I see that the BBC has been running a Lancet generated sob story about the alarmingly high African male gay AIDS rate. It seems that the cause of this disease is “cultural, religious and political unwillingness to accept gay men as equal members of society”. The solution is to spend more money on it, apparently. We have to wade through several paragraphs of nonsense to discover that “gay men were also more likely to be involved in other high-risk behaviours, including sex work, having multiple partners and being in contact with intravenous drug users” You don’t say?
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Sticking your penis up a dirty arse hole is NOT a way to ensure that you don't contract some nasty disease. Here's a tip. Don't stick you penis somewhere it's not meant to go.
It's a bit like sticking your head in the mouth of a Crocodile then wondering why it gets bitten off.
It's bloody obvious.
Hilarious! More ammunition from Planet Beeboid.
Do you think it's prejudice that kills these promiscuous homos or unprotected anal sex with multiple partners.
Prejudice, natch!
What about this…
Talk about pressing all the Beeb editorial buttons!
'Gay rights activist in Burundi'? Good luck with that, pal!
Also good to see some consistency i their reporting ot the top story (International version) of the trial of the Mumbai Allah-inspired slaughter.
The report is almost sympathetic to the murdering scum who helped mow down 270 innocents in an act of islamic Jihad – yet al-BBCeera manages to ensure the entire article is devoid of the words 'Muslim' or 'Islam'
Naturally, their favourite standby, 'gunmen' is present, as is 'militant'.
What's so special about gays? There are tens of millions of Africans of heterosexual orientation with AIDS, many of who get AIDS by putting it in the same place the gays do – cheapest form of contraception. A bit of special pleading on behalf of the "pink" community?
The problem is not the gays, it is the number of infected Africans here, of whatever orientation. Thats the Public Health disaster for the UK.
'The report said prejudice towards gay people was leading to isolation and harassment, which in turn led to risky sexual practices among gay communities' – eh? Bit of a non-sequiter there. Isolation & harassment prevents people buying jonnies? Me no comprende gringo!
Whoa there Shep – missed the next line 'But the risks are not limited to gay men, as many of the infected also have female sexual partners' – err.. so bum fun between blokes doesn't necessarily mean that they're gay – hmm…yeah, it does.
"Err, it's not what it looks like, you're gonna laugh, you really are – there's a funny story behind this that sounds unbelievable but …. etc etc"
It is my understanding that while in the West Aids is a relatively controllable disease in Africa it is of epidemic proportions. Part of the reason for this discrepancy is that in the West Aids is largely confined to broadly identifiable groups: male homosexuals, intravenous drug users, Haitians while in Africa it effects every group. In Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe around 15-20% of adults are infected with HIV. Botswana (23.9%), Lesotho (23.2%) and Swaziland (26.1%) are even higher.
Playing the politically correct card here only serves to obscure the fact that the Western world (not responsible but with the largest resources) and the local governments are generally not doing much about it.
I think the BBC are on the side of the angels here.
OK I may be a bit dim, but how does one access the cooments from the home page?. At the moment, the only way I can see to so this is by clicking on a recent comment (on the right), and clicking on someones recent comment. Also, I`ve no idea how it manageds to find this picture of me, it is 30 year old..
Ignore above, I`ve managed to work it out.
Test, thats better