Africa texts Obama before visit : Barack and Michelle Obama Mr Obama's planned trip has ruffled a few feathers in Nigeria
US President Barack Obama has received thousands of text messages about Africa after he asked people to send questions before his trip to Ghana on Friday.
Caught a trailer for some upcoming drama called Freefall, apparently a searing account of the current financial crisis, I saw champagne swilling city types and someone being smooth talked into a mortgage then a subsequent clip of the same person shouting "Why did you let me buy this when you knew I couldn't afford it!"
Looks like it will be another dreadful drama written from smug recieved opinion rather than mustering any originality. Almost looking forward to it, it sounds like it might just be as laughable as last years mental eco-dirge 'Burn Out'
NRG is right – the BBC's obsession with the Obamessiah is getting to the point where it's worth considering the entire news team for psychiatric treatment.
Is there some secret ruling that mandates at least three appearances of the POTUS on the Corporation's 'news' front page at any one time?
Mildly interesting watching this. Normally Hardtalk is quite dry but obviously this issue was going to take on emotional content at the beeb and the tinge of disbelief is quite clearly there.
Can I use this thread to follow up on a reply given to me by sue many topics ago. I was commenting upon subjects posted in the main threads by eagle eyed contributors that were extremely important examples of BBC bias but then promptly ignored by most other contributers. A few days later it becomes a main topic without any mention of the original poster. Worse still, it then suddenly becomes a subject of discussion even though it was previously ignored.
To some, this smacks of a herd mentality. Is the bias only worth commenting on when the main contributers declare it?
Sue, you mentioned guest postings. I think that's an excellent idea, but why not just cut and paste some of the topics often covered comprehensively by some of the more lucid posters on this forum.
I particularly enjoy Reading cassandras posting. She has a handle on the mind of the beeboid like none other and I would like to see her as one of the main contributers on the front page of this site.
I thankyou for your fine compliment, you have made my day(and a half), its good to know that my humble offerings such as they are understood as intended!
I am certainly content to contribute with all the other fine 'witnesses' and wouldnt begin to think that I could even approach the high quality of the current writers, but many many thanks for the show of support.
Meawhile back at the ranch, the sad demise of the BBC continues apace, spin'N'lies and smears seem to be the order of the day with a four year old non story rehash by the ragged leftovers of the newlabour smear unit! How low does the BBC have to sink into the stinking mud before it drowns in its own filth? The BBC is all at sea with the G8 mother of all muddles, even on maximum spin the failure is impossible to hide, the ecofanatics have failed miserably in their quest, the battle lost in the run up to the Copenhagen summit and yet the war is far from over. The political parasite class have looked at the polling numbers and found them against the planned draconian cuts in a harmless trace gas, ordinary people are turning against the luddite ecomentalist mumbo jumbo, even the ecofanatics are unhappy at the blatant hijacking of their religion by the carpet bagger capitalists who see £££$$$ easy money in the AGW scam. The two opposing creeds increasingly at odds with the political classes withdrawing as they witness the inevitable collapse. The watermellon whackos see us living in wattle and daub huts eating grass while the carpetbaggers just see money for nothing $$$£££ kerching, the parasite commissars see tax revenues and perpetual power over the hated prole scum voter. The internal stresses and contradictions of a corrupt ideology and money/power grubbing scam using faked up psuedo science as cover is proving to be fatal to it, the BBC however still clings to the sinking wreckage with a will, the BBC have nailed their collective colours to the mast of AGW/MMCC so firmly that they simply cannot change their position, the ever more desperate cobbling and stitching together of the inherrent contradictions is comical and yet tragic to witness. David Shukman reduced to pimping for some snake oil salesman flogging indulgences(tree planting) in Africa, what goes through his mind when he is forced to report such obvious trash when he cannot even explain the basic principles of how a tree uses CO2 and photo synthesis for heavens sake without reducing it all to infantile over simplications.
Sit back and enjoy the show folks, there is going to be lots to report on from now on, the final showdown and reckoning is on the horizon for the BBC.
It appears that the ANC government wants a black South African to head Anglo- American Mining. The BBC is keen to point out this morning on radio 4 that the South African government is being ignored.
Hey, wanting a fully qualified accountant or a mining expert or an international trade specialist in charge of your shareholder value is SO racist, right? It's hardly worth the BBC pressing this point, it's so obvious.
Next week, Trevor Philips and Lee Jasper perform open heart surgery on the BBC political correspondent of your choice.
It is sickening hearing Nicky Campbell eulogising about the Royal Show this morning and how wonderful the countryside is, when if he thinks about it, the metropolitan liberal elite of which he is a part has been constantly and systematically undermining it.
– BBC does NOT refer to this, but 'Jihadwatch' does:
"Copts in Egypt: 'Security has declared war on the Church'"
"Currently Coptic affairs are, largely, the responsibility of the 'Coptic division' of the State Security Intelligence."
"All the better to enforce the demand of Qur'an 9:29 that unbelievers 'feel themselves subdued.' That is an open-ended command, as is evident in this story and elsewhere: Whether the local non-Muslims are subdued 'enough' depends on the whims (and paranoia) of the Muslim leadership at a given time and place."
