Naylor. He is clearly a Labour Party worker who defends the utterly indefensible such as Gordon Brown's "spending rise of 0%". Entertaining reading.
BBC today: I'm honest about spending – Brown
Please note the missing quotes, I mean its a fact isn't it.
Anita Anand was on fine biased form on the 'Daily Politics' today.
Interrupting Tory Grant Shapps's answer to her question about Lord Mandy's rants, she asked Guardianista Nick Watt (with wide-eyed incredulity), "That's very different from what George Osborne said yesterday, isn't it?' When Watt failed to oblige her, Anita passed the Tory-bashing baton on to the Lib Dem Danny Alexander (without putting a question). When Alexander had finished, Anita said he had made "a good point".
After Prime Minister's Questions, she read out four e-mails, two anti-Brown, two anti-Cameron. She didn't give a ratio of the overall balance of the viewers' overall opinion. Is it really 1:1? Or is it 2:1, 50:1, 1000:1? Surly (as Atlas Shrugged would say) we should be told.
Next, we had the 'FT'/'Guardian' angle on the Tory-Labour cut/spending row, which she put enthusiastically to Mr Shapps ("a credible argument", she repeated) & echoed Gordon Brown directly: "You're the only party that's not going to spend its way out of this recession" (as if this was necessarily a bad thing!!!)
She was no less enthusiastic over Nick Clegg's questions & handed her enthusiasm onto Danny Alexander again, so he could keep on Tory-bashing (again without asking the Lib Dem a question).
Actor Bruce Jones, who spent a week among the homeless, was then interviewed. Grant Shapps had spent Christmas Eve 2007 'living homeless' (as "a stunt", he admitted). Anita again interrupted him & said dismissively, "Your empathy is one thing but what people want to know is what you're going to do about it", and then cut away without giving him a chance to answer.
Incidentally, one of Bruce Jones's ideas is that murderers and rapists currently in prison should be executed. This is not an acceptable point of view at the BBC & Anita called it first "controversial" then "very controversial" & passed it straight over to Lib Dem Danny to pour scorn on the idea (again without putting a question to him).
(After Andrew's succinct comment, 5.23pm, this must seem like a long rant, but I'm feeling hot and bothered & feel like ranting!!)
Finally, here come the Bias Coefficients for Anita Anand:
Danny Alexander (Lib Dem), a paltry 1.3
Grant Shapps (Conservative), a powerful 3.7
Shapps was interrupted 8 times. Alexander was never interrupted.
Good rant, Craig, close to an colonic enema, but good. The whole of the BBC interviewer/presenter army are pro-Labour snipers positioned at every angle with one mission, to shoot down Tories. Its shameless, and they don't think we've noticed, worthless douchebag Anita.
The BBC is taking ever more risks in showing itself as the PR Department of Labour. Endless threatening quotes from the unelected Lord ministers. Jesus it make the fall of the Third Reich look a model of stability as it spins into the abyss.
The Liars are now calling everyone else liars. Attack is their only defence. Why not bring back Damien McBride as leader of the Labour Party, and cut out the middle men.
Wow……no bias here…
"I'm honest about spending – Brown"
Brown must have done really really well in PMQs today! LoL
…and the other side from the Mail
"Cameron mocks Brown over 'zero per cent spending rise' gaffe"
CALAIS: Illegal immigrants for UK.
BBC applauds UN advice to illegal immigrants/'asylum' seekers from mainly Islamic countries of e.g. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, now in camps in their thousands in Calais, intent on getting to Britain to be resident here:
BBC report:
"UN to help advise Calais refugees".
Note: how BBC presumes these people are 'refugees', no inverted commas for the BBC in this context as it wouldn't assist the putative immigrants; how the BBC is determined to have an 'open-door policy' so that the British indigenous people (except the better-off liberal elite, inc better-off Beeboids) bare the brunt of the continuing mass immigration of Labour.
'Telegraph', has a different emphasis to BBC:
"Migrant influx feared as Calais centre advises on UK asylum policy."
