"The Government Equalities Office said they wanted more northerners on such boards but 'had no plans to introduce new rules or regional quotas'.
"'We are simply saying we want a diverse mix of people and talent from around the country,' a spokesman said.
"'Through the campaign we are running to get more women, ethnic minorities and disabled people to apply for public appointments; we hope to attract interest from people in different regions.
"'Public bodies with a mix of people and talents make better decisions for our communities.'"
'Daily Mail'
Melanie Phillips re- HARMAN:
"What has poor old Britain done to deserve Harriet Harperson?"
Daily Mail, 13 July 2009
"Has there ever been a more preposterous figure than the Equalities Minister Harriet Harman?
"Scarcely a week goes by when she does not dream up another monumentally irrelevant yet intrusive or oppressive wheeze to make life in Britain that much more unjust and insufferable.
"Not content with setting herself to eradicate discrimination against women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, disabled or black people as well as all ethnic minorities, she has now discovered yet another form of prejudice — discrimination against Northerners.
"Ms Harman wants to introduce rules to stop ‘discrimination’ against people from the North and other regions, and has instructed her department accordingly to stop Londoners and other Southerners from ‘lording it’ over the rest of the country.
"After ‘class war’, we now apparently have ‘location war’. If this idea is allowed to progress beyond Ms Harperson’s terrifyingly one-track mind, hundreds of public organisations will have to have special quotas for Yorkshirepersons or Cornishpersons whenever a vacancy occurs."
"Now she may even be left in charge of the country while the Prime Minister is on holiday. One shudders to think what might happen if she is actually required to do anything. We’ll probably all return to find she has replaced the Order of Merit by the Ribbon of Equality, and the Queen by a transgendered Geordie with a limp."
Stephen Glover on the News of the World phone-bugging story: Most of this story was old. We already knew eight-tenths of it, though we had probably forgotten we did. Nonetheless, it was imaginatively repackaged by those symbiotic organisations, The Guardian and the BBC, and sold as new. The Corporation had been put on red alert by the newspaper at a senior level well before the story broke. Last Wednesday, when I turned on BBC 2’s Newsnight, I knew something was up. Kirsty Wark was practically panting with joy, like a foxhound with the scent of the fox full in its nose.
Symbiotic is correct. Who did that poll about Afghanistan that's been all over the BBC today? Oh yes, the BBC and the Guardian. Compare that symbiosis with the response Peter Sissons heard from his producer when he said he was going to ask the BBC's beloved Harperson a difficult question: 'The most senior of the producers asked me directly what other issues I would raise with Miss Harman. No problem, until I mentioned the last question I wanted to get in: why the Queen had not been invited to the 65th anniversary commemoration of D-Day. The response shocked me. It was suggested that it was not a topic worth raising because it was only a campaign being run by the Daily Mail.'
One type of media bias has been called 'Bias by Labelling'. Part of this involves labelling a person the reporter or commentator disapproves of as, say, 'right-wing' but, conversely, not labelling someone the commentator approves of as 'left-wing' but instead, say, describing them as 'independent' or an 'expert'. (Thanks to John Horne Tooke for this information).
There was a textbook example of this on tonight's 'PM' programme.
Kenneth Jost, Law Professor at Washington University and author of 'The Supreme Court A to Z', was invited on to give a short talk about the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, & the Senate hearings that will scrutinise and approve her appointment. This was a lecture-in-miniature. No alternative viewpoints were sought. No questions were asked.
Is he the impartial, dispassionate academic 'PM' would have us believe?
Here's the passage that gives the game away:
"Republicans and conservative advocacy groups are calling Sotomayor 'a liberal judicial activist'. Independent experts say her decisions stick closely to the facts and to precedent."
A little look around the internet leads you to a recent article by Professor Jost, which confirms that he is opposed to the 'Republicans and conservative advocacy groups', & on the side of the 'independent experts', on this issue at least: http://jostonjustice.blogspot.com/2009/05/sotomayor-choice-belies-critics.html
Jost's bias, then, is matched by the BBC's bias. Just as he would have us believe that those in favour of Sonia Sotomayor's appointment are 'independent experts', so they too would have us believe that Professor Jost is an 'independent expert' too. (In a sense – his own sense – he is!)
firstly the BBC/Guardian poll (I'm always suspicious of any poll done for those two bunch of corrupt drug using twats) on Afghanistan. At total odds with the ITN poll and all the other newspaper polls I've seen.
Then the BBC defending the lies of McGay. There are no more Chinooks in Afghanistan now than there were 12 months ago (about 8). The truth is the RAF can't send any more. They will already be cannibalising the ones in the UK for spare parts for Afghanistan and to increase the numbers would put an ever greater pressure on spare parts and servicing regime. Not only that but the RAF would have to increase the number of personnel out there to provide backup.
AS for vehicles, most of the shit the British forces have is rubbish as McShit lied when he said that he'd always given the forces the money.
Lies lies and more lies. Yet the BBC offered no dissent tonight on the 6PM news.
BBC: ignoring update on the crimes of Muslim Barbarians in Paris –
'France 24'
"'Barbarians' gang members face re-trial for brutal murder"
"Fourteen members of the 'Barbarians,' a self-styled Paris gang, will be retried for their role in the brutal murder of a Jewish man, according to French officials, following complaints that their sentences were too light.
"The announcement followed a statement by French Justice Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie earlier Monday that the sentences handed down to some gang members were too lenient.
"Alliot-Marie was responding to Friday’s sentencing of members of the self-styled 'Barbarians' gang who kidnapped, tortured and killed Ilan Halimi, a Jewish mobile phone salesman, in 2006. The details of the attack were particularly horrifying and sparked a public debate on hate crimes in France."
The BBC does have a Paris correspondent, one Emma Jane Kirby.
"You'll see that most of the road signs in Wales are bilingual. Welsh highway authorities choose whether they English or Welsh priority, and the language having priority in the highway authority's area appears first on signs. Most of south Wales is English-priority while north Wales is Welsh-priority."
Its parts for the incredibly unstrategically vital 20mm oerlikon cannon (think WW2) Only 4 contracts have been put up for review out of 135. Mcbroon has thrown a bone to the camel corps and the dhimmified parts of the H of C. even the BBC isnt giving it much exposure, that I can see. No reason to be phoning out for extra rent boys and cocaine tonite beeboids.