They were going to run with the picture of 'Mikaeel' Jackson wearing his favourite burka, but chose the next best one of him honouring Arafat. Can't wait for the BBC to get the story, which, if it turns out to be true (doubt it) would become a beeboid/Islamic jizfest, unparalleled in recent times, and a free ticket to a couple of hundred event 'reporters'. Story here…
Mickfly 10:11 A muslim burial should be as soon as possible after the death, usually the next day at the latest. Guess the excuse for Jacko is the need for an autopsy !
"One was an unrepentant woman hater whose racist and anti-Semitic views were too hard-line even for the British National Party. "
OK, so the word "even" indicates that the writer knows the BNP to be racist and anti-semitic. Except the BNP publically claims that it is neither of these things. Nothing wrong with a journalist taking a firm opinion that the BNP is in fact racist and anti-semitic and then writing from that perspective… except this is the BBC, the organisation that reports the triumphs of the Taliban with equal respect as those of the British Army on the basis that they are brutally even-handed. Hmmm, brutally even-handed to the Taliban, brutally biased to the BNP. You can't have it both ways.
What about admitting then, that hamas,hesbolah, fatah, etc etc are also anti- semetic and racist? Simple, because home grown nazis are easy targets, dispicable as they are, but the much greater danger, which impacts on the politics of the ME every day, is the very same poisonous rascism which eminates from Islamic capitals every day. Aided and abetted by the BBCs often obscene coverage of the region.
Great confessional article about media coverage of Sarah Palin. The comparisons between the press savaging she endured and the reluctance of journalists to report the failings of Biden and Edwards is especially relevant to Justin Webb.
I guess BBC accusations of "anti-semitism" are a smokescreen to cover their own institutional anti-semitism. Right-wing anti-semitism = bad. Left-wing antisemitism = good.
Please read "Inside France's 'Barbarian trial'" (currently on beeboid Africa page) for a good overview of current BBC thinking on anti – semitism. Its not anti -semitism if its done by an African, especially if you mention Paris council estates and a flirtation with Mohamidism in your report. Oh and dig up a lefty "sociologist" who tells us it wasnt anti- semitism, its just that we all know "Jews are supposed to have money and to look after their own" Right. Thats O.K then.Nothing at all to see here.
– There's plenty of BBC coverage about Obama's future trip to Ghana, but nothing from the BBC on this in Somalia:
"Somali Muslims behead seven people for being 'Christians' and 'spies'"
"In accord with Sharia rules. But there will be no problem with bringing Sharia into the West, now, will there? 'Somali Islamist hardliners behead 7 'spies'"
"MOGADISHU (Reuters) – Somalia's hardline Islamist rebels beheaded seven people on Friday for being 'Christians' and 'spies' in the latest imposition of strict sharia, Islamic law, by the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab group, witnesses said. "
Piggy, and the BBC line becomes even clearer by singling out one opinion for special attenion (isolating it in a box with block quotes):
"Initially it wasn't about expressing hatred of Jews" Michel Wieviorka Sociologist
The article undermines itself. The sociologist spouted this crap AT THE START OF the trial. He didn't give us his opinions AFTER hearing the evidence presented in court. He just 'knew'. What a dick.
Here's the offending passage in full:
'But Michel Wieviorka, the author of a book on anti-Semitism in France, says the motive for the murder was money first. "Anti-Semitism added to what happened," he told journalists at the start of the trial. "Initially it wasn't about expressing hatred of Jews… the target was a Jewish man because Jews are supposed to have money and are believed to look after their own, so they'll pay up."'
Yeah, right. Mind reader, are you Wieviorka?
Elsewhere in the article we learn that the killer "bombarded the magistrates investigating the case with letters full of anti-Semitic insults."
"Between Islamic and contemporary art" (inc. video clip, 'Middle East' page.)
A CRITIQUE of the BBC's pro-Islam, anti-Christian contibution on British education:
"Islam, the BBC & Propaganda "
(by Paul Weston)-
[Opening extract]:
"Although the BBC has a reputation for bias, dishonesty and the promotion of infantile ideologies designed to destroy civilised society, they appear to have surpassed themselves in their attitude to Christianity and Islam on their GCSE Bitesize revision website which is so fantastically biased, so hatefully anti-Christian and so perversely pro-Islamic that when one considers it is aimed at the unformed minds of young school children it must surely be tantamount to child abuse."
"And – is it the end for men? We'll be hearing from the comedian Amy Lamé, in the week scientists did men out of the only job they're still good for – and created sperm in a lab. Would the world – and politics – really be better off without the less fair sex?
The same story is appearing on the BBC3 news bites every hour, with the same BBC spin that the world no longer needs men.
-But, BBC does NOT report Islamic Turkey's real genocide:
'' –
"What Constitutes a "Genocide" for Erdogan"
[Concluding comment, by Hugh Fitzgerald]:
"Do the deaths of 156 people, most of them Han Chinese killed by Muslims running murderously amok, constitute a 'genocide' of those same Muslims?