"An influx of migrants to the UK is expected after the United Nations began giving asylum advice to thousands massing in northern France.
"It has established a full-time presence in Calais for the first time in seven years, offering 'information and support'.
"The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ) said the 2000 odd migrants sleeping rough in the area should be allowed to make an 'informed decision' about their options."
It expects more to arrive as facilities improve and summer weather makes living conditions easier.
"Most are motivated by economic or family reasons, but a few have fled violence or persecution and their well-being is of direct concern," added a spokesman for the agency.
"Many have no idea about the situation back home, or about what they can expect in the UK."
"The agency originally left Calais in 2002 following an agreement reached between Britain and France to close the Sangatte Red Cross Centre.
"It had acted as a magnet for thousands of illegal migrants heading for the UK ."
'New English Review' :
As Hugh Fitzgerald points out in this report, the British government, like the Italian government should tell the UN and the EU to go to hell:
"Italian Government Quite Rightly Tells U.N. and E U. To Go To Hell"
"The U.N.'s Commission on Refugees, or 'Refugees,' presumes to tell the government of Italy that it cannot return the unassimilable people, Muslim Arabs and black Africans who keep arriving by the boatload, not as 'refugees' in the only sense that should matter — refugees from persecution, from the Nazis or the Communists or Fascists (Einstein comes to mind, and Balanchine, and Toscanini. amd others of that ilk), who arrive merely in order to take advantage of whatever they can that is offered by the country that does not request them to come, that wishes them not to come, that suffers from their disruptive presence, in housing and in hospitals and in schools, and from their crime, and from their inablity, save for a few remarkable exceptions (who somehow are always taken to be the rule), to integrate into Italian society and who only serve to dismay and discombobulate the indigenous Italians, and to cause all kinds of disarray. The Italian government has told the U.N. and its presumptuous buttinskys to go to hell, and to hell they should go. And the same goes for the odious E.U., whose panjandrums tell Italy 'no to Fortress Europe,' while the indigenous peoples of Europe want their governments to behave exactly as the Italian government is now behaving."
(Hugh Fitzgerald, New English Review, 15 May, 2009.)
BBC report ('UK' page July 2009):
"'Unrepentant' Biggs denied parole."
Biased-BBC report (July 2010):
"Unrepentant Straw denied government."
I saw a bit of PMQs today. I really did think Brown was going to go sideways. He was doing that DeNiro-esque laughing-then-looking-psychotic-then-laughing in rapid succession a la the 'game' scenes in The Deer Hunter. I wouldn't've been surprised if he'd taken off his trousers and started pointing his pen at people with menacing stab-motions. The man's quite clearly insane. I pity him. Someone should commit him for his (and ours) safety.
Newsnight. Another Tory free zone and yet another appearence by St Vince.
They were talking bollocks about the banking system (funny they never got Sharia banking in) and talking about the mess the bankers got us into.
Yes the bankers did. But what about the role of the fat one eyed jock liar?
It was pointed out that some of the banks that failed were not the supposed high risk banks (like Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley). But these banks were handing out 125% mortgages to buy to rent and so on.
On whose watch was this allowed to happen? The Tories? NO. The fat jock.
Yet this got not a single mention on Newsnight. Gordon Brown's f**k ups now airbrushed out of history by the BBC.
I had to laugh when some tool talked about Fannie Mae and Freddic Mac failing in the USA. And yes they failed because they were backing the sub prime loans which were politically motivated by the Democrats under Bill 'the shagger' Clinton.
Don't report this, BBC – it will ruin the image of Islam which you are contriving:
"Al Qaeda vows 'dreadful revenge' on France over plans to ban burqa"
"Al Qaeda terrorists have vowed to 'wreak dreadful revenge' on France over its plans to ban the burkha.
"The chilling warning comes after President Nicolas Sarkozy said the Islamic garment which covers the head and body 'debases women' and is not welcome in his country.
French MPs have set up a commission to decide if it should be made illegal for women to hide their faces in public.
Now leaders of Al Qaeda's North African network have called on French Muslims to react 'with the utmost hostility'.