Here was the complaint I sent to the BBC on 3rd July:
"I wish to complain about David Dimbleby's aggressive interruption of Ian Duncan Smith on last night's 'Question Time'. Watching the i-Player from 14.26, we see Harriet Harman whisper something to Dimbleby (just after Duncan Smith has started speaking eloquently). Dimbleby makes eye contact with her & Ms Harman smirks. Three seconds later Dimbleby interrupts Ian Duncan Smith and begins a sustained attack on him. Can you explain this sequence of events as anything other that shameless collusion between a government minister and a BBC presenter? What did Ms Harman say to Dimbleby? If David Dimbleby interrupted Ian Duncan Smith at Harriet Harman's request he should be sacked."
The reply came today:
"Dear Mr …
Thank you for your email regarding 'Question Time'.
I understand you feel the broadcast on the 2 July showed an unnecessary attack on Ian Duncan Smith by David Dimbleby which you believe may have been provoked by Harriet Harman.
While I appreciate your concerns, I can assure you this interruption was not provoked as a result of Harriet Harman's comments. Prior to this interruption, David Dimbleby actually interrupted Harriet Harman to allow Ian Duncan Smith to speak. It is his role as chairman to ensure that discussions keep to the specific topics raised, and on this occasion he felt Ian Duncan Smith was not keeping strictly to the issue of Government spending through the recession. Despite this challenge, Ian Duncan Smith was allowed to finish his comments.
We appreciate you taking the time to contact us nonetheless and I'd like to assure you that we have registered your comments on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily for all programme makers and commissioning executives within the BBC, and also their senior management. It ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact the BBC.
Listened to R4's feedback show driving back from the Cotswolds last night. There was a debate supposedly started by a listener who wanted to know why there was not an agnostic/atheist turn on 'Thought for the day' – the ensuing debate was wound up by saying that the matter was up for review by the BBC trust.
I suspect a clear case of using the Feedback programme to start a fake debate which will lead to the outcome already decided by BBC execs.
An interesting fact I learned from the show is that the R4 audience is mostly over 55. Given that most people I know have 'found out' the BBC by that age, I can only assume that R4 listeners are all ex-senior public sector workers, for whom the diet of NHS and Education stories are a reminder of what they used to do before they took early retirement on 75% pay.
"Trains stopped as prop from BBC Spooks causes bomb scare"
"Trains were delayed for an hour after a passenger spotted a suspect package – but on closer inspection it turned out to be a prop from BBC spy drama Spooks."
"Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor" by Garrett Hardin.
[Opening extract of 13 page essay, in pdf format.]
"Environmentalists use the metaphor of the earth as a 'spaceship' in trying to persuade countries, industries and people to stop wasting and polluting our natural resources. Since we all share life on this planet, they argue, no single person or institution has the right to destroy, waste, or use more than a fair share of its resources.
"The spaceship metaphor can be dangerous when used by misguided idealists to justify suicidal policies for sharing our resources through uncontrolled immigration and foreign aid. "In their enthusiastic but unrealistic generosity, they confuse the ethics of a spaceship with those of a lifeboat. "A true spaceship would have to be under the control of a captain, since no ship could possibly survive if its course were determined by committee. Spaceship Earth certainly has no captain; the United Nations is merely a toothless tiger, with little power to enforce any policy upon its bickering members. "If we divide the world crudely into rich nations and poor nations, two thirds of them are desperately poor, and only one third comparatively rich, with the United States the wealthiest of all. Metaphorically each rich nation can be seen as a lifeboat full of comparatively rich people. In the ocean outside each lifeboat swim the poor of the world, who would like to get in, or at least to share some of the wealth. What should the lifeboat passengers do? "First, we must recognize the limited capacity of any lifeboat."
There is an important debate here somewhere. Is the BBC prepared to have it, or will the BBC merely resort to denunciations?
I agree entirely that the BBC is biased, but there is more to people than religion, for f**ks sake. Who gives a stuff if someone is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Jedi, or a follower of Origin? Speaking as an atheist, it all seems very silly to keep beating on the christian/jewish/muslim dick-waving contest. I find the political bias of the BBC to be far more relevant to Britain than the idiots (of both sides) on the Eastern coast of the Med.
Anon – It does matter – its a matter of culture. Britain was once a christian country, our laws and morals were based on that tradition. Just look where we are now. High teenage pregancies and abortions, lack of any moral standards and no counter balance to the creeping islamification.
If the Church had stuck to its core Christian values and not turned into wooly liberals where every religion (and none) is of equal value a lot of Britains moral decline could have been stopped.
The BBC are at the forefront of fostering upon us alien culures all in the name of diversity to the detriment of our own.
You just have to see the BBCs "White Season" to see how it is used against us. A young girl finds safety and a sense of belonging in an Asian family rather than her own people, who are made up of dysfunctional misfits.
Justin Webb's latest post contains this: "..the really difficult link between the God-awful screw-ups (Iraq etc) and the staggering ability of the place to revivify and refresh.."
So Bush's Iraq policy was a "God-awful screw-up", according to Webb. He may be right, he may be wrong. He shouldn't be saying it though.
Justin Webb, biased and not bothered who knows it.
Trust the BBC: reporting on illegal immigration (BBC's 'migration') into Europe, from the illegal immigrants' point of view:
"Migrant wave wanes with Spain's economy" ('Europe' page).
But still, as 'Migrationwatch' points out, relating to the UK:
"Sir Andrew Green, Chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said:
'The main parties talk tough on immigration, but they are trying to ‘con’ the British public. According to Government figures, we can expect almost another 10 million people in England in 20 years time of which seven million will be due to immigration – equivalent to seven cities the size of Birmingham. Current Labour policy won’t begin to address this. The Conservatives are barely better: despite their rhetoric, they have a lightweight policy that sounds tough but won’t deliver.
'Until the main parties decide to be honest about an issue crucial to the future of our society and until they get real about the measures needed, extremist groups will continue to have a ball,' he said."
It is ironic that Socialists seem to have abandoned the Comprehensive system, insisting that private schools take on "deprived" children. She didn't answer the anomoly that taxpayers pay for both private school and comps. The pity is that Labour will destroy the private school system for middle income aspirants as the costs will rise if the schools have to take on more free puplis.
Manchester International Festival and the Guardian have invited submissions for innovative schemes to help tackle climate change. All types of schemes are to be considered: technological, scientific and behaviour-changing… Both event and report will be prominently promoted by the Guardian and the BBC, raising awareness of the most promising schemes.
Greece, Europe and illegal immigration from Afghanistan:
BBC report:
"Greek police flatten migrant camp."
'Daily Mail' report:
"Greek authorities send in the bulldozers to remove illegal Afghan immigrant camp"
"Police in Greece yesterday cleared a squalid immigrant camp mainly inhabited by Afghans hoping to sneak on to ferries bound for Italy.
"Bulldozers moved in around dawn to clear makeshift structures and rubbish that had been piling up in the camp in the western port city of Patras.