"And surely it is of note that Erdogan and many other Turks furiously deny that the mass killings, of more than a million Christian Armenians, by Muslim Turks, with Muslim Kurds joining in, and later, Muslim Arabs attacking the suriving stragglers in the Syrian Desert, constitutes a 'genocide.'
"So that's what Erdogan calls a 'genocide' of Muslims — Muslims rioting, going on a murderous rampage, beheading and burning alive Han Chinese, while the killing by Muslims, especially Turks, of a million Christians, is not genocide.
"Keep that in mind as you consider whether or not you think Turkey should be admitted as a member of the European Community."
BBC report, in which the words "Islam" and "Muslim" do not appear!:
"French 'Barbarian' killer jailed"
('Europe' page.)
Even the name of the BBC reporter responsible for that editing has been erased. The name of the BBC's Paris correspondent is Emma Jane Kirby.
To get a more accurate understanding of the nature and motivation of the Muslim murderers of the innocent Jewish man:
"France: Muslim ringleader of gang who tortured and murdered Jew sentenced to life in prison."
"Predictably, this story does not call attention to the role of Islamic anti-semitism in Fofana's acts. The words 'Islam' and 'Muslim' are not mentioned despite Fofana's own words quoted below, and the fact that the torturers chanted Qur'anic verses, and Fofana shouted 'Allahu akbar!' in court. 'Gang leader gets life in anti-Semitic murder case, from France24."
Further to BBC's relegation of Muslim/Islam link to horrific murder of Jew in France (see: 12:07 am, above), here are two counter-references:
1.) 'atlasshrugs':
"France: 'Muslim Barbarian' ringleader Fofana sentrenced to life in prison"
"Atlas reader Noelle has been following the latest breaking news on the trial of the brutal torture, kidnapping and murder of Ilan Halimi. Please see all of my coverage on this horror here: Ilan Halimi: Islamic Jew Hatred in France. The worst manifestation of Islamic Jew hatred. Noelle wrote me, 'Ms. Geller, let me assure you that such a tragedy as befell Ilan Halimi would have been totally unthinkable during the 32 years that I lived in France. The country is now under siege'.
"The trial of the 'Muslim barbarian' ringleader Fofana and his 26 accomplices (it was more like 50) had been suspended: in a shocking display of proud Islamic Jew hatred (consistent with the most sacred teachings of the Koran), the brutal Halimi murder trial was suspended after the defendant spewed vile invectives and threw his 'Arab shoes' across the courtroom at the jury. Throwing shoes at someone is a powerful insult in the Arab world."
BBC: I understand why you don't report the following: you would have to discuss black on white racism, which in the BBC book, doesn't exist.
"President Mugabe is questioned by Trevor Gifford of CFU over land grabs" ( by Jan Raath in Harare.)
"Mr Mugabe’s last encounter with the CFU [Commercial Farmers' Union] was in April 2000, soon after his 'revolutionary land reform' began. Union officials pleaded with him to assert the rule of law after the first white farmer was murdered. The delegation of farmers was threatened with violence and the next day Mr Mugabe declared on state radio that 'white farmers are enemies of the state'. "
"— Less than 1 per cent of Somalia’s population is Christian, with the rest Sunni Muslim. Most Christians belong to the Roman Catholic Church or Church of the Nazarene
— Somali Christians keep a low profile, mostly worshipping in house churches, but have been the target of mob attacks and kidnappings
— A Somalian who had moved to Britain was shot dead in his home country in April last year; Daud Hassan Ali’s widow said that it was because he had converted to Christianity
— Christian pressure groups say that five Christians were killed for their religion last year"
I've rechecked the BBC News Website and still zip, zilch, nada, diddly-squat on the story.
So, the big Somali story that George R. alerted us to features not only on Sky and in the ‘Times’ and the ‘Telegraph’, but also in ‘The Scotsman’(‘Al-Qaeda link as Somali Islamists behead seven for being Christians’) and The ‘Irish Times’ (“Somali rebels behead 'spies' and 'Christians'”).
I was visiting a relative and had the misfortune to see an episode of "Torchwood" on BBC 1. This had me shouting at the TV – so much about it was engineered to deliver the BBC agenda
1) Aliens demand 1 in 10 of the children in Britain – we have a) A proposal to use unaccompanied asylum seeking children, and b) a lecture from a cabinet minister saying – select the under performers from poor schools and save the 'productive' ones, "after all, that is what school league tables are for" 2) 30% of the cabinet is BME 3) Protracted seen at the death of gay partner
and so on
Can they not see that the 'utopia' they have created is falling apart about our ears?
I hard the Shappi Khorsandi (sp?) "comedy show" on radio 4 – one long rant about how vicious and stupid indigenous Britons are. Tired old material about the "immigrant experience" in the UK. This is racist rubbish and only gets commissioned because it ticks a few diversity boxes. Do you think the BBC would commission a UK woman to do a show telling the world about her experiences in modern Pakistan("eve teasing"
The "Now Show" was on – FFS! how does this marxist sh*t get air time? They sneered at a headline saying "EU bans cakes" going on to explain, with no detectable irony, that they only banned the consumption of cakes containing eggs, butter or cream and that the Nazi Daily Mail were all bastards. Correct me if I am wrong but what percentage of cakes contain eggs?
