BBC's Harrabin, whom the BBC describes euphemistically as its 'environment analyst', does his unual sleight of hand 'reporting' for the green propagandists, today.
In the final section of today's masterpiece on 'dirty shipping industry', he lays out approvingly what the dictatorial, self-important, unrepresentative 'greenie' lobby groups demand of shipping; Harrabin says that shipping industry is unreasonably doing what the greenies and and 'scientists' don't want, QED, shipping industry is bad.
This is the BBC, Harrabin and the height of their green propaganda masquerading as 'science'.
(BBC's inappropriately named 'science and environment' page, today.)
Did anyone see today's 'Daily Politics'? Anita Anand interviewed 5 of the candidates standing in the Norwich North by-election – Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem, UKIP and Green?
Only one was given a seriously hard time – the UKIP candidate, Glen Tingle. He was interrupted 3 times, despite only getting 1 minute and 8 seconds to speak!
Anita Anand asked him if his campaign had been "jingoistic, even racist" & then asked him another question in a similar vein.
By way of contrast, the Green and the Lib Dem were not interrupted at all.
The BBC's favourite ex-copper Brian Paddick was on the 'The Daily Politics' today, talking again about the Guardain/News of the World 'phone-hacking scandal'.
Paddick has already discussed the subject on 2 editions of 'Newsnight', & has also appeared on 'The World Tonight'.
Aren't there any other ex-policemen out there who can comment on this sort of thing? Is the BBC's address book that select?
"BBC annual report: Sir Michael Lyons sees package rise 30pc"
"Sir Michael Lyons, the chairman of the BBC Trust, has laid himself open to accusations of hypocrisy after his remuneration package rose by 30 per cent to £213,000 last year, despite his assurances that the Corporation was cutting costs."
Jeff Randall was also critical of latest pay rises for Lyons and Thompson on 'Sky News' this evening.
"The position of Sir Michael Lyons, chairman of the BBC Trust, is particularly confused.
"The trust was set up in 2007 to act as 'the guardian of the licence fee revenue and the public interest'. It is supposed to be an overseer – not a cheerleader. Yet Sir Michael fretted that top-slicing would 'damage BBC output', rather than considering what it would do for viewers. He is a walking example of regulatory capture.
"If the trust is unable to demonstrate its dedication to the interests of fee-payers – rather than the BBC as an institution – its responsibilities should be given to Ofcom, the communications watchdog. At the moment the trust is serving the public broadcaster, not the public interest."
The BBC's favourite ex-copper Brian Paddick….. Craig
Paddick is favoured by the Beeb because he minces in step with the majority of them and was not averse to a puff. I never met him myself but I knew a few of his subordinates (none of whom were homosexual). The line that came across was that Paddick was a bit of a bully. Personally I thought he was an utter disgrace to the uniform and should have been bounced out years ago. He was effectively shunted off to counting paperclips before he retired. He was never "in the loop", so th speak, making him an ideal candidate to pontificate on BBC non stories.
"BBC chiefs accuse minister Ben Bradshaw of 'personal attacks'"
"The battle over the future of the BBC today descended into a slanging match with corporation executives accusing the Secretary of State of having a closed mind on the issue and launching personal attacks on them."
Actually Ben Bradshaw and the BBC have no right to squabble over how the TV Tax is spent – put it to a referendum and let the people decide.
If the TV Tax is spread over all broadcasting – it would be even more difficult to get rid of it. And even more broadcasters will be open to "influence" by governemnt not just the BBC.
"Revealed: The 383 BBC bosses paid £100,000 a year"
" Nearly 400 BBC bosses earn more than £100,000 a year, it emerged yesterday. "Critics said it was shocking that the corporation had such a lavish pay culture in a time of recession. "The number of executives on six-figure salaries stands at 383 – 33 more than in 2008."
another fine piece of anti Israel "reporting" on Bolshevik news this morning
23 anonymous people have said Israel committed "war crimes" in Gaza
so that's total fact then
no mention of the Hamas months long war crimes of firing missiles into Israel,or indeed the throwing off of roofs of members of the Palestiian Authority when they won the election…….
even handed reporting (cough cough)
thses tossers should be investigated for institutional anti semitism
That story about anonymous soldiers reporting hearsay stuff was actually the lead item through the night on BBC World Service – with Paul Wood reporting on it.
Like – a non-story takes precedence over a South American ex-President calling for insurrection, release of the leading "militant" in the Nigerian Delta, profits at Goldman Sachs (reported as a VERY BAD THING !), UK backpacker's amazing escape in Australia, the Sottomeyer hearings in the US etc etc.
No wonder this site has to carry so much about the Israel/Palestine issue. The BBC is obsessed with it – and utterly biased.
As the Israelis say, there is a sort of halo arount the NGOs that give them more credence, less critical review than they deserve.
It turns out that Human Rights Watch raises funds in Saudi Arabia – that well-known bastion of human rights. By telling the Saudios that HRW is attacking the Israelis.
So – HRW, shills for Soros and the bloody Saudis – and de facto for Hamas. HRW then gets the BBC to shill for it.
Ed Stourton's interview with Ed Miliband on Today this morning was a masterclass in how to discuss climate change BBC style.
Mr Miliband was allowed to wibble on about creating 100,000 "green" jobs without being asked to provide specifics. He was allowed simply to repeat that he believed it to be possible and no challenge was given. Neither were the practicalities of meeting the CO2 targets by 2020 or 2050 even touched upon – no mention of existing jobs lost compared to green jobs created was made.
The phrase "dangerous climate change" was, naturally, able to pass Mr Miliband's lips without comment. The only criticism I noticed from Ed Stourton was that "some might say" the government isn't doing enough: clearly the heretical thought that they might be doing too much occurred to no-one.
I notice that Milliband noted that there would be higher cost implications in a Green Future, not actual taxes but higher energy costs, so thats all OK. The 100,000 estimate is far lower than the 1m new jobs confindently quoted by Brown. I for one would like to pick the bones out of this business plan!! Oh and it seems a few wind farm companies are suffering, even after their donations to Labour.