"One Islamic extremist website carried the message: 'We will seek dreadful revenge on France by all means at our disposal, for the honour of our daughters and sisters'. "
George R and others.
As a libertarian I have no ideological objection to unlimited immigration in itself.
HOWEVER. WARNING this is one hell of a big however. If you are of a nervous disposition please do not read on.
We do not live in a free world or indeed a free ANYTHING. As I have said before only peasants, small business and prostitutes, live in any form of free market. We live in a world vastly more controlled then many could possibly be allowed to even start to imagine.
Therefore. May I again refer you to the above warning?
You can be absolutely certain that if our establishments mouth-piece THE BBC is actively promoting mass immigration of any kind.( which it most clearly is ) Then mass immigration is not intended to be in either our, or our immigrants interests. This in the short, medium, long, or very long term.
Ask yourselves
Why is it, that having spent/thrown away many countless billions of tax payers cash at third world places over a protracted amount of time, such as Africa. Have such places got progressively worse in all regards, then ever. But especially for honest hardworking intelligent and ambitious people to make and keep a few bob of their own?
Why do we have a welfare state that is rapidly bankrupting our great-grandchildren into deliberate created poverty. When the same establishment that created and promoted this insanity, now wants to offer the dubious benefits of same, to the whole mass of deliberately impoverished humanity?
This, when it is clear to even the odd reporter working for the BBC, ( which is truly saying something ) that this policy is utterly and impractically INSANE beyond rational belief.
Well unlike the BBC, I am actually going to give you THE answer. However believe me, you are not going to like it one tiny little bit.
The British and now WORLD establishment have long since planned to effectively DESTROY 'normal' conservative thinking societies, in order to replace them all, with just ONE very corporatist, wholly socialist/communist, and extremely authoritarian type. This will take some time yet.
After possibly 20-30 years of seeming CHAOS. The result is planned to be, and therefore will be, a WORLD society. Far more overtly controlled and vastly less populated then the many national ones the WORLDS establishment currently control today.
So, good luck, we are all going to need it. Maybe some of us will live long enough to see your grandchildren grow-up. With any luck some of them may actually be allowed to do so.
Sorry; but the truth is sometimes very painful. Which is just one reason why the BBC seldom tells the truth, and never tells the whole truth.
Atlas shrugged
Hardtalk had the camp Stephen Sackur was talking to some guy from ESA about space and "what a waste of money it was" and wouldn't it be better spent stopping climate change (well I guess it beats saving starving African babies)
Funny thing is ESA only gets about 3 billion Euros a year. That's probably less than what the BBC gets.
So why is it we can run a space programme on less than 20,000 drug taking rent boy using twats who turn out utter shit get?
Play bBC Bullshit bingo and win a koran signed by Am-a-nut-job. (foreword by Abu Bowen)
The bBC is currently reporting that the United States Marine Corp have launched the their biggest attack since Vietnam in Helmand province.
So who's willing to play bBC bullshit bingo with me and see what words they will use in which to promote their masters bidding in which to claim , Allah's little helpers are winning.
I'm going for the bBC to use "Civilian casualties" quite a lot in the next few days.
followed by,"The Taliban say"
"Atlas shrugged
11:23 PM, July 01, 2009"
off your rocker atlas – the world is vastly more complex than that.
every single attempt to explain the world in "conspiracy" terms has UTTERLY failed in the past 100 years.
you are spouting bollocks, and i'm sure the authoer of Mein Kampf Part Two will be an open ear to your thoughts.
the world is complex – grow the fuck up and deal with it.
Those "Tea Party" protests that the BBC didn't want you to know about, but when the reluctantly reported it lied, misrepresented them, and used a sexual innuendo to insult the participants (including myself), are still going on all over the country. Here's another one:
Times Square (NYC) Tea Party Protest
Lots more all over on July 4. But the BBC won't even be honest about it in Matt Frei's little propaganda puppet show targeted directly at us, never mind actually telling you people anything. Don't want the sheeple getting any ideas that the pols work for them rather than the other way around.