The TV programme the BBC tried to bury: 'The Death of Respect', next Thursday, BBC 2, 11:20 pm.
'Mail', debate section ':
"Yes family breakdown IS behind broken Britain"
By John Ware
11th July 2009
[Introductory extract]:
"Last month, one of Britain's most senior Family Court judges described family breakdown as a national tragedy and argued marriage should be promoted by the Government to help stop 'social anarchy'. "Sir Paul Coleridge also took the extraordinary step of attacking the BBC for suppressing debate over the relationship between family breakdown and social ills by burying a TV series on the subject in a late-night slot. The documentary series had already been put on hold until after May's local elections because of its sensitive political nature. The Mail, which for 20 years has passionately argued that the breakdown of the family and marriage have been hugely damaging to society, invited the respected BBC journalist behind the series to reveal his findings. . ."
Can someone ask the BBC to explain why they have taken the following policy decisions on behalf of the British people.
Trident is useless and affordable at £20bn over 30 years.
the Olympics are a 'good thing' at £20bn for a two week beano where a few drug boosted, over paid, self important 'athletes' jump over sticks and run around in circles.
Sympathetic BBC report on Labour's Jacqui Smith and porn:
"Jacqui Smith 'quit over porn row'"
('Politics' page.)
-Still she can always be proud of standing by her principles, and banning GEERT WILDERS from Britain.
Talking of Mr. Wilders:
"Wilders In Wonderland"
(by Paul Weston).
[Opening extract}:
"When Alice fell down a rabbit hole and embarked on her adventures in Wonderland, she discovered a thoroughly surreal environment in which the White Queen was able to advise the Mad Hatter that… 'quite often subjects are punished before they commit a crime, rather than after, and sometimes they do not even commit it at all.'
"Welcome to Wonderland, Mr Wilders, where Holland’s sober lawmakers appear intent on out-fantasizing Lewis Carroll on acid. The fact that they are hell-bent on subjecting Geert Wilders to a criminal prosecution is more than just absurd. It is insane. Totally, utterly and mind-bendingly insane."
"Barack Obama tells Africa to stop blaming the West for its woes on historic Ghana visit"
"Barack Obama has delivered the most challenging speech by a US leader in Africa for decades by castigating the continent's leadership for creating a culture of 'brutality and bribery'. "
Prompted by Obama's speech on Africa, here's a comment on the BBC's TV parody of the BBC's typical reporting on Africa, as in Episode 1 of 'Taking the Flak' (last Wednesday):
'TIMES' review, extract –
"The jokes and satire went one way and after an hour of in-jokery, you did find yourself wondering: if the BBC is so keen to mock its own news operation, using recognisable presenters and graphics, why should we trust the real thing? (…)”
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
Now I can understand why this would be covered by an American new outlet, but why is it on BBC News UK site?
Do the Beeboids not realise that Obama is not president of the UK?
Africa texts Obama before visit :
Barack and Michelle Obama
Mr Obama's planned trip has ruffled a few feathers in Nigeria
US President Barack Obama has received thousands of text messages about Africa after he asked people to send questions before his trip to Ghana on Friday.
Caught a trailer for some upcoming drama called Freefall, apparently a searing account of the current financial crisis, I saw champagne swilling city types and someone being smooth talked into a mortgage then a subsequent clip of the same person shouting "Why did you let me buy this when you knew I couldn't afford it!"
Looks like it will be another dreadful drama written from smug recieved opinion rather than mustering any originality. Almost looking forward to it, it sounds like it might just be as laughable as last years mental eco-dirge 'Burn Out'
NRG is right – the BBC's obsession with the Obamessiah is getting to the point where it's worth considering the entire news team for psychiatric treatment.
Is there some secret ruling that mandates at least three appearances of the POTUS on the Corporation's 'news' front page at any one time?
Shall be interested to see how the BBC report this.
Young Racists' Bomb Threat To Immigrants
Mildly interesting watching this. Normally Hardtalk is quite dry but obviously this issue was going to take on emotional content at the beeb and the tinge of disbelief is quite clearly there.
Barack Obama critic Lynn Forester
With a characteristic lack of imagination, the BBC's lazy online news team choose to illustrate their latest website piece on 'global warming' with…?
Why, a picture of cars!
Even the most credulous believers in the AGW scam no longer try to claim cars are a major contributor to their beloved scam.
And to think how BBC like to pretend superiority over fellow hacks on the tabloids!
Can I use this thread to follow up on a reply given to me by sue many topics ago. I was commenting upon subjects posted in the main threads by eagle eyed contributors that were extremely important examples of BBC bias but then promptly ignored by most other contributers. A few days later it becomes a main topic without any mention of the original poster. Worse still, it then suddenly becomes a subject of discussion even though it was previously ignored.
To some, this smacks of a herd mentality. Is the bias only worth commenting on when the main contributers declare it?
Sue, you mentioned guest postings. I think that's an excellent idea, but why not just cut and paste some of the topics often covered comprehensively by some of the more lucid posters on this forum.