Is the bBC biased against Israel? Last week the bBC aired a story a day about how bad the Palestinians have it in Gaza. Yesterday morning the bBC aired a story about how a white supremacist was found living in Israel Yesterday Lunch thy aired a story about how an Israeli bus driver was charged with murder over a bus crash Last night the bBC aired a story about how guilty the bBC was of fading Gaza and the Westbank into a map of Israel. In fact it was the second story on the subject and if you read to the end you find the posters on which the maps were based have been taken down and in May they took the decision not to use them again, in effect not even a non story. This morning the bBC headlines with soldiers speak out against Gaza. In fact of the 13 (out of 39 news items) about Israel not one is a positive one. In fact everyone is negative.2 other stories which aren’t about Israel but mention them (Hamas/hezb-allah) again look at Israel in a negative light. Contrast that with Eygpt which is bigger in size of country,peoples, and news. 3 stories 1 postive,1 neutral and 1 negative. Israel has a population of 6 million, Egypt a population of 76 million. In fact in Egypt there is a Coptic population of around 10 million people. They are much more persecuted than the peoples of the West Bank. Their population in contrast to the the people of Gaza is going down yet at the bBC Gaza is a genocide in making. Yet how much time and effort does the bBC give to them? Right. It is this steady drip,drip,dripping of hate the bBC passes for news which is responsible for making the UK a very anti-semantic state. What will it take for the bBC to report the news instead of what its Mullahs unzips at morning prayers.
Sitting in Liverpool airport, half an ear on BBC news on the café TV. The impression being given is that Britain is in an economic upturn, business is booming, and all thoughts of recession are an illusion. Lots of the ruling party’s faces telling us that they are pleased and all is rosy in the garden. Seems something called a Thatcher was responsible for any problems that people might have imagined.
I am expecting good news on the tractor production figures any minute now.
BBC's wind power: Its greenie propaganda machine rolls into unconvincing action, via greenie 'reporter' Black.
BBC headline is NOT:
"Government to map high-tax, low-carbon road"
But IS:
"Government to map low-carbon road"
(On BBC misnomer page, 'Science & Environment'.)
There is NO BBC questioning of its Labour government's plans, except, predictably, from a 'greenie' position: the plans do not go far enough.
IN CONTRAST, here's an extract from an excellent article by Chrisopher Booker, whose analysis does not get the light of day at the BBC:
"Wind farms will be a monument to an age when our leaders collectively went off their heads"
"Let us be clear: Britain is facing an unprecedented crisis. Before long, we will lose 40 per cent of our generating capacity.
"And unless we come up quickly with an alternative, the lights WILL go out. Not before time, the Confederation of British Industry yesterday waded in, warning the Government it must abandon its crazy fixation with wind turbines as a way of plugging this forthcoming shortfall and instead urgently focus on far more efficient ways to meet the threat of a permanent, nationwide black-out.
"There are a few contenders for the title of the maddest thing that has happened in our lifetimBut a front-runner must be the way in which politicians of all parties have been seduced by the La-La Land promises of the wind power lobby.
"If you still haven't made your mind up about wind power, just consider some of the inescapable facts – facts which the Government and the wind industry do their best to hide from us all.
"So far we have spent billions of pounds on building just over 2,000 wind turbines – and yet they contribute barely one per cent of all the electricity that we need.
"The combined output of all those 2,000 turbines put together, averaging 700 megawatts, is less than that of a single, medium-sized conventional power station. What's more, far from being 'free', this pitiful dribble of electricity is twice as expensive as the power we get from the nuclear, gas or coal-fired power stations which currently supply well over 90 per cent of our needs – and we all pay the difference, without knowing it, through our electricity bills.
"But despite its best efforts to conceal the fact that wind turbines expensively and unreliably generate only a derisory amount of electricity, the Government keeps on telling us of its megalomaniac plans to build thousands more of them – at a cost of up to £100billion." ('Daily Mail'.)
Can I go back to the Peter Sissons revelations about life inside the BBC – yesterday I came across a copy of the Mail on Sunday and read the whole article.
First – it was the entire front-page lead "I drove out of Television Centre for the final time last month….and I don't have a pang of regret". Sounds like the book he is preparing could be fun !
2 big snip headlines at the side of the page : "How the BBC gives "free hits" to the climate change zealots"….and …"can't see the difference between reporters' opinions and the facts"
The long article across pages 2 to 4 included some interesting stuff
eg, re. his time at ITN…"The basic rules were – get there first, check it out, get it right, and never give just one side of a story". Clearly aimed at the one-sided pattern at the BBC ?
"The ITN for which I worked also provided other contrasts with today's practices : the way that powerful pressure groups, especially the environmental ones, now expect uncritical acces to the airwaves. No-one commanded ITN airtime as an entitlement. And the biggest offence for an ITN reporter of those times was to voice his or her opinions.
"Today, across all channels, the line between news and comment is often increasingly fuzzy, with the practice of interviewing your own reporters and inviting them to tell the viewers not just the facts, but what they think about them."
"….The BBC huge newsroom has too many people in it who are more interested in the technology of the multimedia world, rather than boring old things such as words. For too many of them, it is not a newsroom but a news-procesing [plant, shovelling the stuff out on all the BBC's various platforms – and tough luck for you, the licence payer, if you don't have broadband, or are not interested in having your life ruled by a PC or a BlackBerry.
amazing this ! ….."By the time I left, I had never met the current Director of News, who had been in post for nearly five years."
"On a wintry Saturday last December, there was what was billed as a major climate change rally in London. The leader of the Green Party went into the Westminster studio to be interviewed ….she clearly expected what I call a "free hit", to be allowed to voice her views without challenge.
"I pointed out that the climate didn't appear to be playing ball at the moment. We were having a particularly cold winter, even though carbon emissions were increasing. Indeed, there had been no warming for ten years, contradicting all the alarming computer predictions. Well, she was outraged…told me angrily that it was disgraceful that the BBC – the BBC ! – should be giving any kind of publicity to those sort of views. I believe I am one of a tiny number of BBC interviewers who have so much as raised the [possibility that there might be another side to the climate change debate.
