Ever since the US and UK led the operation to liberate (or “occupy” in BBC-speak) to Iraq from the Saddam thuggocracy the BBC were constantly seeking to undermine the operation, demanding that we “get out” of Iran, Each military death was treated as an opportunity to advance that defeatist agenda and so it is that with the focus of military action in Afghanistan the same dreary beat of defeat sounds again on the BBC. What sickens me is the way that the tragic death of each British soldier is turned into a mechanism to advance the defeatist agenda so a week that has seen seven British soldiers lose their lives is a real bumper week. On today there was an exchange between former defence minster Lord Moonie and Sir Jeremy Greenstock (not linked yet) and it reeks of the narrative. Greenstock is a particularly pusillanimous personality. The only time we ever here positive news is when the military get to speak – and that is a rare event on the BBC. The BBC opposes the UK taking part in any form of military action and it shows through in their biased and dismal reporting.
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Carpet bombing of Vietcong supply routes with B52 bombers and the use of defolients (such as the so-called "agent orange") does not strike me as the best tactic to defeat an army such as the viet cong – I also notice that you've not mentioned the Malayan Emergency – Perhaps you would like to expose my "Ignorance" on that as well
With the resources and expertise the West possess, technologically and in terms of flexibility, there is no rational reason why Afghanistan cannot be neutralised as an islamofascist base in a year at most.
We just lack the will to believe in a victory, because the public is being kept from the truth of what a mortal threat the West faces, by a poisoned and dhimmified beeboid collective who are openly anti- Western and increasingly scornful of Judeo – Christian civilisation.
Im surely hoping you arent hopining to use the Malayan Emergency as an example of a failed counter insurgency operation?
That WOULD be truly ignorant of you to do so.