I particularly enjoy Reading cassandras posting. She has a handle on the mind of the beeboid like none other and I would like to see her as one of the main contributers on the front page of this site.
Ratass Shagged,
I thankyou for your fine compliment, you have made my day(and a half), its good to know that my humble offerings such as they are understood as intended!
I am certainly content to contribute with all the other fine 'witnesses' and wouldnt begin to think that I could even approach the high quality of the current writers, but many many thanks for the show of support.
Meawhile back at the ranch, the sad demise of the BBC continues apace, spin'N'lies and smears seem to be the order of the day with a four year old non story rehash by the ragged leftovers of the newlabour smear unit!
How low does the BBC have to sink into the stinking mud before it drowns in its own filth?
The BBC is all at sea with the G8 mother of all muddles, even on maximum spin the failure is impossible to hide, the ecofanatics have failed miserably in their quest, the battle lost in the run up to the Copenhagen summit and yet the war is far from over.
The political parasite class have looked at the polling numbers and found them against the planned draconian cuts in a harmless trace gas, ordinary people are turning against the luddite ecomentalist mumbo jumbo, even the ecofanatics are unhappy at the blatant hijacking of their religion by the carpet bagger capitalists who see £££$$$ easy money in the AGW scam.
The two opposing creeds increasingly at odds with the political classes withdrawing as they witness the inevitable collapse.
The watermellon whackos see us living in wattle and daub huts eating grass while the carpetbaggers just see money for nothing $$$£££ kerching, the parasite commissars see tax revenues and perpetual power over the hated prole scum voter.
The internal stresses and contradictions of a corrupt ideology and money/power grubbing scam using faked up psuedo science as cover is proving to be fatal to it, the BBC however still clings to the sinking wreckage with a will, the BBC have nailed their collective colours to the mast of AGW/MMCC so firmly that they simply cannot change their position, the ever more desperate cobbling and stitching together of the inherrent contradictions is comical and yet tragic to witness.
David Shukman reduced to pimping for some snake oil salesman flogging indulgences(tree planting) in Africa, what goes through his mind when he is forced to report such obvious trash when he cannot even explain the basic principles of how a tree uses CO2 and photo synthesis for heavens sake without reducing it all to infantile over simplications.
Sit back and enjoy the show folks, there is going to be lots to report on from now on, the final showdown and reckoning is on the horizon for the BBC.
Fair play.
Someone at Aunty does have a sense of fun.
Loved the choice of photo from all that could have been selected:
Brown [heart] Obama
It appears that the ANC government wants a black South African to head Anglo- American Mining. The BBC is keen to point out this morning on radio 4 that the South African government is being ignored.
Hey, wanting a fully qualified accountant or a mining expert or an international trade specialist in charge of your shareholder value is SO racist, right? It's hardly worth the BBC pressing this point, it's so obvious.
Next week, Trevor Philips and Lee Jasper perform open heart surgery on the BBC political correspondent of your choice.
Mr Richards being his usual loyal BBC supporter of their honesty.
It is sickening hearing Nicky Campbell eulogising about the Royal Show this morning and how wonderful the countryside is, when if he thinks about it, the metropolitan liberal elite of which he is a part has been constantly and systematically undermining it.
BBC refers to this:
"'Hijab martyr' rally due in Cairo"
– BBC does NOT refer to this, but 'Jihadwatch' does:
"Copts in Egypt: 'Security has declared war on the Church'"
"Currently Coptic affairs are, largely, the responsibility of the 'Coptic division' of the State Security Intelligence."
"All the better to enforce the demand of Qur'an 9:29 that unbelievers 'feel themselves subdued.' That is an open-ended command, as is evident in this story and elsewhere: Whether the local non-Muslims are subdued 'enough' depends on the whims (and paranoia) of the Muslim leadership at a given time and place."
Oh, now BBC recognises the flaws in Labour's car scrappage scheme:
"The pros and cons of car firm subsidies" ('Business' page.)
They were going to run with the picture of 'Mikaeel' Jackson wearing his favourite burka, but chose the next best one of him honouring Arafat.
Can't wait for the BBC to get the story, which, if it turns out to be true (doubt it) would become a beeboid/Islamic jizfest, unparalleled in recent times, and a free ticket to a couple of hundred event 'reporters'.
Story here…
Sorry, I should have said, the story is about a possible Muslim funeral for Jacko.
Nah – that's not bias:
The BBC :
The actual story:
I think the OfCom bottled water is a nice touch ….
One bunch of peculating half wits congratulating another then?
Mickfly 10:11
A muslim burial should be as soon as possible after the death, usually the next day at the latest.
Guess the excuse for Jacko is the need for an autopsy !
Mickfly 10:11
Guess the excuse for Jacko is the need for an autopsy !
Or for the wreckers to strip him for parts…
Seen this?
The neo-Nazi 'asylum seekers'
"One was an unrepentant woman hater whose racist and anti-Semitic views were too hard-line even for the British National Party."
Brilliantly done, I must say.
Of course the story isn't, 'Men sent to prison for years for authoring website.'