"The Corpration's most famous interrogators invariably begin by accepting that "the science is settled", when there are countless reputable scientists and climatologists producing work that says it isn't.
"But it is effectively BBC policy, enthusiastically carried out by the BBC environment correspondents, that those views should not be heard…..
"Politically the argument may be settled, but any inquisitive journalist can find ample evidence that scientifically it is not.
"I was not proud to be working for an organisation with a corporate mind so closed on such an important issue……For me, this is not an issue about the climate, it is an issue about the duty of the journalist."
Hmmmm. Not a bad counter to all the froth there will be today about Miliband's plans to ruin us financially and despoil the countryside. Obviously there no damn chance of any BBC journmalist asking Miliband "Why are we spending so much money, distorting our economy – all on the back of a THEORY about climate challenge that many scientists are challenging ? As Sissons says – this is now a hugely important issue – but the BBC is presenting only one side of the issue, as a matter of policy.
Iran aircrash — hmm, thinks Beeboids, how can we blame this on the west?
"Since Iran's Islamic revolution of 1979, trade embargoes by Western nations have forced Iran to buy mainly Russian-built planes to supplement an existing fleet of Boeings and other American and European models."
Am I the only one who has noticed how biased Stephanie Flanders the "economics editor" is? Everytime she comes on, it's like watching some old Soviet propoganda. Another 300,000 out of work never fear, the policies are working, the economy is getting better, people are getting back to work. Long live Gordon. It's unbeliable.
Is the penny slowly dropping, at least in some quarters of the BBC?
"Finally an heretical question that is rarely asked at all in the mainstream media: are we right to continue to place so much emphasis on expensive anti-global warming policies when average temperatures have been lower than the 1998 peak for every one of the 10 years since then (and this year is forecast to be lower too)? It's the sort of question a growing band of sceptics are asking ever more loudly…"
There have been 63 serious flight incidents with Tu-154s, including 36 hull-losses with human fatalities.[15] Six of those incidents resulted from terrorist or military action, several from poor runway conditions (including one which struck snow ploughs on the runway), and mid-air collisions due to faulty air traffic control. Other incidents have resulted from mechanical problems (two cases prior to 1998), running out of fuel on unscheduled extended route, pilot error, and cargo fires. After the Tu-154 had been in service for 26 years (1998) and logged 21 million flight hours, it had a better than average safety record (1.7 times fewer incidents than the world average [ICAO stats]).
Further to my previous post, one commenter on Andrew Neil's blog has added
"I am not sure I have seen a more infuriating piece on the Daily Politics show as todays section on climate change. It was so biased in favour of the environmental sceptic position. Where were the academics, either climate scientists or environmental political economists to offer a balance. The scientific consensus on climate change is now irrefutable by all but the most ardent skeptics and yet any viewers of the show today ignorant of this fact were led to think otherwise. Andrew states above, "Oh yes, you get every opinion on good old DP!!"; hardly!"
They really can't handle any opposing views, can they?
Had the same braindeads on Vine. A mad woman living in the depth of the forests of Wales producing prodigious amounts of kids whilst whining about the rest of us daring to drive, watch TV, eat meat walk + talk etc. The BBC clownishly follows this pseudo religion Then we have the usual anti-consumerist Lefties ringing in telling us we shouldn't pursue Mammon and instead live a Utopian simpler life devoid of profit making. I have yet met one of these idiots who can explain how we are to pay for all the NHS,roads, public transport etc without taxes and profit. It's all the same crap, trying to make us do what they want by using bogus science and mass hysteria. The BBC has a lack of people from the real world–all fecking idealist idiots
Sissons must have struck a real nerve. 'The Daily Politics' featured an interview between Anita Anand & Martin Livermore of the sceptical 'Scientific Alliance'. I never thought I'd see the day.
Admitedly he only got to speak for (exactly) 1 minute 45 seconds, but the BBC has to start somewhere.
Anita Anand's questions, though, were rubbish. (In fact, they were statements rather than questions):
"First of all let's talk about investment & numbers again because the Stern Review said if we don't invest now in tackling climate change it's going to cost a hell of a lot more in the future."
"Right, well, again, you know, adapting right now you can build dams, you can try and fend off the waves for a short time but if you allow the situation to degenerate you're never going to build walls high enough."
just a thought; why are musicians and writers allowed to openly tout their products on the BBC (+ with U2 actually get financial support) whereas your average business isn't even allowed to mention their website or corporate name? Does the stench of small business offend the BEEB?
*** I put this on the BBC HYS forum – I wonder if the govt-funded 'moderators' will reject it…
A while ago headlines on the BBC news / radio were praising how 'well prepared' this Labour govt were and how we had the 'largest stockpile' of Tamiflu, and how well govt had contained it.
Now we see Tamiflu stocks looking like a bit of a waste as virus becomes resistant, have the third highest number of cases in the world, and that they are clearly not organising themselves properly… funnily enough coverage moves from government towards criticising medical chiefs. Nice diversion. ***
BBC propagandist Black is spending his whole day being subsidised by us to spin the untruth about his Labour chums' false utopia on climate.
The headline to BBC Black's latest propaganda headline does not state the truth. There is at least one word missing. It SHOULD read:
"Low carbon way forcibly 'to reshape lives'"
But the state compulsion element is crucially omitted, as BBC headline appears deceivingly as:
"Low carbon way 'to reshape lives'".
The repetition of the propaganda is re-enforced in this article, and in the equally exclusively one-sided propaganda of Radio 4 'PM' programme item was today with the witless M. Mair, not asking the obvious questions.
How dangerous is the BBC to the people of Britain and beyond?
Three aspects of BBC dangerous, irresponsible propaganda:
1.)'British must be made to accept the facts which the BBC and our Labour government provide on climate and make the sacrifices which we have proved are essential'.
2.)'There are nowhere near enough immigrants in Britain; the rate of mass immigration must be increased, despite any misplaced political opposition, which is merely BNP-type xenophobia.'