"A fire broke out but was put out after an hour or so and by the afternoon the area had been completely cleared."
"Greece had already seen a major wave of immigrants from Albania and Eastern Europe in the 1990s, and is now experiencing a second wave from Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan. "Immigrants, once very rare, now account for more than 10 per cent of Greece's population of 11 million." ('Daily Mail'.)
From 'Wikipedia':- "According to the 2001 UK Census, there were 14,875 Afghan-born people residing in the UK, with The Guardian estimating the number of ethnic Afghans in the UK regardless of birth place at 40,000. Also worth of note is that there are an estimated 75,000 native Northern Pashto speakers in the UK, although this language is not only spoken in Afghanistan.
"The Afghan community in the UK is one of the fastest growing of any national groups. In 2007, 10,555 Afghans were granted British citizenship. This is the third largest number from any nation on earth, only just behind the number of Indians and Filipinos granted British citizenship respectively.
"The Afghan British population is likely to be one of the most compact ethnic minority groups in the UK, with around 73% of all Afghan British people residing in London, with the majority concentrated in the Western Boroughs. Harrow alone has 10,000 Afghans. Outside of London, only Birmingham has a population of Afghans in its thousands. According to the 2001 Census, the single largest Afghan community in the UK was West Southall where 1,121 Afghan born people and many more of Afghan descent live."
And there's the Gordon Brown/David Miliband mantra, supported by BBC:
'British troops are fighting in Afghanistan to keep Britain safe.'
My idea for the BBC/Guardian competition falls in the "behaviour-changing category".
I would require all BBC staff to read a selection of articles and reports putting the case AGAINST the climate change hysteria. I would set tests to see if they had actually read them. And I would set 5 simple questions eg why is the temperature now falling ? Even if there were a few people whose eyes were opened, there could be a reduction in all the energy wasted on arguing the case for hysteria.
I would also ban all flights or other travel by anyone to climate-change conferences and symposia – politicians, scientists, whoever. They can't have it both ways. If the "science is settled" why do they need to discuss it ? What's wrong with email ?
I would also ban the publication or broadcasting of all articles or pieces by people with nil expertise in climate science – and sack all those with spurious claims to expertise.
here's a short historical perspective on our ever-changing climate.
Instead, the pro-Islamic BBC behave as censor, and provides dhimmi headline:
"France unrest before Bastille Day"
{-No BBC mention of role of 'Islam' or 'Muslims'.}
('Europe' page.)
A non-BBC comment:
'New English Review'
"The Summer Riot Season Kicks Off In France."
"As we know, Muslims are never responsible for riots and if riots do happen to spontaneously break out in Muslim neighborhoods, its the fault of a) the police, b) city government c) the state or provincial government, d) the national government or e) the entire Infidel world and its unremitting hostility to Islam. In this case it is obviously the fault of the police who arrested a young Muslim extortionist. The details of the extortion, of course, are not reported."
"'LYON, France (Reuters) – Youths in the southeastern French town of Firminy burned cars and destroyed a social centre on Wednesday night as protests over the death in police custody of a young man continued for a second night.
"'Around 200 riot police were deployed into the early hours on Thursday, with a helicopter circling overhead as groups of young people set fire to rubbish bins before moving on to torch cars and the social centre.
"'The protests followed the death on Wednesday of Mohamed Benmouna, a local man arrested for attempted extortion, who fell into a coma after what police said was a suicide attempt and died several hours later…"
Craig: I was against the Iraq war (and I still haven't changed my mind) but it was really Rumsfeld to screwed up by not putting enough troops in to control the place.
However, once the Bush surge took place, Iraq has become a lot more stable and just may have a future.
The fact that the BBC cannot acknowledge this just shows they don't have a clue.
It's not only in Britain and Greece that the BBC empathises with immigrants, legal and illegal (BBC's word for them is 'migrants')- and is antipathetic to the host peoples; this propaganda also extends to, e.g. Russia:
I think I can say I'm not the Beeb's biggest fan but they do have a interesting report, one which I deal with in my blog, that the UK has 29,000 politicos and cost us just shy of half a billion in wages.
which makes me think 'good grief'
as I said good stuff from the BBC….but it does not mention how many people work in BBC management and how much that costs….it must be a oversight on their part!!! Isn't it ?
Pleased to see that some idiot animal-tormentor in Spain got gored to death by a bull. Victory to the bulls! 4:36 AM Jul 10th from web.
Nice chap, eh? His name's Nigel Woodstock and he was the Green Party candidate for Manchester's Moss Side during the local elections last month. You could've knocked me down with a feather when Google told me that he's a sociology and politics lecturer. According to his twitter page he's just finished marking a batch of Government and Politics A-level papers. Comforting to know that our kids' education is such fine hands, isn't it? Oh, and guess which organisation he's a big fan of…
Glorious uninterrupted coverage of a great tennis match. Thank the Universe for the BBC. Come on Roddick 9:35 AM Jul 5th from txt.
Well done DB, out of the millions of people who use the BBC you managed to find someone who has questionable opinions. Case closed, rofl. Bit pathetic, no?
I suppose in your ideal world everyone would have identical views, right? And I thought groupthink was a bad thing..
I read Peter Sisson's article in Sunday's Mail more than once and paid close attention to his words. It seemed to be a dismissal of the BBC as a reliable news medium. Politely put, it was nevertheless an uncompromising account of a failing organisation. Perhaps we may hear a rebuttal from the defenders of the BBC. Many of us would not be concerned at the drivel and distortions routinely broadcast if the BBC was not so dominant and able to do so much harm. Peter Sissons has done us all a service not least in opening eyes previously closed.
It's no coincidence that so many lefties love the BBC, Richard. Nigel Woodcock is just one example. That he happens to be a caricature figure – a Green Party sociology lecturer who holds animal life more sacred than human – makes it all the more satisfying to have stumbled across him.
Mercenaries of London Killing with pens, key boards and cameras
This is from: a study on misappropriation of British tax payers’ money. The study (still underway as of 2009) is commissioned by UK Taxpayers Association (www.uktaxpayersassociation.co.uk) and covers UK’s government and public sector institutions including BBC and defense establishments.
There are 4 segments, i have posted just one here.
An analysis of just one headline By Sam Reading (July 2009)
It is well known that space / time in media can be bought. Unfortunately it is always not only commercial advertisement opportunities that are sold. From an innocent looking headline to inches of news paper articles could come to being through journalists with vested interests. If you don’t believe, you can just ask the British publicist Max Clifford or similar companies in the industry. The danger behind this is most readers and viewers are inclined to accept what presented to them without questioning, establishing a lie or bent truth as facts. Purpose of this paper is to discuss one cunning aspect of ‘inventive’ headlines given to supposedly news items.