BBC's vague report on forced marriage ignores Islam/mass immigration:
"Forced marriage plea to schools"
(1 July, 'UK' page.)
Are you talking C of E schools here, BBC?!Isn't forced marriage a NON-Christian activity? -Mention that, BBC. Some 'profiling' is needed in your reports.
Alternative material is needed, BBC. E.g. from the scholarly report on 'forced marriage' at the 'centreforsocialcohesion', e.g.
And '' has article:
"Will Sharia Courts in the UK sabotage Forced marriage Act?"
CALAIS. More illegal immigrant propaganda from BBC today:
"Migrant squalor in Calais 'jungle'" ('UK' page.)
BBC's Emma-Jane Kirby provides a one-track advocacy piece for illegal male immigrants from Afghanistan, (Iraq, Somalia, etc) planning to sneak themselves across the Channel, and so become British residents, get British passports and so be entitled to bring large extended families of poor people to live off the British welfare state.
Nowhere in this BBC propaganda is there any reference to the views of indigenous British people on all this. What matters to the BBC is to have an 'open-door' immigration policy, continue with mass immigration, and restrict BBC reports to the sensibilities of the illegal immigrants themselves.
Stephen Glover:
"Like the rest of our myopic political elite, Mr Cameron should tell us whether – and how – he will deal with immigration"('Daily Mail')
"For more than ten years, this newspaper and many of its columnists have been pointing out that immigration has been rising at an unprecedentedly fast rate. It can't honestly be said, though, that these worries and warnings made a great deal of difference.
The dominant liberal consensus, as exemplified above all by the BBC, was that in every conceivable respect immigration was an enormous boon to our society.
Those who questioned whether it was in the long-term interest of Britain to admit so many incomers were branded at best as narrow and insular, at worst as bigots and racists. "
Jacko latest:
BBC: "Media gathered at Neverland ranch"
The BBC "story" is the amount of media gathered at Neverland. I thought it was a "The Day Today" spoof, but no. BBC man looks at camera with sun and blue sky behind and directs the camera to look at – all the other media gathered there. No doubt they are all running the same story, and pointing their camera crew at the BBC camera crew.
Great value reporting.
BBC Gratuitous Obama Reference Watch. On the BBC's Africa page:
"Obama ancestors in East African images spanning a century"
Follow the link and you find that a collection of photographs from East Africa includes some old images of Kavirondo natives. Apparently Obama has some genealogical links with the Kavirondo. This is about as tenuous as claiming that some century's old photos of people in Glasgow were "Gordon Brown's ancestors".
The collection has just been placed online at the Northwestern University, Illinois. Their press release highlights one particular photo:
Portrait of Tippu Tip, a businessman of African and Arab descent who traded slaves even after the British abolition of the slave trade and slavery in 1807 and 1833, respectively.
The BBC doesn't mention this image, nor others showing slave markets, chained slaves, and Arab slave traders.
Tenuous Obama reference? You bet.
Images of late 19th century non-white slave traders? Not interested.
The above links to the photos of slaves might take you to a main page which takes a while to download.
Hopefully these will work better: chained slaves, Arab slave traders.
Classic Today arts item:
Five floors of a disused office block in Manchester have been taken over to provide an "interactive theatre" to chronicle how the US became the global super power in the 1960s. Arts correspondent Rebecca Jones visits the exhibition, by documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis, called It Felt Like a Kiss.
And the music is by Damon Albarn. It doesn't get much better for a right-on Today arts correspondent.
The BBC's Culture Show has been plugging "It Felt Like A Kiss" since March and they'll be covering it on July 8. It's also the subject of a special Front Row on R4 tomorrow. It'll probably be on Newsnight Review and a host of other BBC programmes. A film version looks destined for the BBC. It's almost enough to make U2 jealous. Not even Bono has his own BBC blog to plug his work. Curtis explains: "My aim was to try and find a more involving and emotional way of doing political journalism on TV."
As opposed to the impeccably objective political journalism the BBC usually produces?