3.) 'Turkey's 75 million Muslims must be brought into the the E.U. as soon as possible so as to increase desirable Islamic diversity, thereby confronting Islamophobia, building bridges with Iran, and fulfilling Obama's wishes.'
"The strategies we are launching today outline the government's vision for achieving a low carbon future for the UK, reshaping the way we live and work in every element of our lives," said Business Secretary Lord Mandelson."
In fact all aspects of our lives, and who voted for it, who gave the unelected Mandelson the right to interfere in how we live?
And above all who gave the BBC the right to spread all this nonsense.
Its all good news for the "green economy" – millions for this millions for that – and not one word of how it will be paid for. This governemnt has already bankrupted the country, yet the BBC can spout all this pro-green rubbish as if it is going to be free.
Black and his chum Harrabin should be sent to live in a cave. How will they be effected, with a gurenteed salary paid by us, and hundreds of guest appearences at seminars.
What about the poor sod who will pick up the tab for this fantasy?
When this fantasy is burst open – I just hope that there will be stiff prison sentances for these "crimes against humanity".
BBC misrepresenting the political views of the unconsulted British people again:
"UK 'backs Blair for EU president'"
('Politics' page.)
BBC means that its Labour chums support ex-Labour PM. And who brings us this undemocratic announcement, but Labour's new undemocratic appointee to the Lords and to the Labour government -Mrs Kinnock, straight from her EU post.
BBC Radio 5 right now is a classic. Richard Bacon (check his out on Google for his drugs experience) in full defend Liebour and Gordon Brown mode.
To a caller who claimed people were encouraged to take out huge mortgages on the basis that the Government had cured boom and bust, Bacon stated this wasn't the case.
Oh really
"…He declined to express regret for promising in 1997 that there would be "no more boom and bust", a reference to the recession of the early 1990s that followed the "big bang" of the Conservative-led 1980s…."
BBC means that its Labour chums support ex-Labour PM. And who brings us this undemocratic announcement, but Labour's new undemocratic appointee to the Lords and to the Labour government -Mrs Kinnock, straight from her EU post.
All EU states would have to ratify the EU consitution, sorry Lisbon Treaty first –might be interesting to see old Blair lying his head off trying to get this one through. Good to see a bit of nepotism in the political classes
Apparently, the BBC, along with the British political 'elite' in Parliament, want to have themselves replaced by a species of 'diverse' people.
"MP exodus 'can boost diversity'"
"The report calls for half of them to be replaced by women and a big increase in black, Asian, disabled and gay MPs." ('Politics' page.)
What about increasing the 'unintelligent' quota of MPs too (if possible)? Isn't it a necessary move to make sure that thick people amongst us are not discriminated against?
And by extension, an important way of increasing the Asian vote is, of course, to increase even more the number of Asians in Britain by continuing to increase the rate of mass immigration from Islamic countries in Asia.
The politics of the madhouse, speeded up by Brown-Harman's 'Equalities Bill':
Melanie Phillips says:
"What has poor old Britain done to deserve Harriet Harperson?" Daily Mail, 13 July 2009
"Has there ever been a more preposterous figure than the Equalities Minister Harriet Harman?
"Scarcely a week goes by when she does not dream up another monumentally irrelevant yet intrusive or oppressive wheeze to make life in Britain that much more unjust and insufferable.
"Not content with setting herself to eradicate discrimination against women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, disabled or black people as well as all ethnic minorities, she has now discovered yet another form of prejudice — discrimination against Northerners."
"Now she may even be left in charge of the country while the Prime Minister is on holiday. One shudders to think what might happen if she is actually required to do anything. We’ll probably all return to find she has replaced the Order of Merit by the Ribbon of Equality, and the Queen by a transgendered Geordie with a limp."
Typical doorstep exchange between political canvasser and householder at General Election in a few months:
Canvasser: 'I'm here representing the Labour Party'.
Householder: 'But you're not black, Asian, a woman or disabled. Are you a homosexual though?'
Fedup2Feb 23, 20:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Time for the new thread – bit early as i am going bye byes …zzz
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:19 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” ………………………………………………………………………. One person has been killed and five…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 20:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 BBC ignoring this very sinister development as a woman is harassed by police for daring to criticise a Labour…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Afghan wants to box for ‘his country’….apparently that’s Ireland…according to the BBC… ‘Young asylum seeker’s dream to box for Ireland’…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Migrants aren’t the problem…they are the victims of racist Irish people….says BBC. ‘Ireland’s view of immigration one year since Dublin…
Fedup2Feb 23, 19:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s really hard to see anything ‘good ‘ ( for TTK ) coming out of meetings with 47 and JD…
Up2snuffFeb 23, 19:17 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, what? Industrialised tech you mean our steel industry, car industry and oil & gas industry?
Up2snuffFeb 23, 19:13 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Fed, you are correct, especially those wasters, Major, Blair and Brown. Gordon Brown as Chancellor sold off the UK’s Gold…
BBC's Harrabin, whom the BBC describes euphemistically as its 'environment analyst', does his unual sleight of hand 'reporting' for the green propagandists, today.
In the final section of today's masterpiece on 'dirty shipping industry', he lays out approvingly what the dictatorial, self-important, unrepresentative 'greenie' lobby groups demand of shipping; Harrabin says that shipping industry is unreasonably doing what the greenies and and 'scientists' don't want, QED, shipping industry is bad.
This is the BBC, Harrabin and the height of their green propaganda masquerading as 'science'.
(BBC's inappropriately named 'science and environment' page, today.)
George R,
Another popular BBC euphemism is 'respected Islamic scholar'.
'respected Islamic scholar'
Isn't that an oxymoron?
BBC controlled by Labour? You decide
Did anyone see today's 'Daily Politics'? Anita Anand interviewed 5 of the candidates standing in the Norwich North by-election – Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem, UKIP and Green?
Only one was given a seriously hard time – the UKIP candidate, Glen Tingle. He was interrupted 3 times, despite only getting 1 minute and 8 seconds to speak!
Anita Anand asked him if his campaign had been "jingoistic, even racist" & then asked him another question in a similar vein.
