That’s the sound of the BBC going way overboard in covering what they seem to think is a big scandal of Dick Cheney’s doing- some secret “plan” concocted with the CIA without Senate knowledge. Last week it was phone-tapping of public figures in the UK by the News of the World, this week Dick Dastardly and his Mutley CIA. Well just as last week’s soft scoop has turned into a damp squib, so will this one, probably. The thing that gets me about this “plan” is that as the BBC admit, “even now its nature is not known”. Wouldn’t it be better to wait until it was before screaming blue murder? Especially as this is midway through a partisan spat focussing on whether House Speaker Pelosi lied about briefings from the CIA. I’m not sure if the BBC is trying to influence anybody (as if, eh?), but this storm in a teacup strongly suggests to me that Aunty’s bias is showing.
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It seems that the BBC guidelines mean nothing.
"For the BBC, accuracy is more important than speed and it is often more than a question of getting the facts right. All the relevant facts and information should be weighed to get at the truth. If an issue is controversial, relevant opinions as well as facts may need to be considered."
Why don't they just tear them up.
There is a major row looming over this incompetent regime's inability to adequately fund and support the UK military presence in Afghanistan.
It comes as no surprise that the filth and vermin in the BBC are not reporting this. Instead it is there usual fall back position of reporting the rebuttal first.
Afghanistan: Gordon Brown accused of 'dereliction of duty'.
Helicopters 'do not end war risk' .
Further to my post above, the Telegraph article contains this:
Labour attempted to play down the disclosure that General Sir Richard Dannatt, the chief of the general staff, had asked for an extra 2,000 British troops for Helmand province, but his request was rejected by Downing Street.
So Labour is attempting to play it down. And the BBC? Well they're not even playing it at all. Not one word from them about the scathing critisism on this corrupt Labour regime by the country's senior general.
But any other story including the CIA/Cheney non story will suffice.
Bias? They're submerged beneath the waves of partisan biased politicking.
The concerted and overt attack on David Cameron and Andy Coulson shows that BBC is no longer pretending to be impartial, but is now flying its colours as a left wing propagandist.
Anyone remember a time when Colonel Bob Stewart was never off Labour/BBC.
Of course he would get air time to criticise the Tories. As if by magic he suddenly disappears from Labour/BBC.
Another snippet from the Telegraph.
Colonel Bob Stewart, the UN commander in Bosnia, said that the British fatalities were the results of Gordon Brown's failure to support the Armed Forces.
"We do not have enough manpower, ammunition or equipment," Col Stewart said. "It's grossly inadequate. If this is how we handle a vital interest, God help us when it's not vital.
"The Government tells us that our presence in Afghanistan is in the vital interests of this country but I have never seen our interests so poorly defended."
A damning indictment on this filthy socialist regime and from the BBC? Oh it's a non story about Dick Cheney.
And to whitewash the latest massacre of Christians in the Middle East. "Iraq church bomb kills four" but the article assures us that Christians are spared much of Iraq's deadly violence" To add insult the tagline under vid screen declares "One of Sunday's early Baghdad church bombing did not cause major damage" (sic)
Anti- semitic French murders being systematically removed from the narrative of Islamically fostered intolerence, Christians blown apart by Islamic jehadists but we are assured they are getting off lightly. This is the beeboids contemptuous message to us all.
They go too far.
As you say – Bob Stewart was the go-to guy for any military commentary. He must have been seen or heard hundreds of times on the BBC on Bosnia, Iraq 1 etc.
But now he is apparently verboten. A bit like the bearded enviro guy David Bellamy.
Their views don't fit. Scrub them from the BBC Rolodex.
However I was surprised to see Col. Kemp back on 2 days ago. Considering his excellent performance during Cast Lead, I thought he would be a non person to the beeboid grand council.
To the BBC group-mind Dick Cheney is beyond the pale, he is evil incarnate and so any story that denigrates him must be true. Conversely, any story that is anti-Gordon Brown is not worth publicising UNTIL a new Labour leader is ready to replace Gordon Brown…
'Not one word from them about the scathing critisism on this corrupt Labour regime by the country's senior general.'
What BBC have you been watching? What about the flagship 'Andrew Marr' show?
"Conversely, any story that is anti-Gordon Brown is not worth publicising UNTIL a new Labour leader is ready to replace Gordon Brown…"
I think you will probably find that any anti-Brown story will be covered but from a "save Gordon Brown" perspective.
What BBC have you been watching? What about the flagship 'Andrew Marr' show?
Only a BBC employee could refer to Marx's twitterings as "Flagship".
Now trot (apt for Beeb types) over to Labour/BBC's website and point out to me where they have reported Danatt's comments.
Further to that there's more from the telegraph:
Gordon Brown must put 'boots on the ground' in Afghanistan
By Brigadier Allan Mallinson
Call me old fashioned, but one utterance from Brigadier Allan Mallinson is worth a year's tosh from the BBC when it comes to defence. But I see they have chosen to run with some ex-union convenor's comments about it all.
As I now live in Canada, if I wish, by using a proxy, I can download Labour/BBC programmes for FREE. I choose not to. I prefer the more balanced reporting that North American news channels put out.
According to Die Welt in Germany Cheney ordered the CIA to take prisoner or kill members of Al-Qaeda. The CIA set up the hit-squads to do this but Leon Panetta (q.v) appointed by Obama stopped the project and leaked to the media.
Clearly killing terrorists without first trying them on TV Chat Shows offends against the Due-Process Clause in TV Shows and Exposes.