God the BBC are morons. Some camp beeboid was interviewing Usain Bolt who is over here doing some promotion aobut sprinting was finally asked "are you supporting Andy Murray?"
Luckily Bolt didn't reply. What is this obsession the BBC has with Murray and Wimbledon?
Bolt is Jamaican, Murray is a ginger haired scotsman. Why would Bolt be supporting Murray?
I don't support Murray and I'm from England.
The BBC has now changed its blurb about the East Africa photos.
Before: "Obama ancestors in East African images spanning a century"
After: "East African slaves among collection of archive images"
"What if George Bush…" (great teleprompter photo, too)
Warning! this is not a spoof it is really on the BBC site at the moment, this is a genuine link.
Surely if anything does then this merits its own thread.
Anon 1.20pm
I agree with you. How does the BBC justify forcing us to pay for trash like that ? It has NOTHING to do with news, everything to do with brainwashing.
Old One Eye was in Leeds today explaining to a chip shop owner about all the things his government is doing for us undeserving private sector scum.
Too bad for the 750 employees at "one to one" in Leeds that were let go recently due to the banks not lending.
Join a public sector union and this gvt will make sure your arse is in the butter.
The BBC brought this to our attention in another excerpt from their "Brown is listening to our problems" parable.
The BBC will never understand;
1) the free market
2) people who don't want the Nanny State
3) people who don't want mass unionisation
4) the economy
5)anything other than the crap these idiots had forced into their soft skulls at Uni by some Lefty tutor.
Relating to 'Why I created Islamic super heroes' linked to by Anonymous 1:20 PM, July 02, 2009
Perhaps the BBC will arrange a 'Captain Planet and the Planeteers'/ 'The 99' cross-over to cover even more aspects of the politically correct?
See how 'the hottest day of the year' become 'the hottest day' (not quite the same thing) in the headline.
Why I created Islamic super heroes
With X-ray vision to see if the baddie is lurking under the burqa?
Much beeboid satisfaction at the apparent capture of a US warfighter in Afghanistan.
Frank "Ironside" Gardner gloats "The circumstances of his capture are strange and potentially very embarrasing for the Pentagon" In that he was drunk. Well thats something your spine shattering mussie mates can never ever be accused of, eh Frankie? Thats the problem. Mussies dont get pissed. If they were regular topers, like normal religionists are, the islamic threat would disappear overnight.
Roland Deschain 3:43 pm.
More overt Islamic propaganda from BBC ('Middle East' page):
"Why I created Islamic super heroes"
Unlikely to appear on BBC:
'Why I created Christian super heroes."
Sleaze and rip offs: Parliament – BBC – now 'Equalities and Human Rights Commission' (TREVOR PHILLIPS):
'Evening Standard' (Londoner's Diary) –
"Growing call for Phillips to quit his post"
"Phillips is paid £110,000 for a three-and-a-half-day week.
"A year ago it was revealed that a company he co-founded, Equate, was advising major organisations — including Channel 4 and the BBC — on issues regulated by the EHRC.
"He has since resigned as a director of Equate but still owns 70 per cent of its shares and remains its figurehead."
No doubt, if replaced, it will be by one of his ilk.
Hot news prominantly posted
"Syria Amends Honour Killing Law"
The maximum sentence of 1 year has been replaced by a minimum sentence of TWO years.
Fxxking huzzah!
Good ole Syria.
prominently, even.
Re "Why I created Islamic super heroes"
I doubt there's any plans at the BBC to let Bosch Fawstin make a Radio 4 programme, or write an online easy called "Why I created Pigman".
Just so you know, the PM prog just has an article about TV news footage held back since the 1960's which was now available for broadcast.
The crack team of elite BBC muppets described Jane 'Hanoi Jane' Fonda's statement after returning from the North [a communist dictatorship then and now] as deriving from her support for 'the Vietnamese.'
What were the [soon to die in thousands] Vietnamese in the south then, O Beeb Kermit? Northern Australians?
The BBC, ignoring the half a nation that's not communist-governed. It's what they do.