By way of contrast, the Green and the Lib Dem were not interrupted at all.
The BBC's favourite ex-copper Brian Paddick was on the 'The Daily Politics' today, talking again about the Guardain/News of the World 'phone-hacking scandal'.
Paddick has already discussed the subject on 2 editions of 'Newsnight', & has also appeared on 'The World Tonight'.
Aren't there any other ex-policemen out there who can comment on this sort of thing? Is the BBC's address book that select?
Martin @6.52 pm. Thanks for putting that lollypop image into my head!
"BBC annual report: Sir Michael Lyons sees package rise 30pc"
"Sir Michael Lyons, the chairman of the BBC Trust, has laid himself open to accusations of hypocrisy after his remuneration package rose by 30 per cent to £213,000 last year, despite his assurances that the Corporation was cutting costs."
Jeff Randall was also critical of latest pay rises for Lyons and Thompson on 'Sky News' this evening.
'Financial Times' editorial:
"Oversee the BBC"
"The position of Sir Michael Lyons, chairman of the BBC Trust, is particularly confused.
"The trust was set up in 2007 to act as 'the guardian of the licence fee revenue and the public interest'. It is supposed to be an overseer – not a cheerleader. Yet Sir Michael fretted that top-slicing would 'damage BBC output', rather than considering what it would do for viewers. He is a walking example of regulatory capture.
"If the trust is unable to demonstrate its dedication to the interests of fee-payers – rather than the BBC as an institution – its responsibilities should be given to Ofcom, the communications watchdog. At the moment the trust is serving the public broadcaster, not the public interest."
The BBC's favourite ex-copper Brian Paddick…..
Paddick is favoured by the Beeb because he minces in step with the majority of them and was not averse to a puff.
I never met him myself but I knew a few of his subordinates (none of whom were homosexual). The line that came across was that Paddick was a bit of a bully.
Personally I thought he was an utter disgrace to the uniform and should have been bounced out years ago. He was effectively shunted off to counting paperclips before he retired. He was never "in the loop", so th speak, making him an ideal candidate to pontificate on BBC non stories.
he's alomost as omnipresent as that left wing harridan Yasmin Alibhai Brown
that scum sucking bitch is never off the tv
just on the news-bleating about how the BBC "top talent" will have to take a pay cut
who did they show at the mention of "top talent?"
Graham Norton
incredible-a talentless cackpipe cosmonaut.Is that really the best they can do?
"BBC chiefs accuse minister Ben Bradshaw of 'personal attacks'"
"The battle over the future of the BBC today descended into a slanging match with corporation executives accusing the Secretary of State of having a closed mind on the issue and launching personal attacks on them."
Actually Ben Bradshaw and the BBC have no right to squabble over how the TV Tax is spent – put it to a referendum and let the people decide.
If the TV Tax is spread over all broadcasting – it would be even more difficult to get rid of it. And even more broadcasters will be open to "influence" by governemnt not just the BBC.
Anonymous writes: "who did they show at the mention of "top talent?"
Graham Norton"
That would be the same Graham Norton whose latest show sank without trace, would it?
As I've written before, once the BBC appoints a chosen son, it seems they will stop at nothing to promote him.
More horseshit from the BBC. Newsnight predicting that thousands of us a week will die from Swine Flu.
Why is it that no where else seems to have issues about this fictional flu? France, Germany, Spain?
Why us? Could it simply be that our Government with the help of the leftist media is talking this up to take the heat off McShit?
Gcooper: "Top Talent" is those that like rear entry in sex.
I wonder how many REAL criminals Paddick caught as a copper?
Daily Mail':-
"Revealed: The 383 BBC bosses paid £100,000 a year"
" Nearly 400 BBC bosses earn more than £100,000 a year, it emerged yesterday.
"Critics said it was shocking that the corporation had such a lavish pay culture in a time of recession.
"The number of executives on six-figure salaries stands at 383 – 33 more than in 2008."
They should all be tied to posts and shot with a blunderbus loaded with their own shite.
another fine piece of anti Israel "reporting" on Bolshevik news this morning
23 anonymous people have said Israel committed "war crimes" in Gaza
so that's total fact then
no mention of the Hamas months long war crimes of firing missiles into Israel,or indeed the throwing off of roofs of members of the Palestiian Authority when they won the election…….
even handed reporting (cough cough)
thses tossers should be investigated for institutional anti semitism
That story about anonymous soldiers reporting hearsay stuff was actually the lead item through the night on BBC World Service – with Paul Wood reporting on it.
Like – a non-story takes precedence over a South American ex-President calling for insurrection, release of the leading "militant" in the Nigerian Delta, profits at Goldman Sachs (reported as a VERY BAD THING !), UK backpacker's amazing escape in Australia, the Sottomeyer hearings in the US etc etc.
No wonder this site has to carry so much about the Israel/Palestine issue. The BBC is obsessed with it – and utterly biased.
As the Israelis say, there is a sort of halo arount the NGOs that give them more credence, less critical review than they deserve.
It turns out that Human Rights Watch raises funds in Saudi Arabia – that well-known bastion of human rights. By telling the Saudios that HRW is attacking the Israelis.
So – HRW, shills for Soros and the bloody Saudis – and de facto for Hamas. HRW then gets the BBC to shill for it.
Bias – what bias ?
Ed Stourton's interview with Ed Miliband on Today this morning was a masterclass in how to discuss climate change BBC style.
Mr Miliband was allowed to wibble on about creating 100,000 "green" jobs without being asked to provide specifics. He was allowed simply to repeat that he believed it to be possible and no challenge was given. Neither were the practicalities of meeting the CO2 targets by 2020 or 2050 even touched upon – no mention of existing jobs lost compared to green jobs created was made.
The phrase "dangerous climate change" was, naturally, able to pass Mr Miliband's lips without comment. The only criticism I noticed from Ed Stourton was that "some might say" the government isn't doing enough: clearly the heretical thought that they might be doing too much occurred to no-one.