Meanwhile the BBC is very silent on the death of Dr David Kelly and who may have killed him
It would be hard for Obama to appoint someone to something that happened 8 years ago.
As the Al Beeb article itself says, this is a non-story, nothing was ever activated and sounds like it never got out of the planning stage.
Mind you, given the rabid fanaticism the Dem controlled Congress had for surrendering in Iraq, is it no wonder The Dark Lord didnt tell congress?
Of course Al Beeb is strangely incurious about which law the evil Bush regime broke. Funny that.
JHT 01:09: When it is decided that not even the BBC can save the hideous Gordon Brown, then the BBC will fall in behind whoever the chosen successor is. This will be done to ensure a "clean break" with past mistakes and to give the new leader as much of a chance against the Tory toffs as possible.
Not a Sheep
I disagree entirely. The chances of Brown winning any general election in the future is remote. The BBC knows that. Yet still, it can't help itself spin, misreport or not report at all on the current shower (of ****) running the country.
No 'clean break' is possible. The BBC is the propaganda wing of ZaNu Labour. Period.
The BBC has been giving major prominence to this Cheney/CIA "story". No details, just a smear job of allegations against Cheney, but the BBC makes it 2nd top item across the World Service as well as on Radio 4 etc.
It is patently a smokescreen to cover the fact that Speaker Pelosi is a proven liar in accusing the CIA of failing to brief her on interrogation methods.
The Wall Street Journal gives a full description of what is obviously a load of tosh. CIA musings that never got anywhere – and certainly not to the level where they needed to be reported to Congress.
(I imagine most Americans and Brits would actually agree with any plan to assassinate Al Q leaders. Snuff the bastards out.)
If the BBC decides to big-up this story – how come we have to go overseas to get any sort of detail ? Just another example of the BBC being a trumpet (strumpet?) for Democratic Party talking points, just as Justin Webb et al were throughout the recent election.
Here's a short-version link to the WSJ article :
"What BBC have you been watching? What about the flagship 'Andrew Marr' show?"
Flagship! Hilarious. Tug-boat would be more accurate.
I see Guido has a good piece on how the Guardian and BBC have hyped up a non story about the Coulson affair.
Considering the Guardian NEVER put up any new evidence for their claims, isn't it odd that the BBC took over this non story and ran with it?
Yet with McBride the BBC were the last to report and the last to run with this story.
Clearly the idea of having any real proof doesn't matter when it's a Tory.
If the BBC think this is such and important story why were they not running it when Coulson got hthe job.
Anon 11:18: "No 'clean break' is possible. The BBC is the propaganda wing of ZaNu Labour. Period." You are confusing the perpetual support of Labour by the BBC for support for a particular leader. The BBC will be loyal to Gordon Brown right up until they have to swap to the next saviour leader of the party. At that point they will always have supported the new leader, there was no previous leader – We are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with Eastasia."
WV – trotalp – A communist insurrection in Switzerland?
BBC presenter Hardeep Singh Kohli suspended
BBC presenter Hardeep Singh Kohli has been suspended from his role on The One Show, after accusations of inappropriate behaviour from a female colleague.
A spokeswoman at the BBC confirmed that Kohli will spend six months away from the show saying: "The producers of The One Show received a complaint regarding Hardeep's behaviour towards a production colleague. Hardeep was reprimanded and immediately apologised.
"He agreed to take some time away from the show to reflect on his behaviour."
The presenter has been suspended from The One Show for six months but will still be allowed to work on other BBC productions.
The BBC has not admitted the exact details of the complaint but Kohli said: "Nobody has accused me of sexual harassment. I recognise I over stepped the mark and have apologised unreservedly."
Kohli, who separated from his wife two years ago, was quoted as saying "'I'm a single man now for the first time since I was 17" in an interview last year.
It's the second time The One Show has been hit by scandal following Carol Thatcher's use off the word "golliwog" off-air. Thatcher refused to apologise for the remark and was sacked earlier in the year.
Top headlines on bbc news website..
'PM defends Afghanistan strategy
Gordon Brown says Britain has the resources "to do the job" in Afghanistan, amid claims troops are under-equipped.'
It just says it all doesn't it?
as I say in my blog, it is strange that Kohli was only suspended. But what I find really odd is that he was already a slum landlord who had put three people in hospital because of it.
Is it OK for a slum landlord & sex pest to be acceptable as a Beeb presenter?
t would be hard for Obama to appoint someone to something that happened 8 years ago.
Try reading. Panetta has stopped a programme that was implemented 8 years ago. Obama appointed Panetta on 19th February 2009
WASHINGTON, July 12 (Reuters) – The CIA withheld information from Congress about a secret counterterrorism program on orders from former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, a leading U.S. senator said on Sunday.
Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein told Fox News Sunday that CIA Director Leon Panetta disclosed Cheney's involvement when he briefed members of Congress two weeks ago. She said Panetta told them he had canceled the program.
Sounds like the program was already dead before Barry's lacky got in on the action.
Also sounds as if the Democrats are trying to divert attention away from Polesi and her lies (about the CIA not playing fair)…and of course its not surprising that the MSM is playing along with the Dems.
Political propaganda courtesy of the BBC … 'phone tapping' being current in 'thought policing' – Mr Coulson being a recent 'target'. Unsurprisingly, being an ally of the Leader of the Opposition.
How US politicians and the CIA may, or may not, operate is of no interest or relevance to British licence paying listeners.