I ) Our key point is that the headline does not reflect the article represented by it. However at first we analyse the headline and the contents of the article is discussed later. First of all it should be said that the headline is factually correct and entirely legal. The heading sounds a concerned voice about poor children. At the same time it gives the impression that children in the IDP camps are not taken care of. As that responsibility rests with the government of Sri Lanka, and the IDPs referred are Tamils, subtle message intended by this headline reads as ‘Sri Lankan government mistreats displaced Tamil children’. And exactly that was the tone of many other web sites who picked up the article from BBC Sinhala site and used excerpts from it.
Apart from the obvious intention of discrediting the Sri Lankan government, this headline targets more viciously ordinary Tamil minds to sow hatred towards Sinhalese who seemingly controls the government, thus distancing the hopes of reconciliation further. For most colonial and neo-colonial powers who are meddling in Sri Lankan affairs, peace without ethnic segregation is a dreaded outcome. Hence the un-hindered campaign from their media and NGOs to recuperate the diminishing hatred continues. At the moment, as it is seen in this headline, they are brutally targeting Tamils in this campaign since Tamils are already been lead to a defeated state of mind by the same institutions. Thinking behind this approach is, that the people in such defeated state tend to hate others, therefore this is a good opportunity to strengthen the hatred.
Labour/BBC and the gruniard desperately seeking to keep the non-story alive, even to the point of smearing the police.
Paper accused of phone 'cover-up' . Mr Davies told the Commons culture, media and sports committee: "News International have been involved in covering up their journalists' involvement with private investigators who are breaking the law. "And it's very worrying that Scotland Yard do not appear to have always said or done as much as they could have done to stop that cover-up." .
This is the same Labour/BBC gruniard conspiracy that the BBC gave so much airtime to to slag off the police when they made arrests in the cash for peerages scandal.
And whilst Labour/BBC are running non-stories, they are desperately downplaying the underfunding of the UK commitment to Afghanistan.
Here's another convenient manipulation of the news by Labour/BBC.
Tax exile party donations capped. Tory donor Lord Ashcroft is facing fresh pressure to declare whether he pays taxes in the UK after the Commons passed new party funding rules. The move, which was nodded through by MPs without a vote, will cap donations from non-UK tax payers at £7,500. It will not directly bar Lord Ashcroft's gifts to the Tories, which are made through a UK-based firm. But Labour critics believe it will be difficult for him to keep funding the party unless he pays taxes in the UK. Lord Ashcroft was made a Conservative peer in 2000 after giving an assurance that he would pay UK taxes, but has since refused to discuss his tax affairs saying that they are private
Whoops Labour/BBC haven't you left something out of the article.
Labour’s backbench MPs might reflect on non-domiciled donors like Lakshmi Mittal (pictured), Ronnie Cohen and Swaraj Paul – who during the Blair years gave the Labour Party £10 million. Lord Paul’s status is very confusing, is he now UK domiciled? Does he pay UK taxes on all his income and capital?
"…Earlier, the Director of the Press Complaints Commission Tim Toulmin said there was no evidence linking Mr Coulson to crimes committed by Clive Goodman, the News of the World's former royal editor, and a private investigator, Glen Mulcaire…"
"…Assistant Met Police Commissioner John Yates has said "no further investigation" would be conducted into the allegations…"
So yet again we have the BBC running a non story, a story without any evidence (that Coulson either knew or approved the phone hacking) yet still the BBC try to get away with it.
Remember Peter Hain and his Police investigation? Remember my continual comments that the BBC totally ignored that story?
The problem is complaining. The BBC complaints is a joke. Some spotty drug addict at the BBC who responds on his laptop in between joints no doubt.
The BBC needs to be regulated by Ofcom not the BBC Trust.
Oh and all day on the BBC we've been haring about our brave soldiers. Yet not a single mention that the one eyed Scottish gay boy was the one responsible for not providing the money for the right equipment.
Tomorrow Radio 5is going to give us the 'state of the British economy'
So we can expect endless comments about how the housing market is picking up, that unemployment is not as high as under the Tories 100 years ago and that Gordon Brown trousers is a great man and should lead us all to a Fourth Reich.
The Queen of Breakfast Radio (Niki campbell) will have his tongue so far up every Labour politician arse tomorrow he'll look like a Lolly pop
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"Northern quotas for board denied"
"The Government Equalities Office said they wanted more northerners on such boards but 'had no plans to introduce new rules or regional quotas'.
"'We are simply saying we want a diverse mix of people and talent from around the country,' a spokesman said.
"'Through the campaign we are running to get more women, ethnic minorities and disabled people to apply for public appointments; we hope to attract interest from people in different regions.
"'Public bodies with a mix of people and talents make better decisions for our communities.'"
'Daily Mail'
Melanie Phillips re- HARMAN:
"What has poor old Britain done to deserve Harriet Harperson?"
Daily Mail, 13 July 2009
"Has there ever been a more preposterous figure than the Equalities Minister Harriet Harman?
"Scarcely a week goes by when she does not dream up another monumentally irrelevant yet intrusive or oppressive wheeze to make life in Britain that much more unjust and insufferable.
"Not content with setting herself to eradicate discrimination against women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, disabled or black people as well as all ethnic minorities, she has now discovered yet another form of prejudice — discrimination against Northerners.
"Ms Harman wants to introduce rules to stop ‘discrimination’ against people from the North and other regions, and has instructed her department accordingly to stop Londoners and other Southerners from ‘lording it’ over the rest of the country.
"After ‘class war’, we now apparently have ‘location war’. If this idea is allowed to progress beyond Ms Harperson’s terrifyingly one-track mind, hundreds of public organisations will have to have special quotas for Yorkshirepersons or Cornishpersons whenever a vacancy occurs."
"Now she may even be left in charge of the country while the Prime Minister is on holiday. One shudders to think what might happen if she is actually required to do anything. We’ll probably all return to find she has replaced the Order of Merit by the Ribbon of Equality, and the Queen by a transgendered Geordie with a limp."
Mz Harperson ought to turn her frosty gaze on our very own BBC, where it appears it is a London accent that is most discriminated against on R4.
Stephen Glover on the News of the World phone-bugging story:
Most of this story was old. We already knew eight-tenths of it, though we had probably forgotten we did. Nonetheless, it was imaginatively repackaged by those symbiotic organisations, The Guardian and the BBC, and sold as new. The Corporation had been put on red alert by the newspaper at a senior level well before the story broke.
Last Wednesday, when I turned on BBC 2’s Newsnight, I knew something was up. Kirsty Wark was practically panting with joy, like a foxhound with the scent of the fox full in its nose.