I notice that Milliband noted that there would be higher cost implications in a Green Future, not actual taxes but higher energy costs, so thats all OK.
The 100,000 estimate is far lower than the 1m new jobs confindently quoted by Brown.
I for one would like to pick the bones out of this business plan!!
Oh and it seems a few wind farm companies are suffering, even after their donations to Labour.
BBC's Stephanie Flanders' double act with herself here qualifies her to appear on BBC 2's 'Taking the Flak', 9 pm tonight.
"Flanders v Flanders: How green are your shoots?"
('Business' page.)
'I never wanted to be an economist, I wanted to be in show business like my dad'.
Is the bBC biased against Israel?
Last week the bBC aired a story a day about how bad the Palestinians have it in Gaza.
Yesterday morning the bBC aired a story about how a white supremacist was found living in Israel
Yesterday Lunch thy aired a story about how an Israeli bus driver was charged with murder over a bus crash
Last night the bBC aired a story about how guilty the bBC was of fading Gaza and the Westbank into a map of Israel. In fact it was the second story on the subject and if you read to the end you find the posters on which the maps were based have been taken down and in May they took the decision not to use them again, in effect not even a non story.
This morning the bBC headlines with soldiers speak out against Gaza.
In fact of the 13 (out of 39 news items) about Israel not one is a positive one. In fact everyone is negative.2 other stories which aren’t about Israel but mention them (Hamas/hezb-allah) again look at Israel in a negative light. Contrast that with Eygpt which is bigger in size of country,peoples, and news. 3 stories 1 postive,1 neutral and 1 negative.
Israel has a population of 6 million, Egypt a population of 76 million. In fact in Egypt there is a Coptic population of around 10 million people. They are much more persecuted than the peoples of the West Bank. Their population in contrast to the the people of Gaza is going down yet at the bBC Gaza is a genocide in making. Yet how much time and effort does the bBC give to them?
It is this steady drip,drip,dripping of hate the bBC passes for news which is responsible for making the UK a very anti-semantic state.
What will it take for the bBC to report the news instead of what its Mullahs unzips at morning prayers.
I have to laugh at the "west bank"
I think they really mean "Judaea and Samaria"
Sitting in Liverpool airport, half an ear on BBC news on the café TV. The impression being given is that Britain is in an economic upturn, business is booming, and all thoughts of recession are an illusion. Lots of the ruling party’s faces telling us that they are pleased and all is rosy in the garden. Seems something called a Thatcher was responsible for any problems that people might have imagined.
I am expecting good news on the tractor production figures any minute now.
– and Mark Oaten has just walked past my table!
BBC's wind power: Its greenie propaganda machine rolls into unconvincing action, via greenie 'reporter' Black.
BBC headline is NOT:
"Government to map high-tax, low-carbon road"
But IS:
"Government to map low-carbon road"
(On BBC misnomer page, 'Science & Environment'.)
There is NO BBC questioning of its Labour government's plans, except, predictably, from a 'greenie' position: the plans do not go far enough.
IN CONTRAST, here's an extract from an excellent article by Chrisopher Booker, whose analysis does not get the light of day at the BBC:
"Wind farms will be a monument to an age when our leaders collectively went off their heads"
"Let us be clear: Britain is facing an unprecedented crisis. Before long, we will lose 40 per cent of our generating capacity.
"And unless we come up quickly with an alternative, the lights WILL go out. Not before time, the Confederation of British Industry yesterday waded in, warning the Government it must abandon its crazy fixation with wind turbines as a way of plugging this forthcoming shortfall and instead urgently focus on far more efficient ways to meet the threat of a permanent, nationwide black-out.
"There are a few contenders for the title of the maddest thing that has happened in our lifetimBut a front-runner must be the way in which politicians of all parties have been seduced by the La-La Land promises of the wind power lobby.
"If you still haven't made your mind up about wind power, just consider some of the inescapable facts – facts which the Government and the wind industry do their best to hide from us all.
"So far we have spent billions of pounds on building just over 2,000 wind turbines – and yet they contribute barely one per cent of all the electricity that we need.
"The combined output of all those 2,000 turbines put together, averaging 700 megawatts, is less than that of a single, medium-sized conventional power station.
What's more, far from being 'free', this pitiful dribble of electricity is twice as expensive as the power we get from the nuclear, gas or coal-fired power stations which currently supply well over 90 per cent of our needs – and we all pay the difference, without knowing it, through our electricity bills.
"But despite its best efforts to conceal the fact that wind turbines expensively and unreliably generate only a derisory amount of electricity, the Government keeps on telling us of its megalomaniac plans to build thousands more of them – at a cost of up to £100billion." ('Daily Mail'.)
Read more:
Can I go back to the Peter Sissons revelations about life inside the BBC – yesterday I came across a copy of the Mail on Sunday and read the whole article.
First – it was the entire front-page lead "I drove out of Television Centre for the final time last month….and I don't have a pang of regret". Sounds like the book he is preparing could be fun !
2 big snip headlines at the side of the page : "How the BBC gives "free hits" to the climate change zealots"….and …"can't see the difference between reporters' opinions and the facts"
The long article across pages 2 to 4 included some interesting stuff
eg, re. his time at ITN…"The basic rules were – get there first, check it out, get it right, and never give just one side of a story". Clearly aimed at the one-sided pattern at the BBC ?
"The ITN for which I worked also provided other contrasts with today's practices : the way that powerful pressure groups, especially the environmental ones, now expect uncritical acces to the airwaves. No-one commanded ITN airtime as an entitlement. And the biggest offence for an ITN reporter of those times was to voice his or her opinions.
"Today, across all channels, the line between news and comment is often increasingly fuzzy, with the practice of interviewing your own reporters and inviting them to tell the viewers not just the facts, but what they think about them."
"….The BBC huge newsroom has too many people in it who are more interested in the technology of the multimedia world, rather than boring old things such as words. For too many of them, it is not a newsroom but a news-procesing [plant, shovelling the stuff out on all the BBC's various platforms – and tough luck for you, the licence payer, if you don't have broadband, or are not interested in having your life ruled by a PC or a BlackBerry.
amazing this ! ….."By the time I left, I had never met the current Director of News, who had been in post for nearly five years."