Looks like potential for a good old scrap on QT tonight:
David Dimbleby will be joined in Cambridge by Harriet Harperson MP, Iain Duncan Smith MP, David Laws MP, Jarvis Cocker(??) and Peter Hitchens
– David are you covering?
Great topic for a BBC documentary. "Black on Black slavery in Mali and Mauritania , a fearless expose". Er, or maybe not ….
The BBC's bias towards the Labour Party is not news (to us), but the extent of it might be.
Covering well over 100 interviews (on radio and television) throughout June, I listed the length of each interview. Adding these figures up, I've been able to calculate the percentage of air-time given by the BBC to each of the UK political parties (excluding Northern Ireland). The results are:
Labour 60.44%
Conservatives 22.83%
Lib Dems 10.16%
SNP 4.01%
UKIP 0.98%
BNP 0.94%
Greens 0.64%
Clear, demonstrable bias.
North Northwester @ 6:03 PM
The BBC, ignoring the half a nation that's not communist-governed. It's what they do.
Good spot. The parallels with contemporary BBC "support" for certain other peoples are glaring.
Here are the toughest 15 BBC interviews of June (out of 146 reviewed), according to the Bias Coefficients (where the higher the number, the tougher the interview – and the higher the possibility of bias):
24.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Philip Hammond, Conservative 6.7
29.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Liam Byrne, Labour 6.1
28.06.09 Glenn Campbell, David Mundell, Conservative 5.8
14.06.09 Adrian Masters, Jonathan Morgan, Conservative 5.6
14.6.09 Glen Campbell, Bill Aitken, Conservative 5.2
15.06.09 Andrew Neil, Jo Swinson, Liberal Democrat 5.1
8.6.09 John Humphrys, George Osborne, Conservative 5.0
30.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Michael Gove, Conservative 5.0
30.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Vernon Coaker, Labour 4.8
16.06.09 Andrew Neil, Jeremy Hunt, Conservative 4.7
21.06.09 Jon Sopel, Theresa May, Conservative 4.6
29.06.09 Jeremy Paxman, Theresa May, Conservative 4.6
30.06.09 Sarah Montague, Michael Gove, Conservative 4.4
8.6.09 Sarah Montague, Nigel Farage, UKIP 4.4
3.6.09 Emily Maitlis, Nigel Farage, UKIP 4.3
Passing through 116 intervening interviews on the table we come to the gentlest interviews. Here are the top 15 lowest Bias Coefficients, and which 2 interviewees got the easiest ride from the biased BBC? Find out below!
29.06.09 Martha Kearney, John Healey, Labour 1.5
23.06.09 Eddie Mair, Sir George Young, Conservative 1.4
24.06.09 Evan Davies, Lisa Nandy, Labour 1.4
14.6.09 Glen Campbell, Richard Baker, Labour 1.3
24.06.09 Evan Davies, Keith Vaz, Labour 1.3
26.06.09 Brian Hanrahan, Ed Balls, Labour 1.3
29.06.09 Evan Davies, Keith Vaz, Labour 1.2
19.06.09 Anita Anand, Lord Gilbert, Labour 1.2
15.06.09 Robin Lustig, Nick Clegg, Lib Dem 1.2
25.06.09 Shaun Ley, David Miliband, Labour 1.2
18.06.09 James Naughtie, Hilary Benn, Labour 1.1
16.06.09 Andrew Neil, Ming Cambell, Lib Dem 1.1
2.6.09 Ritula Shah, Roy Hattersley, Labour 1.0
12.06.09 James Naughtie, Yvette Cooper, Labour 0.9
24.06.09 Evan Davies, Vince Cable, Lib Dem 0.9
Strong trends will, of course, only emerge over time.
Excellent list.
But people might allege you are selective in the interviews you have covered ?
Would it be worth restricting the coverage to specified key news/politics progs – and somehow covering ALL of the interviews carried by those progs ?
Also – when you print these lists, can you repeat what the definitions are for your scoring ? Just to help new readers ?