Symbiotic is correct. Who did that poll about Afghanistan that's been all over the BBC today? Oh yes, the BBC and the Guardian. Compare that symbiosis with the response Peter Sissons heard from his producer when he said he was going to ask the BBC's beloved Harperson a difficult question:
'The most senior of the producers asked me directly what other issues I would raise with Miss Harman.
No problem, until I mentioned the last question I wanted to get in: why the Queen had not been invited to the 65th anniversary commemoration of D-Day. The response shocked me. It was suggested that it was not a topic worth raising because it was only a campaign being run by the Daily Mail.'
Guardian good, Daily Mail bad.
June circulation figures:
Daily Mail = 2,201,088
Guardian = 336,034
From a discussion about Sarah Palin on CNN's Reliable Sources yesterday:
Howard Kurtz: Does she have a legitimate gripe about the way she’s been treated by the media?
Matt Frei: Not really.
I beg to differ, Matt.
More from his appearance on CNN's Reliable Sources…
Matt Frei: Obama sees the Pope and you kinda wonder is the Pope gonna kiss Obama's ring, or is it the other way round?
You only "kinda wonder" that sort of thing if you believe all the hype about Obama that media outlets like the BBC have been spewing out.
One type of media bias has been called 'Bias by Labelling'. Part of this involves labelling a person the reporter or commentator disapproves of as, say, 'right-wing' but, conversely, not labelling someone the commentator approves of as 'left-wing' but instead, say, describing them as 'independent' or an 'expert'. (Thanks to John Horne Tooke for this information).
There was a textbook example of this on tonight's 'PM' programme.
Kenneth Jost, Law Professor at Washington University and author of 'The Supreme Court A to Z', was invited on to give a short talk about the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, & the Senate hearings that will scrutinise and approve her appointment. This was a lecture-in-miniature. No alternative viewpoints were sought. No questions were asked.
Is he the impartial, dispassionate academic 'PM' would have us believe?
Here's the passage that gives the game away:
"Republicans and conservative advocacy groups are calling Sotomayor 'a liberal judicial activist'. Independent experts say her decisions stick closely to the facts and to precedent."
A little look around the internet leads you to a recent article by Professor Jost, which confirms that he is opposed to the 'Republicans and conservative advocacy groups', & on the side of the 'independent experts', on this issue at least:
Jost's bias, then, is matched by the BBC's bias. Just as he would have us believe that those in favour of Sonia Sotomayor's appointment are 'independent experts', so they too would have us believe that Professor Jost is an 'independent expert' too. (In a sense – his own sense – he is!)
Lies lies and more lies from the BBC 6PM News.
firstly the BBC/Guardian poll (I'm always suspicious of any poll done for those two bunch of corrupt drug using twats) on Afghanistan. At total odds with the ITN poll and all the other newspaper polls I've seen.
Then the BBC defending the lies of McGay. There are no more Chinooks in Afghanistan now than there were 12 months ago (about 8). The truth is the RAF can't send any more. They will already be cannibalising the ones in the UK for spare parts for Afghanistan and to increase the numbers would put an ever greater pressure on spare parts and servicing regime. Not only that but the RAF would have to increase the number of personnel out there to provide backup.
AS for vehicles, most of the shit the British forces have is rubbish as McShit lied when he said that he'd always given the forces the money.
Lies lies and more lies. Yet the BBC offered no dissent tonight on the 6PM news.
BBC: ignoring update on the crimes of Muslim Barbarians in Paris –
'France 24'
"'Barbarians' gang members face re-trial for brutal murder"
"Fourteen members of the 'Barbarians,' a self-styled Paris gang, will be retried for their role in the brutal murder of a Jewish man, according to French officials, following complaints that their sentences were too light.
"The announcement followed a statement by French Justice Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie earlier Monday that the sentences handed down to some gang members were too lenient.
"Alliot-Marie was responding to Friday’s sentencing of members of the self-styled 'Barbarians' gang who kidnapped, tortured and killed Ilan Halimi, a Jewish mobile phone salesman, in 2006. The details of the attack were particularly horrifying and sparked a public debate on hate crimes in France."
The BBC does have a Paris correspondent, one Emma Jane Kirby.
BBC misleading on Israel's road signs:
"Row over 'standard' Hebrew signs"
('Middle East' page.)
"You'll see that most of the road signs in Wales are bilingual. Welsh highway authorities choose whether they English or Welsh priority, and the language having priority in the highway authority's area appears first on signs. Most of south Wales is English-priority while north Wales is Welsh-priority."
Without demur, pro-Islamic BBC reports positively on Labour's UK-Libya relations:
"Gaddafi and Brown in first talks"
and BBC reports negatively on Labour's UK-Israel relations:
"UK cuts Israel weapons contracts".
Well done to the British Government for cancelling arms contracts to Israel
I can now report from Palestine without having to worry about being hit by missiles from indisciplined IDF soldiers
Its parts for the incredibly unstrategically vital 20mm oerlikon
cannon (think WW2)
Only 4 contracts have been put up for review out of 135.
Mcbroon has thrown a bone to the camel corps and the dhimmified parts of the H of C. even the BBC isnt giving it much exposure, that I can see.
No reason to be phoning out for extra rent boys and cocaine tonite beeboids.
Here was the complaint I sent to the BBC on 3rd July:
"I wish to complain about David Dimbleby's aggressive interruption of Ian Duncan Smith on last night's 'Question Time'. Watching the i-Player from 14.26, we see Harriet Harman whisper something to Dimbleby (just after Duncan Smith has started speaking eloquently). Dimbleby makes eye contact with her & Ms Harman smirks. Three seconds later Dimbleby interrupts Ian Duncan Smith and begins a sustained attack on him. Can you explain this sequence of events as anything other that shameless collusion between a government minister and a BBC presenter? What did Ms Harman say to Dimbleby? If David Dimbleby interrupted Ian Duncan Smith at Harriet Harman's request he should be sacked."
The reply came today:
"Dear Mr …
Thank you for your email regarding 'Question Time'.
I understand you feel the broadcast on the 2 July showed an unnecessary attack on Ian Duncan Smith by David Dimbleby which you believe may have been provoked by Harriet Harman.
While I appreciate your concerns, I can assure you this interruption was not provoked as a result of Harriet Harman's comments. Prior to this interruption, David Dimbleby actually interrupted Harriet Harman to allow Ian Duncan Smith to speak. It is his role as chairman to ensure that discussions keep to the specific topics raised, and on this occasion he felt Ian Duncan Smith was not keeping strictly to the issue of Government spending through the recession. Despite this challenge, Ian Duncan Smith was allowed to finish his comments.