"On a wintry Saturday last December, there was what was billed as a major climate change rally in London. The leader of the Green Party went into the Westminster studio to be interviewed ….she clearly expected what I call a "free hit", to be allowed to voice her views without challenge.
"I pointed out that the climate didn't appear to be playing ball at the moment. We were having a particularly cold winter, even though carbon emissions were increasing. Indeed, there had been no warming for ten years, contradicting all the alarming computer predictions. Well, she was outraged…told me angrily that it was disgraceful that the BBC – the BBC ! – should be giving any kind of publicity to those sort of views. I believe I am one of a tiny number of BBC interviewers who have so much as raised the [possibility that there might be another side to the climate change debate.
"The Corpration's most famous interrogators invariably begin by accepting that "the science is settled", when there are countless reputable scientists and climatologists producing work that says it isn't.
"But it is effectively BBC policy, enthusiastically carried out by the BBC environment correspondents, that those views should not be heard…..
"Politically the argument may be settled, but any inquisitive journalist can find ample evidence that scientifically it is not.
"I was not proud to be working for an organisation with a corporate mind so closed on such an important issue……For me, this is not an issue about the climate, it is an issue about the duty of the journalist."
Hmmmm. Not a bad counter to all the froth there will be today about Miliband's plans to ruin us financially and despoil the countryside. Obviously there no damn chance of any BBC journmalist asking Miliband "Why are we spending so much money, distorting our economy – all on the back of a THEORY about climate challenge that many scientists are challenging ? As Sissons says – this is now a hugely important issue – but the BBC is presenting only one side of the issue, as a matter of policy.
Iran aircrash — hmm, thinks Beeboids, how can we blame this on the west?
"Since Iran's Islamic revolution of 1979, trade embargoes by Western nations have forced Iran to buy mainly Russian-built planes to supplement an existing fleet of Boeings and other American and European models."
Well, I suppose it's progress of sorts — three years ago they'd have blamed the whole thing on just the US alone rather than "Western nations"
Am I the only one who has noticed how biased Stephanie Flanders the "economics editor" is? Everytime she comes on, it's like watching some old Soviet propoganda. Another 300,000 out of work never fear, the policies are working, the economy is getting better, people are getting back to work. Long live Gordon. It's unbeliable.
Is the penny slowly dropping, at least in some quarters of the BBC?
"Finally an heretical question that is rarely asked at all in the mainstream media: are we right to continue to place so much emphasis on expensive anti-global warming policies when average temperatures have been lower than the 1998 peak for every one of the 10 years since then (and this year is forecast to be lower too)? It's the sort of question a growing band of sceptics are asking ever more loudly…"
(Andrew Neil's blog)
inevitably the bbc has to mention the aircraft parts embargo with this story
There have been 63 serious flight incidents with Tu-154s, including 36 hull-losses with human fatalities.[15] Six of those incidents resulted from terrorist or military action, several from poor runway conditions (including one which struck snow ploughs on the runway), and mid-air collisions due to faulty air traffic control. Other incidents have resulted from mechanical problems (two cases prior to 1998), running out of fuel on unscheduled extended route, pilot error, and cargo fires. After the Tu-154 had been in service for 26 years (1998) and logged 21 million flight hours, it had a better than average safety record (1.7 times fewer incidents than the world average [ICAO stats]).
Further to my previous post, one commenter on Andrew Neil's blog has added
"I am not sure I have seen a more infuriating piece on the Daily Politics show as todays section on climate change. It was so biased in favour of the environmental sceptic position. Where were the academics, either climate scientists or environmental political economists to offer a balance. The scientific consensus on climate change is now irrefutable by all but the most ardent skeptics and yet any viewers of the show today ignorant of this fact were led to think otherwise. Andrew states above, "Oh yes, you get every opinion on good old DP!!"; hardly!"
They really can't handle any opposing views, can they?
Had the same braindeads on Vine.
A mad woman living in the depth of the forests of Wales producing prodigious amounts of kids whilst whining about the rest of us daring to drive, watch TV, eat meat walk + talk etc.
The BBC clownishly follows this pseudo religion
Then we have the usual anti-consumerist Lefties ringing in telling us we shouldn't pursue Mammon and instead live a Utopian simpler life devoid of profit making.
I have yet met one of these idiots who can explain how we are to pay for all the NHS,roads, public transport etc without taxes and profit.
It's all the same crap, trying to make us do what they want by using bogus science and mass hysteria.
The BBC has a lack of people from the real world–all fecking idealist idiots
Roland Deschain,
Yes, they don't like it up 'em.
Sissons must have struck a real nerve. 'The Daily Politics' featured an interview between Anita Anand & Martin Livermore of the sceptical 'Scientific Alliance'. I never thought I'd see the day.
Admitedly he only got to speak for (exactly) 1 minute 45 seconds, but the BBC has to start somewhere.
Anita Anand's questions, though, were rubbish. (In fact, they were statements rather than questions):
"First of all let's talk about investment & numbers again because the Stern Review said if we don't invest now in tackling climate change it's going to cost a hell of a lot more in the future."
"Right, well, again, you know, adapting right now you can build dams, you can try and fend off the waves for a short time but if you allow the situation to degenerate you're never going to build walls high enough."
She needs a good long chat with Peter Sissons.
just a thought; why are musicians and writers allowed to openly tout their products on the BBC (+ with U2 actually get financial support) whereas your average business isn't even allowed to mention their website or corporate name?
Does the stench of small business offend the BEEB?
*** I put this on the BBC HYS forum – I wonder if the govt-funded 'moderators' will reject it…
A while ago headlines on the BBC news / radio were praising how 'well prepared' this Labour govt were and how we had the 'largest stockpile' of Tamiflu, and how well govt had contained it.
Now we see Tamiflu stocks looking like a bit of a waste as virus becomes resistant, have the third highest number of cases in the world, and that they are clearly not organising themselves properly… funnily enough coverage moves from government towards criticising medical chiefs. Nice diversion. ***
How do the bbc report the Iranian aircrash on their website?Simple.Blame those nasty Americans…..
