“Just in case you’d been distracted by trivial, parochial concerns like BBC salaries and British soldiers coming home in coffins, it’s our duty to remind you once more about the real scandal. The Israelis.”
“Lest you forget, we must tell you again about the war crimes, human rights violations and abuses that took place in Gaza! What’s more the BBC didn’t even have to uncover the scandal because Israelis blabbed about it all by themselves.”
“The BBC is outraged to hear that Israel protects those spoilt Israeli soldiers at all costs. Even putting their lives above the human rights of the enemy! They use deadly weapons, and even innocents – children, babies and women get killed.
They’d stop at nothing to avoid their precious soldiers coming home in body-bags! How typically selfish!”
“If the Israelis were proper soldiers, They’d make do do with cardboard vehicles and a wonky helicopter. They’d put the enemy’s human rights at the forefront and abide strictly by the rules of engagement and be sure to die in sufficient quantities. Unlike the noble martyrs of Hamas who obviously stick strictly to the rules. ”
“Booby traps, suicide bombers, children playing on rooftops, launching rockets from schoolyards, terrorists hiding in houses, hatred and Islamic Jihad are no excuse for not playing by the rules, the BBC has learned.”
Evan Davis quotes Wilfred Owen: “These men are worth your tears!”
As long as they’re not Israelis.
Too true,
No-one has been able to explain the illogical alliance between the left and Islamic Jihad.
But one thing is clear. Most of the liberal people I know, and believe me I know a few, are convinced that Israel exists on stolen land. Despite all historical evidence to the contrary this view is persistent and unshakable.
Being anti-religion, they generally regard religion-based claims of geographical links to Israel by Orthodox Jews as mere mumbo jumbo, while inexplicably respecting and regarding with enormous reverence, all similar religious claims made by Muslims.
Free thinkers often propose that Israel should be plonked down somewhere else far away. They are convinced that Arab grievances would then evaporate, and terrorism, no longer justifiable, would end. Peace and harmony would ensue.
This argument both suits their underlying suspicion of Jews, yet supposedly shelters them from accusations of racism, the ultimate, most unbearable accusation that could ever be made against people whose proudest boast is their supreme tolerance.
I'm with you: don't ban him, just ignore him unless he has points to make which are backed by evidence (by reference) or reasoned argument rather than assertion or mere abuse. Of course, the BBC's method of dealing with arguments it doesn't like is generally to assert the opposing view (without context or evidence) or go straight to ad hominem (that is, when the BBC doesn't simply ignore such arguments altogether or seek to demolish them by the "straw man" technique). Accordingly we must understand that he's only carrying on the grand tradition of his (presumed) employers.
That is an excellent post. Strangely enouogh, one I doubt we will ever see being aired on the BBC.
Then again, the Geneva Convention only applies to Israel, not the scum they are fighting to protect their people from!
Israel soldier,
I can only assume that the two churches destroyed were a friendly fire incident in Israel? 🙂
Meanwhile in 3 years there are already 60 shot to death in Egypt(at that is only those known) that BBC don't make it news. Why? Because they are Africans migrants that try to enter Israel:
"The number of African refugees now living in Israel is estimated at approximately 10,000."
"Because in our village in southern Sudan we have been hearing for a long time about the good life in Israel and that this was one of the few countries in the Middle East where Christians feel safe," the wife said without hesitation. "We were also told that Israeli soldiers don't open fire at women and children who are trying to cross the border."
Europeans funding Breaking the Silence
According to the Jerusalem Post this morning, the British Embassy in Tel Aviv gave that organization NIS 226,589. That is approximately £35,000 (Pounds Sterling).
In other words, the British Commonwealth and Foreign Office, a major funder of the BBC World Service, subsidizes an organization whose sole purpose is to undermine Israel's military. I wonder in what other countries is the C.F.O. similarly engaged in undermining sovreignity? Turkey? The Unitied States? France? China? Egypt? Freedom of Information act, anyone?
Would the United Kingdom tolerate the embassy of even a friendly country doing something similar? Would the BBC see it as a scandal if the United States Embassy or the Chinese Embassy subsidized Ógra Shinn Féin? Perhaps not, they support that organization.
Would the BBC see it as a scandal if the Americans or the Chinese subsidized Opus Dei or Right to Life?
Then again, the Geneva Convention only applies to Israel, not the scum they are fighting to protect their people from!
Mailman 1:26 PM, July 16, 2009
I assume this is sarcasm but you are literally correct.
Article 1. The High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances.
Art. 2. In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peace-time, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.
The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.
Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to the said Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.
Hamas is not a HCP nor can it ever be one as it is not a state or even a government. Thus Hamas seeks the protection of GCIV for its 'civilians' but doesn't feel bound by any of its provisions.
BTW the ICRC is quite aware or the problem of wars between states and non-state organizations. These things take time particularly when so many of its member organizations support the terrorists.
Soldiers Speak Out
Sue 11:34 AM, July 16, 2009
"No-one has been able to explain the illogical alliance between the left and Islamic Jihad."
Me neither. The closest I've got is that their enemy's enemy is their friend. Anyone who loathes Israel and the capitalist West, no matter who they are, assumes heroic status in lefty eyes.
"But one thing is clear. Most of the liberal people I know, and believe me I know a few, are convinced that Israel exists on stolen land."
That demonstrates the extraordinary power and influence of the Arab Lobby, and of course widespread anti-Semitism masquerading as support for "justice" for the Palestinians.
deegee 9:43 AM, July 17, 2009
"According to the Jerusalem Post this morning, the British Embassy in Tel Aviv gave that organization NIS 226,589."
I'm still trying to get my head around that concept.
But perhaps it's unsurprising taken together with the maximum publicity given to "Breaking the Silence" by the BBC. Here's Samuel Katz in 'Battleground: Fact and fantasy in Palestine' 1973 p. 197:
"Those responsible for British policy have not yet forgiven the lowly Jews for having forced them to relinquish Palestine; and by some strange logic, the doctrine governing policy towards Palestine has not changed since the days when Whitehall planned and shaped events form the Persian Gulf to the borders of Libya.
"This was clear from the sometimes ludicrously anti-Israel attitudes that continued to be struck by the ideological mentor of the Foreign Office, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and its faithful handmaiden, the BBC."
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
"No-one has been able to explain the illogical alliance between the left and Islamic Jihad."
You should watch this.