We appreciate you taking the time to contact us nonetheless and I'd like to assure you that we have registered your comments on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily for all programme makers and commissioning executives within the BBC, and also their senior management. It ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact the BBC.
Ross …
BBC Complaints
We are not alone:
Listened to R4's feedback show driving back from the Cotswolds last night. There was a debate supposedly started by a listener who wanted to know why there was not an agnostic/atheist turn on 'Thought for the day' – the ensuing debate was wound up by saying that the matter was up for review by the BBC trust.
Having read the article in the DT today http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/5819668/BBC-plan-for-non-religious-Thought-for-the-Day-sparks-controversy.html
I suspect a clear case of using the Feedback programme to start a fake debate which will lead to the outcome already decided by BBC execs.
An interesting fact I learned from the show is that the R4 audience is mostly over 55. Given that most people I know have 'found out' the BBC by that age, I can only assume that R4 listeners are all ex-senior public sector workers, for whom the diet of NHS and Education stories are a reminder of what they used to do before they took early retirement on 75% pay.
"Trains stopped as prop from BBC Spooks causes bomb scare"
"Trains were delayed for an hour after a passenger spotted a suspect package – but on closer inspection it turned out to be a prop from BBC spy drama Spooks."
( BBC blames Israel? )
Craig: The c**ts at the BBC just employ some 21 year old spotty shit to churn out standard replies.
'Ross' probably never even looked at the recording.
I'm never amazed by the arrogance of the BBC management when questioned about the content of programmes or the balance in reporting.
They never accept that anything is wrong publically, YET often you will see subtle changes take place.
These wankers just can't admit to ever being wrong.
BBC, Nick Griffin, spaceship and lifeboat:
"Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor"
by Garrett Hardin.
[Opening extract of 13 page essay, in pdf format.]
"Environmentalists use the metaphor of the earth as a 'spaceship' in trying to
persuade countries, industries and people to stop wasting and polluting our natural
resources. Since we all share life on this planet, they argue, no single person or institution
has the right to destroy, waste, or use more than a fair share of its resources.
"The spaceship metaphor can be dangerous when used by misguided idealists to justify
suicidal policies for sharing our resources through uncontrolled immigration and foreign aid.
"In their enthusiastic but unrealistic generosity, they confuse the ethics of a spaceship with
those of a lifeboat.
"A true spaceship would have to be under the control of a captain, since no ship
could possibly survive if its course were determined by committee. Spaceship Earth
certainly has no captain; the United Nations is merely a toothless tiger, with little power to
enforce any policy upon its bickering members.
"If we divide the world crudely into rich nations and poor nations, two thirds of them
are desperately poor, and only one third comparatively rich, with the United States the
wealthiest of all. Metaphorically each rich nation can be seen as a lifeboat full of
comparatively rich people. In the ocean outside each lifeboat swim the poor of the world,
who would like to get in, or at least to share some of the wealth. What should the lifeboat
passengers do?
"First, we must recognize the limited capacity of any lifeboat."
There is an important debate here somewhere. Is the BBC prepared to have it, or will the BBC merely resort to denunciations?
I agree entirely that the BBC is biased, but there is more to people than religion, for f**ks sake. Who gives a stuff if someone is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Jedi, or a follower of Origin? Speaking as an atheist, it all seems very silly to keep beating on the christian/jewish/muslim dick-waving contest.
I find the political bias of the BBC to be far more relevant to Britain than the idiots (of both sides) on the Eastern coast of the Med.
Anon – It does matter – its a matter of culture. Britain was once a christian country, our laws and morals were based on that tradition. Just look where we are now. High teenage pregancies and abortions, lack of any moral standards and no counter balance to the creeping islamification.
If the Church had stuck to its core Christian values and not turned into wooly liberals where every religion (and none) is of equal value a lot of Britains moral decline could have been stopped.
The BBC are at the forefront of fostering upon us alien culures all in the name of diversity to the detriment of our own.
You just have to see the BBCs "White Season" to see how it is used against us. A young girl finds safety and a sense of belonging in an Asian family rather than her own people, who are made up of dysfunctional misfits.
Justin Webb's latest post contains this: "..the really difficult link between the God-awful screw-ups (Iraq etc) and the staggering ability of the place to revivify and refresh.."
So Bush's Iraq policy was a "God-awful screw-up", according to Webb. He may be right, he may be wrong. He shouldn't be saying it though.
Justin Webb, biased and not bothered who knows it.
Trust the BBC: reporting on illegal immigration (BBC's 'migration') into Europe, from the illegal immigrants' point of view:
"Migrant wave wanes with Spain's economy"
('Europe' page).
But still, as 'Migrationwatch' points out, relating to the UK:
"Sir Andrew Green, Chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said:
'The main parties talk tough on immigration, but they are trying to ‘con’ the British public. According to Government figures, we can expect almost another 10 million people in England in 20 years time of which seven million will be due to immigration – equivalent to seven cities the size of Birmingham. Current Labour policy won’t begin to address this. The Conservatives are barely better: despite their rhetoric, they have a lightweight policy that sounds tough but won’t deliver.
'Until the main parties decide to be honest about an issue crucial to the future of our society and until they get real about the measures needed, extremist groups will continue to have a ball,' he said."
Kudos to Evan Davies on Today this morning for asking the head of the Charities Commission if she was a member of any political party.
Why was I not in the least surprised to find she was a member of the Labour Party?
It is ironic that Socialists seem to have abandoned the Comprehensive system, insisting that private schools take on "deprived" children.
She didn't answer the anomoly that taxpayers pay for both private school and comps.
The pity is that Labour will destroy the private school system for middle income aspirants as the costs will rise if the schools have to take on more free puplis.
More BBC/Guardian symbiosis:
Manchester International Festival and the Guardian have invited submissions for innovative schemes to help tackle climate change. All types of schemes are to be considered: technological, scientific and behaviour-changing… Both event and report will be prominently promoted by the Guardian and the BBC, raising awareness of the most promising schemes.
Greece, Europe and illegal immigration from Afghanistan:
BBC report:
"Greek police flatten migrant camp."
'Daily Mail' report:
"Greek authorities send in the bulldozers to remove illegal Afghan immigrant camp"
"Police in Greece yesterday cleared a squalid immigrant camp mainly inhabited by Afghans hoping to sneak on to ferries bound for Italy.
"Bulldozers moved in around dawn to clear makeshift structures and rubbish that had been piling up in the camp in the western port city of Patras.
"A fire broke out but was put out after an hour or so and by the afternoon the area had been completely cleared."
"Greece had already seen a major wave of immigrants from Albania and Eastern Europe in the 1990s, and is now experiencing a second wave from Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan.
"Immigrants, once very rare, now account for more than 10 per cent of Greece's population of 11 million." ('Daily Mail'.)