JON LEYNE BBC News Reports….
'Iran has a notoriously bad air safety record. Because of sanctions imposed by the United States'
BBC propagandist Black is spending his whole day being subsidised by us to spin the untruth about his Labour chums' false utopia on climate.
The headline to BBC Black's latest propaganda headline does not state the truth. There is at least one word missing. It SHOULD read:
"Low carbon way forcibly 'to reshape lives'"
But the state compulsion element is crucially omitted, as BBC headline appears deceivingly as:
"Low carbon way 'to reshape lives'".
The repetition of the propaganda is re-enforced in this article, and in the equally exclusively one-sided propaganda of Radio 4 'PM' programme item was today with the witless M. Mair, not asking the obvious questions.
How dangerous is the BBC to the people of Britain and beyond?
Three aspects of BBC dangerous, irresponsible propaganda:
1.)'British must be made to accept the facts which the BBC and our Labour government provide on climate and make the sacrifices which we have proved are essential'.
2.)'There are nowhere near enough immigrants in Britain; the rate of mass immigration must be increased, despite any misplaced political opposition, which is merely BNP-type xenophobia.'
3.) 'Turkey's 75 million Muslims must be brought into the the E.U. as soon as possible so as to increase desirable Islamic diversity, thereby confronting Islamophobia, building bridges with Iran, and fulfilling Obama's wishes.'
"The strategies we are launching today outline the government's vision for achieving a low carbon future for the UK, reshaping the way we live and work in every element of our lives," said Business Secretary Lord Mandelson."
In fact all aspects of our lives, and who voted for it, who gave the unelected Mandelson the right to interfere in how we live?
And above all who gave the BBC the right to spread all this nonsense.
Its all good news for the "green economy" – millions for this millions for that – and not one word of how it will be paid for. This governemnt has already bankrupted the country, yet the BBC can spout all this pro-green rubbish as if it is going to be free.
Black and his chum Harrabin should be sent to live in a cave. How will they be effected, with a gurenteed salary paid by us, and hundreds of guest appearences at seminars.
What about the poor sod who will pick up the tab for this fantasy?
When this fantasy is burst open – I just hope that there will be stiff prison sentances for these "crimes against humanity".
Lest not forget whose figures the BBC rely on for their temperture data.
Dishonest to say the least.
BBC misrepresenting the political views of the unconsulted British people again:
"UK 'backs Blair for EU president'"
('Politics' page.)
BBC means that its Labour chums support ex-Labour PM. And who brings us this undemocratic announcement, but Labour's new undemocratic appointee to the Lords and to the Labour government -Mrs Kinnock, straight from her EU post.
BBC Radio 5 right now is a classic. Richard Bacon (check his out on Google for his drugs experience) in full defend Liebour and Gordon Brown mode.
To a caller who claimed people were encouraged to take out huge mortgages on the basis that the Government had cured boom and bust, Bacon stated this wasn't the case.
Oh really
"…He declined to express regret for promising in 1997 that there would be "no more boom and bust", a reference to the recession of the early 1990s that followed the "big bang" of the Conservative-led 1980s…."
Bacon then repeated several times that "it all started in America"
Northern Cock and the Bigfoot and Bungley had nothing to do with the USA Bacon you tool.
Then Bacon stated that there was no evidence that the Tories would have handled the financial system any better.
No evidence Bacon? So how many 120% mortgages were handed out under the last Tory administration? How many Building Societies and banks went bust?
Just WHO introduced the new financial regulation services Bacon you tool?
The fact that a limp wristed twat like Richard Bacon spouts this shite just shows how stupid your average beeboid is.
BBC means that its Labour chums support ex-Labour PM. And who brings us this undemocratic announcement, but Labour's new undemocratic appointee to the Lords and to the Labour government -Mrs Kinnock, straight from her EU post.
All EU states would have to ratify the EU consitution, sorry Lisbon Treaty first –might be interesting to see old Blair lying his head off trying to get this one through. Good to see a bit of nepotism in the political classes
Democracy is a tabboo word at the BBC. They bandy around terms like "British support" as if only the left wing elite are Britain.
Neither Gordon Brown, Tony Blair or the BBC have been elected to speak for Britain.
There is a democratic deficit in this country which is getting more dangerous every year.
Apparently, the BBC, along with the British political 'elite' in Parliament, want to have themselves replaced by a species of 'diverse' people.
"MP exodus 'can boost diversity'"
"The report calls for half of them to be replaced by women and a big increase in black, Asian, disabled and gay MPs." ('Politics' page.)
What about increasing the 'unintelligent' quota of MPs too (if possible)? Isn't it a necessary move to make sure that thick people amongst us are not discriminated against?
And by extension, an important way of increasing the Asian vote is, of course, to increase even more the number of Asians
in Britain by continuing to increase the rate of mass immigration from Islamic countries in Asia.
The politics of the madhouse, speeded up by Brown-Harman's 'Equalities Bill':
Melanie Phillips says:
"What has poor old Britain done to deserve Harriet Harperson?"
Daily Mail, 13 July 2009
"Has there ever been a more preposterous figure than the Equalities Minister Harriet Harman?
"Scarcely a week goes by when she does not dream up another monumentally irrelevant yet intrusive or oppressive wheeze to make life in Britain that much more unjust and insufferable.
"Not content with setting herself to eradicate discrimination against women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, disabled or black people as well as all ethnic minorities, she has now discovered yet another form of prejudice — discrimination against Northerners."
"Now she may even be left in charge of the country while the Prime Minister is on holiday. One shudders to think what might happen if she is actually required to do anything. We’ll probably all return to find she has replaced the Order of Merit by the Ribbon of Equality, and the Queen by a transgendered Geordie with a limp."
Typical doorstep exchange between political canvasser and householder at General Election in a few months:
Canvasser: 'I'm here representing the Labour Party'.
Householder: 'But you're not black, Asian, a woman or disabled. Are you a homosexual though?'