Todays prize for the most grotesque usage of the obamamessiah in a report, "Dutch Economic crisis Sees Calvinist Revival". Ho bloody ho.
"One was an unrepentant woman hater whose racist and anti-Semitic views were too hard-line even for the British National Party. "
OK, so the word "even" indicates that the writer knows the BNP to be racist and anti-semitic. Except the BNP publically claims that it is neither of these things. Nothing wrong with a journalist taking a firm opinion that the BNP is in fact racist and anti-semitic and then writing from that perspective… except this is the BBC, the organisation that reports the triumphs of the Taliban with equal respect as those of the British Army on the basis that they are brutally even-handed. Hmmm, brutally even-handed to the Taliban, brutally biased to the BNP. You can't have it both ways.
What about admitting then, that hamas,hesbolah, fatah, etc etc are also anti- semetic and racist?
Simple, because home grown nazis are easy targets, dispicable as they are, but the much greater danger, which impacts on the politics of the ME every day, is the very same poisonous rascism which eminates from Islamic capitals every day. Aided and abetted by the BBCs often obscene coverage of the region.
Great confessional article about media coverage of Sarah Palin. The comparisons between the press savaging she endured and the reluctance of journalists to report the failings of Biden and Edwards is especially relevant to Justin Webb.
I guess BBC accusations of "anti-semitism" are a smokescreen to cover their own institutional anti-semitism.
Right-wing anti-semitism = bad.
Left-wing antisemitism = good.
Yes, that fits your 'multiculturalism', BBC: give GADDAFI better treatment than WILDERS:
"Gaddafi and Brown in first talks" ('Europe' page.)
Please read "Inside France's 'Barbarian trial'"
(currently on beeboid Africa page)
for a good overview of current BBC thinking on anti – semitism.
Its not anti -semitism if its done by an African, especially if you mention Paris council estates and a flirtation with Mohamidism in your report. Oh and dig up a lefty "sociologist" who tells us it wasnt anti- semitism, its just that we all know "Jews are supposed to have money and to look after their own"
Right. Thats O.K then.Nothing at all to see here.
BBC and AFRICA: 'not taking the Islamic flak' –
– There's plenty of BBC coverage about Obama's future trip to Ghana, but nothing from the BBC on this in Somalia:
"Somali Muslims behead seven people for being 'Christians' and 'spies'"
"In accord with Sharia rules. But there will be no problem with bringing Sharia into the West, now, will there? 'Somali Islamist hardliners behead 7 'spies'"
"MOGADISHU (Reuters) – Somalia's hardline Islamist rebels beheaded seven people on Friday for being 'Christians' and 'spies' in the latest imposition of strict sharia, Islamic law, by the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab group, witnesses said. "
Piggy, and the BBC line becomes even clearer by singling out one opinion for special attenion (isolating it in a box with block quotes):
"Initially it wasn't about expressing hatred of Jews"
Michel Wieviorka
The article undermines itself. The sociologist spouted this crap AT THE START OF the trial. He didn't give us his opinions AFTER hearing the evidence presented in court. He just 'knew'. What a dick.
Here's the offending passage in full:
'But Michel Wieviorka, the author of a book on anti-Semitism in France, says the motive for the murder was money first.
"Anti-Semitism added to what happened," he told journalists at the start of the trial.
"Initially it wasn't about expressing hatred of Jews… the target was a Jewish man because Jews are supposed to have money and are believed to look after their own, so they'll pay up."'
Yeah, right. Mind reader, are you Wieviorka?
Elsewhere in the article we learn that the killer "bombarded the magistrates investigating the case with letters full of anti-Semitic insults."
More BBC pro-Islamic propaganda:
"Between Islamic and contemporary art"
(inc. video clip, 'Middle East' page.)
A CRITIQUE of the BBC's pro-Islam, anti-Christian contibution on British education:
"Islam, the BBC & Propaganda "
(by Paul Weston)-
[Opening extract]:
"Although the BBC has a reputation for bias, dishonesty and the promotion of infantile ideologies designed to destroy civilised society, they appear to have surpassed themselves in their attitude to Christianity and Islam on their GCSE Bitesize revision website which is so fantastically biased, so hatefully anti-Christian and so perversely pro-Islamic that when one considers it is aimed at the unformed minds of young school children it must surely be tantamount to child abuse."
This will never be seen on the BBC. It is against their narrative. Please watch it all the way through.
This Week (the late night chat show with Andrew Neil) ended on this story:
"And – is it the end for men? We'll be hearing from the comedian Amy Lamé, in the week scientists did men out of the only job they're still good for – and created sperm in a lab. Would the world – and politics – really be better off without the less fair sex?
The same story is appearing on the BBC3 news bites every hour, with the same BBC spin that the world no longer needs men.
BBC uncritically reports Islamic Turkey thus:
"Turkey attacks China 'genocide"
(which isn't a 'genocide'.)
'asia-pacific' page.
-But, BBC does NOT report Islamic Turkey's real genocide:
'' –
"What Constitutes a "Genocide" for Erdogan"
[Concluding comment, by Hugh Fitzgerald]:
"Do the deaths of 156 people, most of them Han Chinese killed by Muslims running murderously amok, constitute a 'genocide' of those same Muslims?
