Ok – so another Thursday night no liveblog. My colleague and co-host Geoff is improved a little and the serious perils reduced a little. He is aware of all your good wishes and I wanted to thank you for your understanding re my slight reduction on posts here as I am now keeping three blogs going! That said, still as incensed with Al Beeb as ever. Glad Sue picked up the Shamnesty report on Israel which the BBC just lurved and regurgitated in the usual manner – haven’t had time to cover it myself.
Anyway, this is now an OPEN THREAD – the floor is yours…
I bet Palin-hating Radio Five Live correspondent Cash Peters will have something typically vile to say about her when he appears on Up All Night next week.
Here's an extract from his blog in which he's describing a raw food diet that he's about to begin on Monday. Remember as you read it that this flake has been employed by the BBC for years.
# Expect to look old. Detox can really pack on the years and make you fleshy in the face and older-seeming than you really are.
# My God – really? Nobody warned me about that!! What the hell am I going to do? I don't want to look old and fleshy. I'm only a boy.
# Expect to counter this with a course of hydro colonics. Flushing out your colon with water is the prime and most efficient way to get toxins out, and it will counter that puffy, aged look.
# Phew.
# Luckily, I'm no stranger to having liquid pumped up my ass. Ahem. So I'll go back to the clinic and book another course.
# Expect to become a little smug and preachy, as you start to feel superior to anyone still eating cooked poison. Smugness, eh? Well, no problem there.
# Expect to be more alert, alive, happier, and to have visions.
# I'm sorry – what was that last one? Visions?
# Yes. There's a spiritual side to changing your diet that can only be explained by doing it, apparently. In time, your whole system opens up and new energies flow in, energies that are blocked when your system is clogged by crap. Energies that make you super-instinctive and super-charged with consciousness.
Some numpty on Radio 4 now saying how we are lied to about China. He was apparently brought up in the Cold War and when he was old enough he went to Russia to see what it was really like and he just LOVES the country.
No questions from the Beeboid about what the implied lies are made about 'Russia,' but he's allowed to go on unchecked. He loves China. Sure 'They have human rights problems in China,' – nicely impersonal that – '…but so do we. There are Muslims in China who are afraid to come to Britain because they're afraid they'll be locked up.'
Beeboid said, well perhaps they aren't being told the truth about us in China either – validating by omission the idea of someone's Cold war 'lies' about 'Russia' and China.
So: the West lied about Russia in the Cold War; lies about China; and possibly locks Muslims up whenever we feel like it – though that might not quite strictly be true, but why go into details?
Job done. Mission accomplished.
BBC bias.
"Two thirds of BBC middle managers refuse to move north" (by U.Khan).
"Senior managers decided at the end of April whether to make the move and 15 of the 32 agreed to transfer north.
"A further 114 BBC Sport staff have yet to confirm their decision due to an internal structural review and they have until 14 July to decide.
"The final wave of staff who have to make the decision whether or not to move will occur in the autumn.
"Altogether, an estimated 1,400 roles will relocate from London, with about 800 staff currently based at BBC Manchester also moving.
"Peter Salmon, director of BBC North, added: 'I am now looking ahead to engaging with the final wave of people who will decide in the autumn and it is also really exciting that additionally more than 500 people currently working in areas that are not due to move, have also expressed a strong interest in BBC North and finding out more about the opportunities that will emerge.'
"The £240million move to the North West by the BBC is a bid to counter claims the corporation is too 'London-centric'.
"However, criticism has been levelled at the corporation for its 'generous' relocation deal to staff.
"Documents disclosed in March, under a Freedom of Information Act request, revealed that the BBC was offering staff up to £46,000 to persuade them to move from London to Salford. "
Still 'front page' for BBC:
'Homosexual marchers enjoy Labour party parade',
Sorry, in BBC lingo, that becomes:-
"Pride marchers enjoy party parade".
BBC report and unconvincing disclaimer:
"This is not an anti-Israeli rant",
-says Mohammed Harmassi of BBC ARABIC :
-Not half!:
"Cancer trauma inspires Palestinian film" ('Middle East' page.
Of course, it is anti-Israel, as we should expect from BBC Arabic. BBC Arabic is NOT financed by BBC licencepayers, but by BBC taxpayers; the BBC is interlocked, although it does not admit it.
For a true, non-BBC ARABIC account of how Israel gave aid and succour to a Lebanese Christian woman, suggest view video:
"Interview with Brigitte Gabriel" (Youtube).
Then the palestinian leadership should stop their self genocidal, homicidal and futile violence against the Jewish people, and then they would recieve what their Arab cousins already do, access to the best public health service treatment in the ME, and one of the most advanced found anywhere.
"Arab population in Israel..already do" Correction.
the Palestinian leadership is incredible. It is impossible to have any meaningful public dialogue with them. Unlike the Israeli position, which is and has always been, rich, dynamic and flexible, The palestinian position is frozen in ice or bloody ice, unyeilding, uncomprehending and priminitive. Its akin to arguing with a surly 11 year old repeating over and over and bloody over "I waana state state.." etc intersperced with "genna kill youu.." Until you quite justifiable give he / she a well deserved swat with a rolled up copy of the Radio Times.
Israel has been stunningly patient in the past many decades. Other nations should reflect or what THEIR actions would have been if faced with such an irrational but often deadly threat.
Sorry for all typos. dashed off in one hit. Rant over.
I was having difficulty getting to sleep because of the heat the other night, so I turned on Radio 5 Live hoping to be bored to sleep. They were having a discussion about whether the national anthemn was any good. One speaker on this was a singer; a man who sings various national anthemns at sporting events and so he had some expertise in the matter. Who do think the other speaker might be? A composer?, a musician? A singer-songwriter? Perhaps a non-entity from the pop world? No, it was none of these – it was Peter Tatchell!
Of course Peter doesn't like the national anthemn.: 'References to God – we live in a multicultural society of many gods, and atheists too', ' Imperialistic connoitations','blah, blah, blah'
Thanks, Peter.
In Peter Tatchell's case it's
"God Save the Queens" ! lol