From 'Wikipedia':-
"According to the 2001 UK Census, there were 14,875 Afghan-born people residing in the UK, with The Guardian estimating the number of ethnic Afghans in the UK regardless of birth place at 40,000. Also worth of note is that there are an estimated 75,000 native Northern Pashto speakers in the UK, although this language is not only spoken in Afghanistan.
"The Afghan community in the UK is one of the fastest growing of any national groups. In 2007, 10,555 Afghans were granted British citizenship. This is the third largest number from any nation on earth, only just behind the number of Indians and Filipinos granted British citizenship respectively.
"The Afghan British population is likely to be one of the most compact ethnic minority groups in the UK, with around 73% of all Afghan British people residing in London, with the majority concentrated in the Western Boroughs. Harrow alone has 10,000 Afghans. Outside of London, only Birmingham has a population of Afghans in its thousands. According to the 2001 Census, the single largest Afghan community in the UK was West Southall where 1,121 Afghan born people and many more of Afghan descent live."
And there's the Gordon Brown/David Miliband mantra, supported by BBC:
'British troops are fighting in Afghanistan to keep Britain safe.'
UK annual inflation fell in June
No it didn't, the CPI, RPI & RPIX indices all rose. The rate of inflation declined.
I got a scheme. Im planning on taking billions of pounds and giving very little back (sorta like Al Beeb).
Reckon I got a chance of getting it approved? 🙂
DB, Mailman
My idea for the BBC/Guardian competition falls in the "behaviour-changing category".
I would require all BBC staff to read a selection of articles and reports putting the case AGAINST the climate change hysteria. I would set tests to see if they had actually read them. And I would set 5 simple questions eg why is the temperature now falling ? Even if there were a few people whose eyes were opened, there could be a reduction in all the energy wasted on arguing the case for hysteria.
I would also ban all flights or other travel by anyone to climate-change conferences and symposia – politicians, scientists, whoever. They can't have it both ways. If the "science is settled" why do they need to discuss it ? What's wrong with email ?
I would also ban the publication or broadcasting of all articles or pieces by people with nil expertise in climate science – and sack all those with spurious claims to expertise.
here's a short historical perspective on our ever-changing climate.
article on the ever-changing climate :
The reality in France, which BBC censors.
The BBC does NOT carry this accurate headline:
'Muslims riot before Bastille Day'.
Instead, the pro-Islamic BBC behave as censor, and provides dhimmi headline:
"France unrest before Bastille Day"
{-No BBC mention of role of 'Islam' or 'Muslims'.}
('Europe' page.)
A non-BBC comment:
'New English Review'
"The Summer Riot Season Kicks Off In France."
"As we know, Muslims are never responsible for riots and if riots do happen to spontaneously break out in Muslim neighborhoods, its the fault of a) the police, b) city government c) the state or provincial government, d) the national government or e) the entire Infidel world and its unremitting hostility to Islam. In this case it is obviously the fault of the police who arrested a young Muslim extortionist. The details of the extortion, of course, are not reported."
"'LYON, France (Reuters) – Youths in the southeastern French town of Firminy burned cars and destroyed a social centre on Wednesday night as protests over the death in police custody of a young man continued for a second night.
"'Around 200 riot police were deployed into the early hours on Thursday, with a helicopter circling overhead as groups of young people set fire to rubbish bins before moving on to torch cars and the social centre.
"'The protests followed the death on Wednesday of Mohamed Benmouna, a local man arrested for attempted extortion, who fell into a coma after what police said was a suicide attempt and died several hours later…"
Craig: I was against the Iraq war (and I still haven't changed my mind) but it was really Rumsfeld to screwed up by not putting enough troops in to control the place.
However, once the Bush surge took place, Iraq has become a lot more stable and just may have a future.
The fact that the BBC cannot acknowledge this just shows they don't have a clue.
The Freudian slip?…
"In the near future the BBC is urging the Bank of England to expand the scale of quantitative easing well beyond £125bn."
I wonder how long they will take to correct this, I assume the BBC is urging no such thing, well, not openly anyway!
BBC's pro-immigrant propaganda.
It's not only in Britain and Greece that the BBC empathises with immigrants, legal and illegal (BBC's word for them is 'migrants')- and is antipathetic to the host peoples; this propaganda also extends to, e.g. Russia:
"Job woes hit migrant workers in Russia"
('asia-pacific' page, for some obscure reason.)
Can anybody remember the last time a week went past without toilets Maguire appearing on a BBC channel somewhere spouting his Zanulabour propaganda?
Thought not, how much are we paying him I wonder?
I think I can say I'm not the Beeb's biggest fan but they do have a interesting report, one which I deal with in my blog, that the UK has 29,000 politicos and cost us just shy of half a billion in wages.
which makes me think 'good grief'
as I said good stuff from the BBC….but it does not mention how many people work in BBC management and how much that costs….it must be a oversight on their part!!! Isn't it ?
I was just looking on Twitter to see if Peter Sissons' recent comments had provoked any reaction and found this:
Daily Mail: enemy of the people, enemy of the planet. And Peter Sissons can go Fuck himself
4:25 AM Jul 12th from txt.
Here's another recent offering from the same twitterer:
Pleased to see that some idiot animal-tormentor in Spain got gored to death by a bull. Victory to the bulls!
4:36 AM Jul 10th from web.
Nice chap, eh? His name's Nigel Woodstock and he was the Green Party candidate for Manchester's Moss Side during the local elections last month. You could've knocked me down with a feather when Google told me that he's a sociology and politics lecturer. According to his twitter page he's just finished marking a batch of Government and Politics A-level papers. Comforting to know that our kids' education is such fine hands, isn't it? Oh, and guess which organisation he's a big fan of…
Glorious uninterrupted coverage of a great tennis match. Thank the Universe for the BBC. Come on Roddick
9:35 AM Jul 5th from txt.
The BBC – loved by the loony left.
Re above – his name's Nigel Woodcock, not Woodstock.
BaggieJonathan said…
12:47 PM, July 14, 2009
They've changed it. Shame – that was excellent.
Well done DB, out of the millions of people who use the BBC you managed to find someone who has questionable opinions. Case closed, rofl. Bit pathetic, no?
I suppose in your ideal world everyone would have identical views, right? And I thought groupthink was a bad thing..
hilarious BNP story over at the times,
are the beeb covering it i wonder.
I read Peter Sisson's article in Sunday's Mail more than once and paid close attention to his words.
It seemed to be a dismissal of the BBC as a reliable news medium. Politely put, it was nevertheless an uncompromising account of a failing organisation.
Perhaps we may hear a rebuttal from the defenders of the BBC.