"And surely it is of note that Erdogan and many other Turks furiously deny that the mass killings, of more than a million Christian Armenians, by Muslim Turks, with Muslim Kurds joining in, and later, Muslim Arabs attacking the suriving stragglers in the Syrian Desert, constitutes a 'genocide.'
"So that's what Erdogan calls a 'genocide' of Muslims — Muslims rioting, going on a murderous rampage, beheading and burning alive Han Chinese, while the killing by Muslims, especially Turks, of a million Christians, is not genocide.
"Keep that in mind as you consider whether or not you think Turkey should be admitted as a member of the European Community."
Re-piggy kosher's correct comment 6:22 pm above:
BBC report, in which the words "Islam" and "Muslim" do not appear!:
"French 'Barbarian' killer jailed"
('Europe' page.)
Even the name of the BBC reporter responsible for that editing has been erased. The name of the BBC's Paris correspondent is Emma Jane Kirby.
To get a more accurate understanding of the nature and motivation of the Muslim murderers of the innocent Jewish man:
"France: Muslim ringleader of gang who tortured and murdered Jew sentenced to life in prison."
"Predictably, this story does not call attention to the role of Islamic anti-semitism in Fofana's acts. The words 'Islam' and 'Muslim' are not mentioned despite Fofana's own words quoted below, and the fact that the torturers chanted Qur'anic verses, and Fofana shouted 'Allahu akbar!' in court. 'Gang leader gets life in anti-Semitic murder case, from France24."
Somewhat frivolous in comparison with the above comments, but if you search the BBC's website for the name Mayara Tavares, you won't find it.
One is left to speculate on how the BBC would have treated a similar gaffe by GWB.
Re the above, I just watched this, which seems to explain the photo.
Apologies for false alarm.
Three cheers to Charles Moore! THis ought to make a new thread. Perhaps the rebellion against the BBC starts today!
No you can't have my £142.50 I'll see you in court
Further to BBC's relegation of Muslim/Islam link to horrific murder of Jew in France (see: 12:07 am, above), here are two counter-references:
1.) 'atlasshrugs':
"France: 'Muslim Barbarian' ringleader Fofana sentrenced to life in prison"
"Atlas reader Noelle has been following the latest breaking news on the trial of the brutal torture, kidnapping and murder of Ilan Halimi. Please see all of my coverage on this horror here: Ilan Halimi: Islamic Jew Hatred in France. The worst manifestation of Islamic Jew hatred. Noelle wrote me, 'Ms. Geller, let me assure you that such a tragedy as befell Ilan Halimi would have been totally unthinkable during the 32 years that I lived in France. The country is now under siege'.
"The trial of the 'Muslim barbarian' ringleader Fofana and his 26 accomplices (it was more like 50) had been suspended: in a shocking display of proud Islamic Jew hatred (consistent with the most sacred teachings of the Koran), the brutal Halimi murder trial was suspended after the defendant spewed vile invectives and threw his 'Arab shoes' across the courtroom at the jury. Throwing shoes at someone is a powerful insult in the Arab world."
'' –
"Paris: Prisoner of the Barbarians"
(by Nidra Poller.)
MUGABE and white farmers.
BBC: I understand why you don't report the following: you would have to discuss black on white racism, which in the BBC book, doesn't exist.
"President Mugabe is questioned by Trevor Gifford of CFU over land grabs" ( by Jan Raath in Harare.)
"Mr Mugabe’s last encounter with the CFU [Commercial Farmers' Union] was in April 2000, soon after his 'revolutionary land reform' began. Union officials pleaded with him to assert the rule of law after the first white farmer was murdered. The delegation of farmers was threatened with violence and the next day Mr Mugabe declared on state radio that 'white farmers are enemies of the state'. "
George R @6.32pm,
The Somali story is featured on the 'Times Online' site as well ( and the article gives us useful information above and beyond the particular story:
"— Less than 1 per cent of Somalia’s population is Christian, with the rest Sunni Muslim. Most Christians belong to the Roman Catholic Church or Church of the Nazarene
— Somali Christians keep a low profile, mostly worshipping in house churches, but have been the target of mob attacks and kidnappings
— A Somalian who had moved to Britain was shot dead in his home country in April last year; Daud Hassan Ali’s widow said that it was because he had converted to Christianity
— Christian pressure groups say that five Christians were killed for their religion last year"
I've rechecked the BBC News Website and still zip, zilch, nada, diddly-squat on the story.
The story is also featured in the ‘Telegraph’:
“Islamist insurgents behead 7 Somalis for 'spying on government and abandoning Islam'” (
Also, Sky News’s website features the story:
‘Somali Rebels 'Behead Spies And Christians'’ (
I can't find anything in the Fiskite 'Independent' or in the the 'Guardian'. Then again, they're the BBC's soulmates in denial.
So, the big Somali story that George R. alerted us to features not only on Sky and in the ‘Times’ and the ‘Telegraph’, but also in ‘The Scotsman’(‘Al-Qaeda link as Somali Islamists behead seven for being Christians’) and The ‘Irish Times’ (“Somali rebels behead 'spies' and 'Christians'”).
It's also featured on the ‘Al Arabiya’ News Channel website: ‘Victims executed for being 'Christian followers' and 'spies'’.
The BBC's Arabic reincarnation, Al Jazeera, does feature it but downplays the 'Christian' bit of the story & concentrates on the 'spies' bit instead: "Somalia's al-Shabab beheads 'spies'. (""😉
The BBC ignores it.
Good spotting, as usual, George.
The dumbed-down BBC.
Last week, the BBC was glorifying American pop performer, M.Jackson; this week, the BBC spotlight turns to Z.Ball, BBC's pop music presenter, because:
"BBC presenter Ball is pregnant."
('Entertainment' page!)
BBC report:
"Brown 'knackered' says Labour MP"
"Gordon Brown is a 'knackered' prime minister and should take a month's holiday, a Labour backbencher [Austin Mitchell] has said."
Only a month?
Three things to rant about.
I was visiting a relative and had the misfortune to see an episode of "Torchwood" on BBC 1. This had me shouting at the TV – so much about it was engineered to deliver the BBC agenda
1) Aliens demand 1 in 10 of the children in Britain – we have a) A proposal to use unaccompanied asylum seeking children, and b) a lecture from a cabinet minister saying – select the under performers from poor schools and save the 'productive' ones, "after all, that is what school league tables are for"
2) 30% of the cabinet is BME
3) Protracted seen at the death of gay partner
and so on
Can they not see that the 'utopia' they have created is falling apart about our ears?
I hard the Shappi Khorsandi (sp?) "comedy show" on radio 4 – one long rant about how vicious and stupid indigenous Britons are. Tired old material about the "immigrant experience" in the UK. This is racist rubbish and only gets commissioned because it ticks a few diversity boxes. Do you think the BBC would commission a UK woman to do a show telling the world about her experiences in modern Pakistan("eve teasing"
The "Now Show" was on – FFS! how does this marxist sh*t get air time? They sneered at a headline saying "EU bans cakes" going on to explain, with no detectable irony, that they only banned the consumption of cakes containing eggs, butter or cream and that the Nazi Daily Mail were all bastards. Correct me if I am wrong but what percentage of cakes contain eggs?
The TV programme the BBC tried to bury: 'The Death of Respect', next Thursday, BBC 2, 11:20 pm.
'Mail', debate section ':
"Yes family breakdown IS behind broken Britain"
By John Ware
11th July 2009
[Introductory extract]:
"Last month, one of Britain's most senior Family Court judges described family breakdown as a national tragedy and argued marriage should be promoted by the Government to help stop 'social anarchy'.
"Sir Paul Coleridge also took the extraordinary step of attacking the BBC for suppressing debate over the relationship between family breakdown and social ills by burying a TV series on the subject in a late-night slot.
The documentary series had already been put on hold until after May's local elections because of its sensitive political nature.
The Mail, which for 20 years has passionately argued that the breakdown of the family and marriage have been hugely damaging to society, invited the respected BBC journalist behind the series to reveal his findings. . ."
[John Ware's article follows at 'Mail' link.]
Can someone ask the BBC to explain why they have taken the following policy decisions on behalf of the British people.
Trident is useless and affordable at £20bn over 30 years.
the Olympics are a 'good thing' at £20bn for a two week beano where a few drug boosted, over paid, self important 'athletes' jump over sticks and run around in circles.
Sympathetic BBC report on Labour's Jacqui Smith and porn:
"Jacqui Smith 'quit over porn row'"
('Politics' page.)
-Still she can always be proud of standing by her principles, and banning GEERT WILDERS from Britain.
Talking of Mr. Wilders:
"Wilders In Wonderland"
(by Paul Weston).
[Opening extract}:
"When Alice fell down a rabbit hole and embarked on her adventures in Wonderland, she discovered a thoroughly surreal environment in which the White Queen was able to advise the Mad Hatter that… 'quite often subjects are punished before they commit a crime, rather than after, and sometimes they do not even commit it at all.'
"Welcome to Wonderland, Mr Wilders, where Holland’s sober lawmakers appear intent on out-fantasizing Lewis Carroll on acid. The fact that they are hell-bent on subjecting Geert Wilders to a criminal prosecution is more than just absurd. It is insane. Totally, utterly and mind-bendingly insane."
BBC to break with Obama politically over Africa?:
"Barack Obama tells Africa to stop blaming the West for its woes on historic Ghana visit"
"Barack Obama has delivered the most challenging speech by a US leader in Africa for decades by castigating the continent's leadership for creating a culture of 'brutality and bribery'. "
Prompted by Obama's speech on Africa, here's a comment on the BBC's TV parody of the BBC's typical reporting on Africa, as in Episode 1 of 'Taking the Flak' (last Wednesday):
'TIMES' review, extract –
"The jokes and satire went one way and after an hour of in-jokery, you did find yourself wondering: if the BBC is so keen to mock its own news operation, using recognisable presenters and graphics, why should we trust the real thing? (…)”
{Episopde 1 available at BBC i-Player.}