Many of us would not be concerned at the drivel and distortions routinely broadcast if the BBC was not so dominant and able to do so much harm.
Peter Sissons has done us all a service not least in opening eyes previously closed.
@ Richard Lancaster.
It's no coincidence that so many lefties love the BBC, Richard. Nigel Woodcock is just one example. That he happens to be a caricature figure – a Green Party sociology lecturer who holds animal life more sacred than human – makes it all the more satisfying to have stumbled across him.
Mercenaries of London Killing with pens, key boards and cameras
This is from: a study on misappropriation of British tax payers’ money. The study (still underway as of 2009) is commissioned by UK Taxpayers Association (www.uktaxpayersassociation.co.uk) and covers UK’s government and public sector institutions including BBC and defense establishments.
You can download it from : http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahdg1d1/n/MercenaryJournalism_pdf
There are 4 segments, i have posted just one here.
An analysis of just one headline By Sam Reading (July 2009)
It is well known that space / time in media can be bought. Unfortunately it is always not only commercial advertisement opportunities that are sold. From an innocent looking headline to inches of news paper articles could come to being through journalists with vested interests. If you don’t believe, you can just ask the British publicist Max Clifford or similar companies in the industry. The danger behind this is most readers and viewers are inclined to accept what presented to them without questioning, establishing a lie or bent truth as facts. Purpose of this paper is to discuss one cunning aspect of ‘inventive’ headlines given to supposedly news items.
The headline we chose to discuss is “'Malnourished children' in IDP camps” ( Link1- http://www.bbc.co.uk/sinhala/news/story/2009/06/090623_idps_malnourished.shtml )
I ) Our key point is that the headline does not reflect the article represented by it. However at first we analyse the headline and the contents of the article is discussed later. First of all it should be said that the headline is factually correct and entirely legal. The heading sounds a concerned voice about poor children. At the same time it gives the impression that children in the IDP camps are not taken care of. As that responsibility rests with the government of Sri Lanka, and the IDPs referred are Tamils, subtle message intended by this headline reads as ‘Sri Lankan government mistreats displaced Tamil children’. And exactly that was the tone of many other web sites who picked up the article from BBC Sinhala site and used excerpts from it.
Apart from the obvious intention of discrediting the Sri Lankan government, this headline targets more viciously ordinary Tamil minds to sow hatred towards Sinhalese who seemingly controls the government, thus distancing the hopes of reconciliation further. For most colonial and neo-colonial powers who are meddling in Sri Lankan affairs, peace without ethnic segregation is a dreaded outcome. Hence the un-hindered campaign from their media and NGOs to recuperate the diminishing hatred continues. At the moment, as it is seen in this headline, they are brutally targeting Tamils in this campaign since Tamils are already been lead to a defeated state of mind by the same institutions. Thinking behind this approach is, that the people in such defeated state tend to hate others, therefore this is a good opportunity to strengthen the hatred.
Daily Mail: enemy of the people, enemy of the planet. And Peter Sissons can go Fuck himself
4:25 AM Jul 12th from txt.
Here's another recent offering from the same twatterer:
Pleased to see that some idiot animal-tormentor in Spain got gored to death by a bull. Victory to the bulls!
4:36 AM Jul 10th from web.
Not only a twat but a twat with insomnia!!!
Labour/BBC and the gruniard desperately seeking to keep the non-story alive, even to the point of smearing the police.
Paper accused of phone 'cover-up' .
Mr Davies told the Commons culture, media and sports committee: "News International have been involved in covering up their journalists' involvement with private investigators who are breaking the law.
"And it's very worrying that Scotland Yard do not appear to have always said or done as much as they could have done to stop that cover-up." .
This is the same Labour/BBC gruniard conspiracy that the BBC gave so much airtime to to slag off the police when they made arrests in the cash for peerages scandal.
And whilst Labour/BBC are running non-stories, they are desperately downplaying the underfunding of the UK commitment to Afghanistan.
Here's another convenient manipulation of the news by Labour/BBC.
Tax exile party donations capped.
Tory donor Lord Ashcroft is facing fresh pressure to declare whether he pays taxes in the UK after the Commons passed new party funding rules.
The move, which was nodded through by MPs without a vote, will cap donations from non-UK tax payers at £7,500.
It will not directly bar Lord Ashcroft's gifts to the Tories, which are made through a UK-based firm.
But Labour critics believe it will be difficult for him to keep funding the party unless he pays taxes in the UK.
Lord Ashcroft was made a Conservative peer in 2000 after giving an assurance that he would pay UK taxes, but has since refused to discuss his tax affairs saying that they are private
Whoops Labour/BBC haven't you left something out of the article.
Labour’s backbench MPs might reflect on non-domiciled donors like Lakshmi Mittal (pictured), Ronnie Cohen and Swaraj Paul – who during the Blair years gave the Labour Party £10 million. Lord Paul’s status is very confusing, is he now UK domiciled? Does he pay UK taxes on all his income and capital?
BBC to add Lithuania to its hate targets?:
"Lithuania backs child censor bill"
('Europe' page.)
Just caught Adam Boulton on Sky News talking about the Guardian's lies over Andy Coulson.
According to Boulton this is a story "now fading fast". Hmm. Take a look at the link on the Drug using rent boy site.
Note the Headline
"Paper accused of phone 'cover-up'"
Yet if you dig down into the story….
"…Earlier, the Director of the Press Complaints Commission Tim Toulmin said there was no evidence linking Mr Coulson to crimes committed by Clive Goodman, the News of the World's former royal editor, and a private investigator, Glen Mulcaire…"
"…Assistant Met Police Commissioner John Yates has said "no further investigation" would be conducted into the allegations…"
So yet again we have the BBC running a non story, a story without any evidence (that Coulson either knew or approved the phone hacking) yet still the BBC try to get away with it.
Remember Peter Hain and his Police investigation? Remember my continual comments that the BBC totally ignored that story?
The problem is complaining. The BBC complaints is a joke. Some spotty drug addict at the BBC who responds on his laptop in between joints no doubt.
The BBC needs to be regulated by Ofcom not the BBC Trust.
Oh and all day on the BBC we've been haring about our brave soldiers. Yet not a single mention that the one eyed Scottish gay boy was the one responsible for not providing the money for the right equipment.
Tomorrow Radio 5is going to give us the 'state of the British economy'
So we can expect endless comments about how the housing market is picking up, that unemployment is not as high as under the Tories 100 years ago and that Gordon Brown trousers is a great man and should lead us all to a Fourth Reich.
The Queen of Breakfast Radio (Niki campbell) will have his tongue so far up every Labour politician arse tomorrow he'll look like